How To Make Perfect Wire Wrap Loops - Wire Wrap Links

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foreign [Music] hello everyone welcome back to my channel this is Samantha back here to show you um how to do a perfect um wire wrap bead link um this is one of those um simple links that are fundamental to you know beginning your your jewelry making journey and if you can get your head around making this one you can make all sorts of gorgeous things and this is the link that we're talking about so as you can see there's a little wire wrap with a hoop on either side and a bead in the middle and these make gorgeous bracelets and they also make beautiful necklaces these are made with silver and blue pearls and crystals from a very famous Austrian brand that we can no longer mention and you can make them with all sorts of different sort of shapes of beads um these are rondelle beads these are tiny little quartz and silver beads and these are lapis and silver so I'm going to teach you how to make this one today and like I say it's a really good link to having you stable and these guys are really cute um and I know you're going to enjoy making these okay so let me um show you what we're going to need so the tools that you require to make these are again pretty simple I'll talk you through them um the first thing to say um is that if you're going to be buying your tools it's great to spend um as much money as you want but my advice is to spend as little as possible on these kind of tools but spend quite a bit on a decent pair of Flush Cutters um the Flush Cutters are I think one of the most important um Tools in your Armory if you will um I have these this brand here because they have really really tiny point and you can get right in very close this brand are not too bad but as you can see they're not quite as pointed at the um at the pointed end um so that's just one tip for you spend as much as you can on a decent pair of Flush Cutters um okay so you're going to need a pair of round nose pliers and this is to make your hoops you're going to need two pairs of chain nose pliers the way I make my Loops is I use pliers rather than my fingers and I think it gives a much tighter and a much neater um effect so um you'll I'll show you that in a little while and then again obviously you're going to need some Flush Cutters I'm going to use these ones today um just because he can get in really really tight into the into the um I've almost ruined them never mind you can get really really tight into the um the wrap and cut them quite neatly and quite close okay so that's your tools you're also going to need some wire now there are plenty of wires out there um copper silver artistic wires um all sorts of different wires you can use today I'm going to use eight at 0.8 millimeter which is a 20 gauge I prefer to use eight millimeter wire and mainly because it's a little bit more um stiffer than the 0.6 22 gauge um and it gives you a lot more control when you're doing the wraps as you get more proficient at it and you cannot you know you can use lighter gauges thinner gauge wires um as you get more control and um more able to manipulate wire easily you can go down I've made wire wraps with 0.4 millimeter before um for some tiny delicate work but for today's purposes I'm going to be using 0.8 millimeter 20 gauge you're going to need a ruler um just very very basically because um I'm going to show you how many inches or centimeters you'll need for each for each Loop for each wrap um and you're going to need a Sharpie pen and that's to mark your round nose pliers and of course you're going to need some beads today I'm going to be using these little six millimeter amazonite beads um which I think will look really nice with the gold okay so let's get started Okay so the first thing to workouts is how much wire you're going to need so like I said in the intro I'm going to be using 0.8 millimeter um 20 gauge wire today I'm choosing to use the artistic wire just because it's um good quality and it's easy to manipulate so my best advice if you're a beginner is to use slightly more wire than you would need and when you're more proficient just because it gives you a lot more control over the wrap and I'll show you why in a minute um so for my from my point of view I would use four inches which is just over 10 centimeters you do get a little bit of wastage which is a bit of a shame but um you know as you're starting out a little bit of wastage we all go through it it is what it is okay so that's your four inches 10 centimeter length so the first thing we need to do is um get our chain nose pliers and place it around about a third of the way down your piece of wire this part here is going to make up the first wrap and loop so when you have it about a third of the way down use this finger and Fold It downwards so that you have a 90 degree angle like this okay this is the first part of the wrap so then you take your round nose pliers now this is where your Sharpie comes in you mark on your round nose pliers have a bit of a practice beforehand and see how big you want your Loops for me I want them around about part on my player so I've marked it hold your wire not too tightly you don't want to squash it but hold it so firmly so that you get good control this wire needs to come over towards the front too so towards you so with the pad of your finger fold it over until you get to this point and you want to grasp it here and move give our nose plier 180 degrees and then re-grasp then this small short wire wants to be bent over the top keep everything neat and sharp so that you have this okay keep manipulating your wire so it's nice and straight the knee to you can make these guys the neater um your wire wrap will be so then you want to come in with your first pair of um chain nose pliers and you grasp the hoop the circle pretty tightly but again not too much so that you um squish the wire you don't really want to be having two marks in your wire okay and you come in with your second chain nose plier grasp this short piece here and bend it underneath then let go grasp it again wire goes over the top then grasp it again and underneath and then over the top and then underneath okay so as you can see you should have three wraps that's your first wrapping hoop done then what you want to do is get your flush putters and cut as close as you can okay which leaves that nice and neat but there's sometimes a little bit sticking up as I don't know if you can see that there the camera yep it's focusing so what you need to do is get your chain nose pliers and just give that a bit of a smush just round and round a little bit come at it from a different angle if you need to okay and just pop that into place okay and that is your first wrap done pat yourself on the back that's the first bit done okay so the next part of it is to choose your bead so I've got some beautiful little amazonite beads here one thing to say at this particular point is too when you're choosing your wire and your beads obviously make sure that your wire actually goes through your beads before you start and as you can see this one this one does now then when you are making