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hello everybody this is Jeff Payne with team reeling the Blues first thing today I want to say thank you for taking the time to click on my video and watch it and if you like what you see please subscribe you can use the little subscribe icon right here on the screen or you can wait till the end the video or you can just search my name you really like you go and click that bell and that way you'll be notified when I put something new on there well today what I'm gonna go over is I got a lot of questions about a drifting video I done and people seen the stick weights I was using I like to use stick weights cuz they're just easy I use them for everything but I mean you can order a stick weight mold but if you notice these are a little bit different and they're pretty easy to make actually these are here weigh about 2 ounces and this one right here weighs about 4 ounce let me show you how I make my sink Ramon's you look right here there's the 4 ounce and you'll see I've got some other bulbs on it's ok I can flip it around like this and that gives me my 2 ounce pose it's pretty simple all I use to hold together it's just a simple nut and bolt once I take him for the lid I'll just turn it upside down and shake it the lids fall right out I can make a couple hundred no time at all with this alright let's show you how we do this alright the first thing you're gonna need to make these synchro monsters is but you're gonna need aluminum aluminum is the best product for doing it because I've got a couple reasons it gets good and hot good and quick it cools down pretty quick and it doesn't distort as bad as steel would if you're trying to make these out of steel they wouldn't last two or three pours and they would distort twist to the point where you couldn't get a good pour anymore but what you got to do is you got to decide how big a secret you want to make this right here is about 3/4 inch thick aluminum but the mold the sinkers I'm gonna link right now they're not gonna be quite so big they're only gonna be about two and a half maybe three ounces so I'm gonna make them a little bit smaller so I'm going to use half inch aluminum and I've got some half inch aluminum scrap laying around so what you got to do is you just I use the table saw you can use the skill saw but I use the table saw for the table saw you can set it up and with the accuracy of a table saw you can cut them nice and straight and you can get good moles because that's the biggest thing you need you need them to be good and consistent like I said I'm using a half inch thick did you see this an old piece of a half inch plate aluminum I had laying around I use it for everything so we're gonna rip this down and get our sink remember [Music] [Music] all right we got it ripped down and you can see what we have here it's a nice consistent peach that's about I didn't even bother a measurement whole ranch is tall so that ought to make some good sinker so I should be able to make sinkers there so around three and a half to three and three-quarter inches long and the reason why I like to rip it in a long piece like this is that way I know it's the same thickness from end to end now then I can cut this and when I cut this then it give me my to have some ammo all right the next step we got to do is we've got to rip down we've know what we're gonna do here you don't really want to make the molds too awful long because the longer you make them the more likely they are to warp in the center's I found that about 7 inches works out to be about the perfect perfect size so we'll just mark this at 7 and we'll mark it 7 again all right I should give us the perfect moles we're going to get that cut feeling using old miter box I keep around the house just for this purpose right here [Applause] Lexile we gotta do see how it's got these little birds around it we just gotta get rid of those burrs [Music] [Music] there we go - good clean pieces now I'll just sand all the burrs off for the edges here where they can fit together nice and tight and that way to be the basis for sync Ramone [Music] you [Music] now we put them together so they fit perfectly tight there's no gap whatsoever and they slide smoothly so that means everything is nice and true we'll move on all right on these sinker molds instead of having all the individual holes for the pins like I made on these what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do something a little different it's gonna be the first time I've ever tried this I'm gonna try to put a pull pin toward you pull one time and it pull off pin out of all the sinkers at one time then you can dump them out so what I've decided to do is I've got a quarter inch well it may be a quarter inch just might be a three sixteenths note this is a one-eighth brass rod so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna set my table saw because the kerf on a blade is 1/8 on a Skilsaw plate most the times so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna set it to where it literally cuts 1/16 of an inch deep inside these molds by doing it this way as long as I run both molds through from the same direction like this then the gap of being the same spot you just got to make sure you got pick which side you want to be your face side and from what I've seen this is the best side that's the smoothest on these molds so I want these both these are gonna be my insides and I'll compare them and see if I mean they're pretty true cuts because I ran both pieces at the same time you don't make no difference at all so what I'll do is I'll call both of these the bottom so now all I got to do is run these through just like this where the X is facing me and the X is facing out and I should be able to get it right and put a pool in [Music] [Music] there you go that gap don't look like much let's see that gives me a perfect template now I can run an eighth inch drill bit into that gap and to keep the droop the drill bit nice and true and then run right in there and then I can put this brass rod right inside there and pull it right out as you can see from the first