Make Cajun Boudin At Home 3 Ways

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[Music] how many of you know what the cajun trinity is i'll tell you exactly what it is it's onion bell pepper and celery i just chopped up two onions two large onions doesn't matter if they're white or yellow i think these are spanish onions and uh then from there one full large bell pepper big as you can find if you can't find the large one then just get two of the mediums and two stalks of celery to full length then i took a whole head of garlic and removed all the skins off of each clove now i for one do not like liver but boudin does not boo down without it and you cannot taste it once everything comes together and the original calls for pork liver and that's what i got i'm putting one pound of pork liver to 10 pounds of meat you can put more liver if you like that i see some people put two pounds to five pounds of meat so it's really your preference so what you got here is roughly 10 pounds of pork butt pork butt has got the right amount of fat the right amount of meat ratio naturally built into it so derek's going to take this best stop cajun seasoning here and uh i guess you need to glove up first all right so nothing real heavy on the seasoning yet it's going to get seasoning a couple of more times so go ahead and show them what you're going to do there we're just going to put a very light layer of cajun seasoning on here uh we're not going to go extremely heavy with it if say if we were smoking a pork butt exactly oh speaking of these gloves i've had a lot of people like on facebook and all asking people what is a good glove that holds up heavy duty that doesn't rip on you well i've run across these this is clean space [Music] these are 5.5 millimeter they're heavy duty and just check this out [Music] my problem with these gloves in the past is finding a really good one and i'd be putting them on and i'd always have them rip man look at the stretch on these so if you're looking for some good nitrile gloves it will be in the description box now what we're doing we're going fat side down on these pork butts i'm going to have to do one at a time because this dutch oven is only going to hold one at a time and all i'm looking for is building up a crust and getting that fat to render out some that's really going to add another element to this boot end just by doing this got those removed we're going in with the cajun trinity plus these livers i was telling you about just gonna pour these right in now i'm not gonna add any seasoning to this yet they're actually gonna pick up a little bit off the bottom of this dutch oven from that pork butt so for all you people that's never had real deal louisiana style boudin or louisiana boudin period ain't no style to it this is the real deal you can find any of this stuff easily now you might have a problem finding the pork liver if you can't find it use chicken liver instead same amount that's one pound of liver to 10 pounds of meat now the next step we're going to take everything you've seen up to now we're going to put it in a pot we're going to boil it until that meat is just fall apart shredding tender that's one reason i left the bone in that pork butt because it's just going to pull right out at the end of this and i want to thank concord for providing this pot this is a 24 quart stainless steel and it's not lightweight this is a heavy gauge stainless steel it's high polished and the beauty of this not only does it come with a basket which is also it's really hefty heavy gauge not only that but you can see the bottom it stands off the bottom an inch and a half where you could use this to steam like a small seafood steaming seafood or whatnot steaming vegetables whatever you want to do you could do tamales in this you name it but what i like about it [Music] is it's a perfect pot to pull this off there's a discount code for this pot 15 off on this same pot but go over there and check concord out because not only do they have a variety of cookware they have outdoor burners they have all kind of things that you would probably interested in if you're like an outdoor cooking and i'm sure you do otherwise you probably wouldn't be watching this video so thank you concord again so very simple we're going to take both these pork butts and we're just going to put them put them in the bottom 10 pounds when it's all said and done and with the other pork butt now we're going to take all this cajun trinity and liver we're going to put it in here and by the way the last part i used did not have a strainer so i had to sit there and remove everything vegetables and all without a strainer this is gonna make life so much easier all right derek take that water and what we want to do is just pour water in this until we're an etch or so a couple inches above the pork getting close gonna need more the amount of water will be based really on the size of your pot there we go perfect that's good enough right there all right i'm gonna go in with another half cup of this best stop cajun season just gonna throw that in there now i've got this idea from the actual ingredients labeled on the best stop boudin and all this is is like a kitchen bouquet there's some other brands it's a caramel water it does have other spices in that has a really good flavor but more than anything it gives it that darker color so that's four ounces of that going in got about two ounces of this one going in oh yeah look at that dark color all right that is it we're gonna put the lid on it i'm gonna have derrick light this thing off we're gonna get it up to a full boil then reduce it down to a simmer and i'll be back in about three maybe four hours however long it takes to get this thing completely broke down it's been about three hours and 10 minutes since you've seen me last let's take