How to Make Microsoft Flight Simulator More Realistic!

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hello everybody thanks for joining me today I wanted to talk about how to make Microsoft flight simulator a little bit more realistic add some immersion and just overall make the flight a little bit more enjoyable the first program that I want to show you is FS realistic it does a whole bunch of stuff but you could might tell already like the ambient noises that are going on right now are a little bit different and let me show you the program and it does a whole bunch more inside the cockpit as well but I just want to demonstrate this first on the outside so if we come over here to fsrealistic I'm going to turn it off listen to that it's such a big difference and the nice thing is that all these noises get layered upon each other so it doesn't seem like it's too much it also affects motion which if we jump into the cockpit I will you can hear like little seatbelt clicks and stuff going on there you can see the wind is kind of pushing us around it's a little windy here at Santa Monica we do have live weather on but if we come over to the effects there's a whole bunch of different stuff that you can tune but like one just to show like a good example of what it's doing as far as movement and sound is the touchdown so like right now if I touch down um that's what's gonna happen right so you get a little bit more noise some movement and that's if I touched on it 150 feet per minute let's say I had a great landing you know it's a little quieter and not as much shaking going on let's say I really had a harsh Landing right so and you can increase you know like let's say we crank the movement this is going to be so harsh so there's all sorts that you can do to really kind of fine tune how you want it to be and you can change the sound as well so right that's just some Tire noises I don't know what number two is but we'll hear it I think number one was still really good but you can go through and choose all the different settings that you want to on those now the nice thing about it is that you don't have to go through each aircraft and choose and fine-tunes you can just come over to this profile page and from the cloud they have people that have updated their own private profiles so like I usually just find the most downloaded one and then tweak it and this remembers for each aircraft you don't have to like load it in or anything like that so that's number one um it also does a whole bunch of wind noise while we're in the air so it does a great job of adding a little bit of immersion now if you're familiar with my channel um the other thing that I use is um a head tracker so I've had a few questions about it this is uh called track IR I think it's one of the more popular ones out there but this definitely adds to the immersion and it's very easy to set up and you know lets you really look around and you know I'm only tilting my head maybe 10 degrees there to look all the way I mean you can look all the way behind you and obviously I'm still looking at my monitor so it does a really good job of uh making you feel like you're in the cockpit I personally use the IR clip that Clips onto your headset but it comes with a sort of like hat clip where you just put on a cap and then put that on there and it would track that way as well so the other thing before we get fired up is I use navigraph uh which is a flight planning and sort of flight tracker that ties into like simbrief and all sorts of different stuff but what I like about it is the newest one came with the VFR sectionals which is what we're looking at here you can have you know low altitude Airways there's High there's low oh I have the city layer turned on let's turn that off there you go so there's a lot of different um sort of charts if you will on on there but the best thing about it is that you also get all of the you know departure arrival uh airport information charts and you can overlay them onto the map itself so we're the little purple Arrow right now we're sitting here and we can see where we need to go now typically I don't even have this open on my computer I have this open on my phone and it will display all this information on a phone a tablet a laptop another computer whatever you want to do you can have this basically running on another device so you don't have to you know sort of bring this up while you're flying you can just you know use a tablet off the side and it has you know your little guy flying along there and it works out really well to get all the chart information so I I have that running as well on on my phone so I can get all my frequencies because the we're replacing the ATC with a program called pilot to ATC now pilot to ATC is not as in-depth as say that similar you're talking to a real person but you are talking to a program and you have to have the correct phraseology that in order to advance and you know talk to them now there's a whole bunch of voices that you can download you can purchase ones all that type of stuff I just downloaded more Microsoft voices uh for free and and loaded those in so there's a little bit of variation going on they are robotic because like I said I'm not going to spend a whole bunch of money on uh realistic voices but I imagine in the future uh there's gonna that's gonna get more and more real and better ways to actually access those voices so the way that looks is I do not have it open currently I'm still running the trial and you get 10 days of of that so I'm only about five days into using this program but this is what kind of made me want to make this video is because it really does a good job of getting you immersed into um game and also you know I think we can all agree that the ATC that is currently in Microsoft flight simulator is lacking at best so we're going to do a VFR flight so we're not even going to load anything in here typically I've seen uh people ask hey how do I fly a VFR flight using pilot to ATC and the answer will be oh just put in your flight plan and then file it and