How To Make Perfect Wire Wrapped Loops

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hi beaters today we're going to be learning the all-important technique of wire wrapping I'm going to be using some gauge wire I like the 22 gauge tarnish resistant craft wire from beadalon it's a nice way to get started the silver stays nice and silver it also comes in gold and it also comes in a nice copper color to that you'll see up online at chopped Midwest beads calm so we're gonna start with your 22 gauge wire and I have a ruler here and an assortment of beads so we are going to start by cutting about four inches so you use your fingers just to kind of smooth the wire out I'm gonna cut a four inch strip we're going to be using some wire cutters so there's my four inch piece so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my chain nose pliers and I'm gonna grab this wire about two inches from the top so you can use your your ruler about two inches down from one end I'm just gonna take my fingers and bend the wire on my chain nose so you got a nice crisp been ninety degree angle remove your tool then you're gonna take your round nose pliers that has the nice round tips to it you're gonna grab right on top of that ninety degree Bend just like that make sure the tool is facing you that short piece of wire is away from you and then you're just gonna take your finger you're gonna mold it around the top of your round nose until the long and short piece are right next to each other facing down and then you're gonna rotate your wire or your tool a quarter turn so you can take your pliers and just move a quarter turn away kind of roll your thumb towards you and then you're gonna take that short piece of wire and then just bend it back so it's flush against your tools pull that down so when you remove your tool you have something that looks like that I call it the lady with the scarf looks like a little head in a body and the scarf way even in the wind so there's your loop so now we're gonna wrap it so I take my chain pliers I'm gonna grab the loop straight across and you can either use your fingers or you can use another tool to wrap that short stem around the longer one so I'm gonna grab this and I'm just gonna make nice crisp turns and I usually go about half way around at a time make sure the wraps are nice and snug right next to each other and they usually say about three wraps is the norm so there's my three wraps I'm gonna take my cutters and I'm gonna snip that off can you hear my kids in the background it's so great working from home so I'm gonna give that just a little squeeze so there is my loop I'm gonna start adding my beads so I'm going to pick one slide it on the wire and then I'm gonna make a loop on the other side so you got to leave a little bit of room for your wrap so I'm gonna take my chain nose pliers grab the wire just right above the bead there use your thumb push the wire back so there's a little area above the bead for your wraps to go then you're gonna take your round nose pliers grab right on top of that ninety degree Bend make sure the wire is all the way in so then you got your bead in front you got the wire back here so use your fingers just to mold the wire around the top of the round nose come straight down in front of the bead and then just a little over to the left and then we're gonna do that rotating of the tool again so just open up the jaw rotate the tips of the tool so there's side by side and then you can just pull that little piece of wire straight back so that way you have a nice little loop right on top of your bead and then we're gonna wrap that up so again use your chain nose pliers grab the loop and this is a little bit longer so it can take your fingers and then just we can think a wrap it all the way around you want to go all the way down right next to the bead until you can't go any further and then I'm gonna trim that little excess off so using the flush portion of your cutters go in there cut as much off as you can they'll still be a little bird that you have to get rid of or shove down so again take your chain nose pliers and give that just a little squeeze so that is one finished wire wrapped loop on each side of a bead so then in order to connect because this is also a big question that people have you're going to take another piece four inch piece of wire and we'll go ahead and cut that we're gonna do the same thing as we did to get started with the other one so we're going to grab the wire about two inches down from one end use your fingers to make that nice crisp 90-degree Bend using your round nose pliers grab right on top of that ninety degree Bend using your fingers roll it around the top of your round nose so the two pieces are straight down and this is where the rotating so we're just going to open up your tool rotate the tip so it's side-to-side that way you can pull this back nicely got a nice 90 degree angle right here and then you got your loop or that lady with the scarf so before we start wrapping what we're gonna do is going to take the piece that we just finished we're going to connect them together so we're just gonna slide it in there give it a little pull where the two wires cross that way they're connected and then we're gonna wrap that side up so grabbing the loop that you just made this guy is just kind of hang out here you can take again your fingers or if you don't want all the stress on your fingers take your round nose or another tool and wrap that around nice and tight again once you count about three wraps you are done we're going to trim off that little bit of excess get right in there with your flush cutters trim that off give that a little squeeze that's what we have so far then we're gonna add another bead we will slide that up there and then we're gonna make a wrap on the other side so again take your chain nose pliers make that little bend with your fingers so you have a little area above the bead for the wraps to go taking your round nose pliers we're gonna set it right on top of that 90 degree Bend make sure it's in there nice and tight take your round nose we're just gonna use your fingers just to wrap that wire around the top of the round nose come straight in front of the bead a little bit off to the left and then this is where you want to rotate your tool and then swing that long piece of wire back you can rotate it a little bit so you have a nice centered loop tweaking is very okay when your wire wrapping so there's your loop or your lady with the scarf so we're gonna wrap that up so I'm gonna grab the loop grab that wire and just swing it around so we're gonna wrap it nice and tight until we're all the way down next to your bead we're going to trim that and give it that a little tuck in so that way that little bird doesn't get caught on clothing or anything so so far so good so you can clap attach your clasp but any time inside one of those loops you can also hand make your own class I'm gonna use some 20 gauge wire this is a little bit thicker 15 yards for like 695 so 795 you can check out the prices online but it's very inexpensive and being tarnish resistant it's even better than sterling because you don't get that that antiquing so I'm gonna cut about about four inches to make the clasp love to make your own handmade clasps saves you quite a bit of money so there's our wire we're gonna again grab the wire about halfway down and do the 90-degree Bend we're gonna do the wrap again so I'm going to set the round nose right on top of the 90 degree Bend use your fingers it's a little bit thicker wire so you gotta put a little bit more muscle into it till the wires are right next to each other this is the rotating so you just want to turn your tool quarter turn and then pull the wire back so there's our nice little 90-degree Bend there's our loop and I'm going to connect that so we're gonna give that a little tug so they're connected take your chain nose grab the loop and we're gonna grab that short piece of wire right here wrap this around a couple times so using a little bit thicker piece of wire that 20 gauge just so the clasp is a little bit more sturdy we're not trim that off so there's the loop so now when you make the it's gonna be like a little s hook so we are going to grab that long stem just a little bit above where the rapid loops are with your round nose pliers we are going to just take the long piece and mold it around your round nose until it comes straight down towards the beads so you have like a little hook there and then it's long so we're gonna do a little trimming so I'm going to trim that just beyond where the wrapped loops are right about there so now you have kind of our rough edge right here so we are going to get rid of that by taking your round nose and we're gonna do a little upturn just take it and do just a little turning up with your tool and then we're gonna give a little pinch so now you have a little s hook that you can just hook right in to the other side of your bracelet when you're done so that's why you're wrapping 101 so if you have any questions make sure you give me a holler and you can shop for the wire and we have a whole bunch of bead assortments up at shop Midwest beats com thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: Midwest Beads
Views: 1,447,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hJhC8Cq0y1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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