$5 Fried Rice Meals Feed Your Family for LESS

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I love fried rice it's one of those dishes that you can use whatever's left over in your fridge and make a whole meal out of it we often have leftover rice in the fridge and it's perfect for making fried rice because it's dry and cold and you want that rice to soak in all the flavors that you're going to add and the best part is that it is cheap you can make a whole dish of fried rice to feed a family of two three or four four less than five dollars and if you need more you can easily add more rice or more eggs to make a more substantial dish or you can even change up the protein use Chicken in pork or even spam instead of the beef or shrimp that I have in the following recipes fried rice is a simple and a cost effective here are four fantastic ways to enjoy a fried rice and all these recipes will be in my new cookbook coming out very soon [Music] we've got some bacon we've got some eggs and we have leftover rice it just screams make fried rice with all fried rice recipes it is really important to get all of your ingredients ready to go because the cooking part of it is actually really fast and really simple and start with half of an onion and the smaller you cut up your onion the faster it's going to cook so I'm going to try to cut this into little pieces minced I guess or just chopped whatever you guys like I find that chopped is better for the mouth feel when everything's about the same size I'm also using two green onions and I'm going to chop up the white part so that I can cook it with the other onion because I like this part cooked more and the dark green part so I'm just going to use as garnish two cloves of garlic then I'm just going to chop up because well there's not much else going on you don't want to chop it up you can always run it through a garlic press just chopping this up into I guess minced texture and if you don't want to use garlic you don't have to use garlic actually you don't have to use any of the aromatics in here if you don't want to it'll still be a delicious fried rice I have a lot of fried rice recipes actually in my cookbook Chinese home style if you want to check those out there are quite a few different flavor profiles in there we've got like a pineapple fried rice we have my usual simple fried rice using Chinese sausages um yeah just check it out you know I want to say just use eight slices of bacon but really why stop at eight there's only 11 slices in here I counted earlier I'm just going to use the whole thing you can just use eight slices if you want but why keep three slices of bacon in the fridge that makes no sense to me you know because okay so I'm just gonna slice this up so a package of bacon here is probably about three quarter pound I'm using four eggs and I'm going to lightly beat the eggs and that's it now I'm going to go get my Wok and get started okay it's setting my walk on medium high heat and if you don't have a wok you can always use a large frying pan to do the exact same thing I like using a wok because it's big and I can stir all of my ingredients really easily as soon as you see a wisp of smoke it's hot enough adding two tablespoons of cooking oil I'm using corn oil today and adding my eggs when your Wok is nicely seasoned and when you add oil when the wok is hot things should not stick foreign you just want to cook your eggs until they are mostly cooked through and then you can add it back to the bowl that you had the eggs in because you're just gonna put it back in the fried rice anyway and it will cook through take a look at that no sticking okay adding the bacon [Music] we're going to cook this through until the rice and done this if you like I like mine kind of not too crispy a little bit soft still but you can cook it to the exact texture that you like all right I'm getting to the point of the texture I like fully cooked bacon tender but not super crispy I'm going to push that aside I'm going to remove some of this fat we shouldn't use all of it I suppose okay I'm Gonna Leave the remaining Bacon fat and adding my onions and the white and light green parts of the green onion right into the middle had turned down the heat to about a low let's turn it up a little bit we want the onions to cook through so maybe about two minutes just until they are translucent adding my garlic and we only want to cook that for about 30 seconds until the garlic is fragrant I wish you guys could smell this so good bacon onion garlic what's not to like I am adding about four to five cups of leftover rice and this is cold rice find that when it's left over and cold it's more dry and therefore can absorb more of the flavors of whatever you're cooking into the rice when you use freshly cooked rice the rice is moist it doesn't absorb the flavors much and your rice will get mushy so let's not do that I'm just going to move this around and we want the rice to kind of separate into individual grains and heat it through I'm