Cristoph tutorial - driving progressive house start to finish in 3h 13 min

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okay it's been a long time since i did one of these videos this is going to be our track and the style of insert artist name uh in i guess four hours or however long it takes me uh it's going to be unedited and rehearsed the only homework i've done is i have kind of just done my typical research that i used to do when i did these types of videos uh we'll get that into a bit but first we're going to be doing chris today i put out a poll a couple days ago on youtube from asking what people wanted and there was kind of like a mixture of everything there but one of the things that was requested quite a lot was kristoff and i've also seen tons of requests for this in the past on my channel um like in all the youtube videos and stuff so yeah we're doing chris stuff today so i've just spent like half the day listening to his music and kind of analyzing it and remaking some of the melodies and stuff um i also bought a bunch of his tracks of beatport and um dan will extract the samples from them so like you'll see in the intro of some of the stuff like you can very easily grab some hats and uh some kick samples because they're basically like playing on their own well not in that one but in in this one like that's a pretty easy place to extract a kick from so i grabbed a bunch of the sounds um yeah and did that analysis so let's uh let's start with the analysis portion of this um so what i did was i just opened up spotify and also went on beatport and just listened to a bunch of his music i kind of ignored all the stuff that were collaborations because that doesn't really give you a strong sense of the artist's style like you don't know how much of the collaboration is them and how much it is being influenced by other people so yeah i chose basically to analyze mostly this album uh what's called consequence of society but i also looked at some of his other solo tracks on beatport so first up is the bpm and the key information that i looked up and most of it seems to be at around 125 bpm like most of the tracks so we're going to go with 125 today and most of it is also in the minor key and sitting somewhere between you know f sharp or g up to a sharp minor so that's pretty easy probably just start writing in a minor and take it from there um yeah and then we get onto the drum sounds so what i noticed mostly from his drum sounds is that it sounded like there was a lot of like 909 808 like drum machine style stuff especially like the hats and the claps and like the clap fills and stuff so i'm just going to probably be using a lot of the stock stuff in halftone like the 808 and 909 stuff but i did manage to extract some of the drums from his tracks which i obviously cannot share with you guys so please don't ask me for them um but yeah these are the drums i got so i got like a couple of closed hats and an open hat and you can hear that's like clearly a 909 hat and then some kick drums [Music] which yeah as you can hear the kick drums are like super subby and i've got this like really hard mid-ranging knock right at the front that's like click okay so yeah kick is fat and subby with a strong click transient hats mostly 808 999 and then he adds like rides sometimes in the offbeat hats for energy um clap we're probably going to be making a club with like 808-909 claps combined with quite a lot of reverb i hear and then like lots of these progressive style clap fills you know he's like those are really easy to make and i'll show you how to make them and then there's synth sounds so sin sounds are like yeah it's a kind of unique sounding synth plux with high sustain high resonance so you'll hear like when he opens up his filters usually there's like this like resonant sweep um and you'll hear that in like sleepless nights i forgot at which time stamp but wherever i made this i think [Music] that pobl be on bureau um yeah that's that's achieved with like uh just high resonance on the filter but mostly it seems like kind of saw wavy plucks with a lot of sustain on them um and i'm hearing like sometimes chorus sometimes like vibrato like from rc20 that kind of pitch drifty effect and then like lots of noise and stuff in them and then for his bass sounds quite often it's just like deep rolling subs and then these big like bra reesy stabs uh high strings for tension so we're just gonna probably be using violin or something and processing it and then just like really simple drones like the stuff i always make in my videos just to sew away with the filter on it just droning the the tonic of the scale that we choose and then yeah there's breaths and vocal samples with tons of delay and reverb so yeah you'll hear like in hawkins he has like this like little breath sample and then a little some sort of vocal just i don't know half a word or two words maybe sped up or something but they're just they're only really there for their like tonal characteristics it doesn't matter what they say or if they even say anything it's just to create like little effects so the vocals are simply effects and not like um anything significant in the track and then we get onto the writing style so for the writing style i noticed he uses like really repetitive melodies and just repeats them through the whole track like uh this one in hawkins [Music] like i mean that's not a super repetitive melody but it does it's basically just this pattern that gets repeated through the whole track um and he just creates a lot of interest by doing a lot of automation like opening and closing the filter and he doesn't really reveal the full synth until the climax in the track um and i noticed that like he he plays a lot with like the minor third so like in this track we've got a sharp c sharp so these this is your minor third over here and in this track and basically the melody is going g a sharp which is again playing with your minor thirds [Music] um so i'm going to be using like a lot of the minor thirds playing a lot with the tonic and then yeah it's just a fifth sixth and a seventh so yeah we're basically going to be taking probably going to be making a melody that's something like this where it's just this repetitive thing that loops really nicely and it's going to be using the tonic and the minor third and maybe the fifth sixth and seventh notes um but the whole point is to just make it like really hypnotic