How To Make Corned Beef Pasties At Home (only 60p each)

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hello and welcome to baking on a budget this video is all about how to make your own corn beef pasties at home we are going to be making six beautiful corn beef and potato pasties okay and for the pastry for these we have 450 G of plain flour and 22 we have 55 G of unsalted butter at 41 we have 170 G of lard at 35 we have a little cold water difficult to cost and we have a pinch of salt which is also a difficult cost now for the filling I have a 340 G tin of corn beef which I paid 29 for that was in Aldi we have 340 G of potato at 31 we have one onion at 9 we have an egg at 13 and we have some black pepper at about 4 so first of all we are going to put the pastry together and in there we have 450 G of plain flour and to that we are adding the fats which is 55 G of butter and 170 G of lud this one is going to be quite loud heavy I just thought I'd make a change here and have a good at it um to see how the short cust pastry is made in detail there is a video up here on the screen which we'll go into that in detail but right now I'm just going to get on with rubbing these fats into the flour and this will take a few minutes so I will come back as soon as I have done that okay and a few minutes later it should be looking like this like a coarse uh breadcrumb and all of the major lumps of the fat and butter been rubbed into the flour now going to add some water to that this is cold water and I'm going to start by adding about four tablespoons and then we'll see how that comes together if it needs a little more we'll give it a little more but we just want to fold that in with a spoon and I think I neglected to uh see the full cost of this recipe the entire cost of the recipe is £364 and we're going to get six large uh deep filled corn beef and potato pasties out of that making each pasty 60 L each I'm saying I'm going to put another tablespoon in there it's just a little bit stiff so another tablespoon full of water and that should do it that is looking good and I think what I'll do with this to begin with I'll just cut it in half it is a fairly sizable block of pastry and we want it to cool all the way through so if we just chop it in half make two rounds and they will go into the fridge so I'm going to pop them in the fridge for about half an hour and as I say we're going to get on with making the filling for these for the filling first thing we want to do is just peel these potatoes this is 340 G of potato and this is a marus piper I'm using very good for mashing the old Maris Piper now I'm just going to cube these roughly like so and they are going into this pan I have some water from the kettle which I've already boiled that'll just help them along and then we want to put them onto a rolling boil until they're nice and soft and whilst that's happening I'm going to chop this onion again I'm going to chop this up fairly fine and I'm just going to lightly fry this to soften it right the potatoes are boiling away and got this Pan on a very low heat and I'm just going to add the onions into that and let them soften down so the next thing we have is this tin of corned beef this is also 340 G same amount as the potatoes and a lot of people do ask me where I get this uh food from uh this one I got from Aldi in the UK and it was £29 P for the tin and what we want to do is just divide this up um I'm going to chop it in half that way and then I'm just going to cube it uh so it's easy to mix in with the potato later and we're going to just pop that in the bowl and wait the arrival of the potatoes okay at this point the potatoes have softened nicely uh the onions have softened also and I'm just draining a little bit of the oil off them next thing we want to do is just mash up these potatoes now I'm not going to put any butter or cream in these I think the other flavors from the corn beef and the pastry and everything else will be absolutely fine with this mashed potato now that's the potatoes mashed some escaped always do we're just going to put all that into the Bowl along with the corn beef sure we get everything out of there and and I'm also going to put these onions in there as well and the last thing we want to do is put a little bit of salt in and then a really generous crack of black pepper it's quite a lot of material here so we want this pepper to get through the whole oven obviously this is a personal choice um but I do like use very peppery now next thing we want to do is just Mash all of that together and the best thing I've found to use for this is the back of a fork but it does have to be a fairly stiff Fork um because the corn beef is quite solid to begin with until that gets mashed up a little bit so I'm going to continue combining this and we'll take a look at it when it's all mixed together and before too long that should be looking like that all the major lumps of the corn beef have been Blended in with the potato and the onions and that's come together as a nice smooth mixture now I'm going to put this to one side let it cool a little and whilst that's happening I'm going to start rolling out the crusts for these and