a look at it now i have been peeking in here and just looking every now and then and what i've done is i took and kind of broke all this meat up to see how tender it is and i'm going to grab this strainer [Music] hey derek can you hand me that spider all i want to do with this spider is just reach in here and get anything worth anything that might have went through those holes on that strainer i don't really see anything maybe a few veggies there so i've got the grinder set up and all i'm going to do is grind this one time through a 3 16 plate and this is one of the few sausages that you'll ever do where you don't have to worry about having everything ice cold because this stuff is hot going in so i'm gonna go ahead and get the grind in here we're gonna go ahead and load this hopper up derrick if you'll flip that on switch here we go [Applause] got it all ground up let's add these other ingredients i've got one bunch of green onions which should be just about right for this amount of meat you could always go in with a little less a little more and that's true with anything in this recipe really this recipe that i wrote calls for one cup total of this best stop cajun seasoning i've already used four ounces into the the liquid okay now that only left three ounces because this is seven ounces so i've got another one here and i'm just gonna take an ounce from that i'm gonna go ahead and dump this one all in here just put it all over your meat that should be good and a little bit more now this rice we didn't add no salt to the water so this is going to be seasoning the rice as well that looks like plenty of seasoning now let's kick things up a little bit i've got some cayenne pepper this is optional but this is going to have a little bit of a cajun kick and that's how you get it is through this cayenne i'm going to start with one tablespoon [Music] now for all of you msg folks out there go ahead and shut your eyes and shut your ears because this boudin is getting msg that's right i've uh weighed out 11 and a half grams of msg for this amount of meat the amount of everything you see here i've calculated that i need this much msg that's really going to enhance these flavors if you don't want to use msg don't use it you ain't got to use it but if you really want to use flavors to pop then use it and me personally i think msg has gotten a bum wrap we're not here to talk about or debate that and so we'll save that for another time but i am using it in fact now the last ingredient let me look around and make sure i'm not forgetting anything okay last ingredient is rice and that too some people go 50 50. they put as much rice as what he got meat i personally like more meat less rice i just want to see some rice in it so uh i've got roughly four cups of cooked rice we're just going to dump this in i've taken some of this stock that we've actually boiled this in that come out of the big pot and you got to be careful with this you don't want to overdo it i'm gonna hold with that right there for a moment get all that good and mixed in and also that broth has got all that flavor in it all right actually it's not gonna hurt my feelings if it's a little on the wet side i just don't want a mushy mess here let's just pour it all in there i think we'll be all right now i didn't measure that i just it's something you gotta eyeball that's all there is to it just got to simply eyeball that get it as moist as you want it that's starting to feel pretty good this is an 11 pound stuffer i got so i should get all of this in this one cylinder here and that's all we're going to do is just drop it in here i will pack it down like i do any other sausage just to make sure it's not getting a lot of air bubbles in it well look at there it's right there at the top of it right there so let's go back on with this thing now i want to go ahead and crank some of this out until it comes right here at the end to get all the air out of this this tube here i like to take a couple of fingers and dip them in this water you can see that water working its way down it'll help straighten out your casing but it also flushes some of that salt out of the middle of it if you never made sausage this right here will come to you just takes a little bit of practice there can you hand me that prick that's inside of that uh box all this is in your definition of a prick of mine are two different things [Music] [Music] now i'm going to go ahead and get the rest this case it's the same thing over and over until all this cylinder is gone when you're sitting there stuffing your casings whether this is sausage or boudin when you're sitting there turning counterclockwise when you're ready to stop back off on it a couple turns and it will stop whatever you got in there coming out the tube as well right that way it just don't keep coming right got them all stuff you're looking at approximately 11 pounds of this boot in so take you a sausage prick and all you do is just run down here and hit them good all that does is relieve any air pockets that may or may not be up under the casing you'll end up with a better product at the end if you take the time to do this all right we just got her loaded three racks you can't really see all the sausage in there but we're gonna put that to sleep for tonight we'll be back tomorrow morning to fire up the pk 100 and get some smoke on these bad boys all right we have went overnight it's saturday morning eight o'clock in the morning i hadn't even had coffee yet but i'm gonna attend to the sausage first we already got the pk 100 up to temperature 225 degrees from start to finish if you watched him my sausage videos in the past you know i start off real low and i do a cold smoke all the way to the process this is different fully cooked sausage all we want to do is smoke it it'd be similar to putting it