How To Make Minced Beef And Onion Pie - Delicious Recipe

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hello and welcome back to baking on a budget in this video we are going to be making some of these these are beautiful deep filled minc and onion pies now first as usual let's go through the ingredients now again this is a short crust pestry and today we are using 200 g of PL flour 10 we're using 50 g of butter at 37 we are using 50 g of lud at 10 p and we have a pinch of salt and about 3 and 1/2 4 tablespoons of cold water for the filling we are going to be using 250 g of lean mints this is about 5% uh fat content and that is £167 we're going to use one onion about 9 we have a stick of celery which is about 6 p a stock Cube at 12 P we have a cracker black pepper maybe 2 p and we have two teaspoons of corn flour at 4 p and there's a little water in there there as well okay so we're going to make the pastry first and we can let that chill in the fridge whilst we're making the filling I'm just going to run through the pastry quickly if you want to see a pastry video in more detail there is a link here to one where I will show you exactly how I make this pastry in great detail but what we want is the 200 g of plain flour into the bowl and with that we want a pinch of salt now the fats have been chilling in the fridge and what we have is as I say 50 g of butter and 50 g of L and we're just going to knock that into the flour and then we start rubbing the fats into the flour and I believe I forgot to mention the total cost of this recipe uh yet again the total cost is £253 and we're going to get three deep filled minc and onion pies out of that individual minc and onion pies Each pie works out at 84 p a piece now I did look in the shops to see if I could find a comparable pie and the closest I could get was a local bakery around here and their pies were £219 each that's all of the fat rubbed into the flour now we're just going to add some water and I'm going to add about 3 and 1/2 uh tablespoons okay now we just want to stir that in and the pastry will start to come together that is looking good now some clean foam on that and into the frider goes okay so as the pastry is Cooling in the fridge it's time to make the filling uh the veg for this we want about half of this onion and we want this stick of celery chopped up now celery in a mince pie or in any mince dish really gives it a real nice tang and I always include a bit of celery if I'm using a minced dish I'm going to use in half of it that will be plenty and we also just want to chop up this stick of [Music] celery okay that's all that chopped up looking good all right so I've got the pan over fairly low heat um little bit of oil in the bottom there not a lot and we're just want to put the veg the onion and the celery into the pan just want that onions to soften a little bit and the celery to soften all also all right that's been gone for a few minutes probably about 3 4 minutes and I'm saying that's looking good so next thing we want to add that is our minced beef um as I say this is 250 g of lean minced beef about a 5% fat content and we just want to break that down in the pan and keep it on the heat until it is all browned all right that's had about 5 minutes 7 minutes on there and that is looking like the right sort of consistency that meat is all browned um it's all crumbed and that's looking good all right now here I have dissolved the stock cube in about 75 mL of hot water and that's ready to go in there we don't want too much water in here we don't want the mixture to be too sloppy so we just want to mix that in get that well coated that's good now I'm going to give that a crack of black pepper we just want to let that simmer for a while and cook through and then we'll add the cornflour last just to thicken the whole thing up okay so while the mince is bubbling away probably wants about 20 minutes to uh reduce it properly and we're going to make these pies in these small individual pie dishes which I've already given a quart of lad and we just want to cut the pastry to fit these dishes I'm going to chop a piece off and roughly into thirds and we want to bring this together little bit of flour on the board and a little on the pin and we can just roll that out so 2 3 mm uh thick and I think we've almost got enough there this uh old plate as a template to cut around like [Music] so and then we want to take the pastry and pop it in the tin best to curl up the edges a little just so you don't split it as you're putting it into the corners cuz these are quite deep deep tins just push that in with the thumbs looking good and then any excess again we'll just whip off with the back of the knife and with a bit of look we should have enough here to make the lid if not we can always add a little bit more to that bring it together and make the lid okay same thing we just want to roll that out and make that little a little thicker if you wish maybe you know make that about 4 mm thick and it'll be a nice crisp crust on the top of the pie all right that's roughly it we can take one of these tins now and cut the top and there it is same thing again for the other two okay so that's reduced nicely um