How To Make Every Chinese Takeout Dish (Part 2)

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[Music] welcome back to part 2 how to make the entire Chinese takeout menu now of course as I said before my teaching everything they have a eight thousand recipes but if you look at the recipes most of them kind of overlap there's like eight kinds of fried rice is a kind of stir fry eight kinds of beef in this so I'm teaching all the basics so once you know these you'll have the confidence to pretty much make any dish on the Chinese menu including this one here we go I'm not exactly sure this is like the most popular of the Chinese takeout but the sweet and sour chicken back in the day was my favorite is I used to not love spicy food so getting like that's sweet and sour and crispy experience I always freaking loved and now it's time for you guys to learn the secrets to be able to do it well cool so into a bowl I have this pineapple slices that's in the juice I'm not going to use the pineapple until the actual chicken but the actual time apple juice don't want to get pineapple in syrup it's pineapple and juice use that juice to sit up and have some sugar and this is like a mystery sauce I'm going to show you why people never know how why it's so bread people never know why it's so good they don't know what's in it freak people out but it's really simple it's just the pineapple juice sugar vinegar means white vinegar like rice vinegar is good that hot and then the secret weapon which you may have seen by now depending on when water I put this video in is just a couple drops of red food coloring kit don't tell me we're out come on not the nope there you go pull it magically food coloring does it will turn interesting this is like a gloopy food color it's gonna have a little salt right now this sauce is obviously very liquidy and usually when you get it goopy so we're going to do a cornstarch slurry the slurry is the best known secret but I guess it's not a secret if it's well known to Chinese cooking and basically get some cornstarch 2 tablespoons or so and you add a similar amount of water and what we're doing is if you were to drop the cornstarch in there it would get all gloopy so the water allows it to thin out welcome to keep its cornstarch ability basically once that comes to a boil we stir this in it's going to get really thick and thick and stuff up that's how they get all their sauces you've seen that we've done this a lot of times with the recipes where we put it right into the sauce but if you're not doing that this is what they do they always do the water and the cornstarch a clue do though so I like to just kind of get this swirling around and then just slowly pour in the corn so don't do it all right away I don't want to see how tickets gonna get I see it already thick oh yeah see it's already like changing viscosity very really good and also know that when it cools down it's going to stick an even more but that's looking pretty good to me maybe I'll add just a little bit more let's make that batter for that so we can have a chicken lo the first thing I'm going to do is some cornstarch this some some recipes do call for flour but I say screw flour to keep it gluten free or anyone that cares I just think that if you can make something great without flour I love flour if you can make some great without flour then just don't use it ok so I just added in some baking powder just like a quarter teaspoon I'd say it's a little sprinkle go on with some salt that's all so chill this starch s tough huh this one's gonna be little different than gentle shows we're making more like a batter out of it and you can add some water here and one thing I saw with the flour they use self-rising flour and that's what makes it super puffy hopefully it will still get nice and poufy if not you know and you want that really poufy sweet and sour chicken you can some people like that some people don't really up to you okay got my nice batter here should probably scramble this separately but see if I care all right okay nagisa nagisa nagisa all right so at this point you probably have my chicken in you do a little fork whisking but honestly it feels very thin so I'm going to do more cornstarch and let's leave this thing about batter's is like I could test one I could add one piece of chicken fry it see how it feels and then kind of go from there but I just know because I'm somewhat of a batter of a gym elbow that I'm going to add some more cornstarch first make sure it's not too lumpy dumpy actually decided just to go everywhere cornstarch now it's like it's almost like icing right now which that could be too thick but we're going to see it happens get our oil hot if you don't have a thermometer again no big deal you got to work with what you got people I'm just putting the chicken I don't know if you really need see us but hidden chicken in the batter I ended up rethinking out because if Ellie was getting way too thick but maybe that's good let's try it out though let's do that sexy beast I like that okay I ended up adding a little bit more cornstarch I'm going to go in with all the chicken can't see this but you can trust me just go in with it fine all right look at this I'm using like plug about an inch of oil in there so anyone I think you need a ton of oil your mom see it should be just about done oh yeah gives like another minute or so keep the only coming out more going in doing the buddy taste that oh mama mama hmm god I need some salt there's no salt in my chicken barely an even better but that batter is perfect Wow look at those nuggies of finger lovin whiskey who doesn't like the nuts curse time to finish the finish of this dish pretty damn simple take that beautiful so to finish the odds of it tada we know now we're going add that to the pan cut up the pineapple from the can the red pepper you don't like hook the red pepper I mean my saying red peppers green my loss Megrahi online well off to the long time