How to Make HOUSE MUSIC (Like NORA EN PURE) – FREE Ableton Project & Samples! πŸ πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ”₯

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[Music] what's up guys it's will from edm tips and today i'm going to show you how to make house music in the style of nora and pure now even if you make techno or any other style of electronic dance music that isn't house music i guarantee that you're going to pick up a few tips today that you can use in your own music so stick around to the end as i've got so much to show you today this is following on in my series of insanely popular in the style of videos which you can check out around this and as usual you can download this project file completely free and all of the samples and presets included as well now i'm going to be using ableton live but you can follow along in any door because these techniques still apply and we got so much good stuff to cover today some stuff that i've never shared anywhere else before so we'll be going into everything from creating the chord progression [Music] building out those beats finding vocals and creating really nice warm organic sounding synths if you enjoyed this video consider subscribing to my channel and hitting that notification bell for tutorials like this each and every week and by hitting that bell it makes sure that you will never miss one which is good for me and it's good for you too so without further ado let's hop into the door and get it done okay no edits let's get it done house in the style of noor and pure so the first thing i want to do is talk about the vibe of her music nowadays it's quite organic she uses lots of acoustic instruments so pianos eastern sounding string instruments things like that and vocals rather than her older kind of deep house sound so we're going to be focusing on her new style today with that in mind let's set up the project the first thing i'm going to do is name this bad boy what should we call it nora and pure let's call it pure let's call it pure as the driven snow because it's my channel i can call things what i want nice 123 bm bpm sorry lovely okay now let's get the chords in because we need to base it on a chord progression then we're going to build everything else out around that that's going to be our basis for our track so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to use contact today as i said you can download this project so if you don't have contact don't worry i'm going to freeze the piano so you can use it in whichever sampler you've got but the contact piano sounds you know there are some really nice ones in there so that's what we're going to use today so let's use the grandeur my computer is already going bananas because i'm recording now it helps if you've got a midi keyboard to do this um if you're using ableton 11 you can just choose the scale that you're going to use but i'm using ableton 10 so more people can actually download this file and i'm going to write it in the key of f minor just because i want to so first thing i'm going to do is draw all the notes in and we can use the temp template technique if you are aren't that good at music theory so in fact the easiest way to do this is draw all the white notes in from a up to a and that's going to give us a minor natural so that's easy anyone can do that right like so and then all we need to do is move it down so the bottom note is on f and boom now when we press fold that is the scale or the key of f minor natural so this is the key that we're going to work it in you can use that template technique you can just move them to the side press fold and then use that template but i'm just gonna for speed write it in just draw in myself so i'm just starting with the bass notes and i'll build the chords up from there let's bring those up an octave that's something that she does as well so she'll kind of split chords over several octaves which gives it a lovely big sense of space especially if you split them across different instruments as well [Music] that's lovely that is really lush and what we're going to do is kind of spread out the velocities so it sounds more organic now again if you play the piano in that's the quickest way to do this but we want to make this more gentle [Music] and we'll add a few notes around it as well in the same key just to make it sound more organic and interesting [Music] and i'm going to push these notes off slightly like so to make them sound like they're not all being hit at exactly the same time you know which is more realistic if it's being played you know very beautifully yes that is beautiful so i'm going to just duplicate that and the second one i'm going to change slightly just to make it a bit more interesting the last chord i'm going to just hold on that last on the third one [Music] like so now let's add some reverb to that now i like to add the reverb on an auxiliary channel so you've got more control you can see here i've got a reverb with quite a long decay time bumping it up with the utility and then taking out the low end and so when we feed in some of that piano [Music] that sounds lovely okay i like that enough let's just move on okay on to the next thing with my magic list is the kick let's get that kick going then we'll build a groove out from there so you can write your kicks