How to Make Money on YouTube With Simple Relaxation Videos

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I made over $300,000 from a single YouTube channel and this right here this is just one of my nine YouTube channels so do you want to make money on YouTube but not show your face you don't want to record any videos you don't want to make any videos if so you're in the right place in this video today I'm gonna show you exactly how you can make money on YouTube with a super incredible technique that I've hardly seen taught anywhere else online I'm gonna show you channels doing this how you can do this to how you can generate videos super easily without showing your face without dealing with copyright or anything like that but this is going to require that you actually put in the work to do this I'm gonna be laying this all out in this video today but if you want to actually make money with this method you have to actually put in the work and do the steps that I'm teaching and my name is Matt Parr I run nine different YouTube channels and now I'm showing others how they can do the same because YouTube has completely transformed my life and I hope that it can transform yours too now I'm not saying that if you just upload a bunch of random videos you're gonna get millions of views and you'll make a ton of money but what I am saying is that you're about to learn the same exact techniques and strategies that I personally use to make six figures a year on YouTube and that tons of my successful students use as well so without further ado let's jump on my computer right here so we can take a look at some example channels that are actually doing this now the first example channel I want to show you is this channel right here called meditation and relaxation music channel now what's so amazing about this channel is that they literally just upload videos with stock videos in the background of these videos and I'm gonna show you places where you can get these exact videos to use within your videos not have to deal with copyright or anything like that because I see so many people out there teaching these bogus strategies on how you can literally go out there take other people's videos and re-upload them to YouTube let me just tell it to you straight that does not work you can't just steal other people's content and upload it on your channel but what I'm about to show you today is going to allow you to use other people's content but for absolutely free don't have to deal with any legal issues or anything like that this is the real proper way to do it so you can build a real long term business with YouTube and that's exactly what I want to share with you today so looking at this channel right here 300,000 subscribers and they get over a million views per month just on their Channel and this channel right here is by far not the only channel doing this tons of channels doing this here's yet another one called meditation relax Club sleep music and mindfulness literally these same types of videos and let me just show you for example if we click one of these videos right here all this video literally is is an intro and then it's literally just some stock video of looks like some plants blowing in the wind right here with some music in the background of the video that's literally what these videos are and this channel right here is getting five point nine million views per month on their channel making between one thousand and twenty three thousand dollars per month on their channel now due to running channels and niches similar to this I would estimate that this channel right here is making a round in the middle of that from ad revenue directly from YouTube so I would estimate that they're making around twelve to fifteen thousand dollars per month now a $12,000 a month paycheck is a lot to a lot of people and this is exactly what these channels are doing literally just stock footage in the background with music in the background I'm gonna show you exactly where you can get music for generating these types of videos as well here's the add another channel doing the exact same thing called great meditation these same types of videos here's yet another channel transformation and miracle meditation music same types of videos over a hundred thousand subscribers they got a silver play button from YouTube which is what YouTube gives out when channels reach a hundred thousand subscribers and YouTube gives the gold play button right there when channels reach a million subscribers here's yet another channel doing this exact same thing 800,000 subscribers doing this exact method here's yet another one meditative mind 2.8 3 million subscribers these same types of videos and if we take a look at the statistics for this channel 25 million views per month and they're making an estimated between 6,000 and a hundred thousand dollars a month and like I said if it's an around in the middle of that they're making around fifty thousand dollars a month from their channel just from ads now a lot of people are gonna be watching this video and they're gonna say how can you put ads on meditation videos aren't they isn't that going to enter the viewing experience during the videos well you don't put the ads in the actual video itself what you do is you put an ad at the beginning of the video and an ad at the end of the video that way you don't interrupt their view and your experience or anything like that and also you can put little banner ads at the bottom that don't interrupt the viewing experience for these meditation videos whatsoever because the last thing you want is for someone to be watching a meditation and then all of a sudden be interrupted by an advertisement and that would obviously make people click off the video and ruin your audience retention so make sure to only put ads at the beginning and end of your video if you're doing this method but you can definitely do that still make a ton of money doing this method and there's tons of channels doing this and also you can make money through YouTube premium revenue as well and through some other sources and I'm about to be sharing with you on this video today I'm super excited to share this with you but fifty thousand dollars a month with just ad revenue absolutely crazy here's yet another channel doing the exact same thing sleep in meditation music these same types of videos and I understand this is gonna get a little bit obnoxious showing all these channels doing this exact same thing getting just insane results five million views a month on this channel here's yet another channel to honest guys meditation relaxed music same types of videos they're about to hit a million subscribers about to get a gold play button 3.4 million views a month here's yet another channel doing the exact same thing they got a gold play about in 1.5 million subscribers here's another channel 2 million subscribers and if we take a look at the stats 10 million views a month with these super simple