How to make large Scrunchies in bulk for your business | TikTok Scrunchies VSCO girl scrungie Etsy

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[Music] all right guys so what you're going to be needing to make a scrunchie is a rotary cutter or scissors whichever you can also use fabric scissors is some elastic this is a quarter inch elastic it's this thin like that two safety pins some chalk or um fabric markers or fabric pencils two little clips or one whichever how many you want and then some fabric so we're going to be using satin fabric today i'm going to be making a large scrunchie um something like this it's going to be big like this and to make this size grungy you're going to be doing 5 inches you're gonna need five inches wide and 31 and a half inches long so the way that we oh and you're also going to need some measuring tape so you want to stretch out your fabric and i'm going to be using the end of it i got this fabric at hobby lobby and i'm just going to remove this ugly edge right here with my rotary cutter this is the edge that the fabric comes in here um okay so you want to map out five inches this fabric is very very like soft and moldable so you want to make sure that you're putting it right so 31 and a half is right here starting from over here and i'm gonna take my measuring tape and my little piece of chalk and i'm gonna measure five inches starting off at the 31 mark 31 and a half and i'm just gonna do a little stripe and i'm just going to do a little stripe every like three inches or so that way when i use my rotary cutter i can keep it fairly even trying not to move the fabric um you can use little weights to hold down the fabric um amber with bingham bliss she uses weights to hold down their fat her fabric and it helps her a lot so i'm definitely gonna consider getting some little waves for this all right so now i'm gonna take my rotary cutter and i'm gonna start at the 31 and a half i'm gonna go up and then i'm gonna follow the white lines you should have this and then you're going to sew it i'm going to show you here that way because it's kind of tight where the serger is you're going to fold it but when you sew it when you do the serger you can either use a serger or a sewing machine i'm going to be using a serger today um this one of the ends you want to make sure that you fold it and then you're gonna sew it like that and to hold it because this particular fabric is very loose and unravels very easily i'm gonna clip one side just so that i don't you lose that fold and then i'm gonna take you guys over to the serger right now so again you so you can use a serger or a sewing machine with a sewing machine you just do a long stitch like that the serger just leaves a more clean edge and remember to have your fold make sure that you're holding the fabric [Music] [Applause] evenly oh and i'm just going to even this out with my scissors i'm just going to even this out here and then you should have something like this so now i have this tool right here that my dad made he just got a dowel from home depot and put a little base on it you guys have seen this in my past vlogs so you're just gonna fold the fabric a little bit push it down on this piece and push down and then like that you can use a stick also you don't have to use this this is just makes it much easier then you're gonna see that you're gonna have one side folded and one side not folded then you're gonna take your elastic and you're gonna cut eight inches and that's pretty standard for any size that you do so now you're gonna take your two safety pins and you're gonna take one safety pin and put it on one end of the elastic and then you're gonna take your other safety pin and you're going to put it on one end of the elastic and then you're also going to put it on the inner stitching where the serger was right here you're going to put it through there like that let me see if you guys can see that like that and then you're gonna loop it through and then you should have something that looks like this and then you can oh no i lost it come back here all right then you can remove the safety pins from both sides and you want to tie a short knot not to leave any long tails on the elastic you're going to take two elastics on each side and you're going to cut tie a small knot the smaller the knot the more you're able to tie loops around your hair it's kind of like tying a balloon where it's like a little annoying you want to make sure it's really tight this is what my knot looks like so now you just want to go around the scrunchie and make sure that the seam is facing outwards that it's facing in this direction so that when you do close up the scrunchie it's not like all all twisted and then that way the two seams at the top match so you're going to take the piece that is that we sewed to be folded which is this one right here so this is the piece that we sewed as folded and then this piece over here is the one that doesn't have anything sewn right here and then this piece you're going to tuck it into the one that is sewn and then you're gonna go into your sewing machine you can either hand sew this or you can sew it on your sewing machine and just do a straight stitch right here and then if you wanted to add a tag this would be the moment to do so and once you do that you have yourself a scrunchie so and you can just alter the size if you want this to be smaller cut it maybe two inches three inches but the length is pretty much always the same but i'll show you guys so that's pretty much what you end up with you can make it in pretty much any kind of fabric these are um cotton quilting fabrics this is a i don't know how much of that my camera caught because it overheated and turned off but yeah you can essentially make these in any kind of fabric see we have a suede one the satin we have the cotton this one um but yeah that's pretty much it so i just wanted to make that quick video and show you guys how simple it is to make a scrunchie um but yeah i hope that you guys enjoyed this video and give it a thumbs up down below if you did and make sure to be subscribed to the channel because when i reach 10 000 subscribers i will be doing a giveaway of a heat press and a cricut and yeah thank you guys so much for watching again and i will see you guys later bye you
Channel: Adelaida Leon
Views: 466,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d-nMcprfO14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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