in using a midi or audio i'm going to use audio today um just because i feel like it so i'm going to go to my favorite sounds my favorite kicks it's very good too oh that's quite loud isn't it it's probably deafening you so i'm going to put that one in i quite like that i'll tighten it up slightly so it's only half a bar half a beat long and that means there's plenty of space in the mix let's just duplicate that every beat boom boom boom boom boom i want you in my room let's take this down to minus 12 and we're anchoring the kick at minus 12 so we never run into any issues with clipping on the master channel now let's build out the drums around that the first thing we're going to do is get a clap now in this kind of melodic techno style we want a very short sharp clap so i'm going to go to the edm tips creative toolkit which is my sample pack that you can check out below this video and i'm just going to pick one of the claps that one's quite short we just want something really short um so we're going to use this one yeah that's one that we're going to use we're going to use that one so let's just put this in it's a bit softer but a bit fuller as well but we don't have it quite how we like so what i'm going to do is i'm going to adjust the adsr controls to make it a bit shorter [Music] so this is how it was too long i want it really short and sharp and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to add some room reverb to that and we're going to use the room reverb from several things and that's going to gel the mix together so you can see here i've already got it set up but just to show you how to set it up you create an auxiliary channel so i've got one called room reverb with a short decay time now we go into the drum machine or the drum rack open up this routing button here and the s r here now if you right click here and create return chain you can then use this drop down menu to select your global auxiliary channels so you can see here i've selected room reverb and that is assigned to a so if i just close that down like so and just have the send showing i can now add in some of that room reverb to the clap so you can hear there's a bit of reverb on that okay next sound we are going to get is a clav sound this is something that is in her i can't even remember the name of the trap that this is inspired by but uh check out laura mp below i've put a link to whatever the track is that i'm taking inspiration from so let's just put in clav and this is a you know a kind of drum so let's go to samples drum hits clav there we go we use an 808 clav and i'm going to tune this slightly to the track as well but let's just put it where i want it i'm going to tune it to the track tuning your drums can be a great way to add more cohesion to your music i'm just doing this by ear by the way so let's just put that in [Music] and we can add a little bit of room reverb to that i might do it after every one actually okay now let's get that hi-hat going i wanted to build this out from scratch rather than using pre-made loops to show you how you can do it so we are going to use another hat from the edm tips creative toolkit or another drum from the edm tips creative toolkit so let's go into the hi-hats see what we got going on we are gonna use seven this one so it's nice and kind of crisp let's just put that in and what we could do is actually make the second one slightly quieter just to add a little bit more dynamics to the the tune and just duplicate that so here we go okay i think that club's in tune now now let's build out the shuffle because we need that groove to get going because it's all about the groove when it comes to house music baby all about the groove so let's let's get a bit of a drum loop going on but we're not going to cheat and use the whole drum loop we're just going to use a bit of we're just going to use a bit of one drum loop if you listen out for just the frequencies that you want to use you can then cut out everything else and just use those frequencies [Music] that's got quite a nice shuffle to it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just load that in and then i'm going to cut out everything i don't need so here we go [Music] and the way i'm going to do that is just because i don't want i don't want the unneeded information to be clashing with my own drums so i'm going to take out the clap and it gives it a nice kind of uh yeah organic shuffle because i'm taking the volume up and down up and down [Music] like so again we don't want that interfering with the kick that's enough see all i need to use is that tiny bit so let's just call that shuffle shuffle baby and organization as always guys it's super important color code things you know name them it's just going to make working so much easier and quicker assign track color i'm just going to consolidate that i'm just going to loop that now let's just duplicate it like so and i'm gonna add my own little shuffle as well so the way i'm gonna do that is use um a hat sound i might use a shaker sound actually closed something quite crunchy and low down so this one and i'm just gonna program that in manually again switching up the velocity because that's controlling the uh the volume on this sound so let's have a listen to it but it's a bit kind of staccato so i'm just gonna take off the edge on that take