and repetitive and but automating a lot and keeping it interesting okay so that's pretty much it for the analysis um [Music] yeah so let's let's get started then i'm gonna close this project and open up a fresh one okay i'll just save this okay so we're in our new project completely blank so this i just want to warn you this hasn't been pre-rehearsed i don't know what the melody is going to be like so if it comes out badly probably still going to finish it but um just a warning okay so let's just start off we're going to set our bpm up here to 125 and then i'm just going to basically make an 8 or 16 bar loop let's just start with 8 and i'm just going to make a drone note let's just use serum and i'm just going to use my good old drone preset it's in the preset pack dreams which is linked in the description and where is it bad uh drone there we go okay so this drone is like it's super simple um i'm just tired of making it every time i make a video it's basically just two saw waves with some unison on it and a filter some reverb and a little bit of eq [Music] you can see it it's a long reverb so now that i've turned the filter on in here it sounds like that so we can just put a drone node let's just start at a and make that legato and so in his track i heard the drone like it's quite low down and it's probably even like more filtered than that [Music] yeah so that's that just gives us some harmonic context to work with and so we can just start writing a melody and now i've got his melody stuck in my head so hopefully i don't start writing something like that yeah i think i'm just going to use let's just try serum first so we're just going to use like a saw wave here with the filter on it and let's just give it a little bit of unison [Music] and then we're going to make it like kind of sustained like this maybe give it a little bit of release [Music] give it some noise let's run that noise through the filter and then i want to kind of make it a bit more aggressive so i'm going to add some distortion here and we're going to use this filter to apply the distortion so let's go to like tape saturation and we'll go here and make this pre filter so that we're only distorting a certain band here i just like to start the high end [Music] [Music] i like that one it's kind of like buzzy oh actually it does some weird thing on the sides let's try diode i'm just going to mix that in slightly i want to give this a little bit more release maybe make it a little bit more plucky and i'm going to add a second oscillator here pitch that up let's also add a bit of chorus to it okay then i just want to hear what happens when i close this filter [Music] so i want a macro on the filter that's going to when i close the filter so if i let's have it like down here and then when i drag this to the left and close the filter i want that resonance to come down because i don't want it to be resonant anymore so i'm going to put that on there and turn it this direction all right turn the other way down like this and on top of that i also want this macro to like bring down the sustain a bit and it's all the way to the left and i want the decay to also come down on it all the way to the left so we just put this on here [Music] something like that well let's just see what happens with this um then i'm gonna add a little bit of just room and delay to it just maybe not delay i've noticed his tracks done his melodies didn't really have any delay so let's just add some reverb to it um what reverb should i use i'll just stick with the maybe like vintage vintage verb here or something so okay well now that we kind of have a sound to work with i learned his eq quickly hopefully this is the one that i stick with if not i'll probably go pre-set hunting to speed things up okay so now i just want to play this [Music] and i'm going to start making like a loop [Music] let's go further down [Music] so a minor third is going to be c [Music] um let's try something like this maybe we can loop this whole thing [Music] and then we can start playing with these and like shift them up and down let's just see [Music] so yeah there we've got that like six over there that he had in his other melody which kind of sounds kristoffy i guess it's just here with the metronome so we can get a feeling for the timing [Music] not sure i like these this note here [Music] so [Music] yeah i think that pattern is a bit better so what i'm going to do is just loop this like that and then consolidate that and then we can start shifting these around [Music] maybe we can keep going up now [Music] not sure if i like that maybe [Music] okay i think yeah that one's kind of cool and i think it's let's see if it loops around nicely [Music] i think at the beginning it might be cool to have like one note that starts over here so [Music] maybe not the g there you go [Music] i'm just going to kind of kind of figure out how when this loops back around i want it to be like quite a satisfaction satisfactory loop around [Music] mm-hmm [Music] i think it actually sounds quite nice there [Music] okay so he he also had like um harmonies in one of the tracks what was it uh sleepless nights there was like harmonies in the melody and so it might be cool to like try and add some maybe not on every note but every once in a while let's see if there's any nice harmonies that we can find [Music] might be cool to just like have an interplay between this a because we're going to be like sticking around on a quite a lot so it might become quite like nice and hypnotic and progressive if we play with that a lot let's just try something [Music] uh it sounds kind of weird on the synthetic because of the distortion [Music] that might be kind of cool to do [Music] what about it we have like an interplay here [Music] i don't know i don't really like that i think i'm just going to stick with this for now and then we'll start adding some other stuff so the next thing i'm going to add is the rolling bass line so yeah he has like this these kind of patterns where it's not necessarily just like straight 16th notes we just listened to like a tiny bit of hawkins here actually that one is [Music] anyway i heard some of them where it's like this more like a progressive bass line where they have like lots of gaps and spaces but hawkins doesn't seem to have that anyway there's no rule that says we can't do that because i have heard some other stuff from him where he does that so let's just give