Homemade Cheddar Cheese

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hi y'all this is Larry at Deep South Texas and today we're going to make some cheddar cheese so the first step in the process is to grab all your stainless-steel items and a cheese cloth and cheese mold and sterilized them so these have been on the stove here for a while and boiling for ten minutes and they're ready to come off and here's the list of ingredients we have three gallons of whole milk we have a packet of mesophilic direct set culture we have some annatto some calcium chloride rennet cheese salt and then I have a spray bottle full of distilled white vinegar we'll use that to just sanitize surfaces so here's the items that I boiled earlier probably more than I need but I wanted this all sterilized we have measuring spoons measuring cups other spoons a strainer some cheese mats and cheesecloth and my cheese mold so now we have to heat up our milk and we're going to heat it to 31 degrees Celsius or 88 degrees Fahrenheit okay we have the 3 gallons of milk into basically what amounts to a double boiler we have a 5 gallon stainless steel pot here and a 4 gallon stainless steel pot here and in the 5 gallon pot is about Oh a gallon a half of water will heat that water it'll heat the milk gently and again we're going to heat that to 88 degrees Fahrenheit and a little about the milk this is whole milk gets been homogenized and pasteurized this is not the best milk to use for cheese-making but it's what I have so we'll get back when we have this temperature up to 88 degrees so why milk temperature is now 88 degrees Fahrenheit we're going to add the culture that's mesophilic culture I've taken it out of the double boiler at the moment and we just sprinkle the culture on the top and we've let that set for five minutes okay it's been five minutes since we added the culture its rehydrated now so now we thoroughly mix it into the milk now we let the milk set for 40 minutes [Music] now we're going to mix some of these other ingredients we're going to dilute them in water before we add them to the milk the Netto which is the coloring says to add 25 to 50 drops per one gallon of milk so I think there's about a hundred drops in a teaspoon and I have three gallons of milk I'm going to put in a teaspoon of a meadow which seems like an awful awful lot and I think this a meadow must be a little bit weak okay there's a teaspoon put that in the water the calcium chloride we're going to put in 3/4 of a teaspoon and the reddit we're also going to put in 3/4 of a teaspoon all of these are mixed in a quarter cup of non-chlorinated water okay it's been 45 minutes the milk should be asked acidified by now so now we're going to add the Annette Oh stirring as we put it in and this is this is coloring it should turn the cheese kind of yellow or orange in the end so that's mixed in now we're going to put in the calcium chloride and get it all mixed in and the calcium chloride helps the milk set a little bit better curd particularly when you're using pasteurized milk so this is to help make up for the pasteurization get that all mixed in well and now we're going to add the reddit reddit is what sets the milk into ocurred try to get this thoroughly mixed with the only mix for one minute because it starts setting this pretty quickly so mix it for a minute make sure it's all mixed in well and try to calm the milk down a little bit and then we put the lid back on and we let it set for 40 minutes and check and see if it's formed occurred okay it's been about 45 minutes let's see if if the milk is set up and that looks pretty good so we're going to go ahead and cut it into half inch cubes and this takes a little while I'll try to either edit some of this out or speed up the video a little bit we'll see what we'll get there you want the the curds to be cut and as evenly as possible I'm not really good at this that's their first we cut it one way then you cut it the other way okay and now we let those Kurds sit for five minutes to heal up a little bit [Music] okay now we're going to slowly stir the Kurd and bring the temperature up to a hundred and two degrees if you have any big pieces of Kurd it's important to cut them up at this point and they cut up very very easily at this point to us in the game as as we cook them a little bit more they'll get a little bit harder to cook up cut off Tina but right now they break very easily so we have the Kurds back on the double boiler we have the heat on and we're going to slowly bring it up to a hundred and two degrees Fahrenheit over the next 45 minutes it came out after it had set and we cut the curd it was about 86 degrees Fahrenheit so we lost a couple degrees no big deal now we're going to heat it up and cook the curd and stir continually during this process okay we've been heating the curds for about 20 minutes now we are at 95 degrees which is halfway to our target temperature of 102 and hopefully you can see that the curds are expelling way and they are reducing in size they will continue to do that throughout the cooking process they're also getting a lot tougher so if you find a big one that you need to cut a little bit a little bit more difficult to cut than it was when you first started out but we'll continue this process of heating it up and stirring it till we get to 102 degrees okay it's been 45 minutes and we've reached our target temperature of 102 you see the curd size has