Making Fishing Sinkers! Split-shot & Egg Sinkers...

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roof flashing right here folks you got somebody's in the roofing industry I know one good friend of mine is in the roofing industry and I try to get them to save all this old roof flashing but you can get this is really soft purely hood I'm just using a pair of tin snips cutting them up and I'm gonna throw them in my new baby pot over here and I'm going to use that to mold up some fishing lid and I'm gonna bring you all along [Music] you well hey there folks and welcome to Bubba Roundtree outdoors where we do all things outdoors today gonna do something I don't think you have ever seen me do before I'm gonna mold up some fishing lid that's right fishing lit the the fish are bitin here we're running low and some of the lid I managed to get my hands on some really soft roof flashing lid which is really soft lid and so I put that in my brand new 10 pound baby pot that I just picked up and we're going to mold up some split shot for the river in and it's it's a you we're going to be using a variety of a do it mold split sinker and an egg weight or slip shot molds I use the softest lead I can find in your split shot they make do it makes molds a noun that uh that take your um your reusable or your recyclable shot or where you can open it has the tabs on the back where you can open the shot back up and use it again I'm gonna get me one of those and but this is old school right here and you need it as soft as you can get it so that you can deal with that so that if you have to reopen it or do something like that it'll make it easy not only we're gonna mold up some of this stuff but we're gonna put some bright neon colors on these things as and use this shot as attractant while we're fishing the river and stuff like that so y'all find that interesting hang on flashing is really really soft I got a pair of medium-sized pair of tin snips and we're just cutting this flash to do it I'm melting the flashing in the baby pot here to mold up my fishing lid since I got three of them now I've got the new pot I just drained all the the wheel weight alloy out that I used for bullets and buckshot and we got some pure lead very soft led with that roof flashing going in here to make some fishing lay it out of folks I keep regular old old candles out here miss Joann broke candles and just any kind of old candle I keep out here to use as plugs and it don't take much about God all I want in the pot here drop a piece of that candle wax in there and stir it around in here and watch what happens with all those impurities I stuff will turn to char and it'll look like just charred up powder now and it all floats to the top our roof flashing had some nasty stuff in it I had to scoop it off and throw it in my my waste can there and now we've got a nice and a nice shiny pot a 100% pure soft lead folks I just dropped the lid right on the table I don't water you don't want to water dials efficiently it the we've got a variety of egg sinkers and stuff like that that that you use that these moles these are old classic type do it efficient moles use the these inserts that go into your mold just like this for your line and make the channel in the lid for your line old t-shirt let's do all my fishing lay it down right here on the old t-shirt and let it air dry we're going to start out with the old conventional split shot mold to do it mold comes with a brass plate in it to make the channel inside your your shot alright alright it's all lined up let's go fill it up I do not heat these molds up this is big shot first try kind of making a mess I don't think I feel that pushing up all the way all right this heavy see how we did just pull it out sit down got a full pull on the first try I just pull this right out like that folks and I just use my welding gloves and I just pull it off the band like that see it's it's opened up just let it lay there that is how difficult this is lay that back down in your mold I said this mold is well treated used for years and years surely it stuff looks like silver all righty but my spillage right back in the pot what up purely like that is rare hard to find another full pour again just pull them off and onward and upward the split shot we need purely it for that but now I'm making the egg sinkers and all that I use my my bullet mix the Harper sent wheel weights I use that to whenever I start molding up some egg sinkers it goes fast on the quarter-ounce side another fall pool well you can imagine folks that band is getting warm even through these welding gloves we use mostly ounce and a half one ounce to ounce and a half but mostly the ounce and a half it's what we use in the end of watery river and Santee this is the do it mold that we use and since we're going to be molding up and they check and make sure on the house on a half side which is this side I'm gonna get our wire inserted here you want it just coming out at the back right here I just have mine about a half an inch coming out the back where you got plenty of tab to grab ahold of because you want to pull this thing out while these big hunks are lid or hot standby cold mold no need like I