off the transient to make it a bit more like a shaker so that's where it was and this is where it is now so let's just copy and paste that take it down in volume because we want the shuffle to be really kind of subtle and we could pan that slightly as well actually take that down and now we've got a lovely nice simple organic feeling like melodic house type drum kit what we're going to do is group those together i'm gonna ask you to give me an r men brother today not a hell yeah if you're enjoying this because this is pure as the driven snow guys you keep it pure okay that's what we're doing today keeping it pure oh man brother right let's just process these drums to make them even more pure if possible and we are going to process them together add some bus compression [Music] and the way we're going to do that is add a glue compressor like so just gelling it all together a bit about two and a half db gain reduction and we're also going to add a little bit of saturation as well and this is just to get it sounding much warmer and organic because this is something that nora and pure is really good at with her processing so let's just go let's just see what these presets do that's a bit hard this one's quite nice cool okay that's how drums done okay on to the next thing the all-important bass line now if you want to learn more about advanced techniques and whatnot do check out my eight week edm production master class below this video we've had students sign to the likes of spinning records and junodeep armada and many other labels so do check it out if you want some more in-depth coaching and yeah leave me a comment let me know if you're enjoying this so far cheers guys so we're going to make this bass line and we're going to make it using the analog synth because that again gives it a lovely warm analog feel which is what nora empire is kind of known for so let's just draw in a bass line and we're not going to follow the baseline of our piano yet we're just going to stick to the root note of the track which is f just to make it easier to get that velocity back to normal and i'm doing this higher up than the normal bass line because it's easier to hear the pitch so if you want your bass lines like an octave or two above so you can hear which notes it's hitting and then put them down on october 2 it's just an easier way to do it so let's just get a groove going and we want this quite simple the pattern [Music] and we'll add a little base flourish at the end of the repeating bars as well [Music] something like that sounds quite nice and melodic and now let's start shaping this into the bass sound that we want so i'll just just loop that take it down a couple of octaves [Music] cool so what we're going to do is firstly make this monophonic now actually we want some unison i'll show you why because it's going to sound lovely and fat so what i'm going to do now is actually change the routing on this synth so i'm going to change it to this and this is so each oscillator goes to its own filter and its own amp thing amp thing is a technical term by the way so let's just kind of get this cooking let's take down the frequency envelope and that's detune these oscillators slightly we've got two saw waves i'm going to change this one to a pulse actually no unlocks it doesn't have a pulse now let's keep it to saw waves and now because it's both going to a different amplifier i can pan one left and one right and make it a lovely wide bass sound let's add some unison i might tweak the uh filter envelope a little [Music] make it a bit pluckier [Music] that's really nice and warm really analog sounding now to make this um kind of safe and so we don't run into like i've just put this in mono because i've added this utility to the master channel added this little mono switch with a short keyboard shortcut so i can quickly check it you know we don't want to run into phase cancellation phase cancellation issues in the low end so what i'm going to do is duplicate the base i'm going to call it sub bass like so then i'm going to load in a different synth on there i'll load an operator nice and simple easy to use and then i'm just going to use a sub bass um with a sine wave sorry so here we go let's take it down an octave make sure it's got one voice so the sub waves don't kind of clash with each other shape it slightly and now if we roll off the low end of our initial baseline and about 100 hertz 120 hertz the actual sub information is just coming in our mono channel [Music] so we've got extra control that's a lovely bass line bass line actually now what i'm going to do is also i've created an another auxiliary channel with a very similar reverb setting to the room reverb and this is going to be used just for bass so i'm going to roll off a lot of the low end and this is just going to give the bass some extra size and yeah presence [Music] but we only want the the high end of that base being reverberated so we don't run in again to any phase issues and mud in the mix so let's just put a side chain compressor over all of those base those two base things group it together base group let's get a compressor just a normal one we'll be fine and i'm going to choose the input let's just call it pump comp the input from the sidechain channel i press this sidechain button and the sidechain channel is as you know