How to make Epoxy & Wood wall clocks

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hey folks welcome to mancave makings with me Gus and I'm going to continue on with the theme of English you I bought this stuff off eBay slabbed and it is come and I am delighted with it and it is stunning beautiful wood I've used it before I made a side table for my sister if you want to see that project I'll stick it up here and you can go and check that and but the reason I continued on is because it came out beautifully and it is all because of the wood itself it's got open not closed noises Bob green and it beautiful colors Amber's Reds that just sometimes you pop clean out of the wood and this beautiful contrasting white suppling edge just lovely bits of wood and I think himself that would look quite cool on a wall hmm how about we do some clocks some wall clocks some River clocks let's put some resin in there just use some beef stock material to make some surrounds for it well they're not fabricate their mops spray paint there may be some kind of different cars so yeah juices are going stoked to get after it so hope you can join me along the way so let's get in it so as you know I'm all about learning but also about adding little bits of workshop tools where appropriate appropriation is something that my wife might disagree with but I added this ring ruler to the the stable and it is a beast of a machine and I couldn't do their surroundings without it um I made this small jig to help with getting uniformity across all the pieces when you're making more of one of anything you need to make sure that you're getting consistency and this little jig helped me do that I made it so that you could get the cuts across so when you overlap you cut it down the middle a bit like wallpapering I guess and then when you bring the two sides together they're completely square and true to each other which means that you can then just tack well down or well the whole seam down and it's a it's a perfect fit [Music] so using the jig again to adjoin the flat bar with the square bar relatively straightforward process however did need a little bit of help from my smallest persuader in the tool chest but yeah just scaling all up and tack weld them in place was was an easy job [Music] bring some six mil round back into the end of the battery gun spelling that up against the bench grinder meant that I got a lovely little point on to the hunters and then just simply bending and cutting to the right lengths meant I got the uniformity across each of them and across wall across [Applause] [Music] so living in Scotland quite a high moisture content in the air funny that so I decided to put in an anti-corrosion and layer on the clocks islands before adding in the base coats so just used the year popsicle and it was really quite successful so I was pretty chuffed with that these pieces of you that I got just absolutely stunning the sapling edge versus these beautiful colors that just pop through really really really nice so it was just a simple case of measuring them off marking them through and then cutting them with the ripsaw [Music] [Music] so I decided to make a large form for the epoxy pour using the hopper gun just to stick a link down get them care in a boxed in and yeah it was going really well so I thought I just crack on and do the whole lot in one pour which we shall discuss in a bit [Music] so the next job on the list obviously is the resin alchemy where you get to go and play with colors and pigments and yeah you just make this stuff up and sometimes you get it right some things you get it wrong but essentially it's up to you how much pigment you put in versus how much color you put in and yep I don't think I've got consistency here at all but it came out brilliantly well and it is entirely up to you it's your it's I guess this is where your artistic flair comes to the fore and you just play around with the resins as it goes off and makes the swirling patterns and yeah it's it's a relatively straightforward thing to go and play with [Music] [Music] [Music] so remember we were gonna discuss something yeah well doing a big forum means that you do get in the kitchen and that leakage can be small or it can be wholesale and you lose everything out of the the form I probably would do this a slightly different way next time as you can see here and there was quite a lot off leakage but essentially it did work in the round but I think I lost a lot bit of resin and certainly the makeup when we get to the next piece which is the routing meant that there was quite a lot of material that I had to bear back because of the the leakage of the poor [Music] so I've sped this up obviously but essentially all I'm trying to say here is TG time for each one of these phases of cigarettes that you go through to get your boards nice and square and flat I work always in deity grip all the way through to about 400 and then on the polishing and grits and from from there and yeah take your time over this bit and because the results are stunning so I could have employed a bit of editorial license here and stuck the sequencing along with the publication section but no this was an afterthought when I was when I've done that the the sort of base coat painting I was thinking myself how am I gonna stick these on the wall oh dear yeah forgot about that oops alright so I designed these little tabards to go on with a slot section so that you can hang the clocks on the wall and also fix the wood to disciplines and same types yeah it worked out in the end but yeah came a little bit late in the sequence which meant that I have to go and do the base coat again [Music] so having the contrasting color on the surround does mean that there's a heck of a lot of masking and rework and repainting to do on it but you know what else are you gonna do one lovely summer's weekend stroke few more days well the results show from themselves [Music] using the pointers and a straight edge as reference I was able to find the center of the clock faces and then just sent a punch mark on there transferring that across to the drill press and got the hole nice and square which is important when you get the shaft through that it all sits square and the hands don't sit all wonky all over the face so where yeah I made up a little router jig to allow me to get the mechanism in the right spot and then sink those into the back of the you to the right level and it [Music] [Music] whoo navigating the finishes debate well I chose wipe-on poly and it came out absolutely cracking for this application maybe you've used something different please do drop me a line I'm really interested to find out what works well for you guys but we're on to the last leg so we're yeah Humpty Dumpty game put back together faces to surrounds surrounds two mechanisms mechanisms two hands [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so here we are there all done and I mega chuffed with how these have come and hope they're just a fact it just really really nice things to look at one of the sort of things that changed or didn't really think about it the star this process was these colored surrounds and I thought about that halfway through the build and I'm so glad they incorporated in this because that it's Stella now it is just popped off to the next level it completes the books around and clock and ties it in with the resin the resin against the sapling edge of you Wow it is just so crispy it is beautiful stuff to look at and and I'm just super chuffed with how these have come out a relatively straightforward thing to do I mean I've made seven of these things and making more of one of anything's a bit of a task but these are gonna all go to family members but I'll probably make some more because I maybe sell them at local fairs really nice things to look at as well if that's something that you maybe get after as well you know drop me a comment let me know how you get on with the process I try and give you as much information as possible within these videos that I make and I always like to hear from you so you know maybe a like button if that's something you'd like doing and if this is the kind of content that you like watching maybe consider subscribing to my channel also thanks very much for watching and as always well I hope to catch you again
Channel: Man Cave Makings
Views: 20,793
Rating: 4.9474549 out of 5
Keywords: Clocks, DIY, Make, How to, How to make, River table, River clock, Epoxy, Resin, Wood, Woodworking, Do it yourself, Craft, Epoxy table, Fabricating, Welding, Make stuff, Maker, diy clock, wall clock, woodworking, wood, shop time, tools, creative, diy projects, workshop, build, modern, clock, handmade, craftsman, Epoxy and wood wall clocks, How to make Epoxy & Wood wall clocks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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