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today I'm going to show you how to make a cheese actually I'm just going to present cheese making to you because we don't have to do anything but pour the milk and wait for cheese to make itself I'm a little time between 6 to 12 hours we can have an amazing country wellmaybe cheese's like this please keep in mind that not every milk is the same even a 2% milk that we bind the store is pasteurized by different companies and almost the different levels because what I have learned through making this cheese is that some milk will never cure which means that it's pasteurized beyond the church however some other brands will work within a 6 to 12 hours which means that there's still enough bacteria within a milk to cure itself and bacteria is what we need providing enough work and time bacteria germs milk into sauerkraut which further on will turn into a catchy this is just one way to make a cheese there are many other ways in the next episode I'll show you how to make mozzarella but this is a really light and delicious cottage cheese we started with 2% milk and I'm going to show you how to do it so here is the first step to start we're going to pour gallon of milk and dish this is how your melt would look ready or your cheese will look ready once it's done different milk might take longer to cure depending on how heavily it's pasteurized this took about 24 hours and depending on the temperature and the kind of milk that you are using you can take anywhere between 6 to 24 hours but the bottom line is you do want to see curd separating from the rest of the milk so you have this clear fluid on the side and then you have big occurrence now the next step is to warm it up we're only going for luke warm temperature which we have right now an important thing that I should have mentioned earlier is that we are using 2% milk this cheese I was usually made out of whole milk however there was a stage where the milk was set in a dish and it was left overnight and then I remember my mom will skim the cream and what was left was that a low-fat milk practically and we made cottage cheese out of that so this is just one way to make cottage cheese so now that this is lukewarm we're going to go and strange you can just use fabric it's usually used for curtains because it's really fine and you will easily drain the current and as you see I have a piece here and I'm just going trim it now and I can use this cheese Quan for years it's great and important thing before using it make sure that you wash it ration wash it well rinse it and then Jesus really easy and this way of making cheese it's most natural because it's a bacteria within a milk is actually is taking care of a curing process no it's being curds here and the enzymes and bacteria that had made these curds is actually bacteria and enzymes that our stomachs meet so this kind of cheese cheese is light and beneficial all of it in a cheese cloth just tie a knot first crossing this about the same length it's okay sorry eyes we're doing good here okay approximately same length as I said okay and here's a little trick that I use for my chin I use my cabinets like this and like this and then just left cheese strain so that's two to three hours sometimes they might take even longer but in any case we will take it to the final product so you can see how long he actually took and what the final product should look like ready I mentioned this might take anywhere between two to three hours but with the finer strainer this took actually longer it's been six hours since I have this cheese draining and to to find out if it's ready or not you can just use your finger and tap it see it's nice and firm and you do have an option to take it out sooner when it's still soft but I kind of like my semi hard and now we're ready to open it good let's just pour it in the dish this cheese is still kind of soft you can have it even harder if you wish you just let it strain a little bit more so the next thing would be to create a new recipe using homemade cheese which I think we'll use to make cheese stuffed crates tomorrow morning what do you like best about this cheese Mickey that it tastes so good it has doesn't it it really doesn't need anything and it's light in its flavor and it's also great for desserts all right have our cheese done what's left in suder's go or as my kids will college it's cheese lemonade this is one really healthy drink now it's if you remember we started with the low-fat milk and we have further taken all the fat out of it so all that's left are fluids and these fluids are rich in nutrients a lot of good stuff it's still stored here and it's great for cleansing your tummy so here's the cheers to good cheese and good health there are many ways to use this wonderful cheese my personal finger our crazy stuff is cheese ketchup cinnamon and vanilla and my children especially low a homemade cheese over there in case you can just use it as addition to your salads or everyday meals or just serve on crackers as always it was wonderful cooking with you thank you for watching and I hope you will join our channel and watch us as I continue to teach our young America and how to grow prepare and preserve foods in more natural ways please support us just by simply clicking and joining thank you very much and look forward to cooking with you again bye
Views: 310,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cheese (Food), Traditonal way of cheese making, Vlada Vladic, one ingredient cheese making, make cheese, best, the best, the easiest, milk, cheese making, simple, fast, instructions, most watched, best rated, quick, old fashioned, homestead, eat, happy, cheese eating, most views, YouTube, video
Id: VWm2N5S-umk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 27 2014
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