which is fine but that's going to have them give you a squawk code and a flight following very similar to like what an IFR flight is now you can fly a true VFR flight which is you know if you're just going to get clearance to take off from the tower and then they're gonna you know release you from their frequency and you would just be stalking one two zero zero and get in touch with other pilots on Unicom stations as you're flying through or contact the airspace that you're about to either transition or you know land at so we're going to leave it like this we're going to go ahead and connect this connects up to the simulator there we go you can see where it's got us loaded here at Santa Monica and um I'm just gonna click away from that real quick and let's go ahead and uh we're gonna go through a quick fire procedure on this it's been a while since I've flown it so uh sorry if that is going to be a little little off all right so first thing um on this one we're gonna get our battery on alternator on Beacon on we can come full forward on our mixture prop can come to high and we're gonna go full throttle and from there we can pop on our fuel pump we just want to see that Peak go ahead and turn that off uh fuel selector we just want to make sure we're on the fullest tank they are both even at the moment so we are good there and then we can go ahead and rotate our uh Magneto and key now the fun thing with FS realistic is clear prop I love that and you can change the clear prop ones around oop I forgot to bring the throttle back to idle um that definitely would not have started in a real uh Bonanza three five let's go ahead and just get that settle therap on our avionics we need to tune uh the Ada switch is one one nine one five so uh one one nine one five Santa Monica Municipal information Bravo 2051 Zulu wins are two one eight at one zero knots one now something else I want to show you real quick is inside pilot to ATC there is another add-on called the ATC chatter and if I understand yeah let's decrease this to 60. um so this is going to be live recordings that get played throughout the um before and that just adds in again a little bit more realism and you know they're not accurate as far as where you are but they're accurate to what frequency you are tuned so it does a very good job of that let's go ahead and contact uh ground and ask for um our taxi information or taxi clearance Bonanza three five ready to taxi Runway two one correct venenzo 3-5 taxi to Runway 2-1 via taxway's bravo bravo 5 Alpha 5 hurled short Runway 2-1 so they do their best but you Alpha is on the other side so really it's having me cross and then come around so um we'll just Bonanza 3-5 clear to Runway 2-1 via bravo bravo 5 hold short two one Bonanza three five so there we go we can go ahead and taxi on over very short taxi it's 7609 taxi Enzo 35 contact tower on one two zero point one have a good afternoon power Bonanza three five holding short Runway 2-1 ready for takeoff Bonanza three five wins are two one eight at one zero knots altimeter is two nine or nine or four cleared for takeoff Runway two one squawk one two zero zero let's take off runway two one squawking one two zero zero Bonanza three five there we go we are clear to take off and go ahead and get on in the air now we're just doing a VFR flight and that's why he told us to make sure we're squawking one two zero zero so we're just gonna go ahead and line up and actually before we go let me just pop on the brakes here I want to get a little bit brighter in here because the weather's not awesome with that uh uh Cloud layer a little better all right now we can go ahead and go now I apologize if some of the volumes are a little inconsistent uh because with all this going on and trying to record my voice it gets a little hard to balance now you can hear that rattling going on that's from that FS realistic you also had a little bit more vibration and give it coming up and we're just gonna fly up the coast here they're gonna uh tell us that we can change frequency in just a little bit here just wait for that uh clearance to change frequency change approved Roger Bonanza three five so we've got uh the okay to go ahead and swap so we can swap on over now Unicom is a basically a uncontrolled frequency if you will so what that means is that you would announce your position to other aircraft in the area to let them know where you are because you're not being handled by a controller when you're in a VFR flight so like that guy right there was just letting everyone know that he was turning left base at some airport um now for us we could just say something like Bonanza three five traffic five miles west of Santa Monica along the coast North to Santa Barbara Bonanza three five traffic and that that would let them know I should have said my altitude actually was the only thing I missed on that one um but it's you know who you are um where you are and what you're doing and that'll let everyone else in the area know and then you're good to go so one of the other things I want to show you before we jump ahead to when we're getting close to uh Santa Barbara same thing with that FS realistic um you know it's a little Gusty out today and you can hear a little bit of the wind changes going on but I wanted to show you like if you do like abrupt changes in altitude so say we drop down you can hear that wind increase during that transition as it's almost like jeez you know and same thing if you turn Sharp you can hear little things in the cockpit sort of like rattling around a little bit right so all those little things just add up to you know a little bit more immersion I'm going to get my heading bug set to where we're currently at here I'm going to just engage the autopilot and we're going to go into alt mode and heading mode uh so we can just fly a little bit easier here um and I just want to show you again on here if you turn it off see how dead it sounds so this layers audio so well to cross the Midfield to join right traffic for what sick Friday and now I put it back on and you can tell us