How To MAKE MILLIONS In The Upcoming MARKET CRASH | Robert Kiyosaki & Minority Mindset

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into it what's up everybody i am just pretty sing from the and today we're sitting down with the one and only robert kiyosaki the author of rich dad poor dad which has been sold over what 41 million times now who knows anymore i want to start by talking about the current state of the economy because i think millennials have gone through a very crazy 2000s we started off with the 2000 bubble crash going to 2008 we had the real estate meltdown which essentially almost brought down the entire financial system a once-in-a-lifetime crash and come 2020 we had another once in a lifetime pandemic crash and uh now it looks like a lot of experts are saying that the money printing and stimulus and other efforts by the government were able to get us out of this pandemic and recession so i want to get your take on this how are we doing as an economy right now um the scientific financial term is risk group i went to military school so i graduated in 69 i went to flight school in florida i was flying in vietnam and the reason i tell you all that is because suddenly one of the most valuable courses i took at the academy was marx leonard miles hitler stalin you know and i'm flying i i take off from the carrier where i was a gunship pilot helicopter gunship so we'd fly escort along to we fly with the uh transport the troop transfer helicopters so there was always like two s two gunships escorting the troops into battle and that was the first time i saw history of what i was taught at the academy in real life i went oh my god this stuff about marx lennon miles stalin hitler is true what is that i mean for someone who's unfamiliar with marxism what is that well uh marx had one thing because it was the abolition of private property in other words we could own nothing and as a capitalist that kind of obsessed me a bit you know so they wanted to take all of our private property away and they would then go to the state and that's why when you study communism and marxism it's a centralized economy it's central it's com it's called in military terms it's called command and control into military school so it's a command and control economy where the government tells you everything and uh so that's why the federal reserve bank is part of a communist thing it's a central bank and the central bank is not american it's not a bank and there's no reserves in it and it's the fed today in 2021 is the third central bank and for history since jefferson and those guys they kept saying we cannot have central banks but because our academic system is basically marxist you know most school teachers are marxists they just don't know it because they didn't study marx like i did you're saying our school teaches school system teaches communism yes and most people don't know that because they don't tell you that just like they didn't tell you that my family was locked up in concentration camps wow they you know they hide all that i've been called a racist so many times ago well how would you know if i'm a racist or not but the worst thing was i was called a white supremacist and i looked in the mirror and i went no i'm still not white so it's so crazy right now man this is nuts right now yeah that way flying along the beaches of vietnam i saw history and history is today you know so we're here in scottsdale arizona and i was driving past the scottsdale fashion market it was all boarded up it was burned attacked under the name of black lives matter i'm going well marx and hitler as you know were racist and so this whole thing about what i was taught at the academy of the merch marine academy in new york i had appointments at naval academy and march marine academy but i took merchandise academy because the highest paid graduates in the world you know 120k a year was a lot of money back in 1969. oh yeah it's still a lot of money now i'm a capitalist i just i don't have a job i don't have a paycheck it's so opposite because my that was my rich dad teaching me and my poor dad said get a safe secure job so the the mindsets are completely opposite yeah and so that's why excuse me when i was watching your program you're telling me about your dad says become a doctor i was just cracking up because asian cultural asians yeah the most important thing is you become a doctor and then i'm flunking out of school left and right because i'm a dumb and then my mother says my mother was a registered nurse she said oh they call me bobby bobby become a doctor my father says he's a dumb he can't because he's at school i flunked out of school twice because i can't read and write now ironically my book is number rich ted porter is number 20 in the world you can't read and write yet you're a best-selling author correct it's not that i couldn't read or write the teacher didn't like what i said what i wrote you know they've forced me read these stupid books and i said this these are horrible books these are horrible books you know why am i f f f so my chances of going to college are almost none you know if you can't get into university of white which university hawaii turned me down too so here i am i'm like 16 years old 17 years old i'm a surfer you know in hawaii and all this stuff and i'm going so my poor dad the phd poor helpless desperate says to me he says i'm not going to pay for your college education i said well i didn't expect you to because you know that's an asian family that's what he's supposed to do and i said i don't want you to i can i can get my own i can get my way through school so that's why i played to a naval academy at annapolis and i applied to kings point at kings point new york because i really did want to go to sea you know the only a subject i ever got was in wood shop i built a boat other kids were building salad bowls from mommy and daddy and i bought an eight-foot el toro racing class boat my degree is in naval architecture which i've never used that's crazy i mean if you jump into the school system you know exactly what you're saying my parents were immigrants came to this country with next to nothing my dad came to this country with the hundred dollars less than a hundred dollars didn't know the culture didn't know the people they didn't know how things worked but he bust his butt and for him my parents you know the whole american dream was work hard become successful and they didn't grow up with any financial education and and so my parents like a lot of indian immigrants said that if you want to become successful you need to follow the system study hard in school get good grades become a doctor my dad used to actually tell me that when you're in school don't worry about english don't worry about social studies and all that focus on math and science because that's what you need to become a doctor work on those two things and if you do that you will become a doctor if you become a doctor you'll make a big salary if you make a big salary you'll be able to save a lot of money if you can save a lot of money you will be wealthy how do you know any better why don't they teach this in school because it's a marxist system i hate to say that um if you study marx london stalin hitler and mao uh the central bank is uh marx and lennon said if you want to destroy the economy you want to destroy capitalism he botched the currency so in 1971 just before i went to vietnam nixon took the dollar off the gold standard but they don't teach you that you see our system is communist and i hate to say that because i'm a marine i went to vietnam twice i fought for this country went to military school like i said my family were locked in internment camps and today they're talking about reparations for the blacks i mean give me a break my family didn't get reparations they took all their land they took their houses they took everything from them but what history doesn't tell you is that hitler rose to power on reparations why don't they teach us that stuff so that's why i learned at military school so today i hear all the blacks talking man you know racism is terrible you've experienced it i've experienced it you know and racism is you know it's the sin of the soul spiritual it's spiritual to judge a man or a woman by their skin that's horrible but anyway if you study marx lana and hitler and mao you'll see it all over the school system that's what today's post-modernist education and post-medicine education actually started in 1930 and went out of the frankfurt school in germany they moved over to columbia university and columbia university is the headquarters for marxism but they don't tell you that and so the teachers college at columbia university is where the frankfurt school set up in 1930 which is marxism wow and another thing that i found was really interesting i was reading something that you wrote because uh millennials nowadays young people one of their biggest liabilities student loans student loans yep and now it's obama obama's a hardcore marxist i'm not a racist by calling him that but he is look at obamacare you know what what stop what gnome what was stalin who said medicine is the art stone of socialism socialized medicine wow and education fits into that same category that's why going back to what you and i are taught yeah so i