How to make Mozzarella Cheese | Heartway Farms | Homemade Cheese | Pizza Dough

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so today we're making homemade mozzarella cheese from scratch so if that sounds like fun come join me in jules in the kitchen and check it out [Music] this recipe is so easy and it turns out every time so you guys are going to really enjoy it uh it only has four ingredients we have our good quality milk we have our rennets citric acid and salt and that's it and you know we had this week extra milk laying around which is why we're making the mozzarella cheese out of it you know anytime we have extra milk we'll either throw together yogurt cheese sometimes the chickens get a treat it just depends a little bit but today it's mozzarella cheese and homemade pizza on the menu for tonight so yeah let's head into the kitchen and get this going it should only take about 30 40 minutes of your time right and then you're then you're done and you've got fresh cheese and it is delicious you got to have a cup of coffee no matter what you're doing if you're making mozzarella cheese you gotta have a cup of coffee it's just a roll [Music] cream's on top [Music] for this recipe today we had two gallons of milk available so we are basing everything off of that two gallons okay so for our recipe it's going to be two gallons of milk two tablespoons of salt but listen you don't even have to put any salt in it if you don't want if you're watching your salt so we like salty cheese so we're putting two tablespoons of salt ish in there two teaspoons of citric acid dissolved in a small amount of water because you want that to be dissolved so it might i mean what two to three tablespoons of water just a little bit of water so we're gonna dissolve that and then because we're using two gallons of milk we're going to use three milliliters of the rennet that we have now every rennet bottle is different you need to read the instructions on yours ours we don't have to put in uh water we don't have to do anything we put it right in we add it right in with our milk so make sure you read the instructions on whatever brand that you have we got this brand off of amazon and uh yeah we've been happy with it so far so we have our milk in the pot and before we heat that up we have to add in our citric acid and if i can open it there we go okay so i have two to three tablespoons of water in this little jar and i'm putting in two tablespoons or not tablespoons two teaspoons teaspoons small teaspoons of citric acid and then you're gonna stir that for a little bit until it gets nice and dissolved in there now we are going to add our citric acid that has been dissolved into water into the milk just make sure you get all of that out of there [Music] just stir this in really well [Music] i'm gonna turn my heat on to like a medium low and then i'm gonna take my candy thermometer place it in the pot and we're going to let this slowly heat up to 100 degrees fahrenheit and mixing it pretty much the whole time you don't want it to scald on the bottom of the pot at all [Music] okay we hit 100 degrees i'm gonna turn off the heat take out the thermometer we're going to get our rent okay and we are going to add the three milliliters of rennet and as soon as she adds in the rennet we're going to stir it from the bottom up we want that rennet to get all throughout our milk stir it from the bottom up for 30 seconds and then we're going to cover it back up okay like i said stirring this up real good getting it all incorporated and then we're going to put the lid back on i think we're about there here let's see so remember we got the milk and the citric acid up to that 100 degrees and then uh took it off the heat and added the rennet stirring it up for 30 seconds or so we've been doing that now we're going to lit it set our timer for 10 minutes and then come back in about 10 minutes and take a look while our milk is sitting for these 10 minutes we have another pot ready here and this just has water in it nothing exciting just water and a lid and what we're doing with this pot of water we're going to use this in a little bit when we have our mozzarella cheese ball we're going to be using this hot water to kind of melt it um squeeze out the whey wash it anyway we'll get to that but while this is sitting here for 10 minutes we're going to go ahead and start up this pot and bringing it up to temperature we need this water to be up to about 175 degrees it has to be nice and warm uh to be able to have the mozzarella cheese do what we wanted to do so we'll talk about this later but we're going to go ahead and get this started our timer just went off it's been sitting for 10 minutes see it looks normal but really it's a giant curd on top you can see all the yellow liquid is the way the white liquid or the white mass is the curd and actually the rennet is what makes it separate so i'm going to cut this into little cubes why are you cutting it julian so it'll be easier to mix after it stops moving stop so you're pretty much just breaking apart big chunks so that we can continue to do what we need to do for the recipe yes there we go not exactly you don't have to be exact but you want to try to get like one and a half one inch chunks so i'm going to break that up a little bit and then we're going to get our candy thermometer again and heat this up to back up to 105 degrees buff stirring it and again medium low heat and you're stirring it the whole time this shouldn't take long no it's already at 100 degrees just got to go five degrees right okay we have this big bowl here for catching the whey and i have a cheesecloth and then a colander in here just to catch all of the curds that we've separated from the whey all right and we're going to take our pot which is at 105 degrees we're gonna pour it in here carefully without making a mess hopefully you come by it honestly julian and the whey can be used for lots of different things most of the time to be honest i feed it we usually feed it to the chickens either the meat birds because it's excellent protein for them the mean birds love it all the animals love it but the dogs love it too but the chickens can the egg layers can use it all right this is gonna be the messy part yep there we go here comes all the curves okay there we go so yes we're not gonna waste the whey you can cook with it and stuff as well but we're not gonna do that [Music] i'm just gonna gently work with this and try to squeeze out most of the