part it's not really that hard to do it's a lot of little steps but it don't really take that long to do it so now we've got this ready now I'm going to show you how to bolt these together and what I'll do is I'll drill a hole through these I'll put a bolt through to lock them as tight together as I can that way everything stays nice and true while I do all the drilling to make the single I know it seems complicated but it's really not if I wasn't filming this I could make me a mold and about 30 minutes or less and that's a taking my time so hopefully you'll be able to make your own after you see this okay so what I've done you can see I've got them lined up perfectly where I run them through the table saw and I need to drill an eighth inch hole so what I'll probably do is I'll drill just sixteenth over or Mesquite sixteenth I'll probably drill about a thousandth over an eighth inch that way this brass rod is slide cleanly through it now if you don't have a drill bit that's where you got pointed into the thousands you can drill a eighth inch hole or you can drill one size smaller and the smallest you can get right below the eighth and you can always sand this and polish off with thousandth or so all right let's get it done I just remember when you're drilling this you want to be pretty accurate so take your time the slots we cut should guide this right down through there with no issue whatsoever [Music] I'm not trying to guide it I'm just let me go because that's what we cut in here she'd got it right down through there [Music] [Music] now you can see that's just slide right down in there no problem alright so as you can see this is nice and smooth here maybe a little rough because I could have been a table saw but they're both the same high same everything I've got it setting up on this so you know all the pieces are pretty much equal and you know I run it through the table saw and then I run a eighth inch bit through that gap to make it round and the reason why I done that was that way I can use a brass rod as a pull pin now right there's what you got you see I kind of got a little stupid right here I was trying to use a really dull bit but I went got a sharp bit once I got sharp bit and eat right through it with no problem it's gonna do that style that always pays to have a long bit I tried to do it with a short bit from his side a short bit from that side and they were dull and they kind of wiggled a little bit but for the most part it won't matter because this is just something for me to slide the black the brass right through all right and here's your brass rod that's half the thickness of the brass rod sinks in that so when I put this like this you see what that does it just gives me a way to make the holes in them you can see how easy that pulls in and out now it's really really tight it really won't matter when the reason why it's because we're gonna put clamps on it or we're gonna put bolts on these to use for clamps but that way you just loosen the bolt turn this a couple times slide it out and then you'll have your sinkers so now let's go ahead and get the sinker portion done and I'll show you how I drill it out to make the what I call it drift weights because there's just stick weights I use them for drop shot and drift in for perch for about everything the next step we're gonna make is decide what size sinkers we want to make and really I can make these things up to 1/2 inch in diameter it just depends on how big you want to make them what I'm probably gonna do on this one I'm probably gonna make most of them about 2 ounces I've learned that if you make them around 5/16 or 3/8 it gives you about an ounce if you go up to about close to 1/2 1/2 inch and end up getting you closer to 3 to 4 ounces depending on how long you pull alright so the next step I'm going to do I'm gonna go ahead and lay the brass rod inside of it and I'm gonna go ahead and put the two pieces together and now that I've got that done I'm gonna take a clamp and clamp them together as tight as I can and then what that's going to do is it's going in it's going to ensure that they stay lined up perfectly and what we'll do is we'll drill a hole right right here next to the edge we'll drill a hole right here next to the edge and what that hole is for is to accommodate us running this 3/8 bolt through it and what that does is when you're making you sinkers you just spin it tighten it up pour you sinkers loosen that nut the mold instantly just flops apart you shake it dump your sinkers out tighten it up back down you can just keep pouring alright now we're getting ready to drill those holes this thing is 4 inches I want to put them right here close to the center I want them a little bit right here so I'm gonna put a little bit off this edge so I'm gonna say 2 inches 2 inches and I'm gonna set them about 3/4 left 5/8 off the outside edge that gives me plenty I'll do this one final eats off the outside of the edge normally I always drill a small hole just to get it started so I'll just kinda like dimple it a little bit with a drill and then I'll use my drill press to finish them up and then after I get this one drilled I will just set it on top of the other one and then drill through this one through the other one that way you're not trying to drill through both of them and trying to keep them steady I'm trying to do is just pretty much get a spot to start I you see I've got the the little holes here just something to give me a guide we'll go and get that drill take your time you want to get nice smooth circle try to go too fast and make it wobble and make it out around all right since we drilled this on a drill press if you look real close you can see these little burrs sticking out every time you drill something always just taking get you a little piece of sandpaper and just kind of work it and that removes all them little burrs because you don't want anything that's gonna put any gap or any space between these two forms and we'll clean the whole thing up after we get it all drilled out we'll clean the whole thing up like say seems like a lot of steps but it's really not if I wasn't filming