was sitting in school with all these rich white kids in hawaii right because just because of the way the lines fell and you know the school districts and all this yeah my classmates are all these white guys who are rich and i'm this asian guy who's poor and my old man poor dad phd poor helpless desperate and saying you've got to get a high high paying job you know the school teacher is a dad you're still not rich and so i want to know why the white guys were rich and the ancient guys were poor yeah and in india as you know it's the same english sons of a who took over india the british empire the sun never sits on the british empire remember those days yeah you know so you talk about uh august 15th 1971 worst day for the dollar yeah you know what's funny is my grandfather as i was growing up told me about how august 15th was the day that he lost faith in the government yep my family is from a state of india called punjab and when that partition happened in 1947 right they split up the state of punjab and the government lied to the people in punjab people were living there my family yeah and so my grandparents when they found out that the line was not going to be where it was my grandparents lost everything they lost their home they lost family members my grandfather saw people being killed and that happened on august 15th 1947 and then 24 years later the same day the united states took the dollar off the gold standard nixon did that's crazy as as not only that it's when i went to military school so we study different types of history you look at the american flag it's the flag of the british east india company the sun never sits on the british empire so hawaii was a british empire india australia new zealand america it's really interesting to study history it is not from the academic side they probably call you a conspiracy theorist of course are you no i'm a historian i like history but see when i was when i came back from vietnam in 1973 i got sped on i got hit by eggs and all this by these hippies who went to the woodstock generation my own you know baby boom generation and here i am i just lost a lot of friends and all this we're fighting we're killing communists in vietnam it was horrible you know i mean you know who's killed the most people in history communists and that's who we're fighting so americans fight against people who murder people so the sad thing about it is is that we have history that's not history it's massaged it's it's fabricated well they say the winners write the history books correct and so that's why i look at the american flag is the flag that's why i love talking to you because we're brothers here hawaii was taken over by the english india was taking over australia you know south africa it's the the sun never sits in the british empire well why don't they teach us that stuff why is the american flag and they say oh betsy ross soda look at the look at the look at this the flag of the british institute company you'll see the american flag trying to say 1930 the frankfurt school out of germany which was marxist moved to columbia university teachers college and that's where it started in america i'm a student of history you know it's like you know there was a guy named general patton we studied the great generals patton was a great general because he led from the front most generals led from the bunker in the rear that's why biden in iran for president he was hiding in his basement he's a bunker guy and and trump ran from the front you know he had millions of people cheering and screaming for them but the way it's run now is i call him basement biden you know he hides in his basement he doesn't say crap and trump loses so are you not happy with the way that uh president biden is running the country what happened in afghanistan is treason all of those weapons that were taking 850 billion dollars worth of it is now going to be used against the state of israel it's one of our last allies in that area i'm a military guy i have killed people i've had my friends killed and americans sit here and just go oh what's on youtube tonight or what's on television and we sit here with a sanitized sterilized education so i sit in this room here and you can look around these i call this the fishbowl but these are my heroes here the people that stood up you have uh albert einstein martial martin luther king bobby kennedy uh thomas edison henry ford uh nez pierce chief joseph the nez pierce indians these guys stood up they got cut down also so i refuse to be cut down you can come in you know people have tried to kill me before i don't really care and vietnam is not worried about that you know where i went down three times they couldn't kill me there so i'm just speaking out and this is the time now because i think some people about probably two out of ten twenty percent realize that something's wrong in america and i'm a student of karl marx 1848 he and engels wrote a book called the communist manifesto the last line in the communist manifesto is the abolition of property no private property everything is owned by the state and the way that gets you through that is by inflation and taxation they're both taxes so biden just raised the taxes on doctors i think 20 yeah it's kind of funny but now 50 of a doctor's income goes to taxes and a capitalist like me pays no taxes trump pays no taxes and it angers people instead of saying well how do you guys do that i mean how can i sit here talking to you and tell people i don't pay taxes how come not taken off to jail yeah aren't you a greedy rich horrible human being for not in texas i like my money i don't want i don't want those communists in washington dc to take my money i don't like them taking my money i don't like being manipulated by the government which is marxist but is it you that's doing something wrong i mean you're not doing anything illegal the tax goes but i'd be telling you i don't pay taxes if i was a criminal you know so i went to law school obviously because when my parents found out that i wasn't smart enough to be a doctor they were like you have to at least become an attorney and i'll try about tax i they did well you know kind of how to not pay tax not really okay that's that's what you they didn't teach you that but i did read your book before going into law school so i tried to focus my law on uh business and tax law and my tax professor very interesting the first before the first day of class sent out an article about how rich people legally evade taxes it's a difficult evade and a void isn't there yeah and it was very interesting what students evade and avoid as an attorney well avoid you're doing it legally evade you're doing something wrong yes what i do is i avoid i don't evade corporate law comes out of amsterdam you know that right [Music] but they don't teach you that stuff they teach you american but not international law i'm going into a global economy more and more every single day and going back to the topic of student loans though because the thing that i've wanted to mention that i thought was so interesting was that the biggest liability for so many americans nowadays are student loans yeah but you said the biggest asset for the united states government are student loans yes how does that make any sense that so many people are drowning in debt they can't save money or they can't invest money or they can't build wealth because of this liability that is making the government richer corporate law comes out of amsterdam and in 1930 the frankfurt school out of berlin moved to columbia university the teachers college and that went into our educational system today is called post modernist education post-modernist education is based on opinion and emotion stem you know science technology education and engineering and math is out so it's just based upon emotion and opinion so here i'm quoting your history and i'm telling you the law but people get all emotional and reactionary and call me a crook a capitalist and all that well that's what our schools are teaching us that's why i hate to say this most school teachers are marxist but they never studied history they don't know what they're teaching so in 1971 nixon took the dollar off the gold standard what does that mean we could print as much money as we could that meant the only way the economy could expand was through debt and taxes okay if you understand that so that's why when the american consumer got racked up with debt and the u.s government racked up in debt the next person that wanted the money were the teachers unions and so that's why obama passed that student loan step and now our young people are strapped in debt because that's the only way the economy can expand is through debt so we screw at young people then they accuse people like me of being a conspiracy theorist but i studied history and you're one of your recent books fake you inspired me to pull out a 100 bill because you said that on money it says in god we trust right but this money wasn't created by god this paper money was invented by the government correct so why are we throwing god around to try to get people to believe this money well number one marx was anti-christian if you study his works and so that's when when you look at history i'm not saying it's my opinion of him i read his work so when you study that stuff