if you're a regular watcher of this channel if you're not you should subscribe now fact and hit that notification bell to make sure you never visit miss a video man it's been a long day so um yeah i've just got this little rim shot to trigger the side chain rather than the kick and that's so we get all the control over the length of the pump over this attack and release controls on the on the compressor so let's have a listen [Music] and now the base is being ducked that's where it was and this is where it is now and the fact we've got that means it's now gonna allow the kick drum to really pop through the mix tweak that so there's a really nice you know warm bass sound and it's so important to get the right sounds guys i know i'm taking quite a long time over this but it's yeah it's so important okay so the next thing we have on my magic list is arpeggio yeah baby gotta love a bit of arpeggio so get that on we're gonna call it up to be hip to be cool and then we are going to again just use one of these excellent analog synths because i want to do everything in ableton as much as possible really and to do this we are just going to we'll leave it as it is at the moment and then draw in our 16th pattern and that means there are 16 of them in each bar 16 notes and let's start on the f that's way too high way too high bra let's take it down take the volume down and now this is where we're going to do a classic nora empire trick well it's not a trick but kind of spreading that arpeggio over a couple of octaves again so just open up the sound spectrum let's change this to sixteenths so we can see what a one and just use the notes from within the key of f minor again of course [Music] and let's just let's just play around having go down and up a bit a bit [Music] and now i'm just going to repeat that when it's um one and a half beats long because that's going to add this really cool syncopated effect and i'll show you exactly what i mean by that so if we just copy that and in fact let's let's spread this out over the whole the whole thing the whole loop let's zoom out so we can see all the notes get rid of those that was an accident right so here if we change it and just copy and paste this first bit which is a beat and a half long it's got this particular rhythm but listen what happens when we put the drums with it it's got this syncopated repeating pattern which just sounds frankly amazing so let's uh yeah let's develop this sound i'm going to take this down an octave now it's going to clash with the base let's leave it there now let's build this sound again i'm going to use the same routing that i use for the base which is just oscillator to filter to amp oscillator 2 to filter 2 to amp 2 and again we can spread this out make it really loud wide and detune it slightly like so and that's going to give it more of an organic analog feel as well i'm going to change this one to uh again i've put one octave down as well and that just spreads it out even further let's pan one left one right probably panned a bit too much i prefer without unison actually so i'm just gonna borrow the same reverb as the the whole reverb which is the same one we used for the piano so i'm just gonna dial that in on the send channel and check it out [Music] i i should really reference that track that this is inspired by to say if this sounds anything like it but either way i'm kind of digging this it's got this nice warm melodic house vibe so on to the next thing that is for you again to check out my masterclass if you want more in-depth coaching you want to get real results with your music and then what i want you to do is make some strings now again i'm going to be using the strings from contact but you can use the ableton strings that come with that i'm going to color this light blue i like to color organic and acoustic instruments like blue and then since the natural color of synths which is cyan that's fact so yeah let's just load in a you know another contact and these layers here are just adding more depth to the music this is yeah this is something that nora empire does beautifully so let's just find session strings and then we're going to again choose the root note of the track this is going to be too loud so i'm going to take this really down in the mix yeah that's off and that's on but i'm gonna actually play a chord with this [Music] and again it just makes it lovely and rich that was a really quick one okay and then we are on to the vocals now we will be developing this track out today don't worry we will be taking it into a bit of an arrangement but we need some really emotive vocal that's going to work over the top of that now i was looking around earlier and i was finding it quite hard to find one so you know what you could do is go to something like but i'm just going to go to splice and look up some kind of ethnic vocals like asian or middle eastern that's the vibe i'm i'm going to be going for i actually yeah now i downloaded this one asian hebrew vibrato yeah that's loud that is loud so let's take that into the track and again you can just put in the key of the track and hunt around on splice or loop cloud either of those is good and i've got something that works quite nicely with this i'm going to warp it correctly though so if we go change its complex pro we can see it's 105 bpm because it