How to Make MARINARA SAUCE Like an Italian (Authentic Neapolitan Recipe)

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this is the most popular pasta sauce around the world especially USA it's called marinara sauce also known as napolitan sauce oh yeah you guys love it I see restaurants and pasta sauce jars using the wrong ingredients for this such as onion you don't do that parley you don't do that this is how you do it Simplicity is best a dish from Naples I'm going to use Napolean ingredients I'm going to use a pasta from outside of Naples and I'm going to take you all the way to Naples making the most simple pasta you can make you can make it at home do not buy the jar ever again this is for you to make the marinera sauce marinada we need two small canes of top quality Italian peeled tomatoes so 800 G we're going to use four cloves of garlic please be generous you want to put one more okay one less it's okay fresh Oregan fresh oregano you can use dry it's fine but fresh it's best for my marinada I chose spaghetti you can use any pasta you like but I think spaghetti is best this is from ptii just out of Naples they use 100% Italian semolina from a trusted source and the pasta is dried slowly which means it get this beautiful rough texture absorb the sauce better always choose a very good pasta when you cook pasta you pay an extra dollar you get quality the pasta is so important it's probably 60% of this dish so if the pasta is not good you're not enjoying 60% of the meal that you're about to eat you don't need to use Basel basil is optional I like to put Basel in tomato sauce this is completely up to you salt and pepper extra virgin olive oil and lots of love first thing we need to do is to get the peeled tomatoes and crush them yes you can put them in a blender and gently uh blend them but I like to use this utensil and crush them gently just like that they release such a beautiful smell Beautiful I know they are in a can but I can smell freshness it is important to buy good brand so what we're trying to achieve here we want to achieve a rustic look so the marinar sauce needs to have a rustic look that's what we're trying to achieve okay this is the kind of sauce that we want to get okay rustic at his best okay it's time to make the sauce be generous with extra virgin olive oil we're talking about 5 tablespoons at least another garlic Americans love garlic so go crazy guys this is your moment your moment to shine here we go we Crush four garlics into the sauce here we Crush four garlics in the the oil you want to get the best flavors from The Garlic Crush it or finally finally chop it ooh the smell of garlic let's add a splash of water so we don't burn the garlic just about 2 tablespoons this will avoid for the garlic to burn the smell of garlic going into my nostril all right here have a look now your garlic the garlic is like golden change the color see we don't want to burn it at this point I believe we're ready to add the sauce this is a very magical moment now you can add chili if you want no in the basic marinada only if you like chili other it now but keep it plain keep it simple let's just put the beautiful Italian PE [Applause] tomatoes look how nice it is and as you do this you use the spoon to squash it squash squash squash but what they did enabl they Ed the same ingredients for the pizza topping and they said let's uh use it for spaghetti it became the most popular sauce in USA and you're about to find out why now what we do is we put the fire up on a medium heat and at the moment we're going to put some oregano okay so see this oregano we're going to put a little bit now about 60% now so what you do you get the oregano you hold it from the top and then you go like this see you get all of them out same technique they use for the Rosemary let's be generous with the salt it's up to you to add Pino parmesan at the end okay but this should be salty should be salty so be generous with the salt B generous with the pepper great and from now this sauce needs 10 to 20 minutes to cook it's ready no time okay you really want the freshness okay so it doesn't need too much 10 minutes are done so which means as we cook this we can boil the spaghetti [Music] all right the water is boring we add 1 tbspoon of sea salt or rock salt and now we put the pasta [Applause] [Music] in and in 8 minutes uh spaghetti will be all D now this spaghetti take only 8 minutes because they're like a thin spaghetti what everybody likes if the spaghetti were thicker it will take longer of course so guys look at the sauce sauce is ready the oregano is beautiful gives nice flavors to the sauce look how nice it is see it's not watery it's not running this what we want we're going to add some pasta water after so see there's no onion in there it's just garlic like you guys love it beautiful tomatoes oregano now we switch off the stove and we add more oregano fresh right on top Oran that we don't want to burn or cook you know damage just want the oregano to release the beautiful fresh flavors right at the end okay now I believe basil is important here so I I add more Basel cuz I believe Basel is is important I believe it's so important to give flavor to your sauce see my son agrees too the pasta the spaghetti almost ready so this Basel and the oregano oregano will release more flavors to this beautiful marinado sauce simple dish please do not buy the sauce from the shop anymore do not waste your money make it yourself make it fresh make it tasty do you find this sexy guys look at this look how sexy oh [Music] a beautiful SAU is ready so let's get some pasta water from the spaghetti because this pasta water is definitely needed okay to combine all our ingredients spaghetti are ready how beautiful it is ah nice and silky look at that and they can go straight in the sauce all right let's get a beautiful spaghetti out and straight in the sa just put it there the import the importance of using good spaghetti guys see how they are alive look how alive the spaghetti are little bit of pasta water isn't it here we go you don't have to use half kilo pasta you can use less if you want to make sure you mix the pasta with the sauce and this is the moment where we need a little bit of pasta water don't be scared of pasta water the pasta will absorb it okay the pasta water will combine all the ingredients together the pasta needs to absorb the sauce and needs to drink the water when you use a good pasta brain the pasta will absorb your beautiful sauce and that's what you want okay yeah do some [Music] tosing okay let's serve this beautiful pasta dish to the bottom and now we do the top part oh nice and generous sure you get the spoon to put a beautiful sauce on top let's add a little bit more basil let's add some more fresh oregano oregano is the main ingredients on for this dish detail should not miss and get a fresh place now do we need some grad picino or parmesan on top yeah doesn't hurt why of course it's always beautiful but I'm going to enjoy as it is I want to enjoy the full flavors of the marinada this time I want to remind myself the Simplicity of a beautiful dish that makes everyone [Music] [Applause] happy time to try this we got beautiful nice silky spaghetti oregano Basel peeled Tomatoes very rustic pasta silky the oregano is right there delicate and strong at the same time I can smell it the PE tomatoes are beautiful really really nice tomatoes such a quick sauce in less than 12 minutes you can have a beautiful [Music] meal the base of the oregano just reminds me of freshness from my garden try to use fresh please you see the silk how silky it is that's how important to have a good quality pasta to mix with your ingredients and the pasta water again did such a great job it combined all the ingredients together you see the pasta is not stuck together can you see see that it's not stuck together the pasta is smooth guys please write a comment below let me know what do you think of this classic marinar sauce huh what do you think of it huh are you going to make it thank you so much for watching I will see you in the next vinzos plate video recipe the most popular pasta sauce marinara Vincenzo plate ciao GUI spaghetti they've been slow from lii past
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 114,552
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Keywords: marinara sauce, how to make marinara sauce like an italian, how to make marinara sauce, marinara sauce recipe, marinara sauce from scratch, marinara sauce gordon ramsay, how to make tomato sauce, fresh marinara sauce recipe, homemade marinara sauce, easy tomato sauce recipe, marinara sauce pasta, marinara sauce pasta recipe, marinara sauce recipe from scratch, pasta sauce, marinara, best tomato sauce, vincenzo's plate marinara sauce, vincenzo marinara, vincenzo's plate
Id: niJmCzCfg8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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