Make $23/HOUR Working From Home With Online Jobs on Clickworker!

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there are a lot of websites out here promising to make you guys some money by working some jobs or tasks but it's kind of difficult to separate the garbage websites from the sites out here that really do pay you guys out well clickworker was one of the very first websites that i ever used and joined that actually gave me the confidence that i could actually make a good money online this was several years ago when i first joined the website clickworker and i started grinding this website doing more and more of these tasks and eventually i was making around like a couple of thousand dollars in a couple of weeks now clickworker has made some huge changes to their platform and everything looks so much more different than it used to so i'm gonna go ahead and actually step you guys through the new and improved process of setting up your clickworker account working tax on clickworker getting accepted into uhrs which is a sub platform on clickworker where you're gonna actually be making the most amount of money on and then i'm gonna also step you guys through how to get paid on this platform as well so let's get it i left a link for you guys in the description of this video if you want to follow along with me and create your account and once you click that it should look something like this on the page where it's giving you a little bit of an introduction to the clickworker website it's telling us clickworker is always looking for internet users worldwide who can for example create or correct texts participate in surveys or search and categorize data for us right here they're just giving us some small examples of tax that we can do for them for a little bit of money but once we actually sign up and go through this process i'll show you exactly what kind of tasks that they ask us for on here and exactly how much they pay you guys out as well so follow along folks so they do have a mobile app over here as well as shown in this section but we're not going to go ahead and do this yet let's actually sign up on our desktop first so we can get through this setup a lot faster go and click the sign up button right there and fill out your information and after we get our account activated they're gonna ask us to fill out a bunch of information about ourselves to build out our profile and make sure that we can get paid let's go ahead and do it so the first thing they wanted us to get sorted was our address and the primary reason why they want this address information is firstly to be able to recognize that you are truly a individual single person that is signing up to click worker and not another duplicate account on this website and also secondly clickworker also needs your address to be able to send out tax information because if you are working on clickworker and you're making a lot of money with these websites they're going to need to send you the tax information that you earned in the past year or so so you can submit that in your tax return so that's why this address information is important for you to fill out so if you don't have that filled out and correct already go ahead and click on that hamburger icon up there click on contact details and you should see your information over here and go ahead and edit your address to make sure you have the right information filled out next let's do our tax and payment information details this is so we can actually make sure that we get paid once we're done with the address click the hamburger icon again click on payment details and start off with your tax information go ahead and fill out your social security number over here and additionally they might also ask you to fill out a form so that you identify as a independent contractor for clickworker if they ask you to do this just go ahead and fill it out and submit the pdf for them then arguably one of the most important steps on here payment details click on the ad now and what you're going to do is add your paypal email to this account where you're going to be able to get paid out through paypal if you don't have a paypal account yet either which i have no idea why you wouldn't have a paypal account you can also sign up to paypal using a link i provided down below as well next step folks this is going to be filling out your profile information please be sure to pay attention here guys because if you don't go ahead and fill out this stuff for yourself there's a very good chance that you might not actually get a lot of jobs populated for you and you might not be able to make a lot of money on here unless you fill out your profile so click on the hamburger icon again click on the profile section and you should be brought to a page that looks something similar to this over here you can see our profile progress currently is 20 we want to get that number to actually around 80 something percent filled out so if you can get that profile progress bar up to 80 or as high as possible as you can get you're going to set yourself up very well in order to get accepted into a lot of these projects so just go ahead and fill out all this information about yourself like give yourself a small bio your degrees that you have your work history if you have any projects or blogs you want to show off in the languages section this one's going to be super important as well because sometimes they have translation tasks over here so if you have any other proficiencies in languages make sure to select them over here skills also fairly important for you to fill out do you have any of these copywriting skills if so let them know because chances are you'll be a much better candidate than a lot of the other people on this platform