STUDIO VLOG | Day In The Life Making XXL Scrunchies | How Dad Helps My Small Business Run ❤ Sewing ✨

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[Music] hey xxl fam my name is tina and i'm the creator of xxl scrunchie i make xxl scrunchies and today i'm making a video of just what a saturday for me looks like today no makeup like nothing special nothing fancy just literally a normal day making xxl screen cheese hope you like it [Music] [Music] i want to read the cutest comment from someone on my latest instagram reel mariah said when i received my scrunchie i could literally feel the love that gets put into these from your mom cutting fabric and your dad's stapling tags dot wow exclamation point so cute i read that comment and was like like she gets it [Music] oh my gosh okay today is what february am i recording yeah today is saturday february 6th this week has been so busy like so many orders every day i'm so thankful obviously but we're still on lockdown so usually i have a team to come package with me tori ashley and cindy but since we're on lockdown everyone has to stay at home and no one's able to come over so this week has been insane with orders thank you so much somehow i don't know what's happening but i'm so excited so i had goals for youtube to post every tuesday and i did that for like six or seven tuesdays in a row on monday i would just like edit the video and stay up till like 3am editing the video to make it perfect and i had to skip last tuesday because i had to prioritize orders and making scrunchies because each day there's a new color that's like selling out so youtube xxl fam i wanted to just film a little bit of what a saturday for me looks like when i'm only making scrunchies like i'm doing nothing else today but making scrunchies right oh i think i sent some emails like i sent some customer emails and i had to purchase some new fabric but yeah i just filmed the things that i do when i make scrunchies like right now i'm putting the elastic through for this is the chels by the way i just wanted to film and i don't know i just wanted to update the youtube xxl fam what i was doing a day kind of a day in the life of just what making xxl scrunchies looks like and yeah my dad's in the video too if you want to keep watching you'll see how he helps so much with my business by cutting the little threads off the scrunchies at the end and stapling all those tags onto every single scrunchie because i had a really cool video lined up i was going to try on all the clothes because we have a clothing line i was going to try on all the clothes in size small and medium so you could see what size you are when you're buying because i know it's hard to shop online when you don't know your size especially because all our clothes are like unisex so i recommend getting one size up then it's like a loose fit but it's not too big but yeah i know it'd be better to see a visual so i have that video lined up hopefully i can film it like next week right now i'm just doing elastic on a bunch of scrunchies and then because i sewed all morning it's like i think it's like 3 p.m right now sewed all morning filmed a few things like so i can include in this video so i filmed myself sewing i filmed yeah just me sewing and i hope everyone's doing okay [Music] like this is crazy time like nothing about right now is normal my voice just went crazy when i just tried to say that nothing about what's going on right now is normal but we all made it through last year and even though it doesn't feel like it like this will be over eventually like this is not gonna be forever so fingers crossed by the time i post this video lockdown is like actually lifted and if it's not i don't know this is what my day looks like today and if you see me wearing a mask it's because sometimes fabrics like this it's so dusty when i'm sewing and someone on tiktok actually commented dust inhalations very dangerous i never would have thought about that so i wear a mask now when i'm sewing some fabrics pretty much all the time when i'm sewing like the long strips to protect the dust inhalation because i'm sewing for like three hours at a time sometimes like three times in the day for three hours so that's like nine hours of sewing a day so thank you tik tok and youtube friends for protecting me from the dust [Music] [Music] it's dusty oh my god so now that i've elastic all those crunchies there's this little hole left and i'm gonna sew it closed and i'll show you guys how i do it so [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] and then after i sew all of these closed my dad cuts each little tiny thread off because it saves me so much time because i just so so so so so put them in the bin and then he cuts off the thread and then he staples our tag onto it [Music] so [Music] [Applause] okay so this is actually a st patrick's day color so it's not even being sold yet and you guys are the first to see it it's like this like jade slate it looks gray but it's like has a green tint to it so it's part of our st patrick's day color so i'm just gonna put it away for later and i have the name for it i'm not gonna tell you until i do my st patrick's day try on video [Music] so for st patrick's day there'll be four new colors so excited you're gonna love them there's gonna be two velvets this one of course and a green floral and this one that i'm putting away right now is the color is discontinued [Music] so there won't be any more when this color sells out meaning it's a limited edition [Music] earlier today my dad finished stapling and cutting the thread for the cindy and the canal piece so i'm just gonna restock them see these are all the cindy's but like half of them are sold are sold i just haven't packaged it yet so once we start running low like less than less than 15 i try to make sure i make more in time to restock them [Music] this one is purple this one's purple velvet one's been going like mad like going crazy i also have this this giant bin of scrunchies that i've been sewing the last two days there's probably like over maybe like 200 or so scrunchies in here so they're just sewn and they need the elastic through [Music] and our xxl team member ashley picks these up and she does them from home which helps me so much because this spin would probably take me like maybe two or three hours doing it i do them really quick but this saves me so much time and it helps me restock them even faster and then when she's done with the bin she just brings them back in like full scrunchy form you know and then i just have to sew the last hole closed when she brings them back okay so i hope you guys liked that video i just made kind of just like put together shots of literally from today like what i did today what my dad did today just a scrunchie making day a lot of my days i hit myself that's elastic a lot of my days is just making scrunchies mostly like i make sure to prioritize that i make at least at least 50 scrunchies a day but on a good days i make 100 or more just so i can stay in stock and if i just do little by little each day then i won't be like stressed how i have to make hundreds more or something i just kind of take it day by day i lost the elastic that's why i can't multitask but i can't i mean but i can so i don't even know what i was trying to say anymore yeah so i just try to take my steps day by day like do one thing at a time like right now i'm only doing the charles even though i have to sew what is over there the lindsay the juliet and then i have to restock it online and then what else do i have to do i have to i have like two blog post questions that i have to answer so then we can get those up on the xxl blog and then i have i have new fabric coming in next week i have to prepare to cut that yeah there's like so many little things on the go and if i thought about them all at once i would go mad sometimes i do think about them all at once and then i go like i start sweating a little and get like so overwhelmed that my mind is like exploding but i learned to just focus on the one task and then check that off move on to the next and then that's how i get that's how i get my things done and that's what works for me the best like my workflow [Music] ps random hair tip that no one asked for i started using this jizu gizu can't even pronounce it i'm so embarrassed i don't even know how to really say it but it's g-i-s-o-u this honey hair oil and my hair has never been so soft since like i was a child guys highly recommend this product i cannot believe it makes my hair so soft my hair is literally broomstick a couple days ago and like now it's just so soft [Music] [Music] you
Channel: XXL Scrunchie & Co
Views: 290,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xxl scrunchie, xxl scrunchie and co, xxl scrunchies, scrunchies, scrunchie fam, small business, small business from home, hair scrunchies, making xxl scrunchies, how my dad helps my business, family business, how my dad helps, studio vlog tour, studio vlog, small business vlog, making scrunchies, small business vlogs, scrunchie business, sewing scrunchies, small business studio vlog, small business aesthetic vlog, how to make scrunchies, scrunchies business
Id: mgnMxe2kRUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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