How to Make Ground Beef Casserole

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hello everyone welcome to best recipes with sharing today's recipe is about how to make hearty ground beef casserole this deliciously blended with egg noodles tomatoes cheese and seasonings it's easy enough to make it has flavor that makes you more and more so stay with me and I'll show you how to make this for 1 tbsp of olive oil into your frying pan turn the heat on high and start by adding one and a quarter pounds of ground beef and salt and pepper to taste and fry this until it's fully cooked and lightly browned so add some hot water and spread a little salt into a medium saucepan and cook 1 and 3/4 cup of egg noodles you can cook these according to the package directions but just cook them until they're just starting to get tender so drain the noodles and rinse them with some cold water to remove some starch then chopped 1 medium onion take some fresh garlic peel it and chop it finely you'll need just enough for about two teaspoons and using a separate frying pan put some butter in it for sauteing the onions and the garlic and [Music] add those to the pan and then stir them quite frequently until they turn nice and lightly golden brown like this mean round you'll pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees now add the ground beef to the onions and garlic mixture [Music] add two teaspoons of Italian seasoning and one tablespoon of ground parsley now two cups of tomato sauce then mix that in a little bit now add two cups of diced tomatoes once again mixing that really well and add your already cooked eating noodles stir that in until it's really well mixed this is starting to really look good but it's not done yet now then butter the sides and the bottom of a casserole dish I'll then dump this all into your casserole dish and spread it out evenly and add two cups of shredded cheddar cheese over the top I like to spread a little bit of the double cheddar cheese overtop now it's time to bake that in the oven so place it in the oven for about 15 minutes it is done when the edges are slightly browned like this it's ready now who wants some this is quite simple to make but absolutely delicious
Channel: Best Recipes with Sharon
Views: 1,445,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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