it a try i'll show you what i mean um so yeah i'm going to use let me just first save this chris stuff 1b and then open up serum serums like the perfect scent for these kind of baselines i have this one here this afterlife preset which i know is great for these so i'm going to be using it um so yeah this is i'll show you how it's made quickly it's just a saw wave white noise this filter on it and then like a bunch of distortion and chorus and reverb yeah so it's a it's a really fussed like decay over here that's what gives it that like really punchy sound [Music] um just going to the matrix see if anything's being modulated no it's literally just basically a saw wave and some white noise and then a bunch of effects so yeah it's a simple sound but it's super effective okay i'm gonna keep it like that and then what we'll do is we'll add a sub because i know this has got reverb on it but i kind of want to keep the reverb and then we'll add a separate sub underneath it has no reverb on it so yeah this is going to be super easy just one note baseline i guess and what i want to do is set this to like 16th here and just kind of write a pattern let's listen to our heart while we do this so what we could do is maybe just fill in 16th notes everywhere and then kind of start deleting stuff here and there [Music] um and then might want to do like some notes shorter than others [Music] you know what i'm going to do is i'm just going to repeat this all the way through [Music] and then let's just hear how this sounds if it opens up [Music] [Music] i don't just try adding an external chorus to this um this sound here and a little more like attack to it i want the envelope to be a little more snappy [Music] another thing i heard was like in his one note baseline every once in a while there was um one or two notes that kind of just went up or down or something i didn't quite pay too much attention to it but i didn't notice it so let's just try like shifting maybe like up to the minor third and then like down to that g every once in a while something like this something like that not sure if i'll keep that in let's just leave it there for now let's hear how this sounds when we start automating it [Music] yeah so when i bring this up i also wanted to maybe what we can do is bring up the sustain a bit here [Music] bring up the release a bit more this macro is controlling a ton of stuff oh that's cool when the notes overlap like that i like that [Music] okay i didn't like these this movement here and so yeah he generally does these one-note bass lines which i think is really boring i like it when you have a one-note bass line but then eventually you get treated to some different notes so i don't know i might i might do that um i did notice in his bigger track on that album he has like this racy bass line that kind of comes in and it starts changing notes around [Music] so he does it's not always just what he's one node baseline so maybe what i'll do is i'll just later on in the track we'll introduce that a few different notes [Music] okay um yeah what's next they just save and then i'm going to add this like big brown sound um and probably just use serum for that too so with this we're just going to make like a big bra stabby sound i've got some bra stabs which would probably be quite good for this let's just try them maybe we can use them or we can layer it maybe it's more fun for you guys to see me make one from scratch i don't know let's just hear one of these [Music] maybe i'll keep that one in as a layer [Music] yeah what i'm going to do is i'm going to keep that one [Music] we'll keep that in as it lay oh i need to stop you putting my synths up here because then you guys can't see anything uh well maybe i shouldn't move my face down to a place like where i don't typically put my synths yeah that's probably better anyway so i'll quickly take you through the making of this one um let's just take all of this stuff off [Music] so the trick with this sound is we basically got uh saw waves and a sub but when i bring in that second one you'll hear they're like kind of phased with each other and that's because of this fine tune difference over here so this one's -19 that one's plus 27 and that was i found the main secret to the sound and then these are the envelope shapes and then i just added some distortion and in the same way that we just did the distortion on the lead tape saturation here and we're doing this pre-filtering here at like 4.8 kilohertz and then the drive gets modulated by this envelope shape so the drive is really high when the note starts playing and then it disappears as it goes down other otherwise i find like if you have the drive all the way up the sound just like loses all its dynamics and you don't get the sound that kind of fades out it just is there and then it isn't so yeah that helps and then i've got this reverb coming in and then we got this filter and that's another moog filter and it's got like a bit of resonance and some drive just to distort it a bit more and that's being controlled by this envelope then the eq kind of boosts that distorted range again and takes out a bit of rumble and i think that works quite well [Music] but on this one we probably want to give it a bunch of release both things [Music] and like even more reverb um like we could take a shimmer and then we can take that shimmer and distort it take out some of the lower end and then take something like um amp or let's use pedal and because amp is like mono i think just try different models here [Music] yeah i think that's kind of cool um let's make another one and just see if we can get a cooler result with a different one so let's try adding like um trying different saw waves like maybe some of these analog ones basic mini and let's do a saw let's use the same one let's use a basic mode and try these two waves together um and do a bit of detune [Music] maybe we should have one mono layer and then layer it with the other the other one [Music] okay and then get some noise in there then start it with tape saturation make this a band pass and we'll do that like similar kind of shape here take this and run it through this filter let's try some unison i actually like that and then we want this to kind of follow the drive i want the sub to be direct out so it's not being affected by the distortion um and then we'll start adding like some reverb on here and some eq oh i like that um resonance how it