How To Make Matty Matheson's Thanksgiving Feast

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this burrito this Marika you know what her nickname is which is gonna be really funny I call her Turkey she's like my best friend this is her house she's letting me cook here I call her Turkey anybody that knows Maddie or Marika know that I call her Turkey that's your nickname cuz that's my TV boys man ciao bro welcome to the world of Thanksgiving I'm Matty Matheson I'm going to show you how to make Thanksgiving traditional feast hey this is a feast this is not some half-assed this is how you make a this is how you call a pizza joint order a pizza this is how you make a Thanksgiving feast man so what we want to have for a big feast you guys start off with what a big turkey we're gonna have some roasted carrots with some roasted apple cider gastrique we're gonna make some sweet potato butternut squash baked mash we're gonna be also making some Yukon Gold cream cheese baked mash I like mashes also we're gonna be making a traditional stuffing first turkey time it's a beautiful local organic sustainable Ontario turkey it's got some sage in it for a fact I'm gonna use that sage later though a lot of people are gonna yell at me because I didn't brine this I'm gonna roast this bird straight up okay all you out there that are gonna be like you need to a brawny go to do whatever you know what you got to do you got to cook it simply with love we're gonna roast this for about two hours this is an 11 pound turkey it's gonna come out golden and beautiful then you're gonna love it no where's the stuff no I'm in somebody else's house right now I don't know where anything is no check this out I'm gonna cover this in salt do you see how much salt I'm gonna put some pepper I'm gonna throw a lemon inside of it take off the sticker you don't want the sticker there go take some of the sage we're gonna shove that inside the cavity we're gonna take a little time and I'm gonna let this beat there's enough fat on here people rub it and put butter inside of it they put a bunch of into it rub it with oil they brine it they do so many different things right now this is a beautiful creature a pretty heated oven at 450 we're gonna get some color on this and see these walls the the pot this is gonna just get the heat in there and it's gonna move everything around and all of a sudden we're cooking a turkey perfectly cuz that's the biggest problem in the world is how to cook turkeys it's not war it's not child hunger the biggest problem in the world is don't know how to cook turkey and I'm here to show you one time oh you know what I'm not stuffing the bird no cuz I don't like stuffing the bird because it gets all gummy and weird and the stuffing comes out and it's all soaked in wet I'm gonna make a stuffing casserole flavored in a turkey flavoring and then the actual turkey cooks faster and better because it's not full of this sponge thing called stuffing so to make the stuffing you need bread and we're gonna break up all the bread and cut up all the bread put that into a casserole dish we're gonna have an entire casserole dish full lined with crunchy beautiful amazing lovely stuffing you know it makes the most noise in the entire world drawers and kitchens we got a whole pound of butter in here I got a bunch of onions and celery I'm just gonna pour all those in chicken stock a lot of sage some parsley really simply you want that that poultry taste this is one of my all-time actual favorite things this is poultry seasoning I'm just gonna put in like two big wooden spoon tablespoons fall you'll never achieve that stuffing flavor until you add this and we're just going to literally let that cook down some people put chestnuts walnuts raisins sausages all this crazy stuff but for me my family this is this is the kind of stuffing that we would have you're looking to cook this maybe half an hour till it's nice golden brown nice and roasted on top I'm not I'm not some super chef I'm just the best chef in the universe I said that before probably I don't know right now I'm free-balling it mashed potatoes baked no problem Yukon Golds peel them up put them in the water heavily salted I like to keep my potatoes whole when I boil them because I don't want a lot of water to get into them so now we got this stuffing done the potatoes are about to start boiling we got to make our sweet potato mash as well because you always got to have sweet potato mash and mash that's enough but I also like to add another big thing to peel holy this is why I think your mom's always so pissed off like she's always like fake happy i thanksgiving cuz you just busted her ass all day peeling sweet potatoes butternut squashes okay so we got our butternut squash bang bang so I took some butternut squash some sweet potato some Yukon Golds cut them up put them in the water so the potatoes are done beautifully cooked perfect potatoes and then we're going to put in butter and cream cheese the secrets of mashed potatoes if you want to make sure that there is dry as they can't be when you mash them and then that your butter is cold and your cream cheese is at room temperature I ripped this off this is from my wife's mom she makes the best mashed potatoes ever share it to Carol Carol I love you sweet potato mash is good we're going to do the same thing so just a little bit therefore we're gonna add some maple syrup add a little flavoring just a pinch send them in the cinnamon goes a long way then we're going to add a little pinch of the poultry seasoning this is the weirdest mixer thing I've ever seen so we're gonna bake that as well just get a nice little crust on top with the mash next we're gonna make