How to Make Money as an Introverted Artist (+ 5 Business Ideas)

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are you watching this video after canceling plans to go out with your friends well then you have probably come to the right place today we're looking at how introverted artists are crushing the business world along with business ideas for introverts and tips on how to make your life easier in a world that puts so much value on outward expression many many years ago employers used to take note of how introverted candidates were as extroverts were preferred for most jobs this used to be based on the idea that extroverts make better leaders have better communication skills and are easier to integrate into the work culture but this idea no longer holds much value as with unhindered access to information we're coming to understand that introverts not only perform very well in business environments but might also be better leaders than extroverts various psychologists have started to out wildly successful entrepreneurs like larry page bill gates warren buffett and many more as introverts consequently it's starting to make sense that the tendency for extroverts to earn more than introverts isn't based on their superior skills but rather on introverts abilities to use their quirks to their advantage when we stop looking at introverts as people who lack social abilities but rather as people with different personality variants with their own particular strengths and weaknesses will soon be able to position introverts at the top of the business world without having to do any mental gymnastics now this video isn't hating on extroverts i just wanted to create a video that highlights a lot of the strengths that us introverts have and as an art channel i'm assuming that most of us are introverts so i thought this video would help a lot of people so by reframing our perception we can turn a shy quiet and somewhat a social person into someone who's insightful and empathetic introspective and self-motivated as with any other area of life there's more than meets the eye when it comes to these shades of personality also speaking of art if you're interested in 3d art and want to learn how to get a handle on the basics and learn some fun stuff you can check out my two courses my coloring book and my survival kit where i teach you everything about texturing in substance painter and then building beautiful environments in unreal engine a ton of cool stuff in there so go ahead and check it out with the link in the description if you want to consider getting the courses so let's talk about the strengths of an introvert for a second the consensus is that an introvert is unassertive socially challenged and reserved the main difference between introverts and extroverts seems to be considered as their source of energy where extroverts get their energy and motivation from their social interactions an introvert will get it from inwards or by interacting with small groups of people with plenty of time to recharge long story short extroverts recharge their batteries by hanging out with people and blowing off steam and introverts recharge their batteries by being alone however plenty of studies have surfaced so far that widen our understanding of how introverts and their counterparts think and behave this paves the way to a clearer picture of their respective strengths and weaknesses when it comes to introverts research backs up many claims that would position them as advantageous employees and leaders introverts make more lasting impressions and form better bonds due to their high empathetic abilities and tendency to listen rather than talk introverts are able to take in more data from other people they will often pick up details and subtle cues from conversations that extroverts might often miss now it's not hard to see how other people will often form a great impression of introverts as they feel understood and touched by the fact that introverts actually listen to them rather than wait for their turn to talk this is very very advantageous in a business situation introverts are also autonomous and self-motivated where extroverts might need external simulation in order to function an introvert will be happiest while completely immersed in their work this is because they are able to work at their own pace for a long extended period of time especially when they're doing something that they enjoy constant interruptions or supervision will usually give an introverted person a hard time which is why so many introverts actually succeed as business owners their ability to draw motivation from their internal space and joyously keep working towards their goals gives them a massive advantage over the more socially inclined counterparts introverts are also very introspective and thoughtful constantly looking inwards can definitely make you prone to overthinking and anxiety i know this i do it all the time but it also gives introverts a distinct advantage their self-reflection tendencies help them understand themselves on a level that some extroverts might not be able to and give them insights into their strengths and weaknesses something that is very very powerful when you're building your own business the constant strive to discover yourself the ability to reconsider goals according to your circumstances and adapt to new information is what ultimately might make you a better business person than someone who doesn't do that after all knowing yourself is a critical part of success in any field another great advantage is that introverts are actually fantastic leaders since introverted people don't necessarily crave the spotlight introverts are more likely to take everyone else's wishes into consideration you can quietly lead teams through empathy thoughtful consideration as well as the power of example douglas adams said that the keenest to be in power are the ones less suited for it and this observation fits this particular situation like a glove now let's take all of these strengths and apply them to the business world how can introverts leverage their innate abilities towards professional success especially in the art world let's take a look at some examples now the first business idea and probably the most obvious one would be to start an online shop an online shop could be just the thing you need to build a steady cash flow without having to interact with basically anyone the nature of the shop depends wildly on your art but there are a ton of options whatever your artistic medium might be you can start your own website and keep all of the profits but you'll have to invest in marketing and administration on the other hand you could use one of the already established creative markets on the internet for a percentage of sales in both cases you could sell both digital and physical items however going through a third party is a lot easier if your final product will be apparel home decor or stationery since print on demand websites already have the necessary structure in place to customize the products pack and ship them efficiently for a much smaller price than it would for you to do it by yourself this also eliminates the need for you to go out and interact and make deals with inventory and packaging and shipping manufacturers which can be very stressful i personally love avoiding that kind of stuff some of the things you can sell include full-on artwork as decor prints postcards apparel and tileable patterns 3d printing models user interface stuff stock graphics and photos templates of any kind source files the list goes on and on and on if you can think of it then there's probably a market for it you just need to find the people who are willing to buy what you're selling and that can be easily accomplished with a bit of determination and the best part is that you don't have to talk to anyone ever if that's what you want your business can be coordinated from anywhere you can get internet access and you don't have to feel the cold breath of a supervisor breathing down the back of your neck another solid business idea for introverts is affiliate marketing now affiliate marketing is probably one of those things that gives you the wrong impression of over saturation just like when people were saying it's too late to start a youtube channel in 2010 we're at a point where people hear the idea of affiliate marketing so much that they believe that there's no way they can get into it now and still make money from it but that is just plain