and americans are so gullible that if jesus said it it must be true i said i don't know about jesus i don't i don't remember him saying that but anyway dude i mean i'm not i anti-i was raised christian um i don't go to church anymore i believe in god and all this stuff i respect all religions that's what it is you know you want to be a hindu muslim jew whatever it's up to you it's a free country so i don't get into that stuff but the in 1964 it didn't saying god we trust said a silver certificate oh you're full of kiyosaki well check history you know in 1964 the dollar was a silver certificate man it was backed by silver so now this in god we trust money paper money can now be printed on command by the federal reserve bank if you understand history the reason i pay no taxes is because i borrow money i'm a debtor the only way the economy and check this out i mean all you communists out there check this stuff out i am a billionaire in debt you know why because i get tax breaks for borrowing money and the reason i am so rich is because i'm in debt and my friend dave ramsey says live debt free i'm going well you're an idiot i mean he's my friend but i say dave i liked it he says i know but most people can't handle debt i said i agree but that's why there's no financial education in schools because if you had to handle debt you wouldn't save that crappy dollar you have in your hand i'd rather i'd rather borrow the money tax free and then do what with it huh and then do what with it i have to invest it to make more money everybody thinks it's real estate stocks you know when i talk to most idiots out there they go oh i have a 401k i go well you've been sold a bill a good sweetheart i the government sponsors his 401k i said no the federal reserve in wall street sponsors it if you study history in 1974 there was an act called the eresa act employee retirement income security act that led to a thing called the 401k and that was in 1974 just after nixon took the dollar off the gold standard and then the economy could boom through the stock market so do i own any stocks no because i'm not a communist i am a capitalist i don't have to buy stocks i invent my own that's what capitalists do so you create value yes but are you worried then about innovation and how that could potentially affect things i borrow money the more money i borrow the less tax i pay so what happens so let's say let's say on a commercial building and buy it for a million dollars goes up to 10 million dollars most guys would sell it the moment you sell let's say a basis of 1 million to a basis of 10 i have a 9 million capital gains so instead of selling it and flipping it like those flippers do i don't flip i don't sell see the moment you sell as you know as an attorney you've now executed a capital event a taxable event so what i do is let's say i buy a property for a million it goes to 10 million dollars i'll borrow out five tax-free and they go out and buy some more they keep doing it again jesus [Laughter] you're an attorney you're pretty good well i don't practice as an attorney but i do have the attorney name behind mine it helps i know it does help exactly i said people are afraid of attorneys because they don't know the law but what's going to happen to our economy then because we're screwed we've seen this happen and you know you talk about this in civilizations from the roman empire to venezuela to the wymah republic anytime someone starts debasing the value of their money with something fake how does that i mean what what's the new future you know i'm just repeat reporting what i know in 1965 i left hawaii as a sword for kid i have f's all over my things but the only reason they accepted me to the academies was because i played football that's pretty good what position did you play fat boy tackle tackle so then what like so now you're saying that our economy is but i'm studying i'm at the academy and military education is different than snowflake education you know going to the university hawaii which is hula girls and flower ladies and all that garbage and taught by communists so anyway so i'm a military school and i have a my instructor is a b-17 pilot he got shot down twice in germany so he's my father's generation and i started asking him said you know what's it like to get shot down he says well you don't need to drink coffee for a couple weeks and he had to escape and invade he was never captured he says boy tell you i think at one time he was a month he was shot down almost over germany because because the p-51 mustang i mean until there was a p-51 i'm a pilot so the b-17 had long range but our but our fighter aircraft couldn't escort them so as soon as a fighter aircraft dropped off the messerschmitts and the fockwells jumped him and that's where the b17 pilots were shot down left and right you know if you set up my b17 probably said i hope you have life insurance those guys are so brave they're like the firefighters who went up the towers of 911 i mean those 343 died they walked knowing they probably weren't coming back and most cowards don't understand that behavior that's what angers me so when i came back from vietnam after going down three times then i get spit on hit by eggs by these hippies who now run our school systems and hollywood and sports and all this i got a little upset you almost risked your life i mean you did risk your life you almost lost your life not only that i had to kill people but people don't know that like mao killed i think 110 million people you know how many people did i think hitler killed 44 million people eighteen eight six million jews and a bunch of slavs and all this they just stalin was one of the biggest murderers of all but they don't report that in school those hippies from woodstock would spit on me and everything when i came back from vietnam they didn't realize in 1930 the frankfurt school transported from berlin to new york city called columbia university's teacher college and that's where post-modernist education comes from which is opinion and emotion stems what science technology engineering and math is out so what does somebody do now if you're 30 years old 25 years old 35 years old and you know you hear about the you know money being printed like this how do you now build wealth and how do you i mean if our economy has not such a bright future what do you do well let's just say you know i have uh four friends total was five we kind of grew up together we're all billionaires we didn't learn any of that in school we studied history so go out and get a history book but you better under you said earlier history is written by the vector right yeah so the vector goes history so it's fake so that's why i had to do my own and you know what's wonderful is i think uh where is it anyway my cell phone everybody has a cell phone today that's the most powerful tool ever created for entrepreneurs you know on the on the iphone i mean steve jobs never went to school either i mean he dropped out of reed college i i had a house right next to daughter reid college the communist republic of oregon but um and i used to just walk read college oh steve jobs lived here you know i i was i was so enamored by it because he was my hero you know steve and i was going with that but but anyway he invented this iphone which gave more power to every young person than history the trouble is without a basic appreciation for history the average young person doesn't know what they're looking at what i think is funny i'm so obsolete you know i'm 74 years old and i had no idea what was going on on social media what people may not realize is that history is disturbed by technology for example the roaring twenties was caused by the radio so when the radio came in it was the new authority in the 1920s in the house so the young people said so mommy and daddy says well this is the way it is but in the 1920s my father's generation they said no that's not the way it is i heard it on the radio that my generation the boomer generation was television so i went off to war with john wayne in my head you know oh oh uh i got i got shot in the shoulder but it's only there's only no you see a bullet wound it tears her shoulder off it's not oh it's just a little band-aid on this so when when americans started seeing milai and the atrocities of vietnam that's when the boomers erupted but that was intentional because you know media is socialist communist and so on the media yeah so i'm walking as i'm in waste in way the capital ancient capital of of vietnam and these reporters come up to me and they said you're a marine aren't you i go yes you're not supposed to be here so yeah technically you know legally i'm not here they took off on that one they wanted to show every atrocity possible so americans would not support us in vietnam our own media betrayed the troops on the ground do you think the media still lies to people of course the remarks they're they're run by china i mean how can we have two national anthems today that was marx he was a racist if you just study history but our school system will never only report one side so when i come taxing back in 1973 coming back one year in vietnam and i get spit on hit by eggs my own baby boomers friends i come home i get spit on at school in hawaii you know this they turned the media turned against us the