it I could make this whole mold and less less than an hour on a bad day an hour okay so here's what I was talking about we got these already drilled in this piece of our form and this piece of our mold so what I'm gonna do I'll lay the piece of brass in here and what that does that keeps those lined up it's imperative that that part be perfect perfectly lined up now you can see this form I can't shift it at all this mold the top piece and the bottom piece are locked together real good most time I'll put a clamp on it and then drill these holes but we'll just put her in a drill press and go ahead and just Mark those next holes by drilling through these and that way we know they will line up perfectly and as you can see that is the exact size of that bolt so what we'll do is we'll get this side drilled out that side drill now punchy's all the way through and then drop our bolt through all right we got these lined up perfectly got this through got this side flush let's go ahead and get our holes drilled for the other side you notice they're going right through the old homes that I just take your time because that drill bit will try to walk when you first start once you get it good and started we're know we're on drill press we'll be fine [Music] all right so we got that one right here I already punched all the way through we'll just go and stick our bolt through it and once we stick that bolt through it actually acts as another way of keeping this lined up perfectly [Music] now could you do this with a drill without a drill press absolutely would it be as accurate yeah it probably could be but it'd be a lot harder to do all right well now we got our forms made our molds I drilled the holes through you can see where I got a bolt run through that way when you pour your sinkers are you gonna do is just loosen these up a little bit shake the mold and your sinkers will fall right out now you'll notice I've got this thing gapped open and I'll explain to you and show you why here in just a second so what I've done is I've stuck a washer in between here it made little gap the reason I made that little gap that way when I go to drill is the drill is gonna want to follow that gap where if I hadn't pulled dead tight when I was drilling it if you didn't have it perfectly level the drill bit would want to walk off to the side a lot if it walks off a little bit to the side here it ain't gonna hurt a thing and if you were doing this using a hand drill you can see it'd be a whole lot easier for this thing to stay on path now what we're gonna do we will drill a small hole first I'll probably go even smaller than this one I'll probably go just enough to where it's a little bit bigger in this gap we'll drill that hole first we'll punch all of them and then we'll go up maybe two sizes and punch them out again and we'll go until we get up to the size of sinker we want to make alright now let's go ahead and lay everything out now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna space these out about 3/4 of an inch so what we'll do is we'll go I hate these little teeny tiny ones here make it right see my own thing here there we go we got them all spaced out 3/4 and that's what we're gonna make our holes that all the way through all right here we go all right one thing I wanted to point out getting it up to this stage took a little time you know getting this groove made in here and getting all that done now if you is making these stick weights just to use as something to fill a let's say a piece of PVC pipe or even a rubber hose that you were going to use for drifting so you don't have to go through this stage right here that cut 15 minutes off your total time right away you can go in just skip straight to this step just make your moulds get your pieces straightened out so let's say we were doing that you could just get you to pieces aluminum of equal size clamp them together drill these two holes through here like that and then you can skip straight to this stage and make you some pencil weights now like I say quarter-inch is about the perfect size now like I go plumb up to half-inch I even have some that are a full 3/4 inch round and I rarely use those so I don't make that many of them anymore all right here we go and just remember take your time don't get in a hurry to drill these holes because that's what's gonna set the holes for the whole thing if you get these all goofed up then the rest time are everything from this point on it's gonna be kind of goofy just remember when you go into this take your time go slow because if you don't it's going to want to walk all right let's go and get started you hi the other advantage to putting those washers in there you notice all the shavings were falling out the bottom they weren't getting caught up in the drill bit so it gives you a lot cleaner hole all the way through also alright now let's move it up to the next size drill bit [Music] okay I'm done drilling them I took the spacers out and I took the bolts out and see here's what you have now if you wanted to leave them I belong I can't you'd have to drill them a lot bigger of course because we got the pin coming in from the end now my other mold I've got the pins I get individual pins and each one of them and the way you do that is you don't do this part you drill everything out you go and do all these drills here and then all you just simply drill a hole with your drill press drill you 1/8 inch hole in each one of these about a quarter of an inch up from the em you drill one side always drill one side once you get done with that side clamp you two molds together line them up perfectly drill through the hole you've already made all the way through and then go ahead and drop your little pin or whatever you're going to use like say I use brass and I've got these little brass pins that I just drop in and then when I drop them in I'll drop this one in I'll go to this in drill that hole all the way through drop a brass pin in it that locks your mold together that way it's not moving around and then I punch all the rest of the holes and every time I punch hole just go in and drop your pin in