How to Make Millions in Tarkov (Best Roubling Routes)

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I'll show you guys probably one of the easiest Andor best rule making routes you can do okay what you're going to need for this money run a relaxation room key you're going to want Finance financial institution small office key financial institution office key all these keys are good but these two and relaxation room key oh and you're going to want a flare um with this spawn it probably would be better just to go down and hit the security room up to Concordia area that's a rare spawn to have in there that's a rare one I forgot my flare what extracts we have we got damaged house anyways oh we have sewer River don't we we got to River perfect cuz we're going to go hit Raa into the The Hive or the relaxation room over into the finance office and then out we can also do uh MVD if we have any open slots I doubt we will by then I heard someone over I think in the building that is a spawn what would they be doing in there know there are four of them really and so they weren't in that building they were in this one this is actually where the Rea key opens the rare items on the tables and on the ground here honestly I don't even care to have this too I think he already hit this side you Tech items on the tables here on graphics cards tetrises random good loot and you got the filing cabinets if you really wanted to hit those but we're going to go over to relaxation room what's the key real estate agency re EA but real estate if you just type in real it probably pull it up that door to our left's open it's not supposed to be it's kind of a good sign cuz if someone spawned in that corner they likely went through there and didn't go down to the relaxation room I scan these windows it's well lit inside so it's easy to see if someone is in there nice still locked this is relaxation room bunch of moonshines just rare items the um dolls what are they called not bubbleheads I always forget the name of them Funko Pops really had to dig in the SE cushions over there there's a moonshine nice nothing there got a Bitcoin nothing there it's awkward trying to Vault up on this a lot of times it just doesn't want to work get r items on the ground here too the chair if there's anything in the chair that little white dot will pop up you don't have to scan too hard for [Applause] it take the Vodka if you really wanted to I'm not that worried about [Applause] it did we hit this Tel bag we did [Applause] not there we go all right you be careful when you come outside scan the windows good there's also a safe right outside that I I don't like hitting it sketchy this is a spawn it's actually in like the room above me but you got be careful for someone being in here off the start it's also a good building to loot if you wanted to barter items get some rare items there's a medical bag upstairs barter items on the ground here motor LCD you like graphics cards in here and we'll go upstairs is this right next to the relaxation room although not entirely needed to loot but it's not bad to loot you got a tiny duffel bag if you wanted to hit that it's cute I want that PCB we'll grab it the milk and then in this room Oh wrong one this one got the uh Med case and meds that'll spawn on top of the table and I think in the chair too I got one more location to show or two this thing sketches me out it's the finance room Finance building that's the door we're going to hit got a rare item behind the table here these keys are cheap I mainly just hit this one for the [Applause] safe oh you got PCS and filing cabinets too then upstairs this is the regular office key Finance small office key finance office key where items on the ground here and on the ground here nothing this time then you got the PCS there there there duffle bag and two more PCS so like great place to find graphics cards damn that would have been cool if it was one imagine graphics cards are going for like 700 800k right now 850 which I mean we've already pulled the Bitcoin a moonshine lion so it's not like we're struggling for loot right now right like I said if we if we weren't um uh full we could go hit the next spot but we will very likely fill up hitting the Rea oh [ __ ] hitting Raa Raa into the hive usually will fill up in that alone just on rare items like unless you have a raid bag or something like that you're going to be full um and then especially hitting the finance District or Finance keys right after and then last is the MVD but since we had that ser issue right there I'm kind of tempted to Just Bounce [ __ ] it recently that's been meaning that there's a vacuum cheater in the lobby but it usually lasts a lot longer than that but for a bit there if the vacuum cheater was in the lobby and that happened you could open up your console and you could see um their name it would show you their in-game name but this is the last place I wanted to show on this route and they Norm in if you didn't have sewer you can just go out that way to the right and boom you're at CLE off extract and you just shoot the flare off and you're out the new boss can spawn in here so be careful for him being in here get a rare item in the bowl there and then this is the MVD key it's 20K got the rare item here one on