that don't have these copywriting skills and you're going to be suggested to complete those jobs above them the hobbies and know how section personally i'm pretty sure this section doesn't matter that much but hey it only takes like 20 seconds to fill out anyway so why not just tell them what kind of hobbies i got down over here adult content hmm i must say that's a know-how for me make sure to follow my only fans account guys so once you finally get all that stuff sorted we're on the clickworker website and we can see all the different kinds of jobs over here that we can accomplish for some money but let me help you understand the format on this website so you can digest it a lot easier so this main section up here is going to be your recommended page where it's going to be a bunch of the recommended stuff that they want you to do sometimes these can be good projects but for now we're going to ignore it and move on to our other sections so our available jobs are just jobs that clickworker has for us to accomplish directly from clickworker and there are usually quite a bunch of these to do over here which is really cool a lot of money to be made here scroll back up we can collapse this available job section and actually see the partner platforms so clickworker actually lists these other platforms on here that you can make money with that clickworker actually integrates with so you can see that clickworker actually integrates with both uhrs and peanut labs with my honest experience okay like i mentioned earlier uhrs is gonna be where you actually make a bunch of money on with clickworker it's how i personally made my hundreds and thousands of dollars whenever i work with clickworker in uhrs peanut labs however peanut labs is definitely not something i would personally recommend usually the surveys on peanut labs do not pay as much and sometimes you even get disqualified from the surveys that you take on peanut labs so you'll end up doing all this work for them with no results because you get disqualified so sometimes it gets pretty frustrating but you hrs however we're going to be talking a little bit more about that later in the video so you can really amp up your earning potential but for now so let's go ahead and continue with the rest of the parts of clickworker so we can collapse this partner platform section as well and see the app jobs that we can actually do and these are the jobs that we can do on our phones we can't do them on desktop where i am right now i actually need to download the phone app first and we're going to be going through these tasks as well in just a little bit okay so let's go ahead and just do one of these jobs out here that clickworker has on their platform naturally so i can see a bunch of jobs that are start with evaluate search ranking so the premise of these tasks is typically going to be like they're going to give us a phrase to google search or like bing search or something and we have to see where a certain page ranks within the search results like what page does it land on and what are the other pages around it stuff like that i don't know why i'm explaining it though if they can explain it inside the task too so for example i can check out evaluate search ranking for men's dress shoes i click on the details section and start now so the specific task they wanted to do is open a new incognito tab go to search up men's dress shoes and find the website just men's shoes and type in the numeric value for the google page that we're on so yeah pretty much exactly what i said they want to see where they rank on google search and not only that the way that these other people and these other companies like profit from giving you guys this kind of money is because they'll also ask you to click on their link which will improve their seo which will improve their score ranking in google this is some advanced information that you guys don't necessarily need to know but i think it's important for you guys to understand exactly what kind of value that you're giving to them over here so for example let's go ahead and just step through this project right now let's do it so let's go to an incognito tab we want to search up men's dress shoes and the website we're supposed to find is so let's scroll it's not on this page i think okay there's an ad for just men's shoes but we're not supposed to click on the ads so we're going to keep going next page and a trick we can do is control f the page and type in the website just met men shoes and it looks like it's not on this page either so we're gonna keep going third page oh my god finally i found it on page 12 just men's shoes for men's blue dress shoes so what are the instructions they want again copy the google url for the results page you were on where you found the requested domain from step four okay but first i want to tell them the google page that we're on we're on page 12. we'll type that in click on that link copy this url go ahead and give them that then give them the google position which is counting down from the top of the non-ad results in the google to the position that the requested domain was in as a number so what they mean is go back to the google search results and what number are they on this page so they're not the first not the second third fourth fifth six seven eight nine ten they are number ten at the very bottom of this list so that's 10. oh actually i didn't read these instructions very carefully i was only supposed to click on the search results afterwards so this research url is actually supposed to be like this and the google url is the one that is right here at the top of the page like that the literal google url of the page there you go that's what that is right over there so once we're done with that