um way that's still in here now this has mostly come together i'm going to get rid of this cheesecloth okay now is when we need the water the pot of water that we heat it up to 175 degrees it's warm and we're going to use this to wash our cheese and get the rest of the whey out i'll just keep the quality of the cheese tasting good okay i'm gonna divide this off into three little balls now just a little bit easier to work with this is a lot of cheese well we've got a big family gotta make some pizza and this is all working to incorporate it the hot water is actually creating like a melting so that you can make the cheese all incorporate into one and eventually we'll get to stretching it and all that good stuff you want to do that one and i'll work on one of these okay i've added this cheese which is really hot water so be careful it's hot and i'm just going to let it melt a little bit let it wash some of the way out i'm just using a spoon because it's too hot for my hands right now can i put this one in yet or not go ahead all right and then i'll start squeezing the third ball of mozzarella it's such a pretty color too you can tell we use fresh milk for this because it's got that beautiful raw milk um color yeah from the grass-fed cows this one here see it's already looking softer all right if you want me to trade you i can you're gonna need to be in here a little longer okay if you want to give me one i can start massaging one in here just keep that i am i'm getting all this okay way out of here okay see it's melting it's definitely melty definitely becoming more incorporated into a single ball instead of seeing all the individual curves coming together this one can be worked too let's put it in hot cheese so now that we've washed out all of the whey or most of it anyhow we're going to start working with it and start trying to stretch it out it's still pretty thick yeah it's just keep warming it up in the water or then once you stretch it out to as far as it'll go without breaking you just kind of make it into a ball again squeeze it together and throw it back in the hot water this one's not getting much weight out of it anymore either so this can go back in the water do you want me to work any other ones oh here i'll work with this one while i do sure put it in here okay all the sound effects it's squishy and squishy so we're beginning the stretching process marie is a professional stretcher so i'm going to trade positions so about how long is the stretching process you usually start to finish i know every batch is different 10 minutes we just do it till it looks nice and stretchy yes we'll see how long it is we just started we'll keep track about how long it took us from start to finish it's already getting stretchy but that's why you want this water warm in this red pot here because that's what creates this melting effect to be able to stretch and get the cheese all formed [Music] okay we're going to throw some salt onto the cheese so you're putting all the three different balls in the colander here then for all three of these i'm going to sprinkle over them two tablespoons of our himalayan salt like you're gonna try to do an even yeah just kind of evenly [Music] and now they're gonna work it in yep same process then you continue to keep dunking it into the water and massaging it and stretching until you know it looks incorporated all right work the cheese till the salt is incorporated and then that is the last step besides putting it in the fridge for later okay we are on the final step we're just shaping the cheese into the fresh mozzarella balls they look so good now everything's incorporated the salt's incorporated the curds are all incorporated so what do you do once it's formed we're just gonna seal it up with some plastic wrap and i'm gonna throw in the fridge so we're ready to use it [Music] okay so we're gonna make homemade pizza this we already made earlier in the day and by we i mean julianne and i had her whip up some of our favorite homemade pizza dough and it's been rising in the fridge um i will we're not going to show you this on video today but i will leave down in the description i'll leave the recipe so you guys can make this at home but right now we're gonna make a mess in the kitchen okay so uh usually today josh is not here so i don't need to make as much pizza but usually honestly we triple this but today we just did a single batch let's get some flour in here this is always a nice messy meal but it's worth it because it's so good i set the oven to 500 degrees and we're going to make up our pieces here i'm only going to turn this into two two pieces working the dough a little bit get some flour around it so that it's not sticking of course making a mess that's how we roll okay i'm separating this we like thin crust this if you like thick pizza you might want to keep it all like a single batch of the recipe that i'm going to leave for you guys you might want to leave it all together if you like real thick pizza but we don't um we like it thin and crispy with a 500 degree oven [Music] all right i don't have a pizza stone we use a non-stick you know pizza pan that has little holes which helps get the crust really crusty i know a lot of people like the pizza stone this is what we have the d flour myself we put some pork holes in the dough so that it doesn't bubble and make a mess all over olive oil and the crust and pizza sauce today i'm just gonna do cheese only our our homemade mozzarella as the topping all of the kids like cheese such a pr i don't know if you guys can tell in the video but it's such a pretty color from because obviously the the raw milk that we get um the cows are on grass right now and when cows are on grass their milk is so creamy and rich and like almost cream colored you know yellowish it just makes for such pretty uh butter and cheese okay salt pepper messy hands uh in a 500 degree oven between 10 to 12 minutes until we like it nice and crispy and brown so yeah i'll show you when it's done [Applause] that looks good and it's hot [Music] okay oh my gosh [Music] you
Channel: Heartway Farms
Views: 19,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Heartway Farms, Mozzarella Cheese, Homemade Cheese, Raw Milk, Homesteading, Fresh Eggs, Chickens, Fresh Mozzarella, Rennet, Organic Cheese, How-to, The Texas Boys, How to make Cheese, Farm Shop, Farming
Id: uSWaimtFk-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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