How to Make Money with Public App Review in 2022 (Investing for Beginners Guide)

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in this video we're gonna be going over exactly how to start making an extra hundred dollars a day using the public app or i've seen a bunch of videos online about this topic that are super misinformative and sometimes straight up just wrong so i decided that i was going to make my own step-by-step blueprint on exactly everything that you guys need to know to make some extra passive income using public before we get into it though you probably already noticed the length of this video using the bar below that's because that this is going to be an in-depth video for beginners so if you need to reference this video in the future or you can't watch the full length of this video right now you can go ahead and leave a like on this video so you can find it in your liked videos playlist and watch it later and plus it helps a youtube algorithm out so it's a win-win for everyone also folks everything in this video is chapterized and categorized so you can skip around in this video if you'd like so let's get into it now what exactly is we'll put very simply it's a brokerage website and app where you can buy and sell both stocks and cryptocurrency it's actually going to be very similar to your apps like robinhood out here where you can simply just buy crypto and stocks on here today we're up around 600 bucks on our robinhood accounts i'm going to be talking about exactly how to transfer this exact same kind of success with my robinhood account over to our new public account another fantastic thing about public that you guys might not know about is that public actually has an extremely ethical business model now what do i mean by this so not only do they not charge commissions on any of your trades so you can trade for free public also doesn't participate in payment for overflow pfof like most of these other brokerages out here that also don't charge commissions now what exactly does that mean in a nutshell it pretty much means that public is legitimately trying to get you guys the best price for buying and selling your stocks and crypto out here and another thing i love about public is that they're trying to build a heavy emphasis and focus on the community aspect of trading they're trying to build a twitter like community on public where there are open facing people that you can follow on here follow their posts and even see what kinds of trades that they're performing so for example this is something that i find super interesting there's a trader on here named jules and you can see that jules just recently five hours ago sold greenbox pos and made around a hundred percent gain on her trade it's super super cool that you can see this kind of stuff and i believe that this is kind of what they named the platform after as well it's called public because you can publicize your trades alright so now if you guys are brand new to public you don't have an account yet you can go ahead and use my link down below and you'll actually be able to get a free stock when you sign up with public so go ahead and click on that link and once you're on that link you should see my page up here on and you should be able to see my positions and my portfolio and whatever stuff i have in my watch list as well currently this is a very brand new account that i'm just starting up for you guys so you're not actually going to be able to see that much history up here but all you guys need to do is go click on this sign up button at the very top right clicking that will show that we're going to be able to earn a free stock when we give them our information and start creating a new account one really awesome thing i like about public as well is that they're gonna let you select which company that you get a free stock from out of like a small list of them sometimes brokerages out here will give you some free stocks but they'll give you a random one sometimes from a company that you don't even care about but with public you're going to be able to actually select which company you get it from i personally pick tesla but if you guys don't like tesla there are a bunch of different options out here for you too when you first start out with that website public is actually going to step you through the whole process of setting up your account getting your bank account connected to public depositing a little bit of money to start getting investing and then also downloading the public mobile app as well after that they should also give you a mobile link texted to your phone so you can download the public app on your phone and after you go ahead and download the public app on your phone you sign in it should look a little something like this over here depending on how much you deposited to begin with i deposited around a thousand dollars but whatever you deposited it should show up right there since this is a beginner-friendly tutorial as well i am going to be going over pretty much almost everything about this app just so you guys get a better grasp of what's going on over here too so as you can see right down here we're on the one day chart so that means that we're seeing the action of our account ever since the market opened so you can see right there the market opened at 8 30 a.m for me so the chart starts at 8 30 and currently it is 11 40 right now and just to be clear for those of you who don't know the stock market is only open from 9 30 a.m to 4 p.m eastern time and i'm in a slightly different time zone so that's why i can see that mine opened at 8 30. we can also see different time frame charts over here as well if we click on the one week chart for example this is what our chart looked like for the past week and the one month and we can keep on going on with the rest of these over here too scrolling down on this main page over here we can see that we have the options to deposit more money right there or invest let's go over the option for depositing a little bit more of our money so if we click on that we can already see that my bank account from earlier when i created the account is already connected to my public so i don't have to do anything extra to connect my account to this