the desk one on the chair as well I believe and on the ground here and the dead body in the duffel bag too and maybe a PC under the table no no PC he's M as in mancy m as in mancy MVD oh and a teapot you like the duffel bag get weapon attachments here the FL uh duffel bag there and Mo grenade box grenade box weapon attachments in there food and hydration I want to say yeah Med bag there more food and hydration duffel bag in that room duffel bag at the end and duffel bag to the left actually I think it's a tool box to the left there I'll show the keys for this route again here in a moment but if you bring in like a I mean I'm bringing in a trooper bag which is the same as like an attack two are a pilgrimm you fill up every time with these like more more than enough Loot and that's not even with like hitting the filing cabinets you could do half of this route and if you hit the filing cabinets you'll fill up even faster I just don't like Loot and fining CET takes to takes too long but like pretty easy loot if you get a good spawn for it if you spawn all the way way across the map there's a different route that I'd run I'll show that um next time we get the spawn but yeah if you spawn over by Cinema you go into Rea into the The Hive you can hit marum if you really wanted to over to finance Keys over into MVD out cleam off yeah spawned here cut through when behind the building because if you go in front there if there's a rogue on the grenade launcher there he he gets you so um we went on the backside pushed through to there stopped here scanned to the car scann to Rea building didn't see anyone worked our way down um once we got to right there we heard the guy on wood and he came out of this building and went into Rea and so killed the guy in Rea it's on the map but it's right there hit the Rea key hit the other one uh he did I just got all the loot from him but that's the building he hit for sure then worked our way down and across and went over into the The Hive which is right next door to this open area right there hit the hive went out went into this open area went up second floor and then fourth floor looted that you could skip over that if you wanted to but it's not too bad I just wanted to show it I usually would just skip over it um you have two choices now you could either go over and hit the marked room which is right up here there's a jump in you just vault in it and then you can Vault out of as well I use the key just you know because what's rubles um but there's way in and out right now I'm sure they'll patch that soon enough then if you don't want to do that you could cut across and go to the finance one this is going to be more highly contested this is very lightly contested um usually don't run into people here unless they're doing the quest but two different keys in there you need you need Rea real estate agent you need um the relaxation room key Finance Financial small office key financial office key then first floor financial office small office key and then top the second floor financial office key then from there you cut across it doesn't show the area over here but on this back side right here that's MVD it's this building right here you need m is in mancy or Mom uh MVD very cheap key it's like 20K I made probably like 150k in that room first opening and then there's also a rare item spawn in the toiletry bowl that all the knives are facing in the middle like the room and then from there you can either go out sewer or go out CLE off which is right here take COV out so very very easy route as a whole in terms of contest especially if you get a good spawn by the relaxation room key the relaxation room key is the bread and butter of that route and it is going to be more contested than the other spots but if you get a good spawn for it it's a very quick run I'm talking like 5 minutes you're in and out unless you're sitting there looting filing cabinets so yeah very very solid route all right with this spawn we got damage house cross site we can go straight into the BSG office here that's kind of weird uh shooting relaxation key nice boom spawn there spawn there right where I got it one right here yep spawns on top of the table with the duffel [Applause] bag negotiation room key super cheap would recommend having it another uh relaxation room key spawn there rare item spawn on the ground medical bag another spawn right there right there those are relaxation room keys you also get a ton of tech items on the uh desks like tetrises and graphics cards Ram you don't want the ram another spawn in the teeth role playing as a wiener right there yeah have a good night brother sleep well man I appreciate the Bitties that's just a scab another relaxation room right there and the last two relaxation room key spawns one right there and one behind the pizza box 12 different spawns in here but guaranteed to get the key the key is like anywhere from 150 to 200k I don't sell them personally I think they're 100% worth hitting movement left here that Scout can [ __ ] off let be careful for someone someone being in someone being in there let's check these beanies go for a decent amount right now this construction that was a pretty light room for the BSG office usually there's a lot more [ __ ] you're really in there for the