Celebrate Sausage S02E01 - Cajun Boudin

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hey everybody welcome to the channel i hope you're having a great day my name is eric and i can't believe it's been a year already because today we are kicking off celebrate sausage season two and i'm glad you could join us get ready because every day this month we're gonna be uploading a brand new video and before we begin i just want you to remember that this is a viewer inspired series many of the recipes that we're featuring this year on celebrate sausage are from your suggestions and thank you for that as you work your way through this series if there's a sausage that you would like to see me make next year be sure to leave the suggestion in the comment section below we're going to take the best of the best and put together a season three that's going to knock your socks off this year we have got some really cool sponsors who have offered some very generous discounts if you happen to be in the market for sausage making equipment smokers cutting boards knives all kinds of really great stuff and speaking of sponsors this entire series was sponsored by the sausage maker and just so you know i've been dealing with the sausage baker for over 10 years when i started with those guys i would get their breakfast sausage bundle kits their easy to make jerky kits and as i became more advanced they had everything i needed to keep me moving along everything from grinders stuffers vacuum sealers casings cures starter cultures they literally became a one-stop shop for my charcuterie journey and for celebrate sausage season two the sausage maker has been kind enough to extend a discount code i'm gonna put it in the description box below for those of you watching this series their discount code is only valid for 31 days so starting today through the month of october if there's anything you need sausage making related check the description box click that link enter the code and take advantage of their generous offer let's get started with celebrate sausage season two and today's sausage is cajun boudin boudin was one of the most requested sausages from last year's celebrate sausage so i thought we'd kick off the season with what happens to be one of my all-time favorite sausage now some of you may or may not know that i grew up in south louisiana i'm a cajun i am intimately familiar with boudin this is a sausage that we ate without exaggeration four to five times a week we had it for breakfast we had it for lunch we had it for dinners it was a dessert it was a snack it was served at weddings at birthdays this sausage was everywhere it is a cajun's comfort food so what is boudin well buddha is a cajun rice sausage mixed with a lot of vegetables it's very flavorful and it's generally made with pork although i've seen it made with venison alligator shrimp crawfish duck rabbit nutrat so the protein that's used in boudin really doesn't matter but the thing that they all have in common is rice and vegetables often you'll find boudin stuffed into a casing you can have it steamed or smoked sometimes they'll roll it into balls and deep fry them those are called boudin balls no matter which way you have it boudin is delicious and so what we're going to do today here on celebrate sausage is show you how to make boudin three ways steamed smoked and boudin balls and the recipe i'm gonna be sharing with you is my personal recipe let's make boudin all right first thing we want to do is get our hands on a pork shoulder this is also known as the boston butt and we're going to generously season it with cajun seasoning with creole seasoning whatever you have and once it's completely coated we're gonna take that and place it into the refrigerator for three or four hours now we're gonna take the liver that the recipe calls for and place it into some cool water this is gonna help clean that liver out get some of that excess blood out of there about every 30 minutes or so change the water out add fresh water while we prepare our vegetables as far as the vegetables go we're gonna go with the classic cajun foundation celery bell pepper onion and we're gonna give everything a rough chop all of this is gonna get thrown into a slow cooker and cooked for six seven hours so by the time this is done the vegetables are gonna be nice and tender and there's really no need to do any kind of fine dicing or anything like that although you can if you really want to and finally we're gonna take our green onions rough chop the bottoms rough chop the tops i am going to leave half of the tops for the very end of this recipe and you'll see what i'm talking about here in a minute but now that our vegetables are done we're going to toss all those vegetables into a pot with a little bit of oil and we're going to turn the heat on a medium medium-high we've got our celery bell pepper onions i'm going to add a little bit of salt to begin sweating those vegetables and then we're just going to saute that on a medium-high heat until they begin to soften up at which point we're going gonna add our minced garlic and half of our green onion tops there we go all right our vegetables are cooking it smells amazing and we're now gonna get our liver ready so we're using chicken liver in this recipe traditionally pork liver is used no matter what liver you end up choosing you could use beef chicken you could use pork for you know a stronger liver flavor you never want to get it frozen when you freeze liver it just magnifies the flavor and it becomes way too overwhelming you want to try to get it as fresh as you can so i'm just going to go ahead and chop all that liver up and we're going to take that chopped liver and throw it into our dish let's go ahead and get our pork shoulder ready so i've taken it out of