sounds there maybe we can play with that um i can take this and make an envelope and change the frequency over time here let's turn down this sub we actually don't want sub because we've gotta we've got bass coming from here do you know what could be a cool plugin for this is um mangled verb i even tied this does like distorted reverbs okay let's take this one and eq it a bit and kind of see how they sound in context [Music] i think they both got very different characters so layered together [Music] yeah that's starting to sound pretty gnarly so that's uh let's just name these bass lead and drone um i'd also like it like another background sound to kind of give it a bit of texture and like airiness i don't want just that that plain drone just to kind of make it a bit more unique i think perfect thing for this would be kinetic metal um let's try the dead mouse sound oh where did i just put this ah oops i was meant to go here now i'm gonna steal this midi i don't want the pingley pingles of the metal i just want the just the wind and the airiness of it let's eq it a bit take out like some of that mid-rangey stuff and then i'm also going to put shimmer on there just to keep it nice and wide and also i like the pitching of the shimmer because it makes a bit darker [Music] [Music] i'm gonna put a delay on there and make it really long feedback and then i'm actually just going to render this out to audio so move you know i'm just going to freeze and flatten it okay and let's just boost the gain so we can actually see the waveform [Music] and what i can do is take this thing take like the loudest part probably like from here to here and then just crossfade them [Music] i think i actually want to just have this pretty much repeating like this maybe even like that just cross fade to get rid of the clicks look something like this [Music] yeah that sounded pretty badass uh so let's just call this drone too and that's giving us that nice texture [Music] you know what one more thing i'm gonna do to this drone is i don't like how it's like fading in and out it sounds like a sample that's been looped uh as if i just like put on a delay and again like a nice long feedback that should kind of get rid of that [Music] yeah let me freeze that again and flatten that now we've got a nice sample that we can just keep and use okay so i think those are pretty much the main part of it what else did i want i wanted my little vocal stuff like breath let's find a breath ah no jesus um [Music] i like that one let's take this thing and just turn it down we don't need to warp it [Music] and i want like a really fast delay on that [Music] let's make this breath like super short uh [Music] let's try three [Music] yeah that's kind of cool and then like maybe some just part of a vocal that we can take and process i'm literally just going to search for vocal um i don't think it really matters too much what the vocal sounds like now because i'm just gonna like mess with the sample so much probably reverse it to start and then it's in b minor so let's put it down to a minor [Music] [Music] uh think that sounds kind of cool you need to crossfade it [Music] and let's take um like alter boy just play with the form and see if we can get it sounding a bit more dark [Music] [Music] quite like it there [Music] let's try this and again shimmer [Music] not sure if i like it like that maybe like this rather [Music] yeah maybe i can add a bit of brightness for vocals i love using this um c cure just boosts highs really nicely take out some nuts [Music] cool um okay let's go back to my notes with anything else um oh yeah another thing was the high strings for tension so let's uh find a nice high string here contact and where's factory library so i just want this um maybe a violin ensemble [Music] let's try even higher [Music] i can bring in that e at the end [Music] so i like that i think um still i'm not 100 happy with the sound i wanted something a bit more interesting about it maybe thinking of trying like a short reverb let's just try this um we take a vintage verb and we just duplicate it maybe that'll sound cool duplicate it and then go into this one give it a really long pre-delay really short decay and a high mix so it's got that like slap-backy kind of vibe let's see [Music] okay i think that's pretty cool i think we've got enough there more or less to start building a track but first we need to get into the drums i'm just going to put this all in the instruments and let's get our kick drum down so kick goes on every [Music] i'll just turn this hole down okay so it should be pretty easy because we've got his exact kicks here [Music] i like this one i think this is the one from hawkins so i think it'll be a good fit [Music] now we i'm gonna sidechain this because it's really like busy side chain to the kick let's bring up the frequency here [Music] and then on the base i'm going to use track spacer oh yeah we wanted to duplicate this base and make one of them have no reverb on okay so no reverb no chorus and why is there a mangled verb on that one did i put it on the wrong channel did i put it on and then adjust it while not even listening to it and then accept it it did well done huh well let's just check if that would have improved the sound maybe a little bit anyway so this is going to be a sub and i can just bring down the filter um and then i'm not going to use track space i'm just going to steal this here call that sub and yeah i'm going to take this frequency down because i actually want to sidechain to the full length of the kick and the top layer is just getting the side chain from the original group side chain and let's just balance these quickly i think i'm more or less happy there [Music] and then this one we need to just take out that low end [Music] okay let's uh get that hi-hat in so i'm going to use this open hi-hat here [Music] [Music] so [Music] i think um we could probably do with the longer hat for some some at some points in the track it's going to be like need more energy so i'm just going to grab a nine and nine that'll do um maybe take out that attack a bit [Music] something is yeah so that lead is like kind of fighting with the hat a little bit at some points and like almost flams and i think it's because of all the white noise in it not really sure what to do about that yet see [Music] how it sounds like this [Music] i'll deal with that at a later time [Music] what i want to do is just take