we can go ahead and save and fantastic we just made like 32 cents over here now that might sound like only a little bit of money but the great thing about this is that a lot of these tasks are things that you can do repetitively over and over and this is stuff that doesn't take that much time at all to complete this task in particular did take a little bit of time because the search result was further down in the google search results so i typically wouldn't recommend this specific project but there are so many other projects that are much much faster to complete and pay comparable or even higher amounts of money especially on uhrs which is something i'm going to get to very soon in this video so i mentioned earlier that i was going to explain why that there are people out here that are willing to pay you to search up these phrases and visit these websites well to put it simply for that shoe example you're giving value to that shoe website just men's shoes or whatever it was called the value that you're giving to that company and the reason why they're willing to pay you out to complete that task is because not only are you giving them that information of where their page shows up for the keyword search of men's dress shoes or whatever the search thing was you're also clicking on the page inside of google and what that actually tells google is it tells google that this website this page right here is actually very relevant to this search result and so simply you clicking on this website and a bunch of other people clicking on as well inside clickworker is going to help boost their rankings within google and give them more business so i hope that exchange makes a little bit more sense to you guys and i hope that gives you guys more context about why exactly you're doing some of these jobs over here but of course not all the jobs are going to be specifically to help improve a page's seo and page search ranking inside of google sometimes these jobs are simply to help improve artificial intelligence by helping label some stuff let's do another simple example but for this time instead we're going to do this search we're going to do the keyword of los angeles web design we search it up and the page we're looking for is coalition technologies control f to search up coalition technologies holy moly wait hold on a second they're literally second place over here on the first page that's fantastic so this one was super fast the google url remember it's just this thing right here at the top google page number one google position is number two right and then the research url we'll go ahead and click on that copy that in and paste that in fantastic and we save that easy peasy money folks so guys i wasn't gonna do any more of these evaluate search ranking jobs because i think you guys get the gist of it but i was scrolling through and i found this very interesting one over here that was kind of curious about it's evaluate search ranking for realistic penis extension and realistic penis sleep i didn't know this was a thing guys i kind of want to know what it is now i'm assuming these two are from the same company so let's just let's just do one of them oh boy probably gonna have to censor this for youtube though okay let's let's try it out so similar to what we were doing before search up this key phrase but instead this time it is realistic penis extension so incognito tab and thank goodness i'm doing this in an incognito tab this time and we are looking for oh check it out it's another easy one it's literally right there on the on the first page first page but one two three four they're the fourth results here so let's give them the google url first page fourth position let's we're gonna click on the page okay we're going to click on the page we'll mess up the energy to click on the page okay this is going to be censored okay oh wait a second it's just everything looks normal okay okay hey they're not showing the actual products oh okay okay it's just it's it's kind of like a strap i guess yeah yeah damn dude these things cost 400 to like six hundred dollars guys good on you good business you got there guys fantastic got paid some money just look at some dicks wonderful all right so next up i want to talk about using clickworker on your phone to make some money let's go ahead and whip out our phones over here and what we're going to want to do is open up the play store or the app store on your phone and search up click worker you're going to see screen shots for the page looking something similar to this this is what you're going to want to download on your phone so unfortunately clickworker prevents me from actually recording my phone screen on here everything i record just shows a black so instead of doing that i'm just going to give you a general gist of what's going on over here the main difference here while everything is looking the same and you can complete some of the jobs that we just completed earlier you're also going to be able to do the jobs that were only restricted to the phone application so for example this task over here asks you to record yourself pronouncing one short phrase as a male so if you're male all they're asking for you to do is read out this certain phrase and record yourself doing it so you can pronounce it and like i mentioned earlier some of these jobs are out here trying to help train their ai so you giving your pronunciation to clickworker will help improve some certain ai to help see how different people pronounce a certain phrase this one over here is show us the size of your car tire i'm assuming it's pretty much just having us take a photo of our car and our car tire not entirely sure what benefit there is over there for the company but hey they're paying us to do it