on your offset smoke or something like that i'm going to open our pk up going to use in the very top go ahead and slide that one towards the back let me get another one all right now we got a half a pound of hickory this is hickory sawdust and as you can see i don't know if you see or not but it's got water in it it's completely saturated it's not a lot of water just enough to get it completely wet you don't want to put this stuff in dry it will light on fire ask me how i know so let's add in some more water i'll take a look at those in about an hour and a half see what they're looking like but i predict we're gonna go somewhere around two to three hours to get the color i want uh [Music] so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to remove the casing from these and get the fillings out and we're going to make some boudin balls and we're going to make some egg rolls boot and egg rolls just like that all right we're just going to take some of this boudin make it like a little patty here it takes us a chunk of this pepper jack cheese take us some more boo down over the top of that you want to come together just like that still a lot of moisture now you can certainly do these before you smoke them actually i recommend you to do that before you smoke go ahead and make boudin balls if that's what you're gonna do because just the smoking process can make this a little bit more drier than what it was what i showed you last night but that's fine right there i think we're gonna be good let's go ahead and put that in an egg wash into some panko breadcrumbs that's a big old boudin ball papaw all right now i had to take my gloves off i've got to handle this egg roll wrap and i can do it better without gloves on but we're just gonna put a little filling in here i used to make these jambalaya rolls years ago used to sell them i actually did a video on that about eight years ago when my channel was real young might have been more like nine years nine and a half years ago and it wasn't but a few years after that i've seen people doing it with boudin and i had actually thought about they just never got around to doing it but uh the jambalaya rose i pretty much own that nobody was doing that okay we just want to give that a little roll we won't tuck this in like this tuck it in like this roll it out get a little bit of egg wash on your finger there that's just to seal the deal there we go egg roll everything's gonna be good ain't that yeah they're gonna be good all righty we are at 350 degrees so we're gonna drop these boudin bowls in here we got one going there one going there go in with our egg rolls i don't want to crowd this to where it drops the temperature so fast so i'm just going to hold that for for the time being that's some pretty big boudin balls i hope it's got time to get hot enough to melt that cheese i won't know that until we actually bite into it but it's it's darkening up mighty fast all right ready or not that was coming out i don't want to get that no no darker i've got a wire rack over here to my right i'm just going to strain these out on there's our other boudin ball look at that that looks pretty good all right i'm going to bring you back here in just a minute and we're going to do a taste on all three of these all right what do you want to start with i'm going to start over here with this boudin all right you go ahead i'm going to start with this boudin ball i just want to see i bet you it didn't but i just want to see if there's any chance that cheese melted in the middle no it didn't fully melt oh yeah it did yeah it's soft okay i mean it's not oozing but hey that ain't bad surprise me wow the last i shredded the meat i didn't grind it i shredded it i like that shredded texture a lot i might even actually like it better than this but i do like this this texture flavor wise this it's on point one thing left to do egg rolls hmm oh wow right there i love that that is good right there that's one of my favorite ways it's got that crispy shell but yet it's a little doughy towards the meat meat's nice and moist and got all that boudin flavor popping out of there now something i read on facebook here a while back and this was a guy from around the scott louisiana thing he said they like to take their boot in and they eat this jack miller's barbecue sauce with it it's uh jack miller's the barbecue sauce with a cajun kick i'm just gonna pour a little bit here on the table that'll work just to try it out well it looks like it could have some cajun some cajun stuff in it i got to try that all right here we go oh man oh boy that's something different and i've never had this before that's got a unique flavor to it that it does it's not like a typical barbecue sauce i don't know what this thickness is in there but i like it you can make boudin regardless where you live it's super easy you don't have to have a grinder or a stuffer you can do egg roll wraps if you've got a stand up mixer use that paddle blade and shred the stuff after it gets extremely tender with all these ingredients and stuff it in an egg roll wrap or a boudin ball you're eating food and you're eating good eats until next time i'm russ jones i'm derek jones we are smoky ribs barbecue you
Channel: Smoky Ribs BBQ
Views: 36,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Make Cajun Boudin At Home 3 Ways, boudin balls, boudin sausage, boudin recipe, how to make boudin, how to make boudin egg rolls, cajun boudin, cajun boudin recipe, cajun boudin balls, cajun boudin sausage, authentic boudin recipe, how to stuff sausage casings, russ jones smoky ribs, smoky ribs bbq, how to make boudin at home, best boudin, best boudin recipe, best way to make boudin, cajun, boudin, recipe
Id: xWSVXeS4xbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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