your wraps some people like to have the Hoops going in opposite directions so this one flat and that one upright if you will and some people like to have the Hoops going in the same direction so that both Hoops are laying flat that's entirely up to you from a design point of view so today I'm going to have them going in the right in the same direction so I'll show you how to do that so put your wire and your bead towards you with the hoop laying upright towards you okay you need to then get your chain nose pliers what we need to be doing here is creating a similar Gap here so we don't want any more than three wraps really so I would suggest that you put your the tip of your chain nose like so if you do it up here you're going to have about four or five or sometimes even six wraps and that will make the the wrap itself odd you want it to be pretty much the same width on either side so pop you chain nose pliers here you want to do the same with this that you did with the first one okay so grasp it relatively tightly five degree angle can you see that this part here will be the same here okay you then bring in your round nose pose and do the same thing hold the wire so that you can see this little Gap this little piece of wire here and hold it on the line that you've marked to make the same size hoop again bring this wire forward towards you until it hits the bead then move your white move your pliers 180 degrees and then this wire over the top so that you have this shape here okay the next thing is to bring in your chain nose and again grasp this hoop now I find for me that when I'm wire wrapping if I have my pliers held straight it interferes with the wrap a little bit so my advice is to hold your wrap slightly on an angle like so gives you a little more control and it means that this doesn't get in the way and hit the pliers as you're wrapping so you bring in your other chain nose pliers again you want three wraps so grasp underneath keeping it as tight to the loop as you can over the top underneath over the top underneath so I've just missed shot it slightly there which inadvertently I've shown you what can happen if you make that Gap with the chain nose pliers a little bit too big so for this just pop it over the top give it a gentle smush and take your Cutters on again Cooks as far down as you can as close to the work as you can should I say you see that little bit sticking out there give that a gentle squeeze there you go that's your your first link so that was not too bad was it Okay so these links are great because they're permanently linked so they make really really secure links for bracelets and necklaces and things like that um and as you can see you know once once they're linked you're not gonna you're not gonna be able to break those apart um which is why this is a good choice for bracelets and necklaces Etc because they are really really secure the next thing we want to do is to attach the next one so again you take your wires and cut off around about four inches like I said the better you get at this um the less wire you'll need and you can make your wraps a lot more easily with sometimes you know sort of three inches of wire excuse okay there are some people that will make you know 10 or however many of these all at the same time then you can just grasp them so that's entirely up to you okay so let's do the process again about a third of the way down bend the wire forward so you have a 90 degree angle bring in your round nose pliers the player underneath the wire on your marker then to the top one over and then 180 degrees spin with your pliers pop this one shorter wire over the top this is the part where we attach this little thing this little link so what you want to do is you take the link a hoop it over this piece of wire and manipulate it gently until it's linked you can see that then that's when you come in with your little chain nose pliers I like to use a narrow Point chain nose for this mainly because it gives you a lot more space to grasp this hoop here okay so again hold it securely bring in your other chain nose underneath on top beneath and top underneath come in are you snippers okay and then give that little piece of wire a little bit of a smush tighten it up so that it's nice and neat if it's not playing ball just come in manipulate it a little bit and straighten things up so that's your next link so again we want to choose a little bead the bead on okay so again this hoop you want it to be straight facing towards you make your chain nose and you remember last time I gave it just slightly too much I'll hold it here Bend 90 degree angle I'm going to take your round nose pliers pop it onto your marker and this wire comes over the top until it hits the bead rotate your plier 180 degrees so you have this shape and then again this wire gets bent over the top so again you have this shape here again come in with your chain nose pliers and start to wrap as closely as you can to the hoop with control coming under and over and under foreign things up come in with your cutters and again as you can see this guy here needs a bit of a smush so gently straighten things up and that's your second link made so as you can see it's a lovely link and again you can make it um these hoops larger or smaller depending upon the gauge of your wire and I'll just show you one more so cut your wire to your pliers about a third of the way down round nose plier over the top 180 degree rotation and over the top take the other link gently wiggle it into place so that you're not distorting that little hoop that you've just made okay and uh over under over under cut straighten this up coming from a different angle if you need to take another bead pop it on keep it straight towards you chain those in bend it down take your round nose up towards you 180 rotation and bend it over the top so each time you get exactly the same size hoop in your link take your chain nose and continue to wrap you're aiming for three wraps on each link and the reason for that um I'll show you in a second let me just tighten this little guy up here there we go so it's nice and neat so that bead isn't going anywhere the reason why you only want three wraps really is that if you're making a bracelet you need it to be sort of um fluid and able to move around your wrist if you make sort of five or six wraps then the bead link will be too large and it will create like an angular or a square and they'll stick up on your wrist and they won't have the flow that the bracelet should have or a necklace should have I mean you know you can use those four or five or even six wraps if you wanted to um for other things like earrings perhaps but you get more like a fluid and a more um um it sort of fits the wrist better as you can see okay so that's a simple wire wrap link with a bead I hope you enjoyed that um pop in the comments and let me know how you found it um and what you know if you've managed to make yourself anything um and have fun with that and I'll see you next time thanks for watching
Channel: Samantha Latimer
Views: 8,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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