so why not so the general summary of being able to use clickworker on your phone is that it's a great way to do clickworker work while you're on the go like for example you're out and about and you're just bored outside and you want to make some extra money and also they're tasks that usually require access to either your microphone or your camera so you can record some certain audio or take some photos or video all right now i want to talk about our last way that we're going to make money on here and arguably is probably our most important way to actually make money working with uhrs i've been saying this phrase uhrs a lot and i haven't really explained what it is and now it's finally time for me to do so finally right so like i mentioned earlier uhrs is actually a partner platform that clickworker works with is integrated with so that you can work on uhrs and actually get paid out through clickworker so you can access uhrs this platform that has a bunch of jobs and other tasks on there that pay out quite high but you access it through clickworker and you also get paid through clickworker as well uhrs actually stands for universal human relevance system and it's created by microsoft in order to help train a bunch of their ai and a lot of the technology that they're working on developing so for example on uhrs some of the jobs on here involve you getting some kind of bing search results based on a certain phrase or keyword that's typed into bing it's going to show you some results and uhris is going to ask you hey is this search results relevant to what was actually searched in in the first place yes or no and you give them the answer and they'll give you some money for answering that and the great thing about uhrs is that because it is microsoft and because microsoft has a ton of money that they can use to invest into training their ai and developing out these platforms a lot of that money ends up going to people like you and me to help give them that valuable data that's why working on uhrs through clickworker is such a killer way to make some money online so how do we actually sign up to be a part of uhrs while we're inside a clickworker well we're back on the main page and we can scroll all the way down to the point of where we see the partner platforms and you can see that you can click here for more tasks on uhrs if we click on this details section we can start actually applying to work on uhrs through here unfortunately there's actually a whole nda that i have to sign in order to work on uhrs with clickworker so i can't show you the exact details of what's going on behind the scenes but what i can tell you is that it is kind of similarly looking to clickworker itself but the great thing about uhrs is that it's gonna be so much easier for you to routinely do these tasks repetitively over and over and over so you can rack up some good money right after you complete working one task it actually moves you on to working the next task in that same exact sequence so you can make some more money that might sound a little confusing to you guys but in summary it's pretty much making it much simpler for you to go from task to task without any downtime which will end up giving you guys a lot more profit inside of your paypal alright folks last thing i actually want to talk about is payment all right how do you get that money that you earned in clickworker actually into your hands right well typically you're going to be able to see a balance on directly on clickworker at the very top right of the page like for example right here and also you're going to be able to see a similar page within uhrs that'll tell you how much you've earned as well and the whole gist of it is is that if you have gone over here you've gone to the payment details you filled out your information for your social security number your tax information whatever you need there and you inputted a correct paypal email to get paid inside of your payment details you'll get paid out by clickworker every two weeks so you're gonna be able to work with clickworker for about two weeks and after that two weeks is done they'll pay you out for that previous week that you just worked you don't have to request a payment out or anything they'll do it for you automatically and you'll see that money inside of your paypal account folks if you guys appreciate this video and you guys think that i gave you any kind of value inside of this video i would definitely appreciate a like and if you want to see more videos like this in the future you can definitely hit the subscribe button down below too i'll be honest folks sometimes kind of hard to pump out these videos and i've been slacking for a really long time but every time i see encouraging comments down below it actually incredibly raises my spirits so thank you guys so much for those comments it makes my journey so much more worth it knowing that i'm actually giving true value to people out here inside of my community let's get out here and find people that we can build with not just chill with and with that said my name is ted and let's get this bread
Channel: Ted Gets Bread
Views: 126,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, make money online weekly with clickworker review, clickworker, clickworker review, best ways to make money online, click worker, clickworkers, click workers, clickworker jobs, data entry job, micro tasking, work from home jobs, clickworker payment proof, clickworker tutorial, clickworker scam, clickworker app, how to make money online, how to make money for free, make money online for free, make money online 2022, online jobs, online jobs at home
Id: 7MG1ahAZlJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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