How to Make Juicy Shrimp Kabobs

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- Even the largest shrimp can get a little bit dry when cooked on the grill, but I've got you covered with a few tips for making the best shrimp kabobs ever, flavorful, juicy, and a snap to make. I'm Suzy with the and let's get cooking. (cheerful music) Shrimp is one of those real quick things that you can throw together on a whim. I like to start my shrimp kabobs with a gorgeous marinade, you guys. So, here is my vessel for the marinade and we're going to go ahead and do about a third a cup of Greek extra virgin olive oil. This will make a beautiful base for my shrimp. Zest of two lemons. We don't need the juice just yet, because you don't want your shrimp to swim in lemon juice. It kind of changes the texture. So, I'll hit it up with the lemon juice when it's over, when it's all cooked. From here, we're gonna add some garlic. These are huge garlic cloves. Typically I'd use like four, but I'm gonna start with two, 'cause these are two really large ones and we'll see how it goes. Go ahead and mince. So we're gonna start by chopping and then we're gonna come back at it and make them nice and small. But no big deal, just do your best here. And that looks good. I mean, that's a good amount right here. That's a lot of garlic. Now is a good time for some fresh herbs. I'm doing parsley. Don't discard all the stem 'cause there's a lot of flavor in the parsley stem, so I just kinda try to incorporate some of it if I could. You're looking for about a quarter cup or so, packed, chopped fresh parsley, about a teaspoon or so of dry oregano, paprika. This is just sweet paprika and if you wanna jazz things up, you can go for spicy or maybe even a little bit of smoked paprika. If you want, pinch of coriander and then a pinch of red pepper flakes. A little bit more if you're into spicy food. Mix this baby up. From here we've got our beautiful large shrimp. We're gonna go ahead and hit it up with some salt. And then we're going to pour the majority of this marinade. I'm gonna keep just a little bit, like a couple teaspoons left to use later on when the shrimp is done. And we're gonna give this a good toss to make sure we coat all the shrimp. If you have the time, a good thing to do would be to let the shrimp marinate in the fridge, oh for about 30 minutes or so. And then once it marinates, we're gonna go ahead and skewer our shrimp and we're gonna hit the grill up. Looking good. Every single shrimp is well coated with my marinade. I'm ready to marinate for about 30 minutes or so in the fridge. Shrimp has marinated so beautifully, which is the first step, and then now I'm going to skewer them. Since I am using bamboo skewers right here, you guys, these actually need to be soaked in water, which I did while the shrimp marinated. So I half hour to an hour would be great if you could soak your skewers ahead of time and then we just go for it. I kinda try to thread them in the thickest part, more in the center, so they don't fall apart, allowing them enough room so that they cook nicely and evenly together. (cheerful music) So, we're about to cook these shrimp outdoors and here's my biggest tip for that, you guys. You heat up your grill on high for a bit and then you turn it down to low and allow it to reach temperature between two 275 and three 325 or so. Once you place the shrimp on the grill, you only need two to three minutes or so per side with the lid closed. (cheerful music) These beautiful, pink shrimp are ready to be devoured. Just a few small finishing touches. Gorgeous, and by the way, you guys, check out my other shrimp videos as well. If you're into shrimp, we have a few of those. A splash of lemon juice. Even more parsley because why not? And that's it. Grab the recipe for Mediterranean Shrimp Kabobs over on the I will see you later, ciao.
Channel: The Mediterranean Dish
Views: 58,791
Rating: 4.8935518 out of 5
Keywords: mediterranean recipes, mediterranean diet, mediterranean diet recipes, the mediterranean dish, shrimp, shrimp kabobs, seafood, mediterranean seafood, shrimp skewers
Id: j-hEK069dSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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