beautiful roasted carrots these carrots are amazing we got the apple cider vinegar got apple cider and we got some maple syrup watch this technique as I show you the technique of cutting the carrots and then we're going to turn it back towards you turn it back towards you turn it back towards you turn it back towards you and what you have are these like nice little pieces of carrots I will roast beautifully vegetable jewels okay we're gonna throw some butter around in the carrots okay we're gonna add a little bit of apple cider thing we're gonna add some maple syrup then we're gonna add a little bit of vinegar okay we're gonna add a little bit of thyme some nicely little thyme leaves all of this stuff once this cooks down this is all those flavors acid fat sweetness that stuff comes together and you got something that's called a balanced dish beautiful let that roast reduce turn into kind of like this like carrot gastrique reduction all that stuff is gonna caramelize and roast and make beautiful carrots I'm going to throw our carrots we're gonna maximize this there you go my favorite thing to make of all of this is actually the creamed corn I love creamed corn so much if you love creamed corn everybody loves creamed corn creamed corn so we got the butter melted now we're just gonna add onions which is our base and then we're just going to cook these onions down till they're translucent so I'm going to add the corn now to our creamed corn so we're just gonna have to add a little bit of cream a little bit of a fair amount add maple syrup stir you want the cream not to be covering the corn because when you blitz it you still wanted to be kind of like a pulpy and kind of thick and yummy and warm so the creamed corn is done blend this up add a little more maple syrup all the maple syrup so you're looking for the consistency of like really thick chunky barf I guess is the consistency like you want it to be barfi that's delicious creamed corn that is good to go so I'm about to make our roasted Brussels sprouts with bacon I got some nice beautiful double smoked bacon get this nice and crispy and then we're gonna had our half two Brussels sprouts in here and have that as our base throw them in there mix them around get the bacon fat all in there beautiful bacon fats going Brussels sprouts roasting super-hard roast on those little salt pepper and then when these come out we'll head on with a little fresh orange juice and they'll be real nice getting there guys almost all the fixes are done the Brussels sprouts are red the carrots are roasting the stuffings roasting the mashed potatoes are about to roast the sweet potato about to roast I just gotta make some gravy and some cranberry sauce and then we just got to wait and then we got to serve this Thanksgiving I'm thankful for all this I think you know what I'm thankful for all the YouTube people out there I'm thankful today for all of the internet trolls in the entire world for everybody we didn't have haters like you we wouldn't want to soar above the clouds like Eagles perfect now is the best time we've got the turkey out its resting its gravy time so he took the roasted neck bone of the turkey we took that out all the juices and all the stuff from the turkey we took that added back to the gravy you know the secret to a really good gravy is beef stock and chicken stock right we're gonna put in some sage some fresh thyme some fresh parsley some roasted shallot boom gravy reduce that beautiful no flour you don't need any of that kind of crap it's a beautiful thing you know you got beautiful shoe it's all you need let's bake some cranberry sauce shall we cranberry sauce is something that I don't like at all but I feel you need to make it because it's the one weird uncle loves it the guy who shows up drunk with a short time on or some weirdo boyfriend cranberries sugar cinnamon a little star anis some zest of some oranges little orange juice and maple syrup a little bit of apple cider and that's it simmer get down to that sauce consistency this is it we've got the gravy we got the cranberry sauce this is easy people follow me so the brussel sprouts are good to go they're perfect just bacon orange juice beautiful the carrots however we're gonna we're gonna add some little treats we're gonna add like little dollops of some some ricotta a little pistachios this is a Thanksgiving feast that is beautiful it's amazing it's thoughtful and it's really easy this is Thanksgiving now here's the moment that everyone wants to see you carve turkey you carve a turkey and you're like oh my goodness oh my goodness and you're like beautiful you know with me on this and it's a beautiful perfect cooked turkey hmm thanks for Thanksgiving thank you for being good buddy says the good buddies if you ain't got buddies getting a good guy that's for my dad home I said sorry Steve shout out to all the people out there who like eating turkey I don't with cranberry sauce that's okay love yourself and you will be loved I'm out world peace Thanksgiving is what you
Channel: Munchies
Views: 2,817,239
Rating: 4.9225569 out of 5
Keywords: cranberry sauce, matty matheson thanksgiving feast, creamed corn, gravy, holiday, maple syrup, mashed potatoes, Matty Matheson, roasted Brussels sprouts with bacon, roasted carrots with pistachios, sweet potato and butternut squash mash, Thanksgiving, how to, cooking, Munchies, Munchiestv, food, drinks, eating, chef, restaurant, VICE, girl eats food, al-kee-hol, VICE eats, chef's night out, documentary, documentaries, interview, interviews, wild, world, thanksgiving turkey
Id: 7-JoZ2KAbeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2015
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