relaxation room key but he's not even aiming at me any tips on how to get the r the mar room I've gotten a few out of Mark room to swipe not lie I thought that was a [ __ ] scab construction area is not bad it's mainly for supplemental loot there are a lot of tool boxes here go figure um but it's definitely not like like the main goal of the Run TT armor I'm going to end up taking the plates out of that actually you know what we can leave the plates in there and then use it for a little bit extra storage there's also other like tool boxes and stuff up there if you wanted to hit those might as well show them I guess right why not as well as a dead body H we were going to go hit Concordia so we're pretty full at this point um toolbox another one can spawn right oh there it is um another tool boox dead body another one right there we are sh that one and then one up top as well got a stash in the corner tool box two duffel bags in here boom boom Shuffle bag in there toolbox tool boox and a grenade case around the corner we going to go underground as this leads towards security I'm nice and overweight we go I'll show what keys are like an absolute must have I'll do it right after this round that way I can pull them out ohpe awkward this security room key if they hit that then they probably hit upstairs as well and Dr that down here so I'm not as heavy got to be careful for people camp in this area since the there's windows that OverWatch like all of Concordia a lot of times they post up and wait it's looking good I was scanning for that door right there this is a apartment 34 I believe like te him on the ground um food hydration spawn there rare item on the table and I want to say on the ground here on the coffee table I can't remember which and on the ground as well next to the bed that one's not as prominent but if you're going to be up here might as well check it this one on the table on the couch I believe on the chair and on the bed and next to the bed as well nothing this time these keys are super cheap but can have rare item spawns in them like right here then Cable tech item harder item Tech item pull the graphics card out of here last time I was up and then also Bitcoin so like that round or this round not really all that worth about to pull you know a mil plus worth of loot in one opening it's they can pay this is the better side these are the keys I'd say would be a must have you got Concordia 64 it's already hit close that he could even still be in here got Tech items on the ground rare item in the corner rare item in the corner on top of this and medical items in here augmenting get stems and stuff on the ground and on the Shelf rare items in here so you missed an SG C10 in the suitcase and boom right there then on the uh couch and on the chair uh this one apartment 64 there's apartment 64 office and then apartment 63 63 you can just break the glass and jump into the window I don't like breaking glass um to go to go into areas in this game it's so loud gives away your position immediately I'd much rather just spend 30k on the key and use it all right let's go and drink this we'll put this up move that over move those two up and we're good and then we are out there is um the rare item spawns in here on the beds you like tetrises I think actually on the ground next to the beds too and this crash light easy run overall and hopefully you don't get contested too much if you do nighttime raids it's a lot better you don't have to deal with as many player scabs we spawned right here we cut across went up and then into the BSG office from here we went out and over to construction hit up construction killed the PMC there but looted up construction then went downstairs over to Security room the security room was hit went up to apartment 34 and Apartment 8 and Apartment 8 Cinema then over to apartment 64 64 was already hit 63 was already hit but then that side room that was open that that you don't need a key for wasn't grab the loot there then out via crash light so we hit a very small portion of the map right like there is so much more but very very easy uh route to run very very easy um okay and as far as the keys that are like a musthave for streets Concordia 64 Concordia 63 um negotiation room Concordia part or Concordia security okay yeah that's pretty simple uh Concordia 64 Concordia 63 Concordia security room these three they they're they're great they're going to pay off really quickly really quickly um if not the very first run when you open them they'll pay themselves off Concordia 64 is a little pricey 170 but still the amount of Bitcoins you'll pull in a 40 uses is is crazy in of itself um Concordia 63 nice and cheap you can break glass to get in the window but the glass is way too loud to break and gives your position away Concordia security room the this this one's probably the best in terms of like profit per opening and the cost of the key like 45k for the key and you you you pay it off guaranteed first run relaxation room it's a little more expensive 22 it's 200k but you don't have to buy it you can get this key hard spawns on the map every round um that's why I have a key to a full of them as well as three up here to still put in um yeah these three these four I'd say are like the ones that I would if if I only