How to live on $3 a day | Day 2 |

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[Music] day two has arrived I made it through day one pretty well had a really nice breakfast this morning it was like this banana fried rice eggs potato thing ironically it was actually maybe a little bit too much for me I felt you know compelled to eat the whole thing cuz I didn't made it but I don't usually eat that much for breakfast I know a lot of people say you got to eat a big breakfast but I find it slows me down so might cut back a little bit on the breakfast keep it more simple and I have a really nice l lunch and I like to have a big dinner find that having a big dinner just like kind of ends the day like you've done your stuff you've worked out you had a good time you've worked whatever time to eat a big dinner feeling pretty good I went to a couple places yesterday and today I just stopped in Starbucks to refill my uh sugar packets have to say so far the biggest thing I'm taking away is I've really been a lot more conscious with not just the food that I'm eating but they try not to waste anything like in the past if the skall were a little bruised up I'd probably just cut the tops off and TOs L it but now it's like no like use as much humanly possible that you can hey you got to appreciate the little things I watched a documentary yesterday U living on a dollar these guys two dudes went with a small film crew to Guatemala live for two months off a dollar a day and to sort of simulate what it would be like to live in these really poor villages in Guatemala and granted like the food's a lot cheaper and everything there it was it was really eye opening it was really cool to see and it reminded me of just how fortunate I am in this world and how much you got to appreciate that stuff one of the best ways to save a lot of money is to get your own dried beans I know you're thinking oh the can just open the can pour the can it's done that's like it gets mushy it's cooked in the can so there's all kinds of stuff going on not saying there's anything wrong with canned beans but you get a lot more bang we like the bang for our buck if you buy the dried beans all you have to do is take a bag of dried beans soak them overnight and then just boil them them like so I add some salt right and just bring them to a boil and just keep cooking them until they get really fork tender you'll have delicious beans you'll see like if you've never had the straight up you know dried beans cooked so much better the can beans are mushy there's no texture these things will have texture that'll be meaty and then you could overcook them and get them really mushy I'm going to probably take some make like some black bean burgers out of some use the other ones just to eat with some rice there's a lot of things you can do but if you do it dried first you get so many more options all right so I'm making these little French fries I'm going to cut them up into fries and I'm actually putting them with the boiling beans I've never done that before I don't really know what's going to happen but they're in this little basket so they get to sort of stay in their own little world over there while still mixing with the flavors of the beans and getting soft so when I do fry them they will get extra extra crispy and I'm just having some fun I don't really know what exactly is going to happen but you you never know you just got to cook and have a a good time so cabbage is one of my favorite things to cook and the reason I bought it not just cuz it's cheap but because it holds up really well unlike lettuce which can spoil quickly the Cabbage you can pickle it you can turn into sauerkraut you can fry it up you can eat it fresh in this case I'm doing a little SLO so I just kind of chop up the Cabbage I'm going to peel a bunch of carrots and then I just toss them together I'm adding some lime juice I'm not doing the Mayo one just a little lime juice salt pepper some vinegar and a little bit of lime zest keep it really fresh it's going to sit in your fridge for a while it's going to keep tasting better at it go this challenge isn't about surviving off $3 a day it's about surviving off $3 a day like an ultimate badass like thriving I'm talking you bring this food to work you bring this food to school to lunch your friends are looking around like man what are you eating I want to eat some of that and they won't even know you're spending 3 bucks a day they're thinking you're spending like $30 a meal but that's the average person in New York probably spends $10 to $20 for lunch one meal and you could do that in a whole week think about it think about how much more money you could be saving to get that new house you wanted or that new ring or that new garage car opener whatever all right so now at this point what I actually want to do is two things one this is a newer technique I've been playing around with since they're fork tender I kind of just take a fork to them and sort of just go like this go like this go like this but what I've been doing is just sort of scoring potato a little bit it's going to help when you put it in the freezer it's going to help sort of dry out these pockets ET you're creating these little pockets of air that create surface space so when you fry it what's going to happen is all that surface space is going to get crispy like if I were to just fry this it's just going to fry