Sewing 200 Towel Scrunchies in 16 Hours | Small Business Owner | Making Scrunchies in Bulk

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to my channel and if you're new here i'm brenna i'm the owner and creator of bretta eminco on instagram tik tok facebook youtube all that good stuff so today we are sewing 200 towel scrunchies knowing me it'll probably be more than 200 because i got a lot to do but we're gonna get started the street fair is coming up in six days i have to set up my booth in five days it is currently saturday at 11 19 a.m we're gonna get started on cutting up the towels so far what we have for stock is this i think there might be like 20 maybe less that we have and my goal is to fill this entire thing it's a giant tub as you can see but we got to fill this entire thing and put all of the cute little tags on them but yeah so let's cut up some towels [Music] [Music] all right we have our towels all cut up it's a big box i think we cut up about 10 towels and i still have a lot more to cut up but so this should be about 80-ish towel scrunchies in here so now we're going to get to sewing this might be weird to some but i use a trash bag i cut it down each side and then i put the little this thing like you tie the bag for around my neck so then all the fuzzies don't get all over me it's one of my pet peeves i hate all of like the i'm going to call it dust it's like the little we're just gonna call it beads little beads of the towel scrunchies so make sure though when you do this you're cutting on the same side or else if you cut on different sides uh the little tie thing won't say around your neck so i just do this front okay don't cut the bottom though we want that now we're going to do the other side and you're only cutting the top half so now you should be able to split it lay this over your work area i like to have it be like covering my full work area so that any of the little fuzzies that come off of the towel scrunchies will fall onto this and then now you have like a little pocket so you just throw your threads in there that you cut off and see this is still attached to here so then just kind of scrunch this and pull this out like so put her on your head and now it's like you have like a little bib um you can after you get around your neck i like to just kind of pull it out a little bit so then it can get to more and it stays kind of up close i know i look stupid but honestly i love this trick you can use any size garbage bag this is just the biggest one i have i think it's like the 13 tall gallon size uh but yeah so and it smells good it has like that same thing but now i'm just going to put my sewing machine on right here and i'm going to get to sewing [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so it's currently 2 50 and i'd say we got a decent amount done for the time but then again not really telescreen juice are just kind of hard to sew because they're like so thick and they take a little bit but we've done some progress so obviously like the box was filled so we've done like a decent amount and this is what we have done so far i would say this amount is not bad for how long it's been so i just counted them and we have 21 loops done obviously so i gotta put the elastic in and close them up but we have 21 done so far which i don't think is that bad for two hours uh i've also gotten distracted a little bit and i had lunch but i don't think that's that bad and i'm doing pretty good my back's not hurting yet my hands not hurting yet i mean it was a little bit from the scissors but i think overall we're making great progress and yeah we'll check back in [Music] all right so it is now 5 43 and we have 33 of these loops done um i keep getting distracted like i watch netflix while i sew and i keep getting distracted paying attention to the show or movie that i'm watching and then i don't sew i think that's my big issue going on here don't really know i also um this is my third coffee so here's to being up all night and then now i'm just kind of having a diet mountain dew um but you might notice that brenna what happened to your nails in the last clip you had nails well um i've been very anxious today i don't know why but i've been very anxious and so i ripped them off so i'll have to redo those maybe tomorrow uh but i don't know why i'm anxious it just happens sometimes but we are going to keep sewing i still got a lot more to go i still cut more and sew those and i forgot to get the color white so i might have to go to the store and get white maybe we'll do that tomorrow we'll see how long this takes us maybe we'll get it all done tonight that's not happening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have a little helper in the office today but i just finished doing all the tubes there's so many like it's ridiculous i finished the entire box you guys should be proud i didn't just stop but now i need to clean up because this is a mess look at okay you can barely tell in this but i swear it's messy everywhere and this table is also a mess it has a fuzz all over it you can't really tell but it does it is currently 11 p.m i'm gonna clean up and then i think i'm gonna start doing the elastic because i kind of want to get these done tonight even if i don't get done until one am i didn't go and get white towels but i should have a decent amount still left in the bucket so i'm just gonna leave those they're not really my top seller it's more of the colors that are top sellers so i mean if i sell out of them i sell out i'll eventually make more but i think that's what we're going to do for now i do need to get lavender because that's a pretty popular color but i think i'm just going to go with what we have as of now and call it good so i'm gonna clean up and then we're gonna start getting on the elastic through these and sewing the seams shut also this pile of them and then this entire bag is full this is my sewing machine bag but it's literally full it's way overflowing but we're gonna get onto these after i clean [Music] all right so it is the next day obviously i just showered got up i did it so close and put elastic in like 11 of them last night and then i was just too tired and i was like okay i need to go to bed so today's the day that we finish them i think we can get them done in a couple hours uh i don't know if that's including the tags or not but i guess we'll see but yeah we're gonna finish elasticking and sewing the seamship [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] so it's currently 1 20. this is how much i have done it doesn't look like a lot because it's in a big bucket but it's pretty good amount and i'm like a fourth of the way done with the bag i finished everything that was on the side i did take a 15-minute break for lunch but i got my second coffee of the day and we're just gonna keep on sewing i'm actually feeling good last time i saw scrunchies for 24 hours pretty much um i felt dead it felt dead inside and i was tired but i think the coffee is really helping which might not be a good thing but i'm feeling a lot better this time around i don't know i don't know what it is about sewing toss cream cheese right now like i just feel better than doing regular scrunchies but we're gonna get some on the rest hopefully we get these done in like two hours i'm thinking but i'll keep you guys updated [Music] [Music] we're in the home stretch [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] okay guys we have officially finished all of the towel scrunchies here are the colors that we got done just in case you guys didn't see all of them it's the beautiful like pale yellow light pink sage green light blue and gray sage green is new so make sure you check out the website for that after the street fair it will be uploaded but all in all i honestly don't think it took us that much time to sew 88 towel scrunchies in the time that we sewed 180 regular scrunchies which i feel like tall scrunchies are way harder to sew than regular scrunchies because there's a lot of like pulling and pushing just because of the thick fabric i think total it took us 16 hours if i'm just calculating like from times that i sewed and everything well if you guys like this video please make sure you give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you're new follow me on all my socials to keep up to date on what's coming to brennan co i hope you guys love this video and i'll see you guys later bye guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Brenna M & Co
Views: 25,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Business Owner, Scrunchie Business, Sewing Scrunchies, Towel Scrunchies, How to sew Towel Scrunchies, How to sew Scrunchies, Brenna M and Co, Starting a Business, Sewing hacks, Sewing tricks, ASMR Sewing, Scrunchies, Making Scrunchies, Making Towel Scrunchies, Starting a scrunchie business, how to make scrunchies, how to make towel scrunchies, sewing scrunchies in bulk, small business
Id: y7VW-JrtSaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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