wrong more and more businesses are starting to understand that people are more likely to be hit by an asteroid than click on an ad which is why they are turning their efforts towards organic advertising instead this means that rather than advertising their products and services through actual ads they're paying influencers to promote their products through more subtle means a blog post about the technical requirements from running a certain piece of software is going to sell a lot more computer components than those pesky ads that interrupt your videos and the person who is recommending the product will always enjoy a part of the total sales which means they're more incentivized to recommend great products to people who might be looking for them now i know what you're thinking you're not an influencer you are an introvert you barely post pictures of yourself on social media but an influencer can be anyone from a blogger to a person who regularly answers questions on reddit and provides value to their readers take me for example i'm sitting in a dark room right now talking to you as thousands of people listen to me and i am completely introverted i could have gone out with my girlfriend today to hang out with her business friends but i've decided to sit in this dark room and record a youtube video so if i can do it so can you and one of the good things about affiliate marketing is that it's easy to get started you can start looking for affiliate deals for products you already use and love and insert a link to those next time you're telling someone on quora about your favorite plugins it honestly doesn't get more introvert friendly than this i also have friends who are making tens of thousand dollars a month doing this it's not for everyone and it's not guaranteed to work but it can work and it will work for people who are really willing to dig into it now the next potential business for introverts might come as a surprise and that is tutoring and instructing now this might sound a little counter-intuitive but you can absolutely be an online instructor even when you're not the biggest people person doubling down on introverts abilities to listen carefully pick up on details and empathize with someone's learning process can easily make us realize that introverts are in fact incredible teachers and leaders regardless of your niche everyone has valuable skills and information that other people could find useful when you pair this with exceptional patience and an insightful personality you get the formula for the perfect tutor and if you really really hate talking to people one-on-one and in person you can pre-record classes or tutorials without showing your face on camera or offer consulting services and private teaching sessions via calls or text and if you're not completely opposed to meeting people in real life you might find tutoring sessions really pleasant just because you're introverted doesn't mean you don't like talking to people and coming from the other side many people and students would appreciate that an instructor is calm and reserved as that denotes confidence in their craft not to mention that an apprenticeship relationship is wildly different from other social interactions as you're coming from a place of superiority your students will want to learn from you thus will pay attention to what you've got to say rather than just socialize so the next business idea is freelancing but i wanted to talk from an introvert's perspective and explain why freelancing is actually really great for introverts content and creative writing graphic design 3d modeling illustration concept art they're all valuable skills that you can use to build a really flourishing career for yourself as a freelancer now it's definitely true that freelancing is one of those domains where you do need some level of people skills and the more the better but there are ways for you to avoid unnecessary interactions sites like freelancer guru or fiverr will allow you to browse jobs that match your skills and send written proposals that will help distinguish you from other candidates if you make a good enough pitch chances are that you'll get the job without ever having to hear the voices of your potential clients and for an introvert this honestly sounds way too good to be true now if you're okay with a little bit of text text-based chatting here and there this can be a great way for you to get some extra cash or go into a business for yourself full-time eventually after you've built up the client base and the skill sets and the best part about all of this and what attracted me to freelancing and content creation in the first place is that it means you can work completely by yourself from wherever you want like if you're in the mood to be by yourself and not talk to another person for a whole week you can technically do it i mean i do it sometimes just depending on my mood i can think of no better way to do that than being self-employed another great and surprisingly profitable niche you can get into is becoming a commission artist or going into business on a commission based system now no matter what art medium you use your ability to create anything can easily be translated into some extra cash unique customized products will always have a market and commissions can pay some hefty sums when done right again i have several artist friends who are making a full-time career more money than i was making at my part-time job just by doing commissions there are endless options we're talking about custom embroidery painted sneakers and apparel caricatures poems and stories arc viz motion graphics the customization possibilities are endless if someone needs it customized there's a market for it that you could potentially be tapping into all you really need is a way to reach a broad audience which can be accomplished through social media sites such as youtube instagram or something more specific and targeted like etsy you would be surprised at how many orders you'll be able to get if you put a little effort into promoting your services and the opportunities will be there even if you don't have thousands of followers i started making money on my social media accounts with hundreds of followers i didn't have to hit 100k to make any money now i have a few interesting videos that talk about how to grow on social media so check the links in the description after this video if you really want to jump down that rabbit hole there's a ton of interesting stuff to talk about many artists can find gigs on art station deviantart or even in subreddits like starving artists and artists for hire even though their posts seemingly get little or no engagement at all you'd be surprised what happens and what goes down in the dms as with all other opportunities the most challenging thing is starting to believe you can succeed because that is when you're going to start putting yourself out there again i know these are kind of easy and expected business ideas but i wanted to explain them and hopefully shed some new light on these ideas you may have written off in the first place i think it's time we start looking past our initial preconceptions and start to realize that introverts are not only just as suitable for the business world as other people would be but sometimes are even better when you start leveraging your innate talents and that was one of the main points of this video to help you understand that just because you're a little quieter or you're a little more awkward in some social situations like i can be it doesn't mean you can't build a thriving and massively successful business and guys there's nothing wrong with leaning into your strengths and understanding your weaknesses and adapting your lifestyle to suit these dimensions that's the very thing that leads to self-evolution knowing yourself and working with and around your own quirks to ensure success this was a super fun video to make i actually really enjoyed making this one thank you very much guys for watching this video if you have any other video ideas please feel free to shoot them down in the comments i love talking about business stuff and artist stuff in general and your ideas were always super super helpful as usual i'm thomas from stylize station and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Stylized Station
Views: 89,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m0vHQOjeYwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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