so let's say i did want to deposit a little bit more of my money i could click on any of these denominations that they're giving me or let's say i want to go somewhere in between a thousand dollars and 2 500. i can click on the different amount button and let's say i wanted to deposit a thousand two hundred instead i could type that out there and click next and then confirm wait for that to load and check it out sometimes public is actually gonna give you an instant deposit so whatever i just transferred to my public account right now it's an instant deposit because we can use these funds instantly to start buying stocks and crypto public isn't necessarily always going to give you this especially if you're depositing several thousands of dollars but chances are if you're depositing slightly lower values like i am they're going to be able to give you an instant deposit to work with which is fantastic we can click on the done button and you can see that our buying power actually increased by that a thousand two hundred dollars that we just deposited we do have that invest button right there as well but let's go ahead and ignore that for now and just scroll over to our portfolio section our portfolio section we can see that we have a bunch of stuff that we invested in already including our free stock of tesla that we got from public and we can sort our portfolio by different kinds of categories by clicking on that top mover section instead we can sort it by all these other different options for example like the daily change go there and you can see microsoft is now at the top because it's currently least in the red we can also click organize portfolio and create a new group grouping the items in our portfolio for example it's giving us a goal like short term let's go ahead and use our example of short term investments add that and let's add a couple of things from our list for example microsoft and amazon and click done and you can see now that it actually sorts out those items in our portfolio that are short-term that we added to our short-term list but if we go to our all we can see that tesla is back in here now again so we're still on the account section the middle button over here and what i want to look at right now is actually the page that's going to show up whenever we click on one of the stocks that we have owned so chances are you're only going to see actually one stock inside of your portfolio at the current moment because it's the free stock you got from public initially right so let's go ahead and check out the free stock that we got from public and see what's going on there so let's click on tesla and our assets and fantastic you can see on the tesla page all this information looks very familiar to us in a very easy to read chart with the company name right there the stock price and the price change on today we can see daily charts weekly charts monthly three months six months one year and five year charts really valuable information next section is going to be about our position with tesla so ever since we got this stock the value of our fractional shares has actually gone up 25 cents which is an 8.42 gain continuing on we can actually just see some preliminary data and information about them for example what exactly this company is about by clicking that button scrolling down we see some important statistics over here like for example the total company value the trading volume for today price earnings ratio dividend yield and a bunch of other information over here personally you don't have to worry about this section too much if you're a beginner investor just know that this information is readily available to you if you need it the key metrics over here is actually something that i would personally care about watching if i were you okay so firstly we have the expected or projected earnings to the actual earnings pretty much these earnings are posted quarterly and typically it's a bad sign for a company or a stock if the actual earnings are going to be lower if the actual earnings are lower than the expected or projected earnings and the inverse is true as well if the actual earnings are higher than the expected or projected earnings then that's typically better for the stock price in a very broad and general sense moving on this is something that is a little bit more specific to the public app and it shows us the current price versus the target price or the projected price for whatever company that we're looking at so we can see that as of this date the current price of tesla is 913 dollars but public is saying that the target price for tesla is around 960 dollars which represents a 5 upside the public does their own personal analysis and indicators along with working with individual analysts that give them this rating of 960 dollars and also if we move on to the right over here we can see that analysts and indicators on public are giving it a buy they're telling you that it's more on the buy side instead of a cell so both of these are really interesting things to look at over here and you might be thinking head wouldn't it be just an easy move to go to all these stocks that have a really high upside on their target price and a buy rating on public that's just easy money right there right you're saying i can make a guaranteed five percent if i invest in this company no folks analysts and indicators can always get stuff wrong okay you can't always trust analysts on here it may seem like a brain dead strategy for you but i highly suggest you guys not simply just trust the analysts on there are so many other factors you need to consider out here so please please please do not just look on public see if it's rated as a buy and then instinctually buy it okay i'll be telling you guys some better strategies to invest soon so after we finish the key metrics section the rest of this stuff is just gonna be extras that we can add on over here for example we can see the explore more section shows that there's a podcast we can listen into that talks a little bit about tesla we can scroll down over here and we can see a theme section that tesla fits into and themes are really cool if you want to buy similar stocks in certain themes but for now we're going to skip