How to Make Kenyan Chapati || soft and layered Chapati

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hey beautiful people today we are going to make chapati and if you know me I love a job baking flour and for this one we're going to use all the purpose flour do not use the S raising guys I know some people make chapaties with self racing no maybe that's for mandazi pancake or anything but for chapati we going to use all the pur FL so in a b you can just pour in the amount of flour you want for me I always make one packet or 3 3/4 to one full packet of the flour and then go in with the salt and then just a little bit bit of sugar I don't measure mine so just go with what you want if you like more sugar please do if you don't like sugar don't put if you want much like a lot of salt put it if you don't like salt don't put so it depends with what you want and then we're going to pour in just like a 2 tblsp of U vegetable oil you can use the olive oil if you can but me I used vegetable oil so go in rub it like that for doing this you're incorporating the air into the baking FL oh my goodness I'm you know why I'm laughing because you know I did so and like I just use the word incorporate The Air I remember when we were baking the Home Science class we were told you see the FL for you to incorporate the air into the FL yes that we we are rubbing that to incorporate the air into the FL so add in warm water for me I like using warm water for people for other people they love using hot water you can use cold water warm water any that you want and then go in need your dough until it's soft guys need a very very soft Dough because you want keep saying Mand keep that this will like your Chapa will come out very very very very soft you know I'm saying CH mandazi because I just edited a mandazi video so please bear with me if I say mandazi it's Chapa so need your dough until it's well and then go in with a little bit of cooking oil vegetable oil or the olive oil if you have just a little bit and then need need need need until it's tender soft and then you're going to set aside this chapati door for me life living mine for more than two hours just cover it with a clean film or a wet kitchen towel and then put it in the like in that oven inside do not put on the oven anyway put it in a warm place that is what I meant put it in a warm place and cover it and let it sit for two two more than 2 hours but if you don't have time just let it sit for 30 minutes it will be well but the more the longer time you'll keep it there the more it gets soft and then now you're going to partition this into divide into small BS the way you've seen I've done and leave it uh there and then cover it with our clean kitchen towel yes and then one by one we are going to roll like that I'll show you I'll show you like if you want your chapatis to have that layer foren they say K but for the layers you roll it like that you don't have to roll it to be that how do you call it to be thin just enough a small one is enough and then rubing cooking oil yeah I have two ways I'll show you this is the first way I do mine yeah like that you see yeah like that and for with this process oh my God you love the you have the most soft the most most the most soft chapat you can ever have you see even you see it's bouncing when I press it bounces back that is it so I think this is the second one I'm going to show just roll it like that don't have do not you don't have to roll it like it's so big yeah and then go in with a vegetable oil like that just a little yeah like that oh that I think this this this is still the same process I did before I'll show you I think I recorded me doing that the next step the next um way to make choa is oh my good and also after doing this you can imagine how soft your chapat is how layered your chapat will be your chapat will have will have layers look at that oh my goodness it's been long it's been long since I made I didn't show you that why maybe next time I didn't show but I'll make another video for now I think I have two videos of me making Chapa the one the other one went viral and it's still going viral so go and check that one and also wash the until the end after watching this go watch the other one it's so mindblowing how you can make your chapaties because so many people are struggling to make chapatis but my goodness I've never had a struggle with making Chapa is my chates are always so soft so moist and so fluffy why do I even like like using these words fluffy if you watch if you watched my mandazi video I also said it's fluffy so anyway your chap will come out so perfectly you see oh my goodness look at that look at that you see the way it's it's soft that's a sign that your chapattis will always be soft there was someone who was asking me like how do I make my chapatis to be soft and I told that person my P was not hot so guys please make sure your your what is it your pan is very very very hot and your chates will come out so perfect so soft so look at that chapati oh my goodness so you're going to just the blood this some people call it blood Bry yeah and then with turns brown add in the cooking cooking oil I'm sorry guys for this angle my my tripod broke so I had to improvise here and I was so mad that I was making this beautiful chapati video but my tripod failed me but anyway I hope you enjoy continue watching look at that chap oh my goodness I've missed making chapatis I think I've I've been lazy lately not lazy but anyway I got someone I got a um her health from in the house so they have been she's been making all the food and all the chapattis but I think one of these days I make chapati especially on Saturdays if you're a Kenyan you know we make chapaties on Saturday or Sunday but I make mine on Saturday so I think this coming Saturday I'm going to make a party and oh my goodness I love I love I love being in the kitchen I can cook any time any day any minute any hour all day long I love I wish it was an angle that you can see this Chapa and then make please add in the cooking oil that you want if you don't want cooking oil don't like I always tell you cooking is an art and it's it's not even it's an art yes but it depends with whatever you have you don't have to go doing what what other people are doing look at that oh my goodness was so soft so yummy so delicious oh it came out so perfect so nice I love cooking I love chap I love cooking I love cooking I love you know what me for me if you give me if you tell me cook anything in the morning to evening I will but please don't tell me do any CH or something I can't so thank you guys for watching this video look at that look at that CH here it was so yummy and so delicious so follow this recipe guys you just you need o purpose flour sugar if you would like if you use sugar salt just a pinch of of salt warm water cold water in and then need that dough until it's tender soft after your D you you've needed it well you're going just to need uh a tablespoon of vegetable oil or olive oil you use that add into the dough just need for a few like a 5 minutes and then let your cover your capati door with a clean fil towel in a warm place and let sit for more than 30 minutes if you have time 2 hours and more if you have less time 30 minutes is okay come in roll your door cut your door into small Chapa door into smaller pieces roll it look at that chapy you know um cut your door into the any sizable amount that you want and voila you have very nice very beautiful chapaties that you can enjoy with your family and for this recipe chapati you can eat with beans beef mton vegetables you can take it with tea we can take it the milk so enjoy and please let me know how yours came out so thank you guys for watching this video look at those soft chapaties thank you guys for watching this video till now I really appreciate your support So until next time bye-bye
Channel: Binrow's Kitchen
Views: 214,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenyan Chapati recipe, layered Chapati recipe, Chapati, Chapati recipe, how to cook soft Chapati, how to make soft Chapati at home, making soft Chapati
Id: awFwcEx8wUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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