we were following that traffic but now it's going Midfield we'll continue straight out until uh we have the traffic and uh planning uh a lefty so like that's just awesome to me to have that that stuff in there so we're just gonna keep on keeping on and we'll reconnect when we're getting close to Santa Barbara and checking in with them to enter the traffic pattern here as little touch and go on what your command is uh when you're flying VFR it's not as straightforward is when you're doing an IFR flight because they'll assign you as you come in uh but there's phraseology documents that you can that you get with um pilot to ATC and also in the pilot to ATC program you can bring up uh like helpful hints while you're in there well not even hints but the direct uh sort of call outs that you need to to make and you can also have if you click on the say it button the um copilot will say it for you so we're gonna go for just saying that we're going to enter the pattern and where did that one go do visual yeah so if we do this one all right so let's try and say that and see what happens I did get disconnected on my own mistake while I was looking at something on there so we'll see if it I just reconnected and we'll see if it works or not uh so Bonanza three five inbound at 1 500 feet for VFR pattern entry Runway zero seven Bonanza three five good afternoon altimeter is two niner nine or one enter pattern on a write downwind for Runway zero seven pattern altitude is one thousand feet perfect call downwind a little call downwind Bonanza three five yeah so as we're coming up to Santa Barbara you know we can turn over a little bit here let's get this out of the way so that that command worked out perfectly you told us to enter right traffic pattern and two column we are on downwind at one thousand feet one other thing that I wanted to show you how well um Microsoft flight simulators come with live weather we're looking at everything here now we're on real-time live weather and I just loaded up a webcam for uh the little Bay here at um Santa Barbara and if we have a look at it I mean look at that right this is you know right now and this is right now and I would say that that is like dead on um as far as how things look you know a little bit of blue overall uh you've got mostly cloudy looking out you are going to have some some darker bigger fluffier clouds so yeah just fantastic they've done a really good job at uh the live weather they've improved it a lot since when it was first released okay so I dropped us down we got the runway off to our side here I'm just gonna turn over and enter into that downwind and we'll report that Bonanza three five on downwind for Runway zero seven Bonanza three five call turning final for Runway zero seven we'll call a final for Runway zero seven Bonanza three five so it's really well done even for these um VFR flights of you know we did exactly what they said we're on our downwind I'm gonna go ahead and start to slow us down and then we just call them when we're turning on to final and then we'll be coming into land and then once we land they will hand us off the ground and give us taxi instructions we'll see how accurate those are both these airports I will say are third party airports and so that makes uh sometimes the assignments from ATC a little a little funky an answer three five turning final for Runway zero seven Bonanza three five wins are three four six and four knots clear to land Runway zero seven player DeLand Runway zero seven Bonanza three five I just love that this adds the immersion of talking to ATC and um you get really practice with that phraseology to get comfortable with it so it's kind of a nice stepping stone to make the jump over to that Sim um and not be so green at you know where to put your call sign and all that good stuff so um definitely recommend it now if you want more in-depth tutorials on any of these add-ons please comment down below and make sure to describe subscribe because I will um you know help you guys out as best as I can and I love doing these videos to show you different ways to make flight simulator better and have tutorials now I gotta focus on Landon yeah is a little windy now let's see if we can't get a nice uh Landing where the vibrations from FS realistic don't jostle me around a bunch so just float it down yeah there we go Bonanza three five exit Runway when able now listen as well the hear those breaks those little bits just make such a big difference Bonanza three five request taxi to the ramp venenza 3-5 taxi to general aviation parking via tax ways alpha bravo Herald short Runway one five right and Runway one five lift there we go though as seen two general aviation via alpha bravo hold short Runway one five right old short Runway one five left Bonanza three five Bonanza 3-5 cross Runway one five right there we go we can cross on over now I I think because these runways are so close together he won't tell us to cross one Runway one five right but we can test that out if I hold short in this little tiny spot here and I will ask him if we can Delta's 1960 will you be ready over there 1960 cross porn Juliet monitor Atlanta 3-5 ready to cross Runway one five left Bonanza three five cross Runway one five lift there we go Roger bonanzo one I'm sorry Bonanza three five so you can see you can make little screw-ups like that just like you know in the real world 72 Cross Four mono Tower good one no this is turning onto Bravo and then we get to go over to our parking spot that I chose so that worked out very well overall I would say that this is a great way with these few things added really adds some immersion and a lot of fun to your flights especially with you know like the live weather than you know having this ATC the added noises and vibrations it all completes the package I think so thanks for watching until next time take care
Channel: Sprocket Simulations
Views: 89,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D9sBb28ANmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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