over it the next section is the news area i personally think looking at news every once in a while is a good idea especially if you're not really familiar with what's going on with this company at the moment so if you're trying to see some professionals opinions about the companies or you just want to update on what's going on you can always check out this section moving on we have the social aspect of public specifically for tesla so like i mentioned earlier we have the community that's kind of trying to act a little bit like a twitter but if we're on the company page like for example tesla right now and we scroll all the way to the bottom to see the social section we're gonna see all of the posts on public that are specifically mentioning tesla so you can see over here by nadia nadia is talking about the three to one split and we can just open this thing and just see the kind of feedback that we're getting from nadia and just the kind of messages that we're seeing over here if you really want you could give a reaction i'll go ahead and give that reaction over there and then we move on something a lot more interesting over here rather than just the strict post is that we can actually see like for example right here a lot of people will also publicize their traits i find this really really cool so you can see that evan who invested in tesla for 250 days lost around 10 jay roof who invested for 500 days lost 6 and brooke who invested in 26 days made 8 so let's actually move on and talk about how to actually start investing in these companies so let's go back and let's say we don't want to invest in any of these companies over here that we already have there are a couple of options we can do we're on the main page over here we can click on the invest button right there or we can click on the search button to explore stocks right there and clicking on the explore section we can see a bunch of different companies that might be interesting for us to invest in for example companies that have earnings showing this week going down we can find top movers on today companies that have extreme amounts of volatility during this day scrolling down we can see the themes again like for example we can see the most popular stocks if we wanted to to see what other people are buying on public go back out and a bunch of other categories for example etfs and also dividend stocks right there but let's say we wanted to simply just invest in apple right i've already searched up before so that's why it's showing up right there but we click on that thing let's say we didn't search it up before all we would need to do is type in their ticker aapl or just type in their actual name apple and we can also see it right there and we can click on it and you're going to be able to see a lot of valuable information over here we're going to want to click on the buy button right over here and there are major differences for the buy currently we're on market buying so let's click on the market button at the very bottom left corner we can see right now that we're actually buying a market order in dollars we're buying apple in dollar amounts so for the buttons that were provided these 25 50 100 500 and thousand dollars if we click on any of these buttons we're going to be trying to buy that much in apple stock so for example let's go ahead and click on the 50 button right there and then click on next it's showing that simply i want to invest 50 in apple at the market price which ends up turning into a fractional share of .289 apple shares you can also see that right down here we can tip 75 cents to support because they don't make money on a pfof the payment for order flow stuff that i was talking about earlier this is optional of course if you don't want to pay them that amount you don't have to you can deselect it for this example in particular i'm going to leave it deselected as well and i'll click submit and simple as that i invested 50 in apple and it'll bring us to a new page where we can actually publicize that we invested in apple over here if we want to make it public if you wanted to do this you could add in some extra text as well for example like i just bought some apple then throw in an apple emoji i don't know i'm not very good at writing tweets and then you can click the post button right there if you want to and then we can go back click the back button at the very top left get out of this search go back to your account by clicking the middle button and you can scroll down and you'll see that apple is now shown inside of my portfolio you can click on that and we can see how much we hold over here which is certainly 50 worth of apple that 0.289 shares of apple now let's say we want to do a market sell of this stock as well so all we need to do is find apple inside of our portfolio like we did just earlier we can click on that click on the trade button at the very bottom right click on the sell button instead if we stay on the market order for selling we can either sell certain amounts of our apple or we can just click on the all button if we don't want any more of the apple stocks that we have i'll go ahead and do this and this time i will actually tip to public just to show you guys what it actually looks like with inside of the public community section and i'll go ahead and click submit and i sold all my apple holdings i can make another public post about this as well to show people that i sold my apple and actually made a tiny bit amount of money minus the amount that i tipped i don't actually need to write anything over here i can just publicly post it done and what i can do is i can actually click on the top left over there go to my view profile i can click on my posts and you can see the difference in these two different posts over here where one i bought apple i didn't tip anything at all and two i sold the apple for a little bit and i did tip on this post quite frankly posting on public doesn't matter that much at all it's just a nice little function on here that i think you guys should be aware about if you're using this app and it's something really cool that you can use to follow other people's profiles as well so we've just learned how to buy and sell with a market order using our