How to make MENUDO

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hello hello everybody welcome to my kitchen the place where magic happens in this video I want to show you easy delicious full of flavor manual and noodle is perfect for the weekends it is the weekend which is why I decided to make it it is super easy super good and it looks just like this so if you want to learn how to make this don't touch that channel don't go anywhere and I am going to show you how right now for this recipe I am using cubed tripe also fresh tripe the fresh tripe I cut into small pieces I use but a stress between 2 to 3 a lot of garlic garlic gives the menudo great flavor piece of onion 3 laurel leaves also known as bay leaves and you cannot forget your hominy your Mexican hominy what i did here i disinfected my sink so make sure if you're gonna do it in the seat disinfect it really well you can also do this in a big bowl this pink seems to work good for me I'm trusting in my meat both tripes the POTUS I'm just leaving us is and here I begin the process of just removing the cubed tripe and cutting those into smaller pieces or any other pieces that I think are big I just make them smaller now I just pretty much grab all the meat together and try to remove as much lard as possible this is a process that took me about 20 minutes so as long as you see that there is no more lard left in the water then you should be good and what I do is I clean take out the water pour more water and clean again so just repeat the process [Music] and fYI some people would rather not see them a little we do not like which is why I do also if you do not like the smell of the menudo once you finish cleaning off all the lard what you can do is put more water you're gonna put some vinegar and some lime juice and you're going to leave it for one hour so here I am doing my last clean once you are content with how clean your meat is now you're going to put it in a pot add some water and go ahead and start adding all the other stuff here is the feet the but that's the but that's give it good flavor so you don't want to miss how I'm not putting that in there add your piece of onion add your loaded and add your God I do like to add a lot of garlic because garlic gives menudo a good flavor too so I toss all that in there cover it and that is going to cook from two to three hours just until the meat is real real tender I like my meat super tender mine brute normally takes two to three hours so just keep checking on it while the menudo is over they're getting cooked we're going to start on our chili for the menudo the chili that I like to use I like to use my heel and I like to use chili California once in a while I will toss in some red chili powder I might I might not we will see and I am also going to use some Chi lit it on a board this is about this is about ten you don't have to add that but we want a lemon a little spicy so I am going to add that let's go to the stove what you want to do first is get your chili and remove this stem and you want to remove as much seeds as possible off the video what I did I remove this then and in the trashcan I just removed as much these as I can you don't have to remove all of them if you if you can't and that's just fine and what you're going to do is just save them in your pot and then what we do after that is we're going to toast them on Uncle Mike you're gonna heat up up a mud and we are going to slightly toast these don't over toast them because then they do taste all bitter and dip often so if you really just want to toast them until you actually can smell the chili aroma and it only takes a few I could already smell that aroma coming from that chili so I know they're nice and toasted we're just gonna put them in our pot and continue on with the other Chili's you want to also do that with the chili red one if you're using it i rinsed the chilies in water just to clean off any dirt that might have been my phone there I put water in it I'm gonna bring this up to a boil my water has come to a boil so now what I'm gonna do I'm going to cover this and I'm gonna turn off the stove and just let my chili sit there in the vapor for 20 minutes let me know though that's been cooking right now already for two hours what I like to do after it's cooked for about around two hours I like to just go in here and take out like the loader then I add it in there and I also like to find the onion and the garlic that I added in there that because I like to use that when I blend my chili I add that to the chili in the blender nothing louder leaves I dispose of those here I found a garlic and here I found some onion I opened up my can of hominy I'm going to use a little bit more than half the can I'm not gonna use all the can because it's not much me know that I'm making what I do is I strain it take out the water you can rinse this off if you like you can just leave it like that I'm going to rinse it off just a little bit [Applause] [Music] after two hours that the Manila has been cooking one hour before it's even completely done I like to add the hominy in there you want to add it around that time so that the harmony gets time to cook and get softened you don't want hard harmony when your hominy has all been placed in there okay put the cover back on and we're gonna start with our chili when your Chili's are done and softened we're going to start blending it I got this much onion and garlic which is enough you can add more if you want add your Chili's to the blender okay looks like I got it all and we're going to add some water from where it was from where the chili was cooked just add enough to cover the the Chili's and go ahead and add in what you took out from your pot the onion and the garlic and I'm going to add in some garlic powder we're going to blend this up my blender has puree option I can blend it also but I happen to like the puree option [Music] I like to run this twice so I'm going to do it one more time now I'm just going to strain my chili you can strain it right into your menudo but I'm going to strain it right in here and then I will add it to them a little after when your chili has been strained we're going to go ahead and add it in here and you pretty much just know how much chili you are going to need in here I'm going to add just that much so I am going to say that this when you have added your chili you want to also add some oregano in there and I got this much mix that in there you don't have to add too much because when it's done and it's served people will add their own or they don't chew it I am going to go ahead and throw in a little bit of this chili powder which is chilling over Mexico moledo its ground New Mexico chili and this is the powder one that I do normally add I wasn't going to but I'm going to go ahead and add it a little bit of that get that mixed in I am also going to toss in at this point when it's almost done I like to toss in a little bit of chicken flavor bullion I use pretty much like this boon right here and I throw in two of these and that gives your my noodle excellent flavor also and after an excruciating three hours of having to wait for this delicious menu though it is done after three hours of waiting and waiting oh I have been waiting for this this my noodle is done it smells so perfect where's the smell-o-vision and look at that the meat is tender the hominy is soft and this has a lot a lot of flavor it's time to serve it up in our bowl it is all done right here you probably want to come in here huh and sit here and have dinner with us well here is my bowl and we like to suffer with all this other stuff we've got our The Ortega know I'm in we do have bread and what I did here I made these beliefs if you want the recipe for that I will leave it in the link down below or up here but it will be somewhere in here and what I do is I just act cut it in half put some butter and toasted it in the oven and these are the actual videos right here homemade beliefs for homemade menudo and of course some of us like crackers with cream cheese so perfect meal it is really easy to make so now we're gonna try it gonna throw in some Limon put somebody a gun no one there put your onion here goes Bon Appetit grab your bread truly truly delicious menu the ingredients just come all come together to give you that great flavor the meat is super soft that is really tender and it's not hard and the hominy - I've been to restaurants where they start them in Hulu and meat and the hominy is hard I don't like that I like mine very tender well there you go everybody hope you like this recipe hope you make it if you do share it down below don't forget to subscribe hit that like button hit that notification belt so you can be notified every time I make a recipe you don't want to miss out on any of my recipes also don't forget to share this recipe the world wants to know we will see you in my next video thank you and thanks for your support bye [Music]
Channel: Cooking with Melissa
Views: 9,750
Rating: 4.7313433 out of 5
Keywords: menudo, tripe, red chile
Id: adKU6ilMyHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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