Steak, Hash Browns And Asparagus | Gay Family Mukbang (먹방) - Eating Show

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[Music] [Music] me what about you hi everyone this is my beautiful wife my beautiful wife and let's eat love you we're so super hungry we were skating in the morning on the frozen pond okay not all of us i didn't regina tried oh man i need to upgrade my skating skills the food is amazing i'm a pre-cutter steak yeah yeah to make it nice and enjoyable to eat here and a bit of salt for the stack yeah so we're here in it's so good the stack is good one very interesting thing that i didn't expect the meat in superstore here cheaper than in our area oh i love it so much so yeah silver enjoyed canadian beef aaa which is wonderful we are drinking fizzy water i like them even smaller my pieces what can i say outside i'm sorry i tried i she asked me to cut for her i did but it's to be the end what else yesterday yukon is so cool that is so vast and just in the feeling i don't know if you are energy people or not but when you feel the energy and it's almost overwhelming like i was driving isn't you breathe with such a big you know chest open chest and lands but unbelievable that it's unbelievable the air here the cool air and outside it's cold right but it's unbelievable [Music] what do you think about this one i love them hush that was great potato piece was good yeah carrot piece is good um you know what the asparagus is so fresh it's so great the pomegranate and goat cheese is really good really really really good a lot [Music] what else what is your thought about the pawns and the ability to [Music] escape skate i have to upgrade my skating skills we used to go skating here and there and you know i would go around and i i was able to escape decently we can go nice and i can stop with one leg it was great but we didn't escape last year i think no and i think we didn't get there a year before yeah or a little bit so for the last two years we didn't skate and it's so hard now especially no you don't have anything to hold into sometimes i just used to go i would take the little kids walker and i would just go around a little bit get used to it but there you have an open pond covered with snow nothing to hold into i'm like yeah and i was i held it to victoria she said i didn't change to even to them okay sketch i was too afraid of i'm sorry i'm sorry to do such a session no i should try it no no it's really creepy i was i was scared it was scary because the surface you know on the ice you know they're cleaning they it's all nice and smooth mostly when i swing here it's like okay okay but it wasn't like ice creams it's um no just outer pond that freezes apparently you can skate on them that's okay actually yesterday we've been on a wonderful lake in the cross car cross car cross carport community this is native community there is 300 people using this place and i have separate video probably i will do or i will i'm not sure i will decide when i'm going to stick the footage it's such an amazing small community the problem is with the coffee the with the shoulder season which we are in there is not enough people coming so they closed unfortunately all the small shops and except of one one coffee shop that are there for um only in the weekend only in the weekend two days i think only for four hours or something like five hours yeah but the pastry there was crazy good no i think i will do separate video on the pastry the pastry is mind-blowing like when the pond they said no you should go to the pond go to the pond went to the pond and it's all lake covered with just pure eyes that's it and you can walk all over it it's insane we call that uh you know what the ice when you walk on it it's not slippery a little bit but not a lot you can literally physically safely walk on it to see what everyone was asking i'm gonna fall you know i don't know what to expect about those spikes for the eyes that you put on your shoe but we didn't need them i can literally just go and if you want to skate a little bit you can push with straight so nice i'm insisting this feminine i think a whole five minutes at first i was standing like this before i could move because it was like creepy you can sorry you can see everything until the you know bottom and it's clear and it's scary like just for me it was so awesome it's just like literally unbelievable somewhere and then it started snowing and snow and snow and then the whole lake was covered with snow and it's such a under 10 minutes it was like tons of snow and then the cool thing you could skate better with the snow because the snow sticks to your shoes to our boots and the snow and the eyes scare better and more no so that's what they did it was it was so fun it was it was even even the drive home wasn't so bad i was a little bit afraid of drive home in the snow because you know we're even great around covering there is almost no snow so just a little bit which i'm fine with but it was like quite a bit of snow but uh you know we took it slow we sorry did it very very very slow america when it was fine in the end of the day it wasn't there were like a few more cars here and there along the way but really not many it's so nice to driving here no people and it was just beautiful all the snow on the road from the mountains it's the feeling of the vastness i can expect the nature of the masters the the road the the mountains the everything the woods everything feels and smells like wild wild wild wild west i guess we're in the west yukon it's roast wild wild wild northwest northwest how about that [Music] people came here for the gold rush so so beautiful though wow i can't believe how old it is they said to have the lake so um clear and frozen it's so rare mm-hmm people like particularly here 30 years i've never seen anything like it because it has to freeze and it doesn't have to snow so if it's snow it just covers you don't see the whole clear just covered ice legs apparently it's very rare so it's really rare so we came and said that it's probably for us as if but it's probably only for us and it's wonderful and um no the people are so friendly these people are so friendly the owner of this bnb i was teaching her literally today to cook bone broth in insta pot so random but it's amazing amazing that's soft and her son has a pond on his property here so he gave us this escape so we can go it's great i literally asked her when can i rent skate right if there is a place here which that just a second i will call my son he has bunch of them maybe you can go to his like to the point there to see and literally after five minutes he said oh okay of course come and i will give you and that's that yeah we didn't even think bringing your skates mario actually mentioned oh skate skate skates were like really is that even going to happen would you bring their apparently own snowshoes lately yesterday he just said that a lot of the communities here has outdoor skate rings which makes sense and some of them even when you have a pond it freezes no not just upon they literally make it and they clean it so it's like very smooth actually maybe it will be very good for you and for everyone else after you can stand on the ice properly for me too and i will stand on ice and it's a cover so snow doesn't get there and you can literally use it it's so so cool in here winter activities new that can be so much fun we had a suspicion yeah i really did oh my god me arrow is super excited here like he's like literally not so much joy on this boy face all the time every time i went outside yeah and he said you go ahead go ahead eat he's playing with a dog say that a little bit later yeah his neck sounds true we have uh yeah some mandarin oranges just leave me the food he's so excited the snow they have actually two dogs here so he's having fun with the dogs a lot it's nice it's so perfect i didn't understand why people would live here choose to live here especially not in downtown probably but just outside the white house this is where we are now much kilometers about 15 20. about 20 kilometers of downtown north of downtown which is amazing and it's away from like pollution so it's greater to attempt to see another night yes and it just when you're not in the city like in them nature valley and there's horses two sons you know sons son of the owner owns horses and chickens and um i should mention two dogs should mention the food right problem no society it was like smoked olives so good mm-hmm my favorite is actually small dollars i know it's not everyone's cup of tea but we absolutely love olives and onion shape most of it i just don't like the cheapish one the black one from the um not this one no but the if it's normal olive oil we will eat it definitely the asparagus is nice and the hush was good your steak is delicious so yeah i think we'll finish for today we're super excited as you can see and yeah please subscribe write us a comment thumbs up us and choose love and life and remember go to what you enjoy and do something funny see you next time
Channel: Loving Life Fam
Views: 29,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mukbang, 먹방, Muk-bang, 먹는방송, eating show, Korean mukbang, lgbt family resources, watch me eat, LGBT, lgbt family, gay family, daily vlog, two moms, gay family adventures, love is love, same sex family, same sex marriage, family life video, lesbian family, eating food, mokbang, Mok-Bang, BJ mukbang, Muckbang, dinner mukbang, mukbang youtube, mukbang afreeca, mukbang live stream, food porn, 먹방 bj, Meokbang, 쌀 먹방, dinner Mukbang, #PROUDTOBE, proud to be
Id: x0dontXDx2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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