said these things are huge so alright let's go to it cold mold we're gonna have to lower as happens I'm a just I'm ready to swing my little support out of the way this big ol thing and to get it up in there as soon as it haze is over as soon as it haze is over give you a wire or twist and pull it out it'll get easier as it goes along but ya say we got three three good big old ounce and a half sinkers all right reinsert our wire here until it's just coming out just coming out the back all right for why around and there we go we had a wasted poor with all this stuff yet boys and girls and when you get in a rhythm all set [Music] you can see there's no there's nothing to pinch so there's no need and using your soft lid for this your hard bullet lid will work just fine or any heavy mix that you have any heavy alloy it will work good for first egg sinkers or slip singers it gets easier as a mold gets hotter and these these molds will get too hot and when they do let us move on to a different size or [Music] it's a beautiful thing folks when you're not having to play to the camera in other words fill this up and pick up a few steps and get over in front of the camera as soon as that haze is over that's how effective work [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cold mole just keep twisting your wire until it comes clear it'll get better as you go along good will season the mold two three four and five ounce heavy sinkers we use these for markers like brush pile markers and stuff like that if you're gonna be surf fishing and stuff like that these would be the sinkers you'd be making for you surf sometimes when the currents real heavy you may need something like this clipped on your line to hold it in place you don't need no wire really nothing special with a with this with this monster here holes are already molded in these [Music] whoo Betty and that's how you do that even the 20 pound pot empties out fast whenever you pour in these big monster sinkers like that be very careful folks when you're introducing cold let in gets back into your big pots because they can flare up on you if there's moisture trapped inside these things and yes sir I use just a little pinch of candle wax to flux the alloy in the big pot [Music] [Music] cutting the sprue golf works the same way as it does with the book shot and I use a $5 and 88 cent pair of flush cutters from the craft department at Walmart it gets the job done perfectly [Music] and folks you see me powdercoat Buckshot I make up a bunch of this real nice split shot here for a river you know what we're gonna powder coat this I'm gonna put some bright colors on this stuff as an attractant fish are really attracted to bright colors so I got some neon green powder coat we're gonna coat about half of it in that and we're gonna get something else maybe a red or a yellow and try to powder coat the rest of it y'all stand by I'm gonna do I've got both sizes mixed up in here and so we're just going to divide it up I'm gonna do about a half and a chartreuse thrown and we'll do the other half in something else that looks good [Applause] 375 I didn't even heat it up just throw it in there I'll check it in about eight minutes we're just gonna leave that neon chartreuse green that southern powder coat and green in there we're going ahead a smidge of Harbor Freight red to that and just because I can we're gonna add some some forward blue to it as well I will see how that bakes out [Applause] [Applause] look at that one a nice a pretty teal green in it Wow can't wait to see what that looks like finished Oh that'll be some bright bright teal green that's beautiful hmm it's been been eight minutes I'll probably leave them in there for about nine and a half ten minutes and we'll pull them out ten minutes good let's check on up get them teal green sinkers put in the oven man that's gonna be pretty Evan was already white-hot when we put those things in there so we had about seven minutes heading on tape at about another minute maybe you know the two and those will be ready man those are beautiful and we just let them air-dry folks well folks there you go that's how easy that is and I think I've got pretty caught up on getting us a the fishing lid that we need to get through to get through this summer 2020 hen into the fall but hope y'all enjoyed the video folks it sure has been a lot of fun it's getting late and evening it's time to go take a shower and should the be all Ponderosa down for the evening guys appreciate y'all ride along with me folks this is Wade rush hosted the Bubba Roundtree outdoors channel we'll be back with a lot more very soon guys [Music] [Music] and I pray that the Lord bless and keep you all that are listening and watching this and the mighty name of Jesus Christ during this time of pestilence and plague may it not come nigh your dwelling and we will see y'all out there bye-bye
Channel: Bubba Rountree Outdoors
Views: 6,318
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: #Fishing, #Fishing Sinkers, Making Fishing Sinkers, Fishing lead, molding sinkers, Lee Production pots
Id: tbwjwwhTwSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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