example of apple but what about all those other different kinds of buying and selling types that we saw just earlier how do i use those is it important for us to use those well let me explain what they are first so let's go ahead and pull up apple again and we're gonna see what it looks like when we buy it but instead of just using our market buy and clicking one of these options over here whatever i don't want to do that let's click on the market button right there and so you can see that we were buying apple in a dollar amount and that means that whatever amount that we selected over here would be the amount of apple that we get in the end for buying it so that's a pretty brain dead explanation you guys probably understand that already but there are other options over here where we can actually buy in full shares for a market order if we click on this what does that mean that means we're actually buying the full share of apple at whatever market price it is currently you can see that our price over here is listed at 174 and the price is fluctuating every once in a while the truth is that price is actually fluctuating a lot but public just doesn't animate it that much for us on the screen so instead of buying fractional shares for example only 25 worth of apple stock or just a dollar amount for example like a thousand dollars in apple stock we can instead buy full shares for example one share of apple so will show us that we're buying 174 worth of apple over here or we can say that we want to buy like for example three shares of apple stock as a market buy and buying this would be an equivalent of 523 dollars this is also fairly simple as well i don't actually want to put in that order i'm gonna go to our next section over here which is our conditional orders we have our limit order and our stop order so our limit order is going to be slightly different based on our buying and selling pretty much what it means is that we want to find a specific price for apple instead of being a market that is at the price that we mentioned or lower so for example i can type in over here that i want to buy apple at 173 dollars i can just type it in right there and i want to buy three shares of apple at 173 dollars or lower so if the price ever hits 173 or lower it'll go ahead and submit that order for me and buy the apple stocks however the inverse situation for a limit sell is going to be a little bit different your limit price on a sell is going to be the price that you want to sell at at or higher than the current market price like let's say for example the price of apple is around 174 right now and you set your limit sell price at 175 that means that if the price of apple ever reaches 175 or even higher than 175 then you can sell your shares so it's gonna be slightly different than our buying scenario but the premise of it is the same next let's quickly talk about our stop orders over here so stop order is actually going to be fairly similar to our limit orders but instead of executing your sales or your buys at that exact price the order uses the price as a trigger instead so if the price hits that trigger it'll actually buy the stock at whatever market price it's at instead of whatever stock price it's at so i hope that made like a little bit of sense but the general gist of it is that there are differences over here that you should be aware of between the different kinds of buying and the sellings but the big question over here is that as a beginner should you actually worry about the different kinds of orders now a lot of people might disagree with me on this but for me my answer is no my answer would have been yes if you're using some of these other apps like robinhood for example that do execute payment for overflow and i would highly suggest you only use limit orders on robinhood but because public doesn't do payment for order flow i'm fairly confident that they have your best interest in mind when trying to get you your best price when executing regular market orders so what i mean by that is that it's totally fine in my opinion if you go ahead and click on the buy button and you just leave it as a market buy in dollars or full shares do whatever you think is the easiest and that's the great thing about public i don't have to feel bad about making market order over here now real quick i want to go over crypto on this platform as well so if we pull up the explore section on our app again not only in this search section we can see that we can search up stocks but we can also search up cryptocurrencies for example bitcoin btc and it is right there and again we can see all different kinds of chart time frames over here scrolling down we have different kinds of information as you can see there's no more earnings on here because this isn't a company that makes earnings it's a currency but other than that it pretty much looks almost exactly the same like you'd be buying a stock on public you can click on the buy option and a very interesting thing you can see over here is that you have the option to execute a recurring buy over here let's go ahead and skip over that for now and just click on the buy and you can see that we have the exact same options of our order types minus the stop orders so if you want to invest in crypto on this app and this is exactly how you do it it's going to look very very similar although one of the big differences over here with crypto versus buying stocks on public is that where buying stocks you have to worry about the times that you buy when the stock market is open which is the 9 30 to 4 p.m monday through friday eastern time buying crypto on public and many of these other platforms you can do whenever you want at any time so you don't have to worry about time restrictions if you're investing in crypto so folks we've gone through the general basics of how to actually use your public account in order to buy and sell stocks and crypto on here but now what are the actual strategies to help you invest that'll be making you guys a hundred dollars or more daily well there are a bunch of different strategies out here but i found that the most consistent way to make continual income using brokerages and apps like these is to do what's called dollar cost