also adding two teaspoons of soy sauce and two teaspoons of oyster sauce if you don't have oyster sauce you can just substitute with soy sauce so then that would be a total of four teaspoons of soy sauce I'm just going to stir this in trying to break up some of these clumps of rice it has the heat gets through the rice it will just kind of naturally come apart so that took about three minutes to just kind of get the rice separated from being in clumps and I'm going to add my eggs back in and break it up and if you wanted to add veggies to this you totally can too I'm choosing not to we're going to have veggies on the side but you can add a handful of tea you can Wilt some spinach in there or lettuce and that is it [Music] starting off with about half a pound of ground beef I'm using lean ground beef but you can use whatever you have that's the great thing about fried rice is you can mix whatever you want into it and it'll still be really yummy I'm adding about a quarter teaspoon of sugar foreign about an eighth of a teaspoon of ground white pepper one teaspoon of soy sauce and one teaspoon of oyster sauce just going to stir this up and let it marinate I'm using these giant Chopsticks again and I'm not sure it's the best option now I don't know if beef is one of those meats that I have to stir in One Direction usually it's pork so long as you get it mixed really well just so that the marinade kind of gets through it I think that's sufficient all right so we're just going to let that sit and marinate while we prepare the rest of the ingredients won't take long we're using half an onion and I'm just going to slice it up I like to slice it from top to bottom because I find that it holds its shape better than if you were to cut like this way I also have two green onions I'm going to chop up the white part and put that in with the other onion and the remaining green part I'm going to set aside for the end of cooking I am using iceberg lettuce today and this is about five ounces I think and I am it's about a quarter of a head of lettuce and I'm just going to shred this all right and we are also going to use three eggs that I'm going to lightly beat come on you see that just squirt it again myself okay yes I'm just gonna lightly beat the eggs [Music] I'm gonna set that aside okay I'm using my Wok today turning the heat on to about medium high I don't know about you but the cost of food is just going up so much and we feel like we just need to make our food stretch a little bit further and so using eggs as part of your protein along with some meat like I don't know how much I would normally I wouldn't normally use a whole powder meat that's a lot for fried rice but half a pound of meat is not much so once you see the Wisp of smoke add your oil adding about two tablespoons of oil cooking oil I'm using corn oil and we're going to do our eggs first foreign [Music] is hot whether you're using a wok or a frying pan before you add the oil they things don't stick so you don't necessarily need a non-stick pan to do eggs that's just my opinion [Music] okay when it's mostly cooked I'm just going to put it back in the same Bowl that I had them okay and adding another tablespoon of oil and adding my onions [Music] [Music] [Applause] the cooking process for fried rice goes really really fast which is why it's really necessary to have all your ingredients ready to go okay now I'm adding my beef and we want the beef to be cooked through the onions only took maybe 45 seconds and it will continue to cook along with the meat you want to cook the beef until it's no longer pink inside and it's just starting to release some juices that took about two to three minutes now I'm going to add two to three cups of leftover cold rice it's better if the rice is left over because it's drier than freshly cooked rice so it gives the chance for the rice to absorb all the flavors and you just want to break it up so that the rice is separating from the clumps okay then we're gonna add two teaspoons of soy sauce and two teaspoons of oyster sauce add a stirred okay adding the eggs back in I'm going to break it up [Music] all right I'm gonna turn off the heat and with the residual heat we're gonna heat up the lettuce we just want it to wilt that's where you get the crispy texture from of the lettuce so it's not super soggy and we're going to add our green onions in the same time and that's it give this a toss all right we're gonna plate it see how the lettuce is not fully cooked it's still very much uh well starting to wilt but we want that crispiness the lettuce [Music] I have half of an onion here and we're just gonna finely chop it trick I learned is that if you keep the little butt on at the bottom you can hold everything in place while you're chopping foreign onions and lately I've been saving these bottoms maybe not this one to plant in my garden so that they will grow back and they do you can also actually if you cut it a little bit like maybe two or three inches up you can put them in water and