soldiers the marines the sailors the women the men it was horrible i i'd be i was going for my mba at the university of hawaii i only lasted like six months wow i couldn't i couldn't take the fact that i was always criticizing class what are you doing here you're a baby killer jesus so our own media turned my generation a boomer generation against the soldiers this guy's fighting for capitalism and they don't understand that socialists killed the most people in history that's we just want to defend it it's the same as on 9 11 i was landing in rome italy you know and i couldn't believe what was happening so i see the towers burning and all this the next day i'm in istanbul speaking to muslims and i stood up there and i went you know i i hate to say this but i do not understand the muslim religion i think that's the problem we don't understand each other lack of education correct and that goes across and but i want to tell you what we're taught is the muslims believe in killing they don't believe in the ten commandments thou shalt not kill which is jewish you don't think they're peaceful religion that's not my experience that's what we're taught they're radicalized this radicalized christians as you know too just as goofy as ever if you're radicalized radicalized i mean i don't care what you are you know some people are packers fans and some people are patriots fans are radicalized you know they're not yes they're nuts yeah so i'm standing in front of like 500 muslims and i have no idea what muslims are and they're good people you know it's just the radicals so i realized what i was taught about radicalized islam was inaccurate and so that's why i'm i'm that's why i speak and i say what we do we need to find more respect is the word not radical my respect for other people's religions beliefs are your liberal your socialists your communist and i don't really care i'm a capitalist you want to be a socialist it's a free country be one but don't take my freedoms away don't take my freedom of speech and the right to bear arms away that's all i ask just don't censor me and i've been censored so many times lately plus called a white supremacist and a racist i'm going oh my god but they haven't studied history and in my family when they're interned in california and up and down the montana and all whether they put the japanese because all it did was inspire my uncles to go and fight for america we're japanese americans we're not japanese we're americans and so the 442nd infringer battalion was all japanese battalion that turned out that there was highly decorated battalion in us history that's my uncles seven went to war all seven came back two went to fight the japanese in japan you know i mean we're americans i can't be japanese you can be indian you can be you know portuguese chinese but americans it's a culture and what i don't like about critical race syria and black lives matter and all that they're splitting us we're now at war with each other but that's the power of the iphone also you know we can we can fractionalize people so quickly today get a mob going and all this stuff it's just run on emotion and opinions not the facts jack yeah that's that's why i speak and i say what i want that's why i'm writing my book capitalist manifesto because it changed my whole point of view when that b17 pilot and at the academy in new york started telling me about what it was like to to go uh when the fighter escorts dropped off you know so the b-17 is flying for germany and then finally that until that the p-51 mustang the fighter escorts had to drop off and so the luftwaffe jumped him i said how'd you guys keep going is it we just kept going i think i think you're spot on you know with the lack of education understanding of one another i think a lot of people feel left out yes in the economy in the country from different religions to different people from different races people feel left out and their pain and we've seen this across civilizations across time when people feel left out and this goes back to we can just look at the wealth gap anytime you see a widening wealth gap you start to see more unrest people feel left out they feel left out of the economy they feel left out of the system they're not heard so i mean it goes back to the economy then at that point right if somebody is it's money it's money well we don't quote marxism i'm not interested in money but money is the reason we fight and they also marx also said revolution is the locomotive locomotive of history we're on the verge of revolution right now right now right now what does that mean you better have a gun you mean like that's that's why they want to defund the police and all that so you're saying get a gun buy some ammo protect yourself well i i'm much simpler man as a goal several bitcoin and bullets cool silver bitcoin bullets all right i mean i've made so much money on bullets you have no idea because being kind of i i'm gonna tell another story because when i went to school in new york i had a jewish friend and in hawaii we don't we don't know we don't pay attention to that stuff growing up you know you're either white or non-white that was it you know i don't really care i just wanna know how come the white guys were rich and the asian guys weren't that's all i cared about you know and and they're they're all good people you know it's just different educate different yeah all people they have you ever good in your bed right across color across religion yeah and some of the biggest crooks i met are white guys you know this company has been screwed by white guys and women more than any other company i know i mean it's horrible but they all hi we're here to help you in your mission to educate financial well-being and no they came to a steel they're all accountants and attorneys i feel like you're attacking me on that one no no no no no i'm just saying it's you can't tell by the surface do you know what i mean yeah so today i mean those guys did me a favor because for every bad partner i found good partners and today i have a team of about 20 i mean 12 of us uh they're my team you know business is a team sport but in school a team sport is called cheating i treat like a wild man i have the best accountants attorneys uh doctors lawyers i mean i you know you got to have the specialist but i go in as a team and schools tell you to be smart on your own that's why my poor dad was poor he had to be a phd who knew jack so how do you learn then i mean like if you're a parent your kids are in school how do you teach them how do you teach them to become successful well that's why my book coming out november 10th 2021 november 10th is the marine corps birthday okay and the positioning statement in the capitalist manifesto is how to counter communism taught in our schools by teaching capitalism in our homes so in 1996 my wife and i created the cash flow board game to teach the basics of accounting and finance at home because i'll never teach you that in school because it's capitalist school teachers are communists they don't know anything about money they believe in centralized government they believe in high taxes tax they're rich they believe all that stuff they want to tax the kids that go to school and get them deeply in debt oh obama you should go to school get loaded with student loan debt student loan debt is the worst possible debt possible because it's not forgivable see i can i can bk out of a bad loan you know bankrupt you can't do that with a student loan there's a there's a building right behind my uh my product one of my projects is the biggest building on the block is dedicated to student loans wow and people don't see that they call me a crook because i make millions of dollars i follow the law i pay in zero taxes but i understand debt and understand taxes i understand the central banks that's why ron paul and i said and the fed the fed is a marxist organization just read history but we still need doctors and accountants and and engineers we still need these people i didn't say we didn't need them i'm just saying they've been indoctrinated into marxism you know that's no different like when i was in istanbul speaking to muslims i said you know i don't even know what muslim religion is i just told you guys were infidels they're good people do i mean there's radicalized guys i don't doubt that marines are pretty radical if you know what i mean yeah we were taught to kill communists for christ because because most marines are very christian i'm going out there i'm blasting away and wiping them out and all this what the hell am i doing you know but when you're getting shot at it's not a time to question your your philosophical beliefs at that point when your friends don't come home you cry i mean i know i remember i remember i was in singapore and i saw one of my classmates from high school he was a marine corps a6 pilot a68 a6 intruder it had the nastiest mission the a6 was called the flying coffin because it was they were they were just experimenting with driverless cars this was a drive a pilotless plane so the a6 would come in they would drop to what's defilate definitely means they could fly between mountains and planes and all this and then drop his bombs and come off so his name was robbie peacock so he was one of those rich kids i went to school with when i