tells us here and it's in g minor now our track is in f minor which means i'm gonna have to drop this two semitones like this for it to fit i think i've found this without searching by key in splice because there weren't that many in the key of f minor and i wanted to broaden my horizons a bit but if we put that 103 now it should be [Music] perfect yes [Music] perfect absolutely perfect who'd have thought eh now what i want to do is create a drone underneath a vocal drone and i'm going to just use a tiny bit of the vocal this is what i'm going to use so let's call it vocal drone i'm just going to give myself some more screen real estate vocal drone now this is something i haven't shown um on the youtube channel before again it's something that we share and do in the master class but i'm going to share it with you today so if we got this little sample here and i just consolidated it i'm then going to duplicate it and reverse it i want to kind of make that a smooth transition so we don't get that clicking sound like this and then we can make those two smooth as well so we're just making like a small smooth repeating it almost sounds like a sustain like so and then it's going to loop brown and there might be a little bit of a glitch but i'm going to show you how to get past that machine so this is what we're going to use for our drone but to soften it down and push it in the back we are going to be using a reverb directly on the channel this time [Music] and we've got to make sure that we eq the filters we don't need [Music] so when we couple this with the strings we've just got this lovely rich base layer for the whole track that just makes it sound really rich and full so if we do this let's just duplicate that make sure our side chain channel is duplicated and now check this out so with the strings [Music] you know it just adds another another dimension to the track that we wouldn't otherwise have so with the beats [Music] yes man i'm digging that now what we're going to do is add some kind of middle eastern guitars as well and again i am using contact for this but i will bounce these stems so you can download this project file even if you don't have a contact uh let's just call that eastern guitar and i'm not it's not actually going to be a guitar it's going to be some instrument of which i've never heard before so where can i find that yeah this is a great plug-in uh it is i'm sure i found it here we go middle east so let's find let's just load in this canon whatever it that is which i haven't heard of before and let's keep it classic and then we're just going to add a little strum [Music] like so oh that's loud sounds a bit like a piano [Music] and again spreading over a few options [Music] let's bring that to be more of a strum we'll bring them a bit closer together [Music] so it's like it's as though it's being strummed and we'll make this one a bit quieter with the velocity [Music] so it's just you know just some ear candy in the background [Music] and i'm just adding a couple more notes as well nice okay on to the next thing what have we got next we've got a brass sound awesome this is probably the most in-depth one i've done actually so let's make a synthy brass sound a bit like um in fishes i'm losing it but we're going to use one here as well so i'm going to do this using the wavetable synth let's call it brass and again we're going to make that let's just take those vocals get them up there at the way whoops accidentally drop them in into the base group which we don't want so this brass we are just going to use a wave table again let me know if you're enjoying this so far guys give me a ah man brother in the comments keeping it pure as the driven snow and yeah the first thing we're going to do is write in the note that we need so again the bass note the root note of the track just an f yeah that's a good brass sound we're well done sounds exactly like realistic brass so let's do something about that a-sun right first we are going to make it a bit of a a slightly shorter attack get a brassiere sound with lots of high harmonics so that would be a saw wave then we're going to have the filter open up and close down that's the generic term for open up and close down copyrighted trademarked so we'll take the frequency down open up this matrix and we will just assign envelope 2 to that filter frequency so if we open up envelope2 now you can see you can hear and see this filter is following the shape of this envelope which already gives it like a brassy feel so let's just add a bit of the release on the amplitude so it can die out slowly better to burn out than to fade away unless you're making a brass sound [Music] if anyone can name the film that's from you win the internet okay let's add a second oscillator let's take this down an octave actually make it a bit lower like a trombone or like a brass oh that's really nice to know cool second oscillator what should we get with you now let's go through and look at some of their other shapes there are loads of wave to um yeah waves in this plug-in this device let's go [Music] instrument see if we get any here trombone hobo that's a bit rubbish [Music] i actually just prefer it on its own so let's add some unison make it nice and wide so it's a bit like an 80s juno type base but let's make it really harsh so the way i'm going to