they'll grow back as well so amazing I'm going to keep the white parts of the green onion maybe the light green Parts too adding it to that because I don't really like those pieces not cooked through and then we'll just chop up this and set it aside so here is the polarizing ingredient some people find it super fragrant and others may find it stinky it's called balachan it is a shrimp paste it comes in this cake form let me open it up for you [Music] I mentioned balachan or shrimp paste in one of my videos can't even remember which one now and um and oh my goodness it is so smelly and people were well someone suggested that oh maybe it's so expensive you can't you can't afford it this cake is essentially a dollar 69 for this whole thing and for this particular dish I only need two teaspoons so you can only imagine how long this will last and I've heard that it lasts forever so even though people say that it's only going to last six to 12 months I can't even imagine if you store it correctly it'll last you forever this stuff is going to last you through apocalyptic times indeed at least your food will be flavorful two teaspoons I don't know I'm just eyeballing it yeah I'm going to use about this much okay now if you're going to store this wrap it up tightly double bag it before you put in your fridge because it will penetrate everything and make everything else stinky and you don't want that well latch on aromatic ice cubes you don't want that if this is your first time trying a shrimp paste I would suggest using maybe just a teaspoon to see if you like it and um but if you're familiar with the intensity of this flavor then of course add more all of two I'm also using four eggs that I'm going to lightly beat all right set that aside I have six ounces of shrimp that I've already defrosted taken the shells off and deveined and I've also Pat them dry so that they're not wet while cooking okay we're going to heat up the Wok on medium-high heat to start with if you don't have a wok you can always use a large frying pan I will do the trick so long as you could hold all your ingredients I like to use the wok because it's big and I can move all the ingredients around quickly once you see a wisp of smoke add your oil one tablespoon I'm just going to do the eggs first [Music] foreign [Music] or your frying pan is heated sufficiently before you add the oil your cooking shouldn't stick once your egg is mostly cooked you can remove it actually now I'm going to turn off the heat so I don't move fast enough you're turning it back on adding a little bit more oil get the shrimp going foreign to make them smaller so that they're more bite-sized we're just going to leave them whole and also with the shrimp you just want them to be mostly cooked through and turning off my stove get the shrimp out I'm going to put it on top of my eggs because we're going to add all of that back in later I'm just turning my Wok back on adding another tablespoon of oil so you probably use about two to three tablespoons I'm gonna get my onions going all right and we're gonna throw our piece of balachan in there I'm gonna break it up heat it through [Music] and this is going to take about three to five minutes of cooking because you want that Fullerton to kind of become more fragrant as if it's not fragrant enough if you have good ventilation now is the time to turn it on if it wasn't already on and this will help determine whether or not you enjoy the smell or not it's kind of like blooming a spice you know Indian cooking you should fry up your aromatics before anything else and all those spices and that's to help those spices maximize their flavor and I think balachan is kind of the same kind of concept you want to heat it through cook it up so that you get ultimate fragrance all right make sure all those chunks are like melted into the bottom of the pan you don't want to well I wouldn't anyway want to bite into a chunk of the shrimp paste okay I'm adding my leftover rice I've got about four cups of cooked leftover rice that's been cooled and you want to use cold rice for this leftover rice because if it's wet rice your fried rice is going to be soggy and that doesn't make for good fried rice makes good for soggy race so you want it to be cold and dry so that it absorbs all the flavor from whatever ingredients you're using just want to cook this through until the grains kind of break up I'm going to turn down the heat a little bit maybe to a medium okay adding a tablespoon of dark soy dark soy sauce and if you don't have dark soy sauce you can use regular soy the dark soy helps to give the color the darker brown that we want tablespoon of oyster sauce sorry it's a new bottle so one tablespoon of this and for some heat we're going to use the chili sauce to give it some heat about half a teaspoon but if you don't want it spicy that's fine you don't have to add it you can also use just fresh chilies cut up or you can use some dried chili flakes or you can see that red coming through the chili oil all