averaging now if you don't know what dollar cost averaging is it's pretty much the act of investing in a certain fixed amount of money in assets like stocks and crypto on these platforms on a routine schedule no matter what the price of the stock or the crypto is so for example if you get paid out every two weeks you can set up a schedule of where every two weeks you've set aside maybe 20 of your earnings to go straight into your public account in order to buy some golden egg stocks out here that are extremely high value which are companies that you believe in my personal schedule is to do it about every month or so every month i'll go ahead and buy new stocks or i'll start buying more shares in companies that have been giving me routine consistent income over the last couple of months now you might be asking right about now ted what are these fantastic companies out here that are gonna be able to give me routine consistent income what should i even invest in i have no idea well folks there are three different categories of stocks that i found out that are wonderful to dollar cost average into i'm gonna tell you exactly what they are and a few of the companies that fit into these categories as well the first category of stocks that actually work really well with dollar cost averaging they'll be able to give you routine consistent income are dividend focused stocks so these are companies that not only have a fair bit amount of growth but also companies that pay very good dividends as well for those who don't know a dividend is pretty much when a company pays out a portion of their earnings to their shareholders as a dividend and companies that do pay out a dividend usually pay out dividends quarterly so four times a year and so i'm talking about some of these companies out here that pay a very fair dividend for example coca-cola ticker symbol k-o we can scroll over here to this section we can see that the dividend yield is a 2.74 percent another good one is mcdonald's with a dividend yield of 2.04 percent we also have realty income corp this is one that i'm really interested in with a 3.94 dividend yield so those are some interesting examples over there again i'm not necessarily saying that you should actually invest in these companies these are just companies that i've personally invested in for these different kinds of strategies please be aware i'm not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice okay now our second category of stocks which are fantastic the dollar cost average into are called etfs otherwise known as exchange traded funds etfs pretty much act as kind of like a pool for a bunch of different stocks out here so they offer you guys kind of like a way to diversify your investments by just investing in one etf and i don't even have to give you guys my personal suggestions over here because on the explore page we can scroll down and remember from earlier we saw index etfs we can see a bunch of them right there check that out view all as a huge list of etfs you can check out over here but the really interesting thing as well is that there are actually etfs that are heavy dividend focused as well so that means that they're etfs that bundle in a bunch of companies that have fairly good dividends what are some of these etfs out here well there's for example jeffy which is the jp morgan equity premium income etf we can scroll down over here and we can see that the dividend yield is 9.38 oh my goodness there's also sc hd which is the schwab us dividend equity etf dividend yield 3.12 there's also for example vig vanguard dividend appreciation etf there's also s p h d s p h d which has a dividend yield of three point fifty percent and so much more as well folks now number three are last category of stocks that are good to dollar cost average into are going to be simply just good value stocks out here now what exactly do i mean by good value i mean that's these are stocks out here these are companies that have good long-term growth potential have a reasonable amount of stability and not an incredible amount of volatility and stocks out here that i believe are fairly recession proof so companies that i believe would still do well in a downturn in the market what are some of these stocks well i am always a big microsoft fanboy okay this is going to be one of these companies out here that i believe is perpetually a golden egg for me personally but other than microsoft we also have pgr or progressive another great stock that has fantastic value in my opinion the ltr or dollar tree as well walmart waste management and so many more companies folks there's a lot of different things that you can invest in that have extreme value but i just can't cover all them inside of this video so the general idea folks is that you should be setting aside a certain amounts that you're earning however much you're comfortable with right and set either a weekly or a monthly schedule to continue investing in these companies that you truly believe in these companies that have good value or fantastic dividends folks if you guys appreciated me giving you guys this comprehensive tutorial i would appreciate you guys giving me a like on this video any kind of engagement helps boost this video in the youtube algorithm so thank you guys so much again i have a link to public down below if you guys want to use it so go ahead and claim your free stocks if you haven't already folks success is not the result of spontaneous combustion you must set yourself on fire and with that said my name is ted and let's get this bread
Channel: Ted Gets Bread
Views: 32,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: public, public app, public app review, public app how to use, public investing app, public investing app review, public tutorial, public app tutorial, how to make $100 with public, public full guide, public guide, public app guide, public investing guide, how to use public investing, how to use public app, how to trade with public app, how to trade with public, how to trade with public investing, beginners guide public, beginners guide public app, how to public app
Id: OWCVbim84NA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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