How To Make Money As A Teen Online - 5 Legit Ways (2020)

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now I'm gonna be completely honest the only way to properly make good money in your teenagers is to do so ever since I was 14 I knew for a fact I wanted to make a living online and in my teenage years I went from making $2 a month to them barely doing any work and making a few hundred pounds in my sleep and today I'm gonna be compiling literally every single thing I've learned and the best bit is it's completely free I'm not paying any behind a paywall there's no courses there's no second video this is literally in looking at my analytics though only 15% of people who are watching this are actually subscribed so if you're thinking about subscribing just do it it's free you can always unsubscribe if you decide you hate me and Jay helps the channel out a lot so then we just explain some ground rules here they may not be what you want to hear but if you're serious about making money in your teens you're gonna want to listen that firstly I'm sorry to be a buzzkill but everything takes time the first year of this whole experience is going to be hard you're gonna be working below minimum wage you're gonna be tired most of the time you're gonna want to quit and I hope you appreciate this information because it's not in my best interests to tell you from this video and make you click off but I'd rather make people who want serious about this click off now than mislead them throughout the whole of this video and just give crap advice but swing that can really help with the initial grinding stage is doing something you actually enjoy so if you love creating music the best way for you to make money is gonna be to produce beats or write for people online obviously there's just a few examples to name the least but a general rule I like to use is you should pick what you enjoy and do one of these free things éva sell your services online through freelancing you can sign up for sites such as and and work for people online who educate other people on the subject you are passionate about you can do this for a tutoring making YouTube videos like I'm doing right now and number three is to create a product and brand around a problem that needs to be solved in your field so for example editing is really boring and I'm pretty sure myself editing this can agree well I could create a product or service online that makes editing ten times easier now look that's great and all by understand most of you don't really know what you like surfer up the remainder of this video I'm gonna be going through in detail ways you can make passive sustainable income meaning that you can earn money overnight and it isn't just gonna crash and collapse at any second feel free to reward some parts pause this video take out a notebook because I'm gonna be going through a lot of detailed stuff very fast so my first way is gonna be Instagram themed pages and I hands-down believe if you've never done anything in the internet space of making money this is going to be your best bet so here's exactly what it is what you need to start doing it and how you can actually start to make money from it but simply an Instagram theme page is literally just an Instagram page that focuses on one topic this topic is often referred to as a niche so if I ever use niche later on in this video it basically just means topic generally on an Instagram theme page you will not be making your own content and you'll be reposting other people's videos you have you saying that's unethical how you gonna avoid copyright well firstly you're always gonna want to be crediting the people you find the videos from so it's actually a win-win because you're never claiming that you own the video yourself and you're actually giving them more traction therefore building them a bigger audience and building you a bigger audience at the same time so in theory this sounds great right well thing is 95% of theme pages are fail in the first month and don't actually make it off the ground so through two years of running Instagram theme pages here is my best advice to help you succeed and stand out from the rest firstly a username named bio profile picture keep it clean in this day and age simple is always better than complicated if you need a logo I suggest use canva calm and screenshot the logo so you don't actually have to pay for it to keep your bio clean I always suggest to use a format looking like this emoji some information about your account new line do that three to four times and I typically suggest in your bio that you should always have a call to action at the bottom by call to action I mean telling your followers to do something for example follow you check out your new website follow your other page for your username try to avoid underscored some periods an example of a good name would be that make up viber an example of a less professional name would be a make up dot v dot 2020 on the school for you and finally for your name and make it a shorter and more simpler version of your username so for my first example I would use makeup via so now let's move on to your feed and what you're actually posting and this is hands-down the most important thing about a page so I'm gonna be giving you this strategy that I've used for the past two years to consistently find a viral content on Instagram to repost firstly go on a hashtag that represents your page if you're a makeup page go on a posh type make up videos then go to the top posts on that hashtag and check out each account that is posting videos keep on doing this until you stumble into a page that is currently doing very well and is typically under around 250,000 followers look at their posts see which ones are getting the most likes and engagement if your Instagram is currently not displaying likes you can go over to your account settings and then switch it to a brand account and that should fix it I would compare that average amount of likes with each post and then accordingly pick the top five best performers on their page okay so your content and your page is completed now how do you actually get traffic so I suggest a follow for follow strategy but it's more kind of an engagement strategy because you're not actively asking people to follow you back and I