ago but let's get that hot and kind of get a little warm it's actually nice to have the extra crunch in there from the green pepper don't worry about going too crazy and now it's going with all your chicken come one come all come to the chicken party and you got just toss it look at that nice okay now is when it becomes a loadmaster that it was meant to be one thing I always admired about Chinese food is somehow they ticks down something that's crispy and sauce and still has a little bit of that crista bilities took something they'd yell at you for chopped off if you put the first piece done with yes the sauce not awesome job you get several nuts pennies on what we write edit this video you may or may not have already seen this rice to have you know how delicious is if not stick around with it's coming I'm going right inside right because I think one of my favorite things is get that combo it's like sort of Panda Express you know you can get the combo the pork fried rice and the sweet and sour chicken and it's just too good what have they done with life is deserve such gloriousness and if you're lucky enough to eat decent meal every day whether you make it yourself or someone makes it for you you buy it you've got to appreciate it and when you can make food like this it's just the ultimate and life game changing situations Oh baby alright enough of the damn beauties time to eat okay that's feeling I just can't add it I'm about to lose control and I think I like it I like Chinese food I for one mmm it's too good ah [Music] all right well yes a let's go ahead and make this char siew pork so the first thing you want to do is make this sauce there are good amount of ingredients in it but I've done it before without too many ingredients it's still delicious I'm taking some nice wine a bunch of soy typically the char siew they were like smoke it or grill it but I'm just going to roast that son of a Jizzle in the oven with dizzle wanna a new Shiki gotta get that sweetness a little bit of sesame oil is going to seem weird but food coloring if you ever wonder why I like the pork and certain dishes have that like really deep red to it well guess what now again no wait like you can see me oh goodness me okay so I added some red food coloring and that's just fine against that cool red color and you'll see that a lot a little more five-spice powder if you don't have it again whatever you don't have just omit or try to figure out a way to create you can do it I believe in you and me together hey brown sugar what recipes I've seen fall for ketchup ketchup note that if you take it they also call for moist in which I will add I made a little homemade voice in if she maybe do a video on that but I don't know if it's appropriate for this video per se hoist sends one of those like things can like Chinese barbecue sauce people love it no one knows how to L to make it luckily okay so I'm just basically bringing this up to heat so it melts a little bit because once it melts that's easier to pour on my pork nizzle so pretty good my mouth I mean like dissolve the sugar okay now on to what we have here is a failure to communicate so what I'm gonna do a big pork I think is just kind of this is not the right knife for this but it's all good just try to get this this stuff off you don't really want this forget what it's called it's like the ligaments or something boom gives the hip okay so just take off any excess fat and you know whatever stuff doesn't look like it wants to be involved in this chart schooi situation chashu it it's like I don't know how exactly they pronounce it but charge we charge you it it's incredible and if you can find it you should try it before you make it but if not just go make it it's going to be delicious and you won't know how close or off you are here's the thing my recipes with authentic stuff sure it's cool to get stuff exact and I've been like so grateful and excited within my own abilities to just rock out these recipes and make them taste amazing however regardless everything is delicious so even if they don't taste like you remember it's still going to be a delicious meal that you made it home so keep that in mind folks I need a room again missing me and how many other people know lyrics so about no song but still try to sing it okay cool so I could just marinate like this but I actually want to slice it in half I've never done it like this way before but when you usually see char siew pork it's like this long thin piece of pork that's marinated grilling leek cut it up so this will give you more marination abilities by cutting it open now we put it into a bag and add our little marinade beautiful now this can sit for food pebbles and ice cubes in there cos I didn't wait to let that stuff cool down out necessarily want to like put the pork in there that's going to be one fold in there and I put some ice cubes to cool it down all right cool see in two hours sike quick trip to the beach don't know our time to cook more Chinese food beet stay completely porks been in the fridge for a couple hours I took a quick trip to the beach check it out and now I'm actually soaking these wood chips I wasn't going to do this step and you do not have to do this stuff either but I kind of want to just to be extra ballin so I got wood chips soaking not too much and what's going on is I'm going to try to smoke this thing indoors little smoking magic treats keys get out to get that up and all you do is you get your wok here for dumping oil I've actually never I've done different ways of smoking I've never tried this way exactly but to have the same principles turn the heat on and as those heat up they're going to start to bring smoke so what I do is I put one of these on top and put the pork their corks you'll have read that isn't know it seems weird add food coloring you're probably like what but a lot of Chinese restaurants do that to get that really intense red flavor and then as these heat up it'll smoke it and