it and that way they're all lined up alright now let's go ahead and make this one as big as I want it I'm wanting to go up this right here would be about an ounce and a half I'm wanting to go up to about two and a half to four ounces since I want my mold to be round so I can strop them inside of a piece of pipe we'll go ahead and take all these oblong holes and like say it seems like a lot of unnecessary steps but trust me by drilling those holes there to start with with that spacer these right here gonna be nice and true most people to try to do this using two piece of aluminum they get so out of whack to run through that I mean you watch how easy he is just going right down through that back gap perfectly I'm not doing anything to keep this straight up and down I'm just holding to keep it from spinning the drill bits are gonna follow that gap there we go we got them all rounded out so that's on the sinker Saint Paul one two three four five six I'm four seven at a time what I'm gonna do now I've already cleaned this up already washed all the oil off of it so what we're gonna do now is we'll go ahead and run our bit back through this hole here to make sure that all the shavings and the birds are out of it and then once I do that she's ready to start pouring sinkers really wasn't that hard all right a little dirty but that's what she looks like pretty little mold wasn't really that hard to do let's pour a few sinkers and see what it looks like okay there's your completed bowl now these bolts make it nice to always use longer than what I need I just found these two when I'm get done when I get ready to start using it I'll put bolts on here that are about four inches out this side and what I'll do is I'll weld these nuts inside of two little pieces of pipe about that long that way I can actually just turn the pipe tighten the nuts down pour and then loosen them up and when you loosen them up she'll just think I flex so then all they gonna do is just flip it over shake it a little bit and all the weight to fall right out and then all you gotta do is push it back tight spin these nuts back down tight and pour the next batch where's my brass runt before you pour your next batch and before you tighten it down slide you ride him pour you sinkers loosen this up just a little bit to kind of take the pressure off turn this pull it out turn it upside down shake the sinkers out again like say the process goes real quick once you get the hang of it all right let's go for some sinkers and see what we get for a form let me show you what the inside of it looks like net is finished I've already sanded it and cleaned it up let's say this is a brand-new mold so your first couple pours may not be that great because it ain't seasoned it out yet and you may see something where you got and a singer wants to hang in it but there you go can't get much better than that let's see what we have here everything lines up nice and neat there's the holes there's my brass pin where I pull it out and it gives you your place to hook your swivels all right here we go for our first poll now just remember when you're working with Liz it's dangerous normally I always wear gloves or wear face protection the whole nine yards and I always do it outside where it's well ventilated all right I've got this set where it's kind of a medium drip when it comes out you can set it as fast as you can as it go but I'm gonna do this we're kind of slow at first to see what we'd come up with all right here's the first poll knock that little bubble off you can see the holes are big enough that you can see right down in [Music] where we go I got seven of them poured we'll take it in there was a little bit more light will pop the mold off and see what we got all right here we go we just got done pouring our first batch of lead in it let's see what it comes up with first thing you want to do loosen these nuts just a little bit turn this to get it broke loose so that it ain't stick it to the lid anymore I'm going to wear it gloves this thing's pretty warm go and hold on to it right here pull this out there we go we got that out of it gonna loosen these up a little more you know oh we should have to do is just shake it a little bit and there's our list all right there's enough of me you saw me pick up the ones that fell on the floor they're gonna be a little warm there we go seven let's really didn't take that long before and for the first pour that ain't bad most time you have a cup of them that it gets stuck in it and you got to do a little sanding to get any burrs off but as you can see these turned out real nice I think these turned out great and like say this is just one way to make the mold hopefully by watching this video you can make all kinds of different molds and if you look at this mold I made you notice I used a smaller bit first I drilled it all the way down and then that way it makes it smaller on the tip and it makes it where most swivels a hook right through it this one is four ounces right here and then if you flip it over on the back side these are two ounces and I just use the same thing as this right here I just cut them in smaller pieces and stick your one through each hole so when I'm making the two outsides put them just like that and you will notice they're oblong because I put the spacer in there but I never drilled them out real and then when you want to make bigger ones just flip your mold to the other side aim for you big for answers like I said you can do all kinds of different ways now so hopefully that video helped you I appreciate you watching as always thank you for watching if you enjoyed it please push the subscribe button and ring that bell if you ring that Bell every time I post a new video a fishing or how-to you'll be notified [Music]
Channel: Team Reelin The Blues
Views: 34,315
Rating: 4.9127517 out of 5
Keywords: reelin the blues, jeff manning, big cat fever, drift weights, make your own drift weights, cat fish, drifting for catfish, do it yourself, catch the ferver
Id: bUq5WdW-E70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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