had like limited room in a dock case or something like that or a key tool or Gingy keychain I'm bringing those four in tar bank's great you can break the the glass to get into it but it's it's one of those ones again glass is loud there's safes in there and a uh there two safes and two cash registers they have a lot of euros dollars and rubles in them um this one's actually pretty underrated Concordia security or I'm sorry Concordia Apartment 8 um Concordia 64 office room key and Concordia 34 and Concordia 8 those uh Concordia since you're in the area hitting these three you might as well hit those two uh there's rare item spawns in each each one of those but it's not like oh you're going to find a rare item every single time you open it type thing these you're going to find a rare item pretty much every single time time you open them um if multiple especially relax and con 64 and security Room Security room's got the safe that provides and then it's got a lot of weapon attachments and the two PCS um negotiation room this one goes where where you get the relaxation room key the relaxation room key can spawn in here a one out of 12 chance on it spawning in here the other 11 spawns are open you don't need keys for them but there's also a rare item spawn a PC block and um two different barter item spawns and a med case in there so like it's a 10K key this [ __ ] 8K that's 100% take it uh real estate agency office room key there's like five different rare item spawns in here it's a quest key you know 55k this this area I I'd say is mid like they're worth having but they're not like oh you better [ __ ] buy them like these four i' I would go into r every single [ __ ] time with these these guys worth having uh financial institution small office key safe in there fining cabinets PC block or two PC blocks um then finance insation office key three rare item spawns on the ground like six PCS and a duffel bag they're worth having just because they're pretty cheap 25k 52k that one's a little more expensive but again you pay them first opening um MVD there's like four or five rare item spawns in there I would honestly maybe even move this one up crazy enough it's 10K 10 to 20K um then there's a rare item spawn outside of that too that like it's I would say it's worth I just recently started uh I just recently checked it out and first opening I got probably 150k worth of Loot and there's a dead body and a duffel bag in there uh Beluga it's got the PC block two filing cabinets and three rare item spawns on the desk it's right by an extract um at the Stylo bait so like it's great to have because if you're at Silo bait why not and at 40K snag it what else we got Iron Gate I'm not the biggest fan of Iron Gate personally at 120k you know it's okay if you're hitting check 15 why not I actually haven't been hitting Czech I think it's a little overrated as a whole I used to hit it a lot and it still is a really good building to hit but it's just more highly contested and uh there's just so many good routes now that I I check 15 just kind of almost out of the way but might as well have it I guess why not right it opens up there's three different Gates that it can open that can have rare spawns in them let's see what else I think that's all here yeah and then stairway key that's in check 15 as well it or check building it's used as a cut through it's not for any Loop but it's just a good way to get out and then these are the March room keys these guys I have them because I think they're fun to open you don't even need abandoned factory key you can literally Vault into the build into the room and Vault out or vault through the floor like it's glitch right excuse me it's glitch they're going to patch it I'm sure but I have it just because why not right like rubles are easy to make when you know how to do it so there's no point in not having it for me but as far as a min max thing this one's not needed at all check 15 The Mysterious Room mark key um there's so much good loot on the map that it's not really worth paying a [ __ ] Mill it's not worth paying a mill for a key when there's just so much loot you're going to fill your bag up so easily that you really don't need the check the mysterious March room key I think it's fun to hit if you open it up and you get an ammo box like boom six 5 or 600k there 400k whatever it's going for probably 600k um or an injector case there's 800k right those rounds are fun to me and so that's why I I keep these two on me but I would this category I'd say not needed honestly kind it's kind of Overkill um this I'd say it's they're worth having especially because they're so cheap uh maybe not Iron Gate this one could flow either way and then these are a must have I'd say definitely grab these all right let me grab a flare and let's see what spawn we get these these routes more or less I mean like not all them but like my running streets I made 116 mil in 24 hours last wipe 116 mil in 24 hours they're money if you can get down streets you will not have to worry about Rubble in this game if you can play Streets then Lighthouse or reserve on your scav and then I would say either Reserve or interchange or Woods on your PMC um lighthouse on your PMC as well but a lot of people don't like Lighthouse okay I mean we could