do that is add some saturation really drive it turn down the output otherwise it's going to blow your freaking mind [Music] nice that's better and we're going to add some side chain pump as well so just copy that pump compressor with the same settings on the attack and release just because it's easier than trying to have different shapes on the go you just really want one side chain pump most of the time and again that's going to allow the kick to pop through i want that to last longer though so what we're going to do is increase the release increase the release baby and probably add here's another trick for you i'm going to add multiband dynamics and i'm going to use the ott preset and just dial a bit of it in [Music] just to bring out those high frequencies a bit now we don't want this clashing with our main baseline so what i'm going to do let's just minimize that just make sure those bass frequencies are kind of reduced because when we bring our main bass in [Music] we don't want it clashing with that brass next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to put a utility plug in after that this is the brass still remember and i'm going to make everything under 120 hertz mono so it should still sound nice and wide but we're locking in those mono signals to be at the sub frequencies to be monitored cool all together let's add a little bit more like interest to the drums okay sorry i know i'm kind of going off on one a bit and going in depth but i hope you guys are enjoying it anyway i just kind of get into the into the flow so let's go back to the edm tips creative toolkit and look at some random percussions [Music] that's quite cool i like that so let's drag it in and we're going to tune this as well to the track one more like if you don't tune your drums then tune your drums at least try it you know sometimes it doesn't sound better but most of the time it does [Music] just adding another little bit of groove to get things to get those shoulders shaking [Music] and let's find another [Music] um synth shot maybe that'll be a bit weird [Music] yeah let's let's just use that for some reason [Music] oh it's in tune oh because it's f already excellent let's make that a bit shorter and a bit quieter [Music] so that just adds a little bit more interest to that groove both of those sounds let's just copy them again in fact we can just duplicate that whole clip [Music] nice okay what we're gonna do now is we're getting close to the point where we do some um some arrangement and a bit more processing but what i want to do is to add a couple more high piano bits so we've got this main piano which we're going to use in the break so let's just kind of duplicate that and delete everything apart from the piano from that there oh and the drone as well actually i think the drone worked really well there [Music] but yeah we don't want that piano there but what we do want is a high piano so i'm going to duplicate it because i want this to be processed slightly differently i'll call it a high piano and we will take out the actual notes themselves and again much like the eastern string instrument we're just going to add a few bits of interest so let's just choose that uh we need to create well have i just deleted the strings i just deleted the strings guys stop the press will just deleted the strings that will i don't know right let's take the piano over there call it high piano i told you it's been a long day right [Music] nice so we're just gonna have a couple of bits here [Music] so really subtle here candy i know i'm kind of going a bit you know really into the weeds but this this style of music and she's a fantastic producer and it's these small attention to detail that just makes her at the top of her game really so uh let's just add a little bit more of interest in that high piano i'm going to add some delay [Music] ping pong [Music] that'll do [Music] now like there's way more that would need to be done for this to be brought up to the level but what i want you to show to show you is how you can then make a chord change that mimics what we have in the break and this is where it's just going to get more epic so that first let's have the bass line follow the chord progression so this is where we're going to bring our main piano back in we're going to add a side chain pump to it because we don't want it fighting with everything else in the mix so now it's going to sound like this i'll just turn off the sidechain pump in the brake so it sounds a bit weird but wait for this um in fact i'll need to take out some of the low frequencies as well of that piano so it doesn't fight with the bass there we go [Music] so let's get this bass line following these notes now if we go in we can see it's c sharp d sharp f which is the root and then up to a sharp and then the second time it does it but it sticks on the f again because it's the route it's just going to nail that in and get people understanding that that is the root of the track so [Music] so if we go [Music] whoops that one should have stayed there [Music] that's cool and then the second time it runs through and just stays on that f so now all we can all we need to do is just copy that down to the sub base is that on a different octave don't think so [Music] so now let's listen and see what happens i'll just turn the brass off but