right adding the shrimp and the eggs back in and chop up the egg all right turning off the heat and throwing our green onions stir that around and that is it guys super fragrant shrimp and egg fried rice Malaysian Style all right this makes a lot guys this is probably good for three to four servings this will be dinner tonight we're making some veggies on the side fried rice for days oh my goodness that's just half of it check it [Music] so I'm just going to chop up my vegetables and I am using about a third to half of a large onion I'm going to cut into small pieces and the smaller you cut them the faster it Cooks so if you don't want to wait around for your onion to like soften up then cut them smaller but it's all you know if you like them big chunks that's all up to you as well texture is huge in experiencing food so cut them up to the size that you like no rules I'm also using two stalks of a green onion I'm going to chop up and again I'm just cutting them up small and this will be used as kind of garnish at the end no more than garnish it goes right into the dish I'm using three cloves of garlic but you can use as little or as much as you want I'm just going to smash it up a little bit so that it's easier to chop up always use the garlic press as well I usually do but this recipe is so fast that I have thyme to chop up my garlic three large eggs that I'm going to lightly beat and I have four ounces of shrimp that I've already deveined and shelled and also rinsed and pat dry and you want them dry so that they will Sizzle in the wok instead of steam just going to heat up my Wok on medium high we're going to cook the egg first and then take it out and then continue with the rest of the cooking if you don't have a wok you can always use a large frying pan people ask about my Wok all the time but I picked it up in Chinatown like over 20 years ago it's handcrafted stainless steel unfortunately I don't have a recommendation of where to get it it's hot enough when you see some smoke coming up and you want to add about a tablespoon of oil vegetable oil and then pour in your egg [Music] [Music] it doesn't take long and right when it's almost done cooking take it out put it back in the bowl and when we add it back to the fried rice it's going to cook some more okay at this point we're going to add you know what we're going to do sorry turn down the heat to low I'm going to add another tablespoon of oil and then we're going to get our garlic going but we don't want that garlic to burn which is why we're cooking it at a low temperature I'm going to put that right into the oil stir that around then we're going to get our shrimp in there just going to cook it until it's the shrimp is orange and we're going to take it all out and again it doesn't have to be cooked all the way through because we're gonna finish cooking the shrimp when we add it back to the rice okay that's it take it out foreign s in there and this will take about a minute or two and turn the heat back up a little bit okay I have two cups of leftover rice foreign just break it up a little bit so it was in the fridge so it's a bit clumpy but leftover rice really is the best rice to use for fried rice because it can because it's a little bit drier it can absorb the flavors that you're adding in using all like just cooked rice just doesn't give you the same texture and absorbance I guess of all the flavors and then you end up with soggy rice okay we're just going to leave it to kind of heat through right now um make sure it doesn't burn at the bottom you shouldn't if it's on a low enough heat and it just takes a few minutes it doesn't take long personally I don't like to add everything into my fried rice I kind of use whatever's left over like maybe one protein up to two protein like maybe some if I had leftover say some pork and I had some shrimp I might put them together but always have egg always have onion and rice and then my seasoning and that's pretty much it oh and you have to have a vegetable so I always use peas that are frozen in the freezer and it makes for a very colorful meal adding two teaspoons of soy sauce and two teaspoons of oyster sauce okay adding about a handful of peas about half a cup okay we're heating the peas through okay adding the eggs back in adding the shrimp back in forget the garlic that's in there as well break up the egg a little bit toss it some more okay so that's another minute you want to make sure that the shrimp is also completely cooked through adding all the green onion now and then at this point you can turn off your heat and that's it oh my goodness it smells and looks so good all right oh my goodness and just one last thing a pinch of ground white pepper we'll just add just a little bit of a kick and that's it
Channel: Flo Lum
Views: 763,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flomade, simple ordinary joyful, flo lum, fried rice
Id: HBdqe5OXLtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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