all of the ingredients are nicely combined and the only thing we want to add to that at this point is our cornflour this will just thicken the whole thing up and make it much nicer in those PES so we just add the cornflour stir it in still on the heat and what we're after with this is a fairly thick sort of gravy and one test for that is if you pull it away and and this doesn't fill back up do you see that um if the mixture is too runny and you half it like that this area here will fill up with liquid straight away um this is there's some coming into it here not too much so I'm saying that's good okay so turn that off the heat at this point and just let it cool a little before we put it in the pies much better to have it cooled first all righty so it's time to combine all of this we have our cases we have our Lids ready and we'll have our mixture which is cooled a little still steaming a little bit but this will be okay now can you see the consistency of that it's sort of holding together it's not too sloppy but it's not too stiff either it's still nice and Mo and that's going to make a beautiful pie now we just want to try distribute this oops not onto the board put into the pies evenly little bit for on the board there scoop it up there it is that's a nice deep foil and that has made those three pies just fine now we want to put the tops on here and for this I do have some egg wash now here's a point I did get a few comments on of videos about not uh including the price of the egg for the egg wash now the egg is actually 13 but it's not going to use a whole egg um to wash these few pies so it's a very minimal cost um it's a fraction of a penny probably uh which is why I didn't include it in the overall cost but what we want to do with these is just put the lids on press them down with the thumbs and we'll come back and crimp them when they're all done you can do this just with water if you wish and the rest of the egg the egg which is left um after having done this it easily make a scrambled egg with that or add it to another egg and make a nice omelette nothing goes to waste all right that's the lids on now we're going to take this fork and again we just want to crimp right the way around like so right they are looking good now they do need a hole in the middle for which the back of this tin up now works very well just a little hole like that so that we don't burst now these are going into the oven for about 25 minutes at 170° Centigrade again people have asked me why not include the cost of the baking um it's it's a little bit too complex because different people are on different tariffs uh use different fuels uh in different countries the costs of the baking itself uh varies so much it's very difficult to include but the price of the basic ingredients are more or less the same definitely throughout the UK so we are going to egg wash these generous coating of egg wash all righty into the oven they go as I said they need to stay in the oven for about 25 minutes then we're going to get them out and see how they look 25 minutes later and here is one of the pies and that's looking delicious and smells absolutely beautiful I'm going to let this cool and I'm going to take them out the cases and we'll take a look inside doesn't that look absolutely d delicious that's a deep filled minced pie uh fresh out of the oven 84 p a piece as you can see holding it ship beautifully the crust is done to a turn and that's going to be beautiful the celery gives it a really nice Tang I mean there's many different things that you can put into a mince pie some people will put wora sauce in uh put some herbs in maybe a little bit of tomato puree it depends on your own taste I like the food fairly B um if it's a mince and onion pie I like minc and onions in there I do put the celery in because that does as I say give a little time and um just add something to the flavor of the mins now can I say if you've enjoyed the video uh please do consider subscribing to the channel there's going to be many more videos like this uh doing Savory dishes pastries sweets desserts all different types of bacing but it's always on a budget and I'll give you the cost breakdown every time so that you know exactly how much a recipe like this will cost and can I say for everyone who has subscribed to the channel so far greatly appreciate it I thank you very much indeed please do keep sending the comments I enjoy all of the comments and as I say if you're new to baking and you wish to have some recipes which you can do very easily and very inexpensively please do consider subscribing to the channel and do give the video a thumbs up I'm going to enjoy the rest of this pie and I thank you very much for watching
Channel: Baking On A Budget
Views: 52,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baking on a budget, budget cooking uk, cooking on a budget, cost effective baking, delicious pie, ground beef pie, how to make minced beef and onion pie, meat pie, mince, mince pie, mince pie recipe, minced beef, minced beef and onion pie, minced beef pie, pie, pie crust, youtube
Id: Xzk8kGo3m5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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