we've got the piano on and now the bass line changes [Music] but now let's have the base follow that too to make it epica epica [Music] it's getting quite low there and then it goes to f now you can hear it's clashing when it changes notes so the way i'm going to avoid that happening is if i go to on our synth which is the wave table how do i do this i'll make it mono so now when this note changes it's going to cut off the the release of this previous note so it's not going to clash in the bass [Music] now the last thing i'm going to do on this track is do a little bit of arrangement so let's just uh insert some silence there and we're going to get this break you you might start the track a bit like chilled without this yeah let's filter that in almost done guys hope you've enjoyed this thank you so much for joining me still got a few minutes left and then i've got to get ready for our live group call in the master class let's call it lp [Music] we want some strings in there for sure but what we're going to do is not bring the piano in yet we'll just start like this and probably have that string sustained [Music] you know lots of detail would have to go into this [Music] and let's just as a quick one let's filter this these drums out but what we're going to do is take out some of the shuffle so we've got that to help with us on the drop so it's something new that's going to be added i'm also going to take the volume down before the drop so let's and that's going to increase the tension and release so if we just take those drums down a couple of db few db [Music] um taxi okay so i obviously i need to take this eq off as well so let's take that off on the drop like so just before just to give the kick time to actually be full volume [Music] and obviously we'd want a crash on there and you know this this kind of music would take a lot of time to to finish off and get it sounding absolutely dope but hopefully you've seen that we're quite a long way to getting that effect again i'd actually need to check the track that this is inspired by but i'm pretty sure it sounds somewhere in the in the realm of so let's just get a now let's get an edm tips creative toolkit one again you know gotta toot my own trumpet as it were [Music] that's probably quite a good one actually really like white noisy [Music] add loads of reverb what i want to do is one more trick one more trick i promise and then we're done so with the vocals i'm going to take them and i'm going to just just do a reverse vocal reverse reverb and these vocals have already got reverb baked in so that's why um i don't need to kind of do the whole reverse reverb thing which you can click on the video that's around here now to see how to do that anyway so if we just go reverse that's gonna be a really nice intro into the drop so let's do it and what i'm going to do is i'll actually put this on a separate channel like so i'm going to eq out some of the low frequencies that's loud as well okay let's bring that down minus 13 minus 14 actually and i'll stretch it out a bit as well let's make it longer give it a weirder feel [Music] put an interesting echo on it and then let's whack it in the mix see what happens before i drop [Music] [Music] but i didn't do that [Music] but again hats off to nora empire and hats off to you for sticking with me i don't know how long this has lasted but i've really enjoyed it i hope you have too don't forget you can download this project file all of the samples and stuff included as well and i will also freeze the contact tracks so you can open this even if you don't have contacts thank you so much for watching join me next week same place same time and yeah don't forget to check out the master class below if you want more in-depth training and coaching to get to a truly professional level in a matter of weeks join our other students who are getting signed to some of the world's biggest labels and until next time cheers and happy producing so there you have it guys i really hope you enjoyed today's video let me know in the comments below it's really important for me to hear from you so i know what to make i know when i'm hitting the right spot when i'm missing the right spot so whether you liked it or disliked it please let me know in the comments below smash like if you did enjoy if you disliked it hit the dislike button but make sure you hit it twice so i really really know that you disliked it and again consider subscribing to this channel for tutorials like this each and every week don't forget you can also download this project completely free and pick it apart to your heart's content and until next time thanks for watching cheers and happy producing [Music]
Channel: EDM Tips
Views: 2,367
Rating: 4.9555554 out of 5
Keywords: How to make House, How to Make House Ableton Live, How to Make House Music Ableton, House tutorial, House music tutorial, how to House, Nora En Pure tutorial, Nora En Pure Ableton, how to make deep house, deep house tutorial, how to make melodic house, melodic house tutorial, House music Ableton, make music like Nora En Pure, How to Nora En Pure, how to make music like Nora En Pure, Ableton House, House Ableton, Ableton Live tutorial, Ableton Live 10, EDM Tips
Id: vgHW5-oiFUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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