out a little bit of the mid-range from this it takes up takes quite a lot of space in the mix with all of that mid-range okay so another thing i noticed with the hats is he has this like um off-beat sixteenth note pattern but not using all sixteenths so at some point he brings in like all sixteenths but for the beginning of the track beginning of the track there is maybe something like this one and it's just kind of if we make the sixteenths it's kinda just hitting every once in a while like try this one [Music] so here we can loop this [Music] maybe add a bit more variation an extra note here and there [Music] so you can add some variation here to that random padding [Music] i don't like this nurture so maybe like this [Music] and i didn't really notice much in terms of like percussion in the in the track okay so there's that 16th note pattern [Music] maybe not as often as this do something like this let's keep that one maybe remove that one and loop this and uneven loop it maybe that's cool [Music] yeah and with this open hat kind of add one want to add some width to it so i'm going to use vintage and just take out a lot of the low end from it open it up [Music] okay and then for the clap let's just listen to his clap again okay in this track there is no clap so maybe we should roll with that and just do like the random claps every once in a while um so let's go for like a 909 clap [Music] maybe we can do like a hybrid and kind of in the climax we'll add it a clap in should we do that that might be cool i don't know why i'm asking you because this is not live um let's see maybe [Music] over here where there's no hat maybe [Music] okay so that's fine it just needs maybe a bit of eq'ing to make it a bit brighter take out some of that over there [Music] and then we want to add our delay and maybe i'll just use the good old ableton reverb not too fast about this one [Music] i like that one um and then maybe we can do like another one over here or something a bit lower down [Music] [Music] so i'm just adding these like sprinkled around in random places just to kind of spice it up a little bit [Music] maybe what we should do is uh create that like 16th note pattern with a different hi-hat let's go for like an 808 hi-hat something like this and here we'll just create like that 16th note pattern give it some bounce [Music] [Music] some random panning i take off that very hissy high end [Music] one thing that can be cool for this is to sidechain the this groove this hi-hat groove to the offbeat heart um like this open that [Music] [Music] and maybe give a little bit of like random pitching this random lfo so that not every single hit's the same i'm gonna add like a little bit of chorus to this hat just to give it a tiny bit of width [Music] okay um i think that's pretty much most of the elements oh yeah we wanted to just grab a clap in case we want to use a clap in the climax i think it might be a cool addition we don't have to make an exact like a copy of um hawkins we have to do everything he does like we can take bits from other tracks and so in [Music] hey that one doesn't [Music] yeah so that one he's got um a clap in and it's kind of just like a standard like house i clap this one might actually be a good pack to go for something like that and let's make this like like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to layer it with something that has a bit of punch to it like that one's got a nice low end [Music] it's actually to take out the high end from this one [Music] okay so i'm going to save that and the next thing i'm going to do is the arrangement but i'm going to do this off camera just analyzing the songs arrangement i'm not going to do any actual arrangement of the song what i'm going to do is i'm just going to drag the track into here and then make markers and make notes at every point about you know what he does and when he brings in certain stuff and then when i've come back we will arrange the track according to those notes okay and we are back um as you can see done quite a lot of taking of notes um one thing i noticed was this is a really simple structure and there's not as much automation as i thought there was in in the filtering of the melody and like changing it up most of the variations like happening in the drums and the effects and stuff and really the only automation i heard in the melody was just this like uh it was just constantly like filtering out and then filtering in and then filtering out it wasn't like anything crazy like changing the adsr envelopes a whole bunch and all this other stuff another thing i noticed was and that i forgot was to get some rides so let's get some rides and then another thing that i need is a shaker loop that's another thing i didn't realize was in this track so let's first do that before we start arranging um let's first get like a shaker loop and i think it's about time to use this shimmer shake strike i bought it it's on sale at the moment so you can go and buy it i think it's like 50 or something um with an expansion so it's like really good deal anyway um what i want is probably only the shaker so i'm just going to turn the volume off of these two [Music] i'm going to turn off the reference uh and i just need to let's sink into the host okay and i want it to be like quite tight can i change the let me first just try different sounds here why can't i hear that stuff there's something wrong going here mixer come on that's so weird that it's doing that i think i'm gonna stay stick with this one and then just change it up in the mixer here so we can take out the low mids and i don't really want the reverb or the delay don't want it to be panned maybe i can add a second one just have some slight panning and then for the pattern i kind of just wanted to do this do okay so that should be it this one the same actually yeah i was kind of like carrying a different rhythm in my head for a second let's go to this one okay then i'm going to just render this out to audio and mess with it even more turn this off [Music] where's my [Music] okay i'm just going to shorten this and then i'm going to make a little tighter just beats mode [Music] [Music] i also want to add like erosion to this to get it a little more not real sounding then we can eq it how we want it [Music] and i need to rename my stuff here so this is our 16th hat this is random hats open at clap fx shaker clap so these claps can go together um rarely open