was in elementary school and i said hey robbie hi dang i'll see you i'll see you back in hawaii because i'll see you there man he went to dartmouth you know he was brilliant kid next day he was dead never came back they never found him another friend that was shot down the same 86 that never found him another friend was an f4 pilot and he spent he spent the war at the hanoi hilton you know the pain in my heart is strong because these are my friends you saw them you saw them losing the last time and then meanwhile i have to go into battle and i have to do things i really don't want to do but remember this socialists and communists have killed the most people in world history so that's why i speak you know you probably got d platform for this one i get taken off all the time censor this out but i i just tell people what i know you know you want to be a communist it's a free country you know you want to censor people it's a free country you can do that you know take my guns away you want to be a christian fine you might be an atheist fine i'm a capitalist you don't want to be a capitalist fine capitalists make a lot of money and pay no taxes legally and the way that you know you always talk about to build wealth is you need to start buying assets buy assets buy i don't buy them i create them create assets see that guy over there his name is called albert einstein the saying says imagination is more important than knowledge i make up my own assets i don't need to go to the freaking stock market i can create my own but if you're 25 years old and you want to become rich you want to become wealthy you want to become the next robert kiyosaki you have to start start somewhere right but that's education but they don't teach you that in school right so what i'm saying is now in today's market where you have a strong stock market a strong real estate market it's not crash we're going we're all we're on a depression right now a recession is two quarters of declining growth right but a depression is sub-optimal growth so you could have let's say that your gdp should be four percent but you're operating at two percent as a depression people don't know history is that what happened on september 17 2019 there was a crash in the repo market the average person has no idea what the repo market was that what happened in 2021 there was there was so they pumped up the last time there was a crash in the repo market was 2008. so i'm sitting here in 2019 september 17th my god the repo market crashed and then a few months later covet appears i'm like oh my god here it is can you tell us what the repo market is repo market is i call it the pawn shop it's where people go in there and they they um what happened at the repo market is the fed starts pumping money into the commercial banks like america i mean bank of america and those guys wells fargo so they started pumping money into the banks because the banks were empty that's what happened uh when lehman brothers went down they didn't get they didn't have enough cash in them but it's not even goes into the economy it stays within the banking system so what happens in a reverse repo so 2008 was a repo 2019 was a repo and what happened in 2021 was a reverse repo the money started coming out of banks and going back to the fed now the average guy what does that mean it means that the commercial banks don't trust their assets their assets are questionable is the valuation you know valuation is an opinion you know this house is worth 10 million but that's an opinion so they started wondering what was the true valuation of their so-called assets so the money started coming out of commercial banks like bank of america and wells fargo flowed back into the fed because they'd rather have it at the fed than in the marketplace you're saying banks don't trust their own assets or that they're investing in their opinions and they don't like the opinions anymore no i mean so i i want you know i'm the most boring guy on earth you don't you know you don't i don't know my friends are billionaires that's what we talk about the average person has no idea what we're talking about we have to watch the flows of cash that's why my game is called cash flow yeah i'm watching which way the which way is it flowing i mean if you look in hindsight 2001 seemed obvious 2008 seemed obvious but people know that i'll bet you a million dollars you ask a hundred people what the repo market is you'd be a lucky of 50 know what it means that's not a mistake it's not an indictment against them it's indebted as a school system do you think that our stock market is a bubble oh it's criminal i mean the only reason they gave the ceos all that money is so they can repurchase their stock so let's say i'm ibm or ford you give me a million dollars okay so i borrow five million from the forage treasure i buy six million dollars of my stock it jacks the stock price price up so mommy and daddy with the 401k oh the ford motor company went up and running it's all floating on debt and you think this is a on its way down let me just say this much marcus go up and mark has come down it's coming down and then we're going into depression and then we go into revolution what what does a depression look like the depression is when more jobs are lost and they're going to print more money just as they did to prevent uh when they when fouchy you know fascists found she shut down the u.s economy the whole world economy is shut down how can they pay people not to work america is now the largest share nation in history student loan debt is out of sight consumer loan debt is out of sight stock market is all based upon debt we have a more national debt than gdp well i don't know about the exact numbers but i think we're pushing the debt to gdp ratio okay wait with the debt to gd it's really simple when debt the gdp hits 90 percent so we have 90 percent debt to gdp that's pretty optimal that means every dollar you borrow when is 90 the economy grows by 10 percent so it's a 10 to 1 i might have a 10 ratio the data that the gdp ratios 140 percent to one they cannot add any more money to it it's not going to grow that's what it means so it's like a guy who has a house that's in his you know he's he kept refinancing his house and he loses his job he can't borrow anymore so that's what happens when the debt the gdp went press 90 to 90 90 to 1. not 90 debt to gdp today it's 140 we're bankrupt hello the average guy has no clue what i just said to you how much time do we have left why are we finished goal server bitcoin bullets so how i mean let's let's talk about bitcoin because this this is this is where a lot of uh young people are pouring their money into and then you have people like michael bury who shorted the housing market before the 2008 crash calling bitcoin the biggest bubble of them all says that if you don't understand debt you don't understand bitcoin is that a safe place to keep your money then no only reason i buy bitcoin is i don't trust my government i don't i don't trust the federal reserve bank i don't trust the treasury i don't trust basement biden and i don't trust the stock market now if you trust all four of them have a good life i have goals over bitcoin so bitcoin is a bet against the government i'll say this one more time if you study marx a central bank is essential to communism that's the fed is the third central bank we've had came into existence in 1913. in 1913 the fed was created so was the tax department in 1913. oh coincidence the average guy has no idea that happened another thing about bitcoin is my basis is seven thousand dollars meaning you were buying bitcoin at seven grand so always remember your profits made when you buy not when you sell so do i recommend people buy i think i think bitcoins around 40 000 today as we talk do would i recommend it at 40 no but at six i would so you just wait for the crash of course buy low sell high but i never sell i borrow out you see if i i'm trying to tax law english common law and amsterdam was corporate law so what happens is let's let me give the same example i buy bitcoin or a property at a million dollars property and it goes up to 10 i'll borrow it at five those five that felt five million dollars i still have the property i haven't sold it i have no taxable event because i didn't sell it so that five million dollars is tax-free because it's debt you see debt is the key and guys guys oh i live debt-free i mean you're a stupid monkey that's what it means you just you just been a puppet on a string by taught by school teachers and financial planners all these guys who know nothing about money this is one of the things when i first read your book rich dad poor dad i mean i grew up as a horrible student in english english was my second language my dad always told me don't worry too much about english just focus on math and science you can become a doctor so i was never good at english i never read a book and i was in high school my dad gave me this book called rich dad ported i'm like you're telling me to read a book anyways we're on a flight to india and this is before they had tvs in the planes and i brought the book with me along with my biology textbook and some other stuff i got bored of studying so then i picked up this book and let me try this it's the first time i read a book cover to cover