videos so right about now you might be saying I'm sold I want to get started doing this but how in the heck do I actually start generating content like you said well I'm gonna show you exactly how to do that right now and I'm going to show you how you can put the content together and generate these videos super easily so to actually find content all you have to do is go to a website called pixabay so if you literally just search pixabay in google right here as you can see here's this website right here completely free stock images and videos that you can use for completely free within your videos in for example let's take a look at this channel right here 2 million subscribers 10 million views a month and if we look at any of their videos so it's literally just these nature landscapes for these videos so let's say for its we go to pixabay and we literally just search in beach if you search beach in pics of a go right here and click videos you can see completely free videos that you can use you can use any of these videos this is a great one right here looks just like those other channels that I was just showing you guys as you can see you can literally use these videos for free within your videos so how do you download him just click this green button right here and then you just select download you can download these videos completely free so now you're probably wondering how can I actually get music to use within the background of my videos without having to deal with copyright strikes or anything like that well here's how you do it all you simply have to do is go to youtube and then click on your profile picture in the top right corner and go to your YouTube studio and now once you hear all you simply have to do is scroll down on the left hand side right here and click this little button that says audio library now this will bring you to the YouTube audio library now what the YouTube audio library is is a completely free collection of audio files music sound effects and all that kind of stuff that you can use within your videos for completely free so how do you actually go about finding the best music to use within your videos so if we're going to be making a meditation channel all we have to do right here is go to mood and then let's say we want to select inspirational music right here and then simply go to the top right hand corner right here click attribution and make sure to select attribution not required now this will show you completely free audio files music that you can use within your videos for completely free not have to deal with copyright strikes or anything like that and then let's say we wanted to sort the genre by ambient music some of that nice ambient background music that a lot of these meditation channels use and then let's simply play a couple of the music tracks so you can hear how they sound as you can hear these are great music tracks they sound exactly like those other meditation channels that you can find directly within the YouTube audio library and if you wanted to take this to the next level you can always do a voiceover when I started out on YouTube I literally just did voiceovers using this crappy iPhone that I had with a super high pitch voice but you can literally do voiceovers just using your phone you don't need any fancy equipment and just do like affirmations or something in the background of these videos and have that music playing in the videos so how do you download this music you simply hit this button right here on the right hand side and download this music onto your device now how do you actually edit these videos together the best way possible and maybe you don't have money to spend on a video editor or any of this fancy video editing equipment or any of this kind of stuff all you have to do is download a completely free software called hitfilm express is completely free just go to FX home comm slash hitfilm dash Express and you can download this software completely free now let me actually walk you through generating this content step-by-step so I have hitfilm open right here and I have some audio and video files downloaded on my computer right here now all we simply have to do is select all of these files right here and just drag them in to hit film in the media area right here and just like that our files are imported into hitfilm and now all we simply have to do is drag these files one by one onto the timeline and as you can see that video is on the timeline now now let's drag that one on right here and then let's drag this one on right here and then we simply select our music track right here that same music track that we saw on the YouTube audio library drag it directly under those right here and as you can see there's a little gap at the beginning so let's trim that off very simply just drag it just like that and now let me play for you guys this video you as you can see we literally made a video in like under sixty seconds now machen if you were to actually go in loop this audio you know put multiple of these audience next to each other make these hours long like these meditation channels are doing you could easily crank out a video every single day and if you upload every single day you're going to be far ahead of most of the competition and most of these meditation channels which are uploading like one video week and stuff like that it's always best to upload as many videos as possible so you can generate these videos super simply and then to export these videos you simply go to the top right right here and select export and you can export these videos onto your computer and then upload them to YouTube now let me show you how you can get other people to generate these videos for you so all you simply have to do is go to google and type in Fiverr and if you go to right here and type in meditation as you can see there's literally people on Fiverr who will make a completely free meditation music for you for only $5 now let's take a look back at these channels right here this video right here is 1.5 million views a conservative estimate for this video would be that it generated at least $1000 this is like on low low-end at least $1000 generated from this video right here and you're paying $5 for someone to actually make a meditation you can even get people to make voiceover meditations as you can see right here where they're actually use their voice and you know just really take it to the next level so if you can pay someone $5 to make a video and you can make $1000 potentially maybe let's say your average video makes $100 that's still making you money and I would gladly pay $5 to make $100 all day long am I saying that if you go to Fiverr and you download these audio files and all that and you put in your own video that you're gonna automatically make a hundred dollars of video no I cannot guarantee that and would you be wasting your time if you did all this and you uploaded videos and they don't get any traction and you don't get any views