typically recommend you do this until you reach two to three thousand followers as this is typically when Instagram picks up your account and starts promoting your post in the algorithm more so here is exactly how that engagement strategy works first of all again go on a hashtag that represents your page go on to the most recent section scroll down and just like every new post and any post you see in that section similar to the content you're posting on your own page that has likes you were gonna want to go on to every single person that has liked that post and follow them the closer the videos are to your own the better results you're gonna see the reason I do this method and for example not just going on to a massive random post and following everybody that has liked it is because the aim of doing this is that you want the person you are following to see the notification that you have engaged with some of their content in return they're gonna go oh I haven't seen this person on my page before let's check his account now and if you have good content good feed your stuff looks clean they're gonna be like oh this is kind of up my field you know I post similar to stuff to this and I want to show back some support to this person if you're wondering how long it would take for you to get your first paycheck I suggest a fast take on sponsorship once you're past the 10k mark and this all depends on your engagement and what niche you're him but you probably gonna be getting sponsorship posts for around ten to twenty dollars and yeah I understand that's not that much that's not gonna pay the bills but the thing is that will increase over time and then if you factor in that you're gonna be running several of these pages at once after about a year of doing so you can build like a decent amount of passive income just from running these pages and just taking sponsorships isn't the only way you can actually make money on your page you can make your own drop shipping business print-on-demand business you can run affiliate links there are literally countless ways you can monetize your Instagram theme page and I'm gonna be making a video about the best ways to monetize your Instagram page very shortly on this channel okay so that wraps up Instagram theme pages and how you can make money out of them but let's move on to the second way how you can make money with no experience online in your teens and that is gonna be to sell your services or outsource work so I'm going to be covering two things in this section let's first start off with selling your owner services typically for selling your own services I recommend Fiverr and that is simply because I find it easier to get your first few customers on there plus I think it's just more mainstream recognized than like all of the other freelance pages therefore if you're directing somebody from like Facebook or Twitter they're more likely to probably trust Fiverr than just some random freelancing site online so go on to and make your own selling profile you have to fill in a few information about your education but don't tell anybody I told you this but you can actually fake what university you went to they're not gonna require a certificate make a gig and title it something that a lot of people are going to be searching for optimize the description and the tags of your gig for search results on Fiverr and then it always recommend adding free pricing packages and pricing it so it seems the most expensive option is the best value but on a real though I haven't sold on Fiverr for a few years now so I thought it'd be a little bit interesting to go and see how much money I actually made off of doing five are how much orders I completed what gigs I was doing what exactly worked for me so hopefully it can better your chances of getting a successful gig off the ground and so you can start making some money alright so boom earnings and I'm pretty sure it's about seven dollarz saboom the net income after fiver has taken their 20% is just about $700 and if I gone to my orders I have completed here we go so I've completed only 11 orders which puts my average order rate at just under $65 I used to run two gigs on Fiverr one of which was video editing and then the other one was professional Amazon product photography and now that product photography one did a bit for me and I was getting orders for about $200 every other week just to put it into perspective on my fifth or sixth order i was probably making around about $40 an hour so if you know you market your stuff right you can properly own some good money one thing i highly recommend to anybody that is thinking of selling on Fiverr is to create your own a product video who though I'm not gonna lie mine will really cringey and I hate watching them back they made me stand out from so many other people who are an ominous nobody knew who they were therefore buyers willing to trust them even if you might not have a camera use your phone editor on some free online software trust me it makes you stand out from the rest and if you're being authentic in your video that will put your chances 10 times higher than anybody who hasn't taken that simple step a few other tips to get your gigs off the ground is if you have any existing social medias feel free to promote them through their try and not pick a topic that is being oversaturated the reason I think my Amazon product photography did so well is because nobody was doing Amazon product photography they were just doing generalized product photography and that was my USP point and that is where I think I got a large majority of my buyers from see we're thinking of doing something for example graphic design you don't even have to switch up entirely maybe just make it specific to one platform for example YouTube banner graphic design stuff like that is gonna have much more of a direct appeal and it's gonna make you look more of a specialist which can be more appealing to buyers so now let's get on to outsourcing and most of which I just said will also apply to the outsourcing marketing section be insure outsourcing is when you hire somebody else to do the work that may seem a little vague but let me just put it into an example so you get an order on Fiverr for product photography you then go onto another website for example