the fridge we've got a blazing hot cast iron skillet a little bit of oil and we're just gonna give this pork shoulder a little bit of color this is an optional step as you can take this pork shoulder and stick it right into the pot with the vegetables and it'll still be delicious but browning your meat before you cook it is going to introduce an entirely new layer of flavor and it's going to be amazing so once we get that completely browned on all sides we're going to go ahead and take that and stick that into our pot with our vegetables and the hard work is now finished at this point we're going to be adding just enough liquid to cover everything that's in your pot by about an inch and so i'm going to come back with some of my favorite chicken stock and then of course we're gonna add some salt and the rest of our seasonings which is pretty simple we're just gonna do pepper some cajun seasoning you gotta have some cayenne for heat and maybe a little more cajun seasoning and that's it give that a stir and we're going to put a lid on this bring the heat down to a medium bring it to a simmer and allow this to cook for four to six hours and that's really a rough estimate it really just depends on how big of a piece of pork shoulder you're using so once it's fall apart tender it's good to go while that's cooking we're going to prepare some rice and i'm going to be using par boiled rice for this boudin you could use whatever rice you like i like parbled rice because it tends to hold up a little bit better in the boudin so once we get our rice to a simmer i'm just going to go ahead and give it one more stir cover it bring the heat all the way down to a low and then set a timer for about 25 minutes this rice came out absolutely brilliant we're just gonna take it and set that to the side while we check on our pork shoulder this shoulder has been cooking for about four hours four and a half hours and it looks absolutely beautiful it's like pulled pork at this point so it's very very tender and here's what we're gonna do we're gonna separate our solids from our liquids and i'll show you why here in a second so all i'm doing is separating everything that's vegetable and pork and then the juice will just drain into that bowl right there now once we have all the solids taken out of our cooking liquid i like to go ahead and run them through my grinder if you don't have a grinder that's totally okay you can use a kitchenaid stand mixer with the paddle attachment to finish up this process and that'll shred your meat really nice we're gonna go ahead and add the other half of my green onions as well as all of the parsley that the recipe calls for and i'm just gonna run that through my grinder [Music] for the last step we want to add our meat mixture with our rice i personally like to do a one to one so for every cup of meat mixture i'm adding a cup of rice but if you want to go heavier on the rice or heavier on the meat mixture it's totally up to you and once you have all your meat and your rice combined we want to bring in some more of that cooking liquid and what i like to do is pull my liquid from the top making sure that i get some of that rendered fat as we add this to our rice and meat mixture this is going to keep our boudin from drying out it's going to add a whole lot of flavor and you're just going to have to trust me on this one it's going to be amazing so as i'm adding liquid into my meat and rice mixture i want to do it a little bit at a time if you add too much liquid your buddha will become too mushy if you don't add enough liquid it's going to be dry and crumbly so this is where experience comes in and at this point go ahead and taste your mix because if you need to add any seasonings this is a great time to do that we're just going to go ahead and add a couple handfuls of our cajun seasoning blend and you're going to notice that this mix is actually going to start to get pretty sticky by the way your kitchen should smell amazing at this point and in case you were wondering yes most kitchens in south louisiana will smell just like this every single day let me tell you what you're looking for grab a little bit of that mixture roll it into a ball and it should hold its shape without crumbling or falling apart and that's what that's going to look like and just so you know a printable recipe with adjustable quantities can be found in the description box below there's going to be a link right there at the top click on it it'll take you to the recipe and if you have any questions let me know we're going to get this into our sausage stuffer using natural haul casings we're going to go ahead and lube up that horn with a little bit of water and really that's all you need you don't need to get crazy and put oil or anything like that on it so we're just going to put a little bit of water and we're going to slide that natural hog casing onto it tie off the end and then stuff our boudin if you don't have a sausage stuffer and you still want to make boudin don't even worry about it there are lots of ways to use boudin without a casing boudin balls boudin burgers in south louisiana we would have pistolettes stuffed with boudin i could tell you a thousand different ways that we've eaten boudin and only a handful of them were inside of a casing so you can get pretty creative you know stuff your bell peppers with boudin anyway today we're going to be making boudin balls i'll show you how to do that in a minute so here we go we've got our boudin links ready to go and being that we're making the boudin three-ways we're gonna smoke this batch so let me tell you how to do that now remember your boudin is already cooked so we're going to be applying hot smoke to just allow them to take on that nice smoky flavor i'm going to be using my cold smoke generator