and you don't make any money yes you would be wasting your time but to prevent that I have a completely free training that you can attend by simply clicking the link in the description of this video it's completely free it's going to show you some more niches to do this in how to generate videos superfast and most importantly how to make a ton of money from your videos and get a ton of views that's what this free training a my link in the description is going to show you exactly how to do so if you want to check that out you can check it out but looking here you can literally pay people $5 on Fiverr to make meditations for you and then simply pay another person on Fiverr to edit your videos just type in video editing right here tons of people who will edit videos on Fiverr for very cheap now how can you actually make way more money from these videos than most people on YouTube a lot of these channels are leaving a huge portion of the pie to everybody who knows about this method and I'm about to show to you right now how to make a ton more money on YouTube than from just ad revenue let me show you how to do this so all you have to simply do go to google and type in digi store 24 right here and you simply go to digi store 24 comm and then click the Marketplace on the top right here and then once you're in the marketplace just search for meditation then search as you can see there's a product in here that you can promote and every single person who buys a premium meditation through this page right here they go to the shop they buy a meditation after you put this link in the description of your meditation YouTube videos you get 60% of every single sale and as you can see the promote this you simply click promote now and you sign up for a digi store 24 account it's completely free to sign up and you can start making money right away so simply go to digi store 24 sign up for the affiliate program for this and then put that link in the description and in the pin comment section of every single one of your meditation videos and this is how you can make a ton more money on YouTube than simply replying on Adsense but don't get me wrong you can make a ton of money on Adsense as well and also people who are into meditations are also like we have a lot of the same interests for example if we go to digi sewer 24 comm and we go down here within their marketplace as you can see there's actually a spirituality in esoterics section now people who are in the meditations are most likely into spirituality and all that stuff as well and if we go to this section right here as you can see highest converting archetype product and if we go to the sales page of this product people can sign up for quizzes and then if they later buy through this link right here then you can promote on your YouTube videos you'll earn an average of 15 dollars per sale and you can go to digi so 24 con promote any of these things on any of your meditation videos that you produce or that you can pay other people to produce for you but these videos are very easy to generate yourself as well and the real beauty of this method is that you can generate the videos yourself at first and then once you're making enough money from those channels you can expand and you can put a video creation machine assembly line whatever you want to call it you can put this in place and you can start having the videos produced for you and all you literally have to do is come up with video ideas and upload the videos and that's all I deal with in my youtube operation now let me ask you a question if you had the choice between trying to do this all yourself trying to guess and trying to figure out what works what doesn't by trial and error and maybe you'll succeed and maybe you won't if you had the choice between that and having someone who's done this time and time again help you guide you and work with you to get the results that you want on YouTube and to make sure that you're not just wasting your time with this method what would you choose option one or option two if you said option two I would love to introduce you to my program called tube mastery and monetization at the link in the description you can see everything that's included in the program you're going to get access to me in a community where I'll answer literally any questions that you have and you're going to get access to in my opinion the number one YouTube course on the market we have tons of students who are absolutely crushing it right now and if you go to map are calm slash reviews you can see all of the amazing testimonials reviews and student success stories that we've gotten so far so I would love for you to join the community it's honestly the best community in regards to this stuff in my opinion I absolutely love the community I love talking with people on their answering questions and I'm always happy to help and unlike most courses or online programs where you buy the program and you immediately forgot about by the course creator I make sure that I will not forget about you and I make sure to answer any questions that you have along the way in the private group and we have an amazing community and on top of all that you're gonna get access to my step-by-step course showing you exactly how to do this the right way how we blew up a channel from 0 to 500 thousand subscribers in a single year how I run nine different YouTube channels how I outsource the content creation how I structure my team to actually produce these videos the tools we use script templates for systematizing your video script templates for reaching out to people all of that's included in tube mastery and monetization and if you want to join the link is in the description as well as the link to the completely free training as well if you're on the fence about the course you can attend the free training I really look forward to hopefully working with you in the future if you want to work with me I want to work with you and I hope you got a ton of value from this video right here if you enjoyed this video you're gonna love this video it's going to show you exactly step by step how to do this in another really weird niche so check it out right here thanks so much for watching everybody follow me on Instagram app make money Matt and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Make Money Matt
Views: 433,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money on youtube without making videos, make money on youtube, make money fast, how to make money, how to make money on youtube, how to make money online, make money online, work from home, easy ways to make money, how to make money fast, make money from home, make money, ways to make money, ways to make money online, work from home jobs, online jobs, working from home, home based business, home business, online job, side hustle, using youtube, matt par
Id: o3W75hC8M70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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