and i was i was angry when i read your book because you talked about how you know that you have the e s b that's cash flow quadrature that's book two question quadrant okay that was the second book maybe i read but you were talking about uh how doctors pay the highest taxes the highest taxes and and like the dream for so many immigrants especially indian households is go become a doctor and become a doctor where you can start your own practice as quadrant become your own boss and pay half of your money if not more in taxes sixty percent sixty percent of taxes if you're a doctor or a lawyer you make a million dollars six hundred k goes to the government you could spend the same amount of time takes ten years to become a doctor if you take 10 years and you work that hard to learn money real estate investing you can make the same amount of money not more and keep all of it of course i use debt remember in 1913 the federal reserve bank the third the third federal reserve bank was created of america the tax department was created in 1913 also you get the picture yet and taxes come out of corporate lot of amsterdam because it was shipping and english common law is english why don't more people i mean this is the thing that really i don't understand is why don't people do something about that because i mean your book is public people read this and they're like wow this is crazy but then they continue to get angry at people like you i mean is something wrong in the system do people not have the ability to go out and do it or what is it it's not easy you know i mean i wish i could say if it was easy i tell everybody it was easy um hopefully that more and more people will get the message you know we need doctors you know that we need less attorneys you know that that's true you know they're ambulance chasers now and i gotta watch out for those guys yeah so i mean okay i really want to get back to this question because now i think we have our audience is a lot of millennials 25 to 40 year old people who are really on their journey to become wealth many of them are working jobs this is their their way of uh providing for their families a lot of people you know they're not meant to be entrepreneurs or they don't have it in it to them to run their own business or they don't have the risk appetite to do that so should they stop investing in the 401k should they stop putting money in the stock market should they take all their money and buy gold what do they do i i don't give i don't give financial advice because that gets me in more trouble i just tell people what i do i own gold mines i took public so oh you have stocks i said yeah they're my stocks idiot i own silver mines i don't trust freaking chinese i mean because my gold mine in china they took a billion dollar goldman i was a billionaire for about a year and the chinese said oh thank you very much but that's why i know about the uyghurs and all this stuff that the belt in one road project um you know my friends in hong kong they think that kovit came about because they wanted to find a way to stop the hong kong riots really i mean there's all opinions but i can't really prove all that stuff i just would rather have the gold than the gold mine now you know and i've owned silver mines in argentina i made fortunes off of that stuff but i my stock i take companies public i don't buy stocks now that takes education that you don't get in school but my best thing i said at young people is this you have the most powerful tool ever created for an entrepreneur it's called an iphone or the korean version of it you're the most powerful tool but it can also be used against you if you're not educated see if you believe all that stuff on your phone i think one of the biggest things that goes against the school teacher is youtube you know i i find the best teachers on youtube they're not you know they they teach because they want to teach but some of them are crooks too but you're going to know the difference and so i think youtube is fantastic and i'm on youtube constantly saying you saw me take off my headsets and all this i go to sleep with youtube on but i choose my teachers wisely so who are some good teachers people can watch i listen to guys who who hate each other this may sound strange but pewter chef hates bitcoin he's a good friend of mine he's a gold guy then i listen to michael saylor and all these other guys who are bitcoin guys and and i just listened to the two points of view because in between there is something i can take away but i don't listen to just one side that's why i said when i was in 911 or 913 i was in istanbul talking to muslims i said i'm going to find out about your religion because i was told what i was told as a marine you know the crusades and other infidels and all this crap that were taught as marines also and i said you guys are good people they're good people as you learn more and more about people you get to you learn more to respect others right because you learn more about their culture you learn more about their their thought process well i'll tell you what the reason i checked you out i said you could have a lot of balls to wear that turban you know you don't find me walking around a kimono do you and it makes you tougher you know you get it's harder your faith has to be strong if you get bullied your whole life people call you names your whole life yeah makes you stronger you stop caring what people think and you do what you think is good for you that's why i listen to you i want you to know that i mean i go man i don't know if you know but there was a sheik or something in right after 9 11 they murdered him here in phoenix yeah sick yeah balbirs um well we're saying sordi was the first killed after the 9 11 attacks yeah and people when they go nuts you know which which we did in vietnam we did things they're not supposed to do but when you say your friend's dying you change and until you see that until you walk you walk a mile in my shoes you know what it's like so you're just talking from experience things that you've seen correct things that you've wished you would have known things that you have you know seen along the way that it's just but you can't no you know you don't you don't know much when you're young you know i mean i meet young people today i can't believe how stupid they are but then i look back up on my own record i make them look intelligent i was so stupid yeah i mean you had your rich dad and that you kind of look up to and that's why i understand that's why i when i talk about youtube i listen about science i don't they're there are hardcore common as school teachers on youtube it takes every it takes i don't know what to say i listen to these guys i want to choke them the school teachers teaching communism i mean not marxism communism in our schools this guy even looks like marx i'm going to hold him it takes so i think he had a our talk it took every ounce of courage in my body to listen to that guy but i didn't learn much from him i just said i hated him but now listen to guys like jordan peterson and all that who are more in my my channel you know my um wavelength yeah but the reason i said a young people you're given the most powerful tool ever given to any generation it's called that iphone everybody want to call it but you have to be careful how you use it be careful who you listen to and that's all there is i mean you can use it to get really rich or you can use it to get really stupid i mean i think it's it's harder for millennials now to build welter or kind of have any sort of financial freedom than previous generations correct me for wrong because previous generations uh social security had pensions you had all these things that you would the other people will come and spoon feed you in retirement versus now millennials are told hey if you want to retire wealthy you just invest in a 401k and so i mean a lot of people are working towards a quote unquote retirement now whether that's right or wrong it's at the end of the day everyone's working towards some sort of financial freedom yeah but the point here is freedom is your freedom of choice and if you think freedom is a 401k then i'll pray for you tonight because i know the history of it 1974 the eresa act was passed arrested employee retirement income security act which you've morphed into the 401k which morphed into the ira i don't even know this but in 1970 up until 1974 it was illegal for americans to own gold really yeah they don't teach you that in school and you were buying gold then weren't you uh behind enemy lines or trying to i was i i smuggled it in i smuggled the south african gold kruger in i still have that krueger and i paid 50 bucks for it today it's worth 2 000. wow how did you smuggle it put in my pocket no i mean you know customs guys aren't the brightest they're looking for drugs they're looking for gold so should more and more young people be going out and buying gold then as their retirement plan no i save gold i don't save dollars i borrow dollars i'm completely up i'm a capitalist that's why you want to listen to dave ramsey he's a good friend of mine live debt-free i go why are my friends all billionaires and they're deeply in debt think about that but you have to be very smart to borrow a lot of dollars i think a lot of young people would