do we can do the the the hive into Finance into MVD and out via CLE off with this spawn there's a PMC spawn in this building that you have to be careful for Wes appreciate you let's see how quickly we can be in and out on this round show the actual like true potential of this run oh nothing there hopefully we get something good on this right side cuz so far this one it's been light damn light and it's crazy like this is a light run so [Applause] far this is the uh relaxation room key it's a two of two use key 200k on the flea market but you can find it every single raid um on streets well as long as no one's opened it first or got it first I'm scan in the windows up top I should have popped this melan off to start of the raid but it's okay Alon gives you strength and or strength and uh endurance levels need a rare item behind the Shelf nothing and then also um we'll will drain your energy and hydration that's why you bring in food and water to counter it and then it helps train your um what's a [ __ ] called immunity and Immunity basically makes the negative effects from stimulants and drinks not be as bad I'm not hitting the silent cabinets team room is that the that one's financial institution small office this one's financial institution office and no rares need duffel bag right there that's what I was looking for give me a GPU give me two gpus get give me two gpus right here all right Last Hope one GPU one GPU right here big GPU Run Okay I want GPU anyways is that the biggest bag pack no uh the raid bag is and we're going in the final building now which is the military school MVD and is mancy a rare item in here nothing weapon attachments on top [Applause] yeah I appreciate you moist weapon attachments there I'm saving the key room for last we end with a shebang amm's in there food food and stuff on top there looking for sugars and a moonshine more than anything ladex okay a few more things to search and then we do the key room I don't want that broken LCD all right and the key this is MVD oh ran past it item spawns on there we go the uh printer the chair on the ground right here I think next to the dead body and on the ground there where's this building located yo morning Miss uh this building is located in between the mall and Sewer sewer exra right next to Pinewood we've been in raid 8 minutes and we have a full bag of rar and or Tech items so this is Pinewood and 8 minutes is perfect because if you don't kill anything well I guess I mean you'd get enough XP from just looting but if you don't kill anything 7 minutes is how long you need to stay in raid to have found and raid items I don't like the way is looking at me all right just about 9 minutes for the entire run there we go easy money and and honestly you probably won't on that run with the spawn we had the if you don't meet him right off the start you're you're probably good the only contested spot on that run is the the relaxation room and we hit that right off the start and we spawned right by it I want to say in here almost positive we spawned in there um we went straight out went to the relaxation room then cut back went in the finance building went into the MVD school which is right here here cut through here and out via COV and exited so again very small portion of the map easy bag fill took little to no time and like that was a light run too usually um the uh relaxation room is better than that so on just rare items that we'd vendor 500k say probably about another 500k on the rest of the [ __ ] that we would flea market so 9 Minutes Mill not bad yeah door's been open so someone's probably already been through here or they could be in there right now spawn point number one for the relaxation room key spawn point number two number three number four number five number six number seven number eight number nine number 10 number 11 and number 12 so yeah someone's already been in here and didn't grabb the key but that's where all the keys would spawn or could spawn it hard spawns every single round and then you can Vault on that and then Vault over the fence to get out so you don't have to run back through this open gate I want to go see what's in Mark room but like that's where you can get the key if you spawn here early and even if you check late like I it's it's been up so many different times when I've gone like super late in the round and still early into its existence so you know as people actually learn about it it might get taken every single round but if that happens then the key just becomes cheaper on the flea market
Channel: SheefGG
Views: 36,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: escape from tarkov, tarkov, tarkov highlights, tarkov event, escape from tarkov highlights, escape from tarkov gameplay, eft, tarkov wipe, tarkov streets, tarkov chad, tarkov wipe day, tarkov loot, tarkov thicc loot, tarkov raid, tarkov loot profit, tarkov profit, tarkov raid bag, tarkov trooper bag, tarkov bags, tarkov sheefgg, loot tarkov, eft loot, tarkov roubles, tarkov rouble farm, how to make money tarkov, how to make roubles tarkov, tarkov roubles farming, roubling
Id: orkG30Mc8e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 14sec (3014 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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