we have the pastry back out of the fridge and this is the first part of it I'm just going to cut that into rough equal thirs now we want to take one of these do excuse the uh plaster on the finger um I think I just nicked a little bit of the finger there but it's okay I think I'll survive so we on a little bit of flour on the board and we just want to make that into a round press it into a round and then start rolling it out now we want to roll this out big enough to take one of these plates as a template and that's almost it there um just a little bit more over this side little bit more there and that should do fine so we're going to put the plate on and we are going to cut around that with the knife there it is so this we want to just set aside over here for a moment or two whilst we do the next one and each one of these is ending up it's probably about 3 4 mm thick I think this plate it looks about a 6 and 1/2 or 7 in plate that looks like to me and that should get us six of these out of that amount of Pierry and any of this left over Pierry will we'll go back in the fridge I may make another one of those uh kiche the cheese and onion kiche which there's a recipe here for I may make another one of those tomorrow so I'll keep this and that will do for that or towards it anyway okay and at this point we can start bringing all of this together we have our pastry round and in the bowl we have our mixture which have divided roughly into six portions and I'm just going to take one out of there and spread it over half of this Pierry round and we want to leave a little bit round the um around the front just to be able to seal that up nicely there we are now this will seal with water so just a li of water around the crust then we can fold that over nip it down with the hands and then crimp it with the fork that's one gorgeous looking plastic same with the rest of them can I just say whilst I'm doing this um if you've enjoyed the video please do give it a thumbs up and if you would like to see more videos of this nature do consider subscribing to the channel many more recipes to come uh both desserts and savory dishes and indeed main meals coming soon and for everyone who has subscribed so far I've got to say thank you very much indeed at the last count I think something like 15 and half thousand people and subscribed to the channel which is overwhelming it's it's fantastic and I thank you so much I do enjoy reading all of the comments and I get back to absolutely as many as I can and if this is encouraging anyone to get baking and making their own delicious food then I am a happy man so thank you very much okay now here I have a greased baking treay and I think with a little bit of look I'll get three of these on each tray and last but not least we have the egg here which I mentioned earlier and I'm just going to give them a very good coat of egg wash so they'll be nice and brown nice crisp pastry very last thing to do with them is just make a couple of vent holes so they don't burst I have a trusty knife here to do that and just make one there one there and one there six homemade corn beef and potato pasties now these are going to go in the oven for about 40 minutes at about 160° that's in a conventional oven there's an adjustment to be made for a fan oven and the conversion into fahrenheit and gas Mark is in the description of the video below and here we are look at these this is about 45 minutes later um The Dun it would turn beautiful golden brown on the top smelling beautiful and I'm going to cut into one show show you how that looks inside and there it is now that is one beautiful pasty that has a deep filling of corn beef potato and onion has a beautiful light crisp crust uh just golden brown on top looks absolutely delicious and this whole pasty 60 look at that this pastry is just crumbling away beautiful M the extra l the pastry has really made a difference to it it has almost the texture of a flaky pastry I do hope you give this recipe a try um this would make a substantial lunch in itself or with a few homemade chips or fries some peas or beans that would make a beautiful meal and as I say if you've enjoyed the video do please give it a thumbs up and if you would like to see more delicious simple to make inexpensive food like this please do consider subscribing to the channel because there are many more videos to come next video is a jam Swiss roll or a rolly poly or a roll cake uh I know I called many different things in many different places but I would know it as a a jam Swiss roll and that's going to be in the next video so once again I thank you very much for watching I'm going to enjoy the rest of this pasty and loads more videos to come thank you very much
Channel: Baking On A Budget
Views: 24,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make corned beef pasties at home, pasties, corned beef, corned beef pasty, pastry, baking, pasty, corned beef pasty recipe, how to, corned beef pasties, homemade, corned beef and potato pasties, baking on a budget, budget cooking, budget baking, budget recipe
Id: Zh6nNyb9B4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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