you hire a product photographer and you just relayed their replies and then take the difference now I'm going to be completely honest I haven't outsourced myself just yet but I'm gonna be giving like best advice for what exactly I would do because I don't think it's too far off five for selling in general firstly I'll follow all of the advice about correcting a good-looking gig make sure you're not in an oversaturated field wait until you get your first inquiry and then find somebody doing the exact same thing on another platform who is preferably charging cheaper so you can make the most amount of profit from there it's pretty self-explanatory but you were just gonna be the middleman the only disadvantage to this is as you can probably tell you're gonna have to be online quite recently there's gonna be a lot of copy and pasting but surprisingly this is quite a mainstream and legitimate way people actually make money nowadays so now this was really my call to fame and that is gonna be to make youtube videos slash make a YouTube channel now this is where I've made the majority of the money in my team and surprisingly there is a method in a way where you don't even need to be skilled at making videos yourself where you can simply just compile and repost content that is already on YouTube but just before I get onto that method how would you actually make money from YouTube because I know there's a kind of a gray area with this subject like how much do you actually make well first and foremost from this channel you're watching right now I'm currently making around about 500 pounds a month it's not much right now but considering I've only got about 12 videos on my channel I think that's a pretty decent amount but okay how do I actually make that money so the majority of my money comes from a YouTube Adsense and this is in short where YouTube displays ads in between in front of your YouTube video and you get paid 55 percent of what the advertisers pay YouTube now how much you get paid profiles and views can drastically change on this channel I do better than average and I get around about $5 per a thousand views I used to run a few gaming channels and roughly I'd get around about $2 per a thousand views but I'm expecting a video like this to maybe even make $10 per a thousand views and I had a drop shipping video uploaded about five months ago if that actually made $20 per every a thousand views it gathered some more drop shipping videos coming soon as I've said your ad revenue can depend on what niche you're in but it also depends on how long your video actually is and if you haven't heard the phrase of youtubers making their videos over ten minutes long well basically if your YouTube video reaches over ten minutes you can start adding mid-roll ads in between and from there you can make some extra income why scripted this video so it will be over ten minutes I gotta eat too another huge way you can make money on YouTube is from sponsorships and promotions with companies typically these companies will reach out to you and your business email you discuss prices and from there you typically make around about 10 to 20 dollars per a thousand views you get so what exactly is this way I mentioned earlier on in this video about you making money on YouTube without uploading videos now I'm pretty sure you've seen a ton of these channels but in short what they do is they get non copyrighted content and they compile them into one video like those try not to laugh ones those cat videos even a lot of these videos titled she tried to breathe underwater for the first time to get non copyrighted content you can actually go onto YouTube go into the more section and you can go onto the single Creative Commons and every single video that comes up under that topic is completely non copyrighted free and you can use it in your videos to download videos on YouTube you don't need you to premium don't worry you can simply just copy and paste the link go onto a YouTube mp4 converter make sure you're not actually downloading a virus paste a link convert it and then you get an mp4 file on your computer of that exact video from there you can use a free online editing service chop the clips up add a few titles here and there and upload it to youtube so that I'm not gonna lie here is very very hard to get promoted on YouTube but put simply YouTube only wants a viewer to click on your video and watch it all the way through typically nowadays text doesn't do too well on YouTube if I had loads of text plastered over my face how you can get rich as a teenager most people would see it be like that can't be asked to read that I've already read the title and click on a video that looks a little more interesting I tend to find very simple thumbnails work very effectively but YouTube is not one of those things that you're just gonna blow up overnight and you're not gonna be making money from it initially because to start getting paid from ads you're going to need 1,000 subscribers and over 4,000 watch hours of content time okay so I really hope you extracted some value out of this video and I do just have to say I am giving out all this information for free and I do have to ask please can you go down below and leave a like on this video and share it to anybody else that may find this useful subscribe if you are new and if you're in arrested in seeing what happened when I dropship for seven days click this video and you'll find out trust me you won't regret it you may have noticed that this is the video that gave me twenty dollars per thousand views but I can promise you that's nothing to do with why I'm promoting it
Channel: Jared West
Views: 239,142
Rating: 4.91957 out of 5
Keywords: make money online, online jobs for teens, make money as a teenager, online jobs for teenagers, teenage side hustles, how to make money as a teen, how to make money as a teenager, jobs for teens, teen jobs, how to make money online as a teen, how to make money as a teenager 2020, how to make money as a teenager online fast, side hustles for teens, side hustles for teenagers, how to make extra money as a teen, make money online in highschool, make extra money as a teenager, 2020
Id: dJ_3kifYQ58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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