like straight line but if I have all these little bits and pieces and stuff it's all going to get crispy and you're going to get extra crisp ability see you don't want to mess with the extra crisp ability I'll just pop these in a freezer and the best way to freeze something really quickly is to kind of spread it out so maybe just put make sure they each have their own little area on this plate don't like pile them on top or put them in a bag but put them in an open plate you know or a wire rack or something pop them in the freezer they'll FR you they'll freeze up in like an hour not necessarily the best de boner of chicken bones and I noticed that I got a lot of meat on them I mean this this is better than I used to do but this is still pretty poor there's a lot of meat on there so I was always trying to figure out what I could do with this and I going make stock and I'm going to do the stock but before the stock is there anything I can do to get like a one two three layer on this experience so what I figured out is if you take this bone and you just fry them up in a little bit of oil and then toss them in sauce they become these like sort of mini buffalo wings doesn't have as much meat but you still get a lot of meat you kind of get the suck on the juices and put a little salt on them then you can just fry them up and uh I'll show you right now the whole point of this challenge is to show you how to you know eat cheap eat deliciously and eat creatively on a budget but also avoid fast food that being said I did sneak into Taco Bell yesterday and I stole a bunch of their hot [Music] sauces Smokey in this [Music] as you're frying These Wings up it's going to get Smokey but don't worry about that because they start tasting so delicious the more crispy and the smoke and the sauce everything just coming together and having a good time partying in the world of deliciousness you know what I'm [Music] saying all right let's give these Taco Bell Wings to try you know the funny thing is when you're cooking uh in these ways you these challenges sometimes you come up with the most creative things that have never been done before I can almost guarantee you no one has made chicken thigh bone buffalo wings with Taco Bell sauce whoa oh my God that is incredible God there's a good amount of meat on here surprisingly so I basically just took the chicken bones some water um one onion and some of that cabbage like the bottom part of the cabbage is a little harder I'm just going to cook that down and make this sort of chicken bone broth and I know three bones of chicken like small thigh bones doesn't seem like that much but when it Cooks down it's going to make a super flavorful stock which I can then actually if I really cook down uses more of a sauce it's going to be just a delicious enhancer for everything that I have again the more you can pull flavor out of stuff when you're eating cheap and budget the [Music] better myself good so excited about the chicken stock freaking blocked away for like 20 minutes I was on high I forgot and I burnt the crap out of it trying to salvage it now I basically took the bones they were kind of burnt but I chopped them in half to try to get more flavor out of them and took the top of what wasn't completely burnt put it in a pan I added some pepper and some water I'm boiling it again hope I don't make the same damn mistake I was so excited about that chicken stock one thing when things go wrong in the kitchen sometimes you end up creating something completely new and different that you would have never made had you not up so I'm definitely praying for a miracle here wish me luck all right got those fries out of the freezer and they kind of look like this now see the cold def look cold to the touch shoot my chopsticks down but they won't fall they are titani you shoot them down but they won't fall they are titanium these chickpeas I'm just going to keep basically simple I cooked them earlier today I just salted them and honestly they taste delicious you do remind me cook just like this with salt a little bit like a really good hard boiled egg so I just kept frying those potatoes they actually like the french fries they were like blacken because of the black beans which is cool and I just kind of popped them on this is a nice little lunch uh like SLO with french fries and chickpeas and then later on came dinner and dinner I just wanted to keep things really really simple so I just kind of made this fried rice with beans I fried up some tortillas just right in the flame and it was a nice it was like a nice very hearty feeling thing I fried up another tortilla on the side some pickled veg and so far you know day two the challenge has been incredible uh day three is when things start to get pretty weird and delicious I've kept it quite simple but now like kind of pickling things and getting things PR but stuff is about to get extra weird on the brother's green stick [Music] around
Channel: Pro Home Cooks
Views: 1,418,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josh, brothers, taco bell, enzyme tire spunk, college, food, recipes, university eating, meal, cooking, eats, brothers green, challenge, $1 a meal, $1, cheap, week, $3, recipe, budget, $21, day, munchies, brothers green eats, eating, chef, mtv, green, mike
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2015
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