reduced quite a bit now we're just going to let this set for 40 minutes and let the curd consolidate on the bottom of the pan okay the curd should have settled down to the bottom of the pan so we're going to drain it off now you can drain off the way and you could use this way to make ricotta cheese but what I'm going to do is save it and put it on the garden maybe help with some blossom end rot I had out there last year there's a surprising amount of way that's it for that pan [Music] okay now we're going to start the chattering process their attempt to cut this in half and then put each half back in the pan if I can do that without breaking it up [Music] so here are the curds at the start of the chattering process every 15 minutes for the next hour I will flip them over bottom the top and continue that process here's a look at the way that came from that three gallons of milk that's a lot away okay we'll be back when we turn these over okay it's been 15 minutes let's turn this over if we can let's pour out some of this way [Music] [Music] and put these back in the pot for another 15 minutes okay it's been 15 minutes let's flip these parents over poor off some of this way again this time this one goes on the bottom and this one goes on the top and then we'll let that process continue two more times and after that we'll be back to mill the cheese curds okay the Kurds have been chattering for an hour so it's time to take them out building [Music] so first thing we're going to do is cut them in slices and we're going to cut them the other way as well and we're going to that is what they look like right now then we're going to break them up a little bit put it back in the pan once we get that all done then we're going to put in our salt okay now we're going to put in two tablespoons of cheese salt [Applause] [Applause] and mix that all up quick spray on my hands listen wait vinegar okay that's mixed up pretty well now we're going to put them in the mold okay this mold is about six and a half inches in diameter and about six and a half inches tall and it's a it's a perfect size for doing three gallons of milk we just scoop our little curds up put a bit of mold I've been doing my best to keep these curds warm it's one of the one of the problems like fine with making cheddar that needs to be somewhat war in order for these for these cubes to knit together this is not this is different than most cheese's okay in the mold we try to stretch out the cheesecloth a little bit so that there aren't getting wrinkles in the cheesecloth because they will transfer right over to the cheese all over the top of the cheesecloth and we put our follower on and then it goes into the cheese press so now we have it in the cheese press and we're going to put on this is a liter and a half bottle of water this puts about 30 pounds of pressure on the press so right now we have a one and a half liter bottle as the wait for the press and that puts about thirty pounds of pressure on the cheese you can already see there's way coming out it's running fairly clear that's good and we'll put that leave that in the press for thirty minutes then we'll take it out and flip it over and put it back in okay it's been about thirty minutes we're going to take the cheese out do this carefully the cheese's is not fully formed yet at this point [Music] and put it back in cheese prints on that empty this pan out and now we're going to put on a one-gallon weight which which puts about 50 pounds of pressure so it's been another half-hour time to flip it again hopefully it's folded up a little bit more better and tightening up the cheesecloth to try to prevent in the wrinkles in the side of cheese and we'll put it back in the press and now we're going to put on tune-up jugs this is about a hundred and forty pounds and that will set that way overnight so in the morning it should be fully formed and we'll take it out of the press at that time see you then well it's the next morning and it's time to take this cheese out of the press and see how we did well it looks like it came together real well well I don't see any cracks it's a nice color that color will probably deep a little bit over time so we'll let this cheddar cheese air dry for the next two or three days and then we'll make a determination of whether we vacuumed baguette or wax it but it's looking pretty good right now so this cheese will be ready in about six months to give it a try we're going to air dry here for two or three days and then we'll be putting it into the cheese cave I expect it's going to be great I know this is a long video thanks for taking time to watch it please hit that like button that thumbs up and comment if you're not subscribed please subscribe we'll see you again next time thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Deep South Texas
Views: 197,536
Rating: 4.8861756 out of 5
Keywords: homestead, Texas, Deep South, Deep South Texas, How to make cheddar cheese, Homemade cheddar cheese, Cheese press, directions for making cheddar cheese, homemade cheese, Cheese, Cheddar cheese, Mesophilic culture, Annatto, Rennet, Cheddaring, cutting curds, stirring curds, Let's make cheddar cheese, making cheese on the homestead, recipe for cheddar cheese, Cheese making
Id: RdpqzxOwSYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 48sec (2208 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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