I'll cover this with something some not paper down let's cover it with some more tinfoil and we'll be in glorious nation so you can already see there's some steam but also the smoke starting to come out and that means that I get to turn the heat down a little bit it's pretty damn high now I'm going to cover it and it will be frickin fantastic well go out smoke coming out just going into my little vent but even if you non-events not gonna like smoke your ass out all right now I just toss this in the oven and let it finish off a little schmuck okay just a quick note show how amazing this is I'm eating this is the next day except I could do all the recipes there's a lot of recipes I'm eating the leftovers the General Tso's dr. hanging out with grub the leftover tape the legit this pork is not quite done well I'm going to do I just had an idea to make it look sexier it's just Jack the of it was on 350 for about 10 minutes and it's pretty much there it's pretty firm but I want to just quickly blast it in the oven I'm just going to blast it at 495 for a few minutes why not 500 no idea in other words SME oil I just added some oil for this final one to help get it crisp enough but I also put it on the rack and the reason I did that is because if you can kind of see down there there's all that juice it was sitting in its own juice which is you know delicious its juice but what happens is it kind of steams it so on the rack it's going to allow it to get crispy all around if you don't have a rack no big deal but little things they can help and we like to have fun experiment in the kitchen don't be afraid to try something new and experimented that is how I became the cook that I am today and just like that we have extra delicious pork it's nice and firm you can feel it but because I'm a little crazy I'm going to go the extra extra extra mile and use my favorite tool the entire world now look at that I just want to make mention of this in charge shoe you can also do the exact same thing to make the incredible Chinese spareribs my mom's favorite dish that was the only thing she ate you basically just take the ribs you covered in the marinade for a couple hours you slow cook in the oven and then you can grill it or you know roasted or something at the end to get some color but exact same process just to cook a little bit longer because the ribs need to break down it is cleaver like they would and look at that come on want the back juice it's so juicy still the piece of meat sexy you get the red food coloring there's smokiness in there Wow if you liked this video please don't keep it to yourself share with a friend that would like it because wouldn't they want to learn how to make all this gloriousness [Music] now are you ready to make the best fricking fried rice of your entire life pork fried rice here's how it is so I will say one of the best parts about having this pork is now I can make pork fried rice of course this is probably obvious but in case it isn't this fried rice recipe you can use anything you don't even have to use me you can use vegetables you can use chicken you can use just regular pork that you haven't done it this way but this is like how they do it you know they make this amazing pork cut into little pieces remember I make it awesome cut the pork shut up looks amazing every as if you add a whole soy sauce trip especially incredible ginger and garlic carrots and onions scallions oyster sauce sesame oil tamati this is a soy sauce and then rice and here's the thing about the rest you only thing really need to know I'm actually using leftover rice the rice has got to be cold if you're trying to use hot rice it's going to go pushing stuffs the cold rice you cook it fast you want to get the wok really hot and then also really get some eggs I can't forget the egg sesame oil to go in canola oil it's okay if it's smoking don't listen to what they say in other cultures tonight first because they're going to take the longest gonna get smoky in here now guys go in and fire on one off no big deal get those in there they're pretty much cooked I didn't ginger garlic ginger garlic one in now I'm just going to push everything to the side a little more oil and then just crack in two eggs and you can scramble these the four I prefer this way just cool up it's more like badass just kind of it makes it look a little more rustic you get the various colors in there well now that's kind of like come together trying to finish up the scramble you don't wanna do it too earlier you won't really notice the egg as its own local entity but pork goes in we go extra pork why not really aggressive with the pull up never like when you get like fairly random support now so the thing that makes this the thing and which is just a great dish to have these a lot of people really easy to make rice goes in give that a quick mix together before we add in our sauce Shalom soy sauce goes in boom and that skin to a little oyster so it usually you know people just do soy but the oyster just has a little bit of umami so just to make it extra delicious you guys out there but you don't need to over sauce this you know you want to get the coat if we don't need to be like swimming in the goddamn filter perfect wow that is something special hanging Beauty you've ever seen one a dish that you know people just order on the side but it deserves its own experience you know we make it your own way as much as you want I wish like a gypped on the mean the act but that is a perfect price I feel like every time you order Chinese who is always once - whether it's wonton egg drop or hot and sour and it used to be a one time guy my dad was into the hot and sour and then one day I tried it like wow that is maybe one of the best soups I've ever had so interesting it's very different than wontons a little more predictable it's basically like dumplings with some broth who's not going to liked it but the hot and sour I pick is a little bit more of a mystery so I when