disagree young people who are drowning a student loan debt who are trying to because they're stupid and getting that kind of no i'm not saying it's the college you've been set up student loan debt is the worst i wouldn't touch that crap like i wouldn't touch a 401k now if you don't know the difference between a piece of dog in a 401k or a student loan that's your problem so the best cash flow i mean would you agree is real estate no i don't even need real estate i use debt i'm just looking for an excuse for somebody to give me a loan you go out and borrow money but then do what with it i mean what do you buy i have to create money from the money look when i found this gold mine in china you know they gave it to me for free because it was just the transition when they were shifting to capitalism and any communist project that wasn't making money so we're shopping in china everything was on sale this is 1989 when the berlin wall fell and all that stuff was falling so we found this gold mine in dalian china they said if you all you have to do is take it public raise it raise the capital so we took it public on the toronto stock exchange the tlc we did all the essays with all the hard work and all today there's specs ipos are different than specs you know it's all this goofy stuff going on today which makes it twice you got to be twice as smart as a young person today so we raised 27 million of the toronto stock exchange we found gold and the chinese said thank you very much they took it away from you yes did you get anything back of course not i don't trust chinese governments i've been screwed so many times by the chinese you know i mean people say you're racist i said yeah against chinese no i'm only kidding it's not the chinese people it's the government if you know what i mean they're not smart people you know that accountants and attorneys are not creative einstein over there she got a picture of einstein imagination is more important than knowledge they have knowledge they have no imagination they've never taken a company public they've never taken something and and turned it in taken nothing and turned it into something i think that goes back to the school system yeah they can't think they memorize right answers and regurgitate so if someone has a kid do you homeschool them or do you keep them in school i don't know i don't i don't give advice i just tell you what i did i had a rich dad and a poor dad i went to a rich i went to a rich white school this this became a rich dad for a lot of people yeah that's i think that's the happiest thing about my life right now because i have so many young people coming to me and say my father it's lucky my father gave me your book and that's the joy you know that's spiritual i go thank you it's it's now number 20 and amazon is 25 years old wow how does that feel inspiring so many millions of people it's it's it touches my heart you know and so that's why i'm accused of being a racist and all this stuff i go you don't know me so say what you like but that's what i'm saying post-modernist education is opinion and emotion critical race theory black lives matter uh cancelled culture it's not education anymore it never was anyway 1930 the frankfurt school moved from berlin to new york city to columbia university teachers women's college 1930. they don't teach you that in teacher school where can someone go to learn do you have any books you can recommend well it's all over i mean you know i just study i didn't do well in school but i do study but i don't study that garbage they teach me to study because i know like i know you've talked about the creature from jack-o'-lanterns leads to the federal reserve bank and yeah and how that worked is there any other places kind of resources someone can go to just just be skeptical like you know why i flunked out of high school just because i flunked out of sophomore year 15. the teacher they were studying columbus and i'm an expert on columbus because i want to go to the merch marine academy i want to be a ship's i built boats i'm a naval architect you know i understand that stuff so the teachers said what was columbus's flagship do you know which one it was the pinta the nina and the santa maria right which was the flagship i don't know it depended upon the voyage see the the uh um the painted the nina and the santa maria the santa maria burned so the pinta took over flagship going back wow and so when i when so when i wrote that answer i got an f i took that t-shirt of court i just said how dare you how dare you how dare you give me an f now my father was head of education from the state of hawaii he fired him says let us let my son think school teachers are not very smart people they wouldn't be school teachers they're good people but they're not they have to go by the teacher's manual their employees they all belong to a marxist organization called the nea national education association and then what mark said right workers of the world unite labor unions the most powerful labor union in america today is the nea forbes called them the national extortion association that's why during this culvert thing you couldn't send your kid to school the unions control everything wow i'm not against unions i'm against ignorance just like how you're not against education it's just what kind of education who are your teachers yeah i mean one of the things that we talk about on our channel is that education is the backbone to success but the question is where do you get that education you know for me school was awesome i loved school i i wasn't studying the best in class but i had a great time i had so much fun in school and i learned so much and that's where i started my first real business that's where i started investing in real estate but i think it's just it's just we get caught up in a bubble and within ourselves you know we we don't know how to start absorbing content that is contradictory to us i think part of this might have to go to social media because the way social media is designed it pulls you into a rabbit hole once facebook or instagram or whatever they see that you start liking something they show you more and more and more and more of that where anytime you see something different you get angry and i think that you know you talk about it very very astute anything that contradicts you you should listen to because it's it's hitting some value system our culture inside of you that's why i said on 9 11 when i was in um istanbul i realized i didn't know we were taught that muslims were infidels they're good people but i was a radicalized marine and they were radicalized you know the radicalized islams too we're all extremes and i i learned a lot that day speaking to them and it creates fear it creates fear people get scared of what they don't know i mean i'll tell you if i walk on a plane you'll see people you know the way to you know come and fly in here to do this interview you know people just kind of move in and it's like you know well that's why i give you credit man wearing that outfit you don't find me walking around in a kimono yeah but you know fear is is a way people can control people yes exac a pandemic of fear that's all it is so i'm speaking today not because i want to cover my ass but because that's what we're taught to do at military school i didn't go to snowflake university you know i wasn't taught oh there's trigger events you hurt my feelings i'll you get your feelings right that's why i give you credit you wear you wear that outfit of yours i give you so much freaking credit because i don't have that courage man you know also to represent a legacy you know i mean i know those struggle migrants your culture my grandparents almost fought for their lives yes when the government lied to them yes my parents almost lost their lives when our home state was bombed in the 80s yes and then my dad came to this country with nothing worked as badass got fired because of the way he looked yes and so it's to represent where you come from and then just having that knowledge and that but but also gives you a driving force you know i'm not just fighting for me i'm fighting for the whole culture that's right and so that's why when i came across you on youtube i'm going this guy says the mexicans say you got ghonies and i think that's what we need now if i can inspire somebody to speak out to tell you know right or wrong you know if if you think we should disarm everybody and live happily ever after and sing kumbaya go ahead but that's not the world i see out there yeah you know i carry a gun and i think because i've had people try and kill me before and i think that's you know an important lesson is you know a lot of people gonna watch is they're gonna disagree with you of course they're gonna say you're crazy well i should say you should have a 401k you should go to school you know you should be a good person and don't say anything that's what people want me to say yeah and people are going to say crazy conspiracy theories and a whole bunch of things but i think they have to make your own decisions right what's right for you might not be right for somebody else but they have to know what the different viewpoints are so they can make the best decision from themselves well when i say what i say disagree with it you find out who you are you see if