How to Make Moonshine - Corn Whiskey Recipe

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hey i'm kyla saw hammer supply makers of the stainless steel and copper distillers and brew kits in this video I'm going to show you how to make a corn whiskey moonshine mash you'll need eight and a half pounds of flaked maize two pounds of crushed malted barley and either a brew system or a large pot we're going to be using claw hammers ten and a half gallon digital electric brewing system and the first step is to add six and a half gallons of water to your kettle and heat it up to 165 degrees [Music] [Music] once the corn is matted turn off the heat and stir it in at this point we're just going to let the corn sit at a higher temperature to allow it to break down a bit after this happens and it's able to cool down some will add the barley you'll notice that within a few minutes the corn becomes extremely thick and somewhat unmanageable after mash is complete and start just has been turned into sugar this liquid will actually thin out quite a bit while the corn is sitting I'm gonna go ahead and get my root system hoses hooked up our system has the capability of adding a pump which will allow us to recirculate liquid over the grain bed and I'll be doing that for this mash before we can move on you need to allow the corn to cool down to a hundred and forty eight degrees all right the alarms going off it's dropped to one hundred forty eight degrees it's time to add this small tube barley first thing I'll do is turn off the pump lift this close my ball valve I'm gonna give it a quick stir at this point it is extremely thick it's almost a solid mass of corn probably could put some salt on this and eat it as grits yep definitely so I'm going to add my malted barley here the barley must be crushed and malted for this recipe and it's just kind of sitting on top not even gonna bother stirring it in one thing I will do is set the temp on my controller to 148 degrees so I'll now maintain 148 for the duration of this mash open my ball valve and turn the pump back over you leave this sit and recirculate for 60 minutes you will definitely need to stir while mashing I would recommend putting it once every 10 minutes for the 60 minute mash you'll know the mash is working about 15 to 20 minutes when the mash thins out and becomes less viscous all right our 60 minute mash is complete and as you can see the consistency of this match has changed dramatically since we first started it's really easy to work with now that's how you can tell that the malted barley has done its job and converted all of the starches in the grain and corn into sugar one thing I would suggest is that you scrape the grain away from the inside of the basket so it drains better in the next step all right moving on I'm gonna turn the heat off here I'm gonna get some help from a friend we're gonna drain the liquid out of this basket so I'll lift it up we'll pop some clips in and then we'll allow this to sit and drink okay so the grain has drained I'm going to pull it out as you can see we ended up with about five and three-quarter gallons of liquid after transferring and fermentation when we down to right about five gallons which would be perfect for when a climbers five gallon stills now we have a decision to make you can either cool this down and pets in it now or you can bump it up to 170 ish to give it a soft pasteurization you can even go up to 212 if you wanted to to bring it to a quick boil and then cool it back down to yeast pitching temp I'm assuming that a lot of people watching this video don't have DSPs they're not going to be drinking this they're just gonna be making fuel and putting it in their lawnmower in which case we absolutely don't need to heat this up to 170 or 212 we can just cool it down straight from here to 70 ish degrees which is yeast pitching temp pitch nice in it and move on and that's what I'm gonna do right now so what I'm doing now is hooking up a flat plate heat exchanger so we can cool this down and get it into a fermenter alright this is a pretty simple system you have hot work that comes out of the bottom of the kettle it's circulated via the pump through a flat plate heat exchanger back into the kettle I'm going to go ahead and get the pump circulating I'm gonna go ahead and get water circulating through my show here and we will get cooling [Music] my lines pulling off here somebody go ahead and turn this off I'm gonna turn my water off okay I'm just going to pop this hose into my fermentation bucket turn the pump back on and I'm going to transfer everything over into the bucket I did sanitize this okay two more steps and then we're done we're going to take a sample of the work from the fermenter here I might ride a little bit as well oh yeah it's really good really sweet which is what we want looks like we're at about seven-and-a-half percent if you're making distilled spirits for consumption and then you would probably want this in the eight to ten percent range if you're making a few alcohol you'd want the alcohol by volume to be as high as it can be which is gonna be in the 18 to 20 percent range if you wanted to bump up the alcohol content you could just add granulated sugar that will bump up the potential alcohol I think what we'll do is probably just put a percentage alcohol increase table in our in the article that we write for this last step we are gonna add some distillers yeast we're using white star NGS nutrigrain spirit corn craft distilling yeast this looks to be way more than we need for five gallons so what I'm gonna do is just sprinkle a little bit on top here and cross my fingers and hopefully it works okay that was actually a little more than I usually use really you want to just like sprinkle a very fine fine layer at the top what I'll do now is put a lid and an airlock on this thing a second okay a lid on here next I'm going to aerate it I just shaping the bucket here I need to do this for about 60 seconds then I will add an airlock with sanitizing solution in it leave this sit for a week once it's done throwing in a still and run it to the stove and you'll have distilled alcohol regarding the legality of distilling according to federal rules and regulations personal stills of any size may be owned without any necessary permits so long as the stills are not used nor intended to be used to produce alcohol stills can legally be used to produce fuel alcohol and distilled spirits so long as the owners possess either a fuel alcohol or a federal distilled spirits permit Fuel alcohol permits are easy to get in there available online we will put a link in the description of this video remember state laws also apply to still ownership and operation so research the rules in your state before acquiring or using a spill alright thanks for watching check out our website climber supply drops you
Channel: Clawhammer Supply
Views: 2,005,197
Rating: 4.7326365 out of 5
Keywords: moonshine, how to make moonshine, corn whiskey, corn whiskey moonshine, distilling, mash, how to make a mash, corn whiskey mash, moonshine mash, brew in a bag, biab, homebrew, homebrewing, fuel alcohol, whiskey, corn mash, white lightning, corn whiskey (beverage), how to make whiskey, moonshine (beverage), moonshine corn mash, moonshine recipe, moonshine 101, how to make corn whiskey, how to make alcohol, how to make ethanol, making moonshine, still it, corn mash recipe
Id: UYC9qX0xbPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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