how to make powerful inverter 12v to 220v , sine wave , irfz44n

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[Music] [Music] sh [Music] for for for [Music] for now our circuit is almost complete we just need to feed signal to Gates of mosfets so I designed the simple inverter driver using tl494 I which operates on 12vt DC Supply and gives two output signals also with this potentiometer output frequency can be adjusted and these transistors amplify the output signal to mosfets then signal goes to Gates of mosfets which we already made and mosfet's output is fed to high frequency Transformer with these binding configurations for easy assembly I converted driver schematics into the PCB layout and the PCB is going to be look like this you can download both circuit diagram and PCB files link is in video description in order to manufacture this PCB go to the video description and with this link sign up on jlcpcb website on the homepage of jlcpcb website here you can add the Gerber file I provided after loading you can see the preview of the PCB you can also change quantity in the color of pcbs as for your requirements and then saved a card for checkout within some days I got my order from jlc PCB delivered the quality of the pcbs is amazing and they offer five pieces of six layer pcbs for just $2 and now it is time to assemble the PCB so let's place all the components on the PCB according to the circuit diagram [Music] [Music] and after spending some time with the soldering process I clean the PCB with isopropyl alcohol and here our PCB is looking nice and clean [Music] now grab the tl494 IC and install into the IC base solder the input and output pads solder the connection [Music] wires now before we install this driver we need to connect multimeter to the output of this driver connect the 12vt DC input and set meter on the frequency mode using the screwdriver adjust the potentiometer anticlockwise and set the frequency of 35 khz fix some double-sided foam tape on the back of the PCB and place it over here connect the sign signal output wires to gate resistors and connect driver input DC wires with installed capacitor use a bulb holder and solder on output of this Transformer I will use this 100 wat bulb for testing connect the DC Supply positive with Transformer Center wire and connect negative with source of all mosfets as you can see it works perfectly you can connect more load by using the 12v battery as input source I will connect another 100 wat bulb on output of the Transformer now connect with battery as you can see it works perfectly both bulbs is glowing very bright and more load can be connected since this is very efficient inverter but it operates on the high frequency this will be very useful for the lighting applications only also I would like to let you know that jlcpcb offers highquality six layer pcbs in affordable prices and discounts six layer PCB design can be very useful in high-speed performing applications and for optimized rooting efficiency and electrical performance so give life to your new new six layer PCB design with only jlc PCB if you enjoyed the video give a thumbs up for more useful videos subscribe the channel also check out these recommended videos thanks for watching
Channel: Creative Techos
Views: 10,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 88g_r0VQfO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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