hat and then that's our kick okay now i need i just want to color these all the same so it's easier to look at and i just need that ride symbol so i'm actually going to delete this contact [Music] just use a 909 ride just use the og one and i'm gonna make it like really thin give it some release and then filter it a lot [Music] i want this thing to be a bit brighter [Music] okay so i think that's everything i need now let's do the arrangement so what i'm to do is just take all of this stuff and i'm going to move it all the way to the right here it's our original loop and then i'm just going to take what i need and start arranging so kick and sub is the first thing that we need so we'll do is grab the base and the sub together copy it and paste it there and the kick and now i'll just duplicate this okay but it needs to be really filtered out so what i'm going to do is just i'm just going to put a be lazy here and put an auto filter on these and i want a nice filter so i'm going to use this mow one okay so we only want this like the actual rumble of the sub initially um and it just it opens up i think to about i made a note at this point base is open to about 300 hertz so let's just set that over there and then this is how we'll filter it open okay and then we add this like a really tight hat over here so do you know what i don't think i actually made a tie tab but you know what i can do i can use the open hat yeah take the open heart and then i'll just close the envelope a little bit on it so i just want this to be okay the drone also needs to be in there where's my drone so we've got two drones i'm going to take both of them i'm going to put them here i'm going to put them into a group and also put an auto filter on them and i'm pretty sure this drone just i didn't pay too much attention to it but i'm pretty sure it just stays in the track the entire time so let's uh consolidate these you know what i'm going to do is put that like that just loop this this section here so just hit ctrl l and then i can drag this out through the whole track until the track ends around there let's loop this one okay so here it says we have random hat hits these are the random hats so we bring that in [Music] and also the hat has more low end so what we can do is we can just take out some high end in the beginning and over here bring it back in [Music] yeah and so over here it says take sub out from the whole track and start adding these like random clap hits in clap effects is the one that we want and we're not gonna like do the full clap effects thing we're just gonna do it every once in a while so like i'll turn that one off uh that one maybe leave that one in and then yeah okay then i think this keeps on going so i'm going to put this entire thing into like a pre-master and put an auto filter in it just to make this filter out the lower end a lot quicker here if we just have a look at the waveform we can see he takes out the sub over here at about 150 hertz yeah i'll remove that one too and then what i'll do is i'll start opening up this hat over here um start taking the decay and increasing it okay so then we need this full pattern here oh it goes like this i'll turn all of them on okay to make this a bit quicker i'm just going to loop both of them and i'll just drag it across the entire track i'm also going to start keep opening up the drone more club hits start bringing open heart sub back in plus 16th shaker so at this point we go to our pre-master and we bring the sub back in and then we want our is the kick still here there's a yeah here's another easy thing i'm gonna do is just drag the kick out and then remove it when i don't need it because it's there most of the track where are we sub sorry this is where we are [Music] okay so here's where we want that shaker oh my gosh take shaker i keep losing my place that's right [Music] [Music] i think i'm gonna add the 16th hat with this because i don't like how that shaker sounds on its own [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay i think there's just too many of these like hat hits [Music] [Music] yeah so i'm just gonna like copy these across the whole track and then uh i didn't remove them as as and when [Music] not a huge fan of this shaker actually [Music] you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna i've got this right loop that i made a while ago sounds really nice when you just turn it into like 16th notes i might use that here so that sounds like this and what i might do is go beats sixteenths [Music] [Music] yeah like that [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so then we're going to start bringing in the melody over here bar 45 let's go and get a lead and here we want it like really filtered out [Music] i'm gonna remove i'm gonna loop this firstly and just drag it out across the track and then i'm going to consolidate it all and then just remove the first note because i don't want to hear that first note when the loop starts [Music] and i'm going to filter it out even more with an auto filter [Music] [Music] okay so over here we are removing the kick completely i'm also going to start fading out the sub when does the kick come back in you can probably see it over there yeah so i guess the kick drops back in around here come on okay um remove kick and start fading out sub okay so we'll go here and we'll just start fading the sub and let's just compare it to the waveform here okay i don't think it goes out like too much okay then here's the drop i'm gonna fade it up to like 190 i think start fading it here at like 40. [Music] okay so the melody here is supposed to be almost completely open so that's what i'm going to go in and just change that automation and the lead over here macro just call this cutoff [Music] okay so here we're going to start filtering out like the top loop basically i'm going to put this into another bus and call it tops then we're going to filter it to a point where you can only like just you can only just hear the bottom of the hats like i said here maybe tiny bit more [Music] okay and then let's drag these out all the way to here and then we're going to do like a little clap fill i didn't take note of the effects i might have to redo that but [Applause] i'm going to take the clap out of the tops because i want to hear that clap fill [Music] okay so now we are dropping with brahm filtered is there any other drums here that i didn't take note of okay so we've got