you really think that marxism is good and you can kill as many people as you like that's what marx taught just look at the numbers of murders the chinese have killed more people than any of the people in history they're the biggest racist organization going look at the look at their thing on the uyghurs they lock them up they kill them they use them experiments they sell them you know i've flown all over the world i've seen chinese concentration camps have you so you can sit there in your little ivory tower neiman marcus store and say oh this is america no it's not the reason the people break into neiman marcus and looted is because that's the only way they get in there because the kids a load of the student oh but he got an education no they screwed him with student loan debt no no tell me that's not true just look at the contract of a student loan debt is the worst possible debt as a professional capitalist i wouldn't touch a student loan debt i'd rather pick up a steaming pile of horseshit before i did that because you can't declare bankruptcy on student loans that's correct but you can do it on anything else you the kids and you know who got the money communist school teachers at harvard stanford columbia and that's one of the things it's as soon as the federal government guaranteed student loans they said it doesn't matter how much money you charge the students we promise you we'll give you as much money as you want as soon as you saw that happen tuition rates went up and obama was behind that obama is obama is from hawaii i know the family what happened before they're not poor people that's a lie but it was started before obama oh i know that but i'm telling you that's what i'm saying in 1930 the frankfurt school transported his flag over to columbia university there's a book called uh tail spin by first name now but he talks about how our ivy league schools rip everybody off stephen brill he's a he's a yale graduate this is higher education from ivy league schools the worst people possible but he went to harvard look at all the stupid freaking asians they you know they won't let them in because asians are too smart they're smarter than white guys so they discriminated and i said well you should have brought me in there i brought the curve down have you been allowed to speak at schools anytime recently no i don't go to communist countries communist countries who was it that said was somewhere he says if i knew where i was gonna die i wouldn't go there so i'm always invited to go to schools i said no i don't want to die today because you can't get past their opinion of capitalists all that capitalist does is employ money in people we create jobs and we pay no taxes are you evil for doing that depends on the point of view you want to pay taxes free country do you have the ability now to help more people i did with a book called rich dad poor dad in my cash flow game i teach basic accounting income statement balance sheet statement of cash flow the lesson i learned really early on in life is my banker has never yet asked me for my report card if you know i just borrowed another 340 million alternative 16 million dollars average guy can't even get a credit card but to to prove i could pay them back 316 million dollars i had to show my financials they don't want to see my college degree so i showed him i said that's okay now i borrowed through the 16 million dollars tax-free all that money is tax-free because it's debt but you're not using that money to go out and buy a fancy car no i don't have to look please hear on this okay so i borrow let's say i borrow a million bucks i buy a property it goes up to 10 million dollars i got 9 million equities sitting there if i need a new car i just borrow it out i buy a new car with tax free money called debt i have a ferrari a rolls royce toyota's all tax free because it's debt if people want to learn more they know where to start rich dad poor dad you have a new book coming out called the capitalist manifesto any last words you want to leave with people on things they should know things they should be aware of things they should do the reason we're in this when this world today is because people are so afraid of being triggered having their feelings hurt but that's post modernist education feelings and emotions we don't dare question what our stupid school teachers tell us they're not smart people they're just people who are parrots you know paulie wants a cracker polly wants a cracker they parrot what they've been told to parrot it takes courage to speak out and get torn down just like those 343 firemen who climbed the stairs they climbed to their death i had friends who flew to their death knowing it wow well thank you for your time mr kiyosaki this was a very informative exciting and emotional driven a lot of a lot of interesting i mean even i've read a lot of your books and you know this was a lot of a lot to take in so i encourage everyone watching this watch it again save this video and if you want to learn more you have robert kiyosaki on youtube and all of your books right correct and youtube's a great place but get both points of view i listened to i listened to that i don't i don't know like this name it took he was he was an hour too long for me but i my skin crawled listening to him you haven't lived until you have to kill people and they were doing what they were told to do very tall we were doing but when you study history you get the big picture of it socialists marxists and communists have killed more people than any other form of political government in history history just look at that americans have killed very few people yeah and you go back to the pursuit of happiness a lot of people are just here on this earth just to be happy and it's crazy how many things going behind the scenes yeah let's one more quick story quickly i hang out with a friend he's a billionaire i mean most of my friends are billionaires close friends you know no but we're billionaires because of debt we didn't sit there and save our pennies it would take a long time to save your money to a building because you get taxed today savings are taxed you know we're inflation yeah and by the time you get there it's not worth anything so anyway we said well is there a crash coming so i don't know we're looking for a sign from god and so right after i kind of looked at all the things on covet we walked into this restaurant right down the street here in scottsdale and everybody was dressed in evening gowns you know and he he looked at me and i looked at him and said the crash is coming i said when you have all these old guys like me and their wives dressed in evening gowns you know they end us near because they're out there celebrating partying we call it the evening gown theory of economics like explain that what do you mean by that everybody no just before every crash people are the happiest and then they get really depressed and that's when the capitalists get rich because they everything goes on sale it's like black friday for investors correct and so it's everything's opposite there's always two sides the three sides to every coin heads tails and the edge of the coin and i stand on the edge as well as boom and bust and all this so you know when bitcoin went down to three thousand i mean well if it goes to zero you know i said no it went to six and i started buying i hit seven i backed up the truck at nine i put it in so he said was bitcoin going to crash i said i don't give a because your profit is made when you buy and you make more money in a crash and i use debt so it's opposite of a 401k so crash is good for you a crash is good for you it depends on the person you know if neiman marcus was having a sale everybody be in there neiman markup you know if they raised all the prices who would go shop there nobody so unless you're giving a whole bunch of free money right but anyway i i everything is opposite there's always three sides to a coin heads tails and edge and intelligence is found to edge and a trouble with opinion is you have to take a side okay appreciate it thank you thank you robert kiyosaki this was a wonderful interview thank you very much i appreciate it keep up the good work thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video here's the video on how to build wealth that i think you'll love and why edit download a free guide on how to invest your money in the stock market and as always keep hustling here's the thing investing is the real secret to building wealth for regular people it is not building the next amazon it is not finding the next hot stock before it pops
Channel: Minority Mindset
Views: 1,280,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minoritymindset, minority mindset, minority123, jaspreet singh, rethink rich, financial education, financial literacy, finances, stock market, stocks 101, how to invest, money management, investing 101, building wealth, how to manage money, financial advice, investing, buying stocks, housing market, inflation, wealth, passive income, personal finance, robert kiyosaki, rich dad, invest, bitcoin, crypto, cryptocurrency, real estate, real estate investing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 11sec (4931 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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