it decode the mystery for you guys today and make something glorious so check this up that's some of that pork loin chopped up some shiitake mushrooms and tofu it bamboo shoots Chinese cooking wine soy sauce vinegar I'm using sriracha this time first step this lovely experience is get the cornstarch we're gonna do a slurry there's different ways to do this but I want to keep this simple so - about 2 tablespoons or so cornstarch so I run out of that bottle wine this bottle get amount of soy do some Chinese cooking wine a little splash good amount of rice vinegar this is where the sour actually comes from and sugar is for gloriousness mmm I'm going to use 2 Racha you use any of any kind of Chinese chili paste but I just have sriracha so I'm going to use it give me a little bit of that heat all right so that when this is the heat this is what's going to thicken the soup because that hot summer Super's got that crazy thickness to it so get my wok hot I'm going to add sesame oil in here instead of adding it to the little slurry thing I'm just going to go in here a little extra give me that good flavor done the mushrooms cool to get some colors keys to them a little bit of that collage kilos key gotta love the loge keys for the color pillow fuses course color in my made-up weird language mushrooms cook down a lot so if it looks like it's a lot they're going to basically disappear it's like shrinkage they like to the opposite they get the shrinkage in the hot weather okay now they've got a little bit color filled with some more oil truck my pork one I just took this the pork loin kind of like from that other recipes basically just chopped into thin strips so I could have gone even thinner but no big deal look at this walk I literally got it brand-new today to show you guys how to cook in a walk like this it's already getting nice and seasoned all this color it's not dirty it's actually seasoning you'll see walks usually they've been cooking for a while they're like black I tend to cook this pork long enough to give it a little bit of color so I'll let it chill this first like 30 seconds then that's it lower doing good enough in there bamboo shoots in give us a quick season so delicious you can't find bamboo shoots usually you find them can so they're already cooking stuff but it helps to kind of wash them off rinse and flipping a bit you know just like taste them sometimes when you get can't stuff it tastes weird up low Oh God Mowgli's going up look at my what we're going to do is we're going to add in the tofu and it starts up in water normally you would add stock but I forgot the damn chicken stock here's the thing about stock versus water I used to always freak out when I saw a recipe climb for stock when I have it across as I go I'm screwed but I realize it's really it's just flavored water and that sounds obvious but a lot of times people think they need it and yes it helps it adds more flavor but listen if you don't have stock use of water and then just add more seasoning I can add more soy to this I can add some vinegar whatever I need let's still maintain a good amount of flavor and sure it's going to be a little bit different but no big deal so as this comes to a boil I'm just going to add in my slurry mixture which have this just sriracha in it the soy sauce cooking wine vinegar and now it's already starting to look at hot and sour soup this is actually very exciting give you a little taste why not oh wow oh my god I don't know how I managed to nail all these recipes so damn good I just tasted that that is incredible I'm like very happy about I've never been so cooking happy with myself in my entire life it's very good feeling ah hot no scaly honest haha which I used to absolutely hate and I'll get through my stupid pick them out one by one to be so gnarly but now I love them and this soup it gets very yeah because that corn starch which like I used to kind of weird me out but now I really appreciate it okay so let's make sure this is looking sexy for you guys because you are the ones watching and you don't see me okay so as it comes to a boil you'll see it will thicken up yeah and this is one recipe that doesn't have ginger and garlic it's really only one that beautiful muted when you do those soon I just have one beaten up egg that I'm gonna kind of like slowly drizzle in literally what they do with I don't really have enough to slowly drizzle but this is what they needs to do egg drop soup and you'll see it kind of adds that it also helps thicken it too and it adds that final look that really makes this soup what it is Wow as the most refined glorious pots out I've ever seen of course sprinkle it with a with the good life oh yeah come on and looky looky chicken cookie just like that we have rocked the Chinese takeout so beautiful Wow loony chicken stock I can see how with a little bit of depth but this is delicious thank you guys for sticking around for part two of how to make the entire Chinese takeout menu I have been rocking these recipes Buffalo's new ways I feel great I've eaten a lot of food but I still feel good it's not like affecting my stomach it's not making I go today you know whatever I just feel good I feel happy feel like I'm eating this myself matter into much oil I'm not anyone's MSG no less stuff it's fresh it's glorious give it a try subscribe like say hello to brother screen
Channel: Pro Home Cooks
Views: 681,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef, chinese takeout, hot and sour soup, chinese recipes, brothers green: Eats!, cooks, hout and sour, budget cooking, brothers green eats, sweet and sour, recipes, how to, enzyme tire spunk, pork, sweet and sour chicken, fried rice, pork fried rice, homemade, fast food, simple cooking, brothers green, copycat, chinese food, recreation, pineapple juice, simple, char siu, home cook, recipe, soy sauce
Id: lxXN4JOX4ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2016
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