like the the 16th and stuff in there but not the it's also hear this [Music] okay um this tops is going to open up here i'm gonna have the sixteenths [Music] and i guess the open hat too [Music] okay and then the melody becomes super filtered again so we have to go back to our lead and we're going to take this cut off and bring it back down and this one back down and then we're just going to basically filter this up over how long i'm not sure but i'm just going to basically start filtering it open again [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey is there supposed to be any effects let's double check oh yeah everyone just abram i forgot about the brahm i think our brahm is like way more full and angry than his is but that's fine making a different track yeah [Music] kind of want this thing to be really filtered up over here [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah that's cool okay so now we start bringing in that ride [Music] [Music] now we remove the ride and this is something that actually surprised me is how how much he just like relies on taking away the ride and bring it back in to create variation in the truck [Music] i think this reverbs too much [Music] and then bring the ride back in [Music] and there's our first breath in his truck so let's grab our breath truck and what are we at bar 75 so don't forget and keep losing my spot okay [Music] you know what i want this breath to be longer [Music] okay braum hit but remove ride okay so we don't want to ride and then the ride comes back in over there so you know what i'm just going to go through all the rides quickly so you can see it's kind of like taking the ride out and keeps bringing it back in i don't know this i'm pretty sure there's other parts where he uses the ride through here maybe not until the drop i don't know but yeah let's keep going here so i think these hats are just going all the way through [Music] and this melody should still be filtering so i'm gonna kind of do this [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so now we take out the low end and we have we have [Music] i'm not sure if this prom is loud enough [Music] okay so is the melody here does it filter in and then out again [Music] okay so i think what happened to the melody is it kind of starts dipping down a bit and then fades back up so like close it down a little bit and open it up again [Music] [Music] let's run these hats through a bit more okay so we start filtering out the hats i think we're going to filter it down to create it is it all the hat [Music] okay so the drop is over there i think we like filtered down to about here [Music] you know what i'm not going to have this melody all the way open here yet i think around here i'll open it up completely [Music] jesus gets really hectic [Music] okay so over here he has this thing where like um here's the 16th hats playing so maybe i'll remove this hat and kind of open these up a bit over here but they're doing this like filter movement and i'll show you what i mean take an auto filter and you just set the lfo to 16 and make this up sweep shape bring it down and mount all the way up you just play with the phase until it sounds good offset sorry not phase and then and so i'm just going to take this thing and turn it on only for this section let me just hear this melody how open it is here [Music] okay so now we need a little snare roll see [Music] that one i think is alright um i'm just going to put that over here f sharp minor i guess that's a tuned snare so should i pitch it um maybe just up one or that sound better [Music] what a weird why is it such a weird number of bars i'm gonna just take this bit and consolidate it and loop it and do the filtering my own [Music] [Music] okay then i want another big clap fill over here [Music] there we have the drop come in with everything all the hats all the rides all the things and is the melody in here yeah it is i'm gonna add a little more automation in here to keep this thing interesting [Music] and this thing sounds a bit silly [Music] so [Music] okay now we want the ride in there and we want the braum [Music] take our kick here for two beats and then we're gonna continue everything without the ride whoa no ride [Music] i think i might also remove some sub here i don't know if they he did i don't know if he did but i think it'll sound better if i have no sub there [Music] okay and then brahm again [Music] yeah you have this like random orchestral snare roll [Music] i'm just going to use this one i might put it in here so it gets the side chain um i have no idea just gonna chop it i think let's do sixteenths [Music] ah damn that's not very nice sounding let's just do something like this [Music] maybe it's like a delay on it [Music] and a bit of reverb let's use the hybrid nice and short okay i'm trying to move as quickly as possible here [Music] bring in the rides again okay so here we are removing the ride removing the kick um [Music] and we're starting to filter out hats now we haven't done the vocals yet but i heard something here that i want to kind of bring into mind i'm not sure if i want to use the vocal we used or i'm just going to add another one but i'll get there okay remove kick add bram remove ride [Music] let's just check out the apron i think over here i want a little more low end on this [Music] okay so wait why is it phil [Music] [Applause] we taking out the base from here let's check [Music] um so let's start filtering out the base [Music] okay the lead automation has been pretty boring so i'm just going to do some changes here bring it back up and then we drop it down again i think this is our outro so i think what happens is we kind of um filtered them the melody almost all the way out let's just double check some stuff i didn't actually note so i think at this point yeah the melody should be completely gone which it will be so that's good wow [Music] so we want everything in here [Music] okay so here we want to start fadering out fading out all the offbeat stuff so i'm actually going to put all of the offbeat stuff together and then i'm going to grab an auto filter start fading i think it wasn't a filter i think he just started turning it down something like this and um okay oh wait i think i forgot the sixteenths oh yeah and this ride loop supposed to be going through the whole thing i think [Music] [Music] [Music] i think we're also fading out the base here [Music] [Music] okay yeah