from smoking it and we're using a little pecan a little hickory and we're just going to get that thing fired up if you don't have a cold smoke generator from smoke at it check out the link in the description box below these things are awesome our temperature is at 225 degrees fahrenheit and we're going to let that cook for about an hour and a half after an hour and a half we're going to open up that door and we're going to rub that boudin down with a little olive oil this is optional but i like the way it crisps up that hog casing gives you a nice bite when you bite into it so once we get that totally coated with just a little layer of olive oil we're going to close that door and continue to cook for an hour and a half total cook time is three hours and really it just comes down to how smoky you like your boudin if you just like a kiss of smoke then you can leave it in there for about an hour and that would be totally fine so this is now finished ready to eat let me show you way number two on how to prepare boudin and eat it this is going to be steamed so we've got a pot of boiling water we're going to place a little steamer basket right in there and we're going to steam this for about 10 or 15 minutes while that's steaming let's make some boudin balls we've got a third of a cup of our boudin mixture we're gonna roll it around in some flour i'm then going to dip that into an egg wash mixture and then coat it with panko bread crumbs and the end result is going to look like this that is a panko coated bowl of boudin we're going to set that into some oil oil temp is 350 degrees and we're just going to cook that until that outer layer gets nice and golden brown they're going to crisp up when they cool down and so here's our boudin they look absolutely amazing this is probably one of my favorite ways to eat it and there we go i've got my boudin balls my smoked boudin and my steamed boudin and i think it's time to give this a little taste let's start with the boudin balls okay the boudin ball this is a great way to eat boudin you don't need a sausage stuffer use pillow egg wash some panko bread crumbs and you got a nice crispy shell on it and let's see here oh that smells wonderful it brings back great memories for me when i was younger all right let's just take some of this over here i don't want to make a mess that's nice and hot look at that here we go it's [Music] that's hot that's delicious it's not too spicy the liver isn't overwhelming it's got great flavor great texture sometimes we put a little bit of sauce on it but i'll eat it just like that i don't want to make a mess here i'm going to take another bite though that's so good nah can you see that it's just piping hot all right ooh that's good that's the boudin ball i'm gonna get back to that and this is our smoke boudin now notice the casing nice color it's actually crisped up quite a bit and so when it comes to smoked typically you could put this in a you know a bun if you want we would just eat it by itself just like that until we take a bite um that is so good smoky a little spicy and although the filling is exactly the same that smoke really adds a whole other dimension of flavor and in my opinion absolute best way to eat boone is smoking but not everybody likes that which is why there's so many different varieties and versions of boudin so personally i like it smoked this is delicious i don't want to get full so we're going to now eat the steamed boudin now notice the casing on this a lot lighter see that and because we steamed it the casing is actually going to be rubberier so it's not really intended to be eaten this is really more of a housing for the stuffing there's a couple ways you can eat boudin like this one way is to just cut it open and with a spoon or a fork scoop out the filling and enjoy the boudin that way i've seen lots of tourists on the budap trail eat boudin that way that's not really how the locals eat it how the locals eat boudin that's been steamed is they make sure that one of the tips has been removed so that it's open and very simply squeeze it out like a tube of toothpaste here it comes look at that there it goes and then just bite that's that it ain't the prettiest way but it sure is tasty and so you know what let me get another bite man that's good i still prefer smoke though hands down still prefer smoke but this is just as good totally different eating experience steamed versus smoked versus boudin balls i say give all three a go in the comment section below you let me know which one you like the best because i hope you get a chance to try this recipe don't forget you can find the recipe for this boudin in the description box below and if you have any questions leave them in the comment section if you found this video to be helpful or entertaining smash that like button and if this is the first video that you've seen from our channel we'd like to say welcome you really caught us at a good time because we are in the middle of a daily upload through the month of october for celebrate sausage season two i don't want you to miss a single upload so take a moment hit that subscribe button and that notification bell to be notified of every new video that we post we want to thank the sausage maker for sponsoring this series and you can find their coupon code in the description box below as well thanks for being here we'll see you tomorrow [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: 2 Guys & A Cooler
Views: 47,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cajun Boudin, How to make cajun boudin at home, easy sausage recipes, celebrate sausage, how to cook cajun food, New Orleans, smoked sausages, how to make sausages
Id: qrsOApS3_6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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