i'm not sure if i do want to bring in the clap let's see what it might sound like on the climax which is get this point um not there yeah [Music] might be a cool addition so let's let's change this up a bit and add in a the clap here and then maybe what i'll do is i'll have this clapper run through all the way to here and then just start fading out or something over here [Music] [Music] okay let me just have a look at the lead automation does it seem interesting enough um yeah i think that'll do still need to listen to the whole track but the last thing is the vocal so i think i want to start bringing the vocal in here like in the middle of the track [Music] but like rhythmically so maybe not this entire phrase maybe just [Music] something like that [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah i might i'm gonna like wing this and do my own thing i'm not gonna just copy his vocal pattern i'm just gonna do my own thing here and like filter these in let's take a filter here just to create some more variation [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] then i'll bring them back in next time it drops [Music] or like over here or something [Music] so look at this base maybe the base can also open up well before i get distracted i'll remove the vocal there i'll let it go all the way through and just fade out [Music] maybe i'll bring down the reverb on this thing a little bit [Music] okay yes that's like the rhythmic thing i wanted to do there um [Music] i think what we should do now is just say okay the general structure's done let's have a listen through and then we'll like comb over the mix down and see if there's anything else i want to change but yeah let's go three two one another thing i'm going to do is just put a limiter on this so i can kind of watch it let's go to like natural controlled limiting [Music] okay let's go that rumble [Music] so so [Music] [Music] okay i kind of get the point i think it gets a bit boring so what i want to do is just change that bass line up i think it's okay to have this one note base up until here but i think this climax at least should change i just want to see how it feels if we drop the bass line down a few notes on this drop here so we make this like [Music] let's just try this progression [Music] and this bram can go down [Music] [Applause] so [Music] i like that i think it changes too quickly let's bring this down here then this whole thing can go over here and [Music] so my then back to the onenote baseline thing i think over here if we can make this melody a bit more interesting too in my opinion it gets pretty repetitive [Music] like this it's going to like uh last 16 bars here and make a smooth smooth a few small changes smooth all changes okay let's think about this maybe we can add some [Music] maybe not yet so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] yeah like [Applause] [Music] some sort of melody changed i just can't sit there and listen to this it's just too boring um i clearly didn't write a very good melody [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah so i can just leave this section [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i think that's a kind of cool section to have i just want to figure out the sound because i'm not too happy with it [Music] um [Music] then [Music] okay so there we go we've injected a bit of bound to divide into this christophe session some melody some more melody than there was uh i don't know man the sound it works but it's just it feels messy [Music] so [Music] okay um mix-wise i'm not too happy with the mix but my ears are pretty tired now [Music] let's just check out the low end it's going to a b between these two mixes uh they're not too different i mean they only sound a bit different because of his uh high hats are kind of different to mine they're wide i'm gonna try just using one of his hats that i stole that one [Music] yeah that drives it much better and i think maybe a little bit of groove on this would be good although not sure if groovy is going to work on this um yeah i'm kind of done here could add a little bit of swing to it but then it's going to be a pain with this because it's in audio and if i warp it with the groove that's going to sound funny i think let me just check not be lazy come on dgr16 let's get okay [Music] actually it sounds all right let's try adding it to this now okay that one sounds fine um what else is there lead needs it should be doing it across all of the midi i'm sure the vocal is landing on the 16th i think it might be no it's not thank goodness okay we've done the vocal it's right loop the whole thing is done so it's really just all of this i need the groove [Music] okay [Applause] i think i'm happy with this from what i remember there was no real effects on this track double check the drop [Music] ah over there there's some white noise let's quickly chuck in some white noise here um let me just use operator it's quicker okay now just take this white knife turn up the filter i'll just eq it nicely what i heard he didn't really like sweep or anything it's just really plain white noise [Music] come on [Music] okay it's it's really messy then mix down but i think i've been going for two hours and 40 minutes one thing i just want to do before we finish this off is uh just put sues let me first save collect all and save and then i'm going to put soothe onto the master just to kind of tame this high end a bit turn this down a touch [Music] okay and then we can just open up pro l and span and [Music] start over [Music] [Applause] okay here we go three two one [Music] [Music] microsoft and now an airplane's flying over anyway i think if i had more time on this i would probably work a lot more in the mix down and maybe change up this clap thing a bit it's kind of i think it's too much and maybe do them half the amount of time that they're in there but anyway um i think i pretty much covered most of the points if you're trying to make music like kristoff uh then yeah this is everything i managed to figure out about it at least in one day thanks for watching guys i hope you enjoyed the tutorial and i'll see you at the next one goodbye
Channel: Bound to Divide
Views: 3,082
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: KSI6yN4XxXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 46sec (11626 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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