How to Make EDIBLE TOWELS -- FAILS included!

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(calm music) - Greetings my beautiful lovelies, it's Emmy. Welcome back, today's video is sponsored by Simple Health, care that fits you and your life. Simple Health makes birth control easy, accessible, affordable, and discreet. So the way it works is really simple, you just go online, you fill out a health form that will be reviewed by a licensed doctor, they will then see if you're a good fit for birth control, and then make recommendations, and then follow up with a prescription. The prescription will be filled, if you have health insurance, most likely it will be covered, if not, it works out to be as low as $15 a month, and then the birth control is shipped to your location absolutely free, there's no need to go to the pharmacy, no need to wait in line, and no need to worry that there'll be any lapses in your birth control. Which is a huge deal, I remember when I graduated from college, I was concerned about this and actually got a full year prescription in advance so that I wouldn't have any lapses in my prescription, but with something like Simple Health I wouldn't have to worry about that, it would just arrive right at my doorstep right on time. And I support this because I think it's really important that people have the tools to make decisions that will affect their futures and the rest of their lives. Simple Health is not a replacement for routine checkups with your doctor. So if you'd like to try Simple Health for free, click the link down below, or head over to, or use the code EMMY at checkout. Big thanks to Simple Health for sponsoring this video and for their continued support. Now today I'm gonna be making something that was suggested by one of you in one of my last videos, and it for edible towels. Edible towels, what is that and why would you wanna eat a towel? So I had never heard of edible towels before and apparently this has become popular in the ASMR community. ASMR, autonomous sensory meridian response, huge genre here on YouTube, and it's a class of videos where people elicit this response, people either feel tingles or just feel just euphoric or happy listening to these sounds. And a lot of these videos involve eating, people eating different things, crunchy things, squishy things, so if you're not into those sounds then you probably don't know these videos and you probably wouldn't like watching them. At any rate, there is a channel called Abbey ASMR where she has these edible towels and eats them, and from my understanding she makes them herself. Please let me know in the comments below if you've ever seen these for sale, I have not, but the world is a big place, please let me know. So basically it's a crepe, or a crepe, a very thin pancake that contains some kinda filling, and it is rolled, and then dusted in the powder to make it look fuzzy, and then it looks like a towel and you can eat them. So before I even start, let's talk about the difference between crêpe and crepe, and there is no difference, it's the same word just different pronunciation. Crepe is more of the U.S. pronunciation while crêpe is more of the French pronunciation, so just because of the way I speak I often times mingle things together. So I will probably be using either word interchangeably, but it's the same word just pronounced a little bit differently. Okay, let's go ahead and begin. So I looked up a bunch of crêpe recipes and I decided to adapt mine from Alton Brown's -- I'll put his original one down in the description below in case you're interested. In the recipes that I looked up, most of them said that it's good to allow the batter to have some resting time, so I made mine in advance. But it's really simple because you can do it all in a blender, and if you don't have a blender you can just do it with a whisk and a bowl as well. So in your blender you're going to combine two eggs, three quarters of a cup of milk, a half a cup of water, one cup of all purpose flour, three tablespoons of melted butter, a pinch of salt, and two and a half tablespoons of sugar, and one teaspoon of vanilla, then you're just gonna whiz this all up until everything is combined. So I'm gonna be doing two types of crepes and so to half of my batter I added a half teaspoon of matcha powder which is ground green tea powder, and then put it in the refrigerator and then let it rest for an hour. So while the batter is resting, this is a good time to make the filling, and you can put anything you like inside your crepe. I'm going to be using a combination of whipped cream and cream cheese kind of like a marscapone like tiramisu kind of thick cream inside, along with some fresh fruit, fold that all up and it should be lovely. So here's a cup of whipping cream, this has been kept in the refrigerator. It's a good idea to keep this nice and cold, it will make the whipping process a little bit easier. So cup of whipping cream, don't want the cord in there, don't want the cord in there. All right, here we go. Okay. That's pretty good right there, see that? One package of cream cheese here, and that's at room temperature. Pinch of salt to that. I'm gonna add some powdered sugar. I'm gonna start with a half a cup. Tiny splash of vanilla, and just combine that all together. Let me give this a little taste. Mm, think I'm gonna add another half cup. It's pretty good as it is, but we're gonna combine that with the whipped cream. Now I'm gonna add some of this whipped cream in here. Gonna fold that in there to kinda lighten things up. So right now we have two really different consistencies. This is pretty thick while our whipped cream is very light. Add a little whipped cream in there will kinda assist combining the two textures. Fold that in there, now just add the rest of the whipped cream. And let's give this one little taste. Oh, yeah, that's perfect! Okay, oh plastic wrap, doesn't reach, I just wanna use one piece! Oh come on, just stretch a little bit more. Love it when you're, oh no, you're so close, okay. Okay, okay, all right fine, that's close enough. - [Voice] No! - It's not close enough actually. Fine I will use two pieces. Place this in the refrigerator and keep it cool until we're ready to use it. Batters have been resting in their refrigerator for a couple hours now, so they are ready to make our crepe. All righty, so I've got a pan here, I'm super excited to try this out. This is a nonstick, they called it a Komal -- I found it at the Asian market, locally -- and it says it's induction friendly. Although my induction burner has been kinda fritzy lately. My medium low and medium buttons do not work, but I can reduce it this way, so I think I'm gonna set it for about 330 degrees. I am in the market to getting a new induction burner. This one has been good to me, I actually got it on clearance at Target, - Yeah! - though the fan makes this pretty loud, so... if you have any recommendations to an induction burner that you like, I'd love to hear about it. Let me know down in the comments. I'm using some ghee, which is clarified butter -- which is less likely to burn, and I'm gonna wipe much of it off. Wow, this pan is getting hot! I'm gonna reduce that down. (This) is the original batter -- I'm using a quarter cup. Ooh! That pan is hot! They always say the first crêpe is a bad crêpe -- this is the first time I've made crêpes by the way, so that's why this is looking like this. So I need to spread my batter out faster. Okay, so get rid of that, and we will reduce the temperature down. Tilt it, add a little bit more. This is why they have those crêpe batter dispensers that go like this. Yeah, I think that's what I need. Why are you beeping? Okay so I think I'm gonna have to rethink this. Okay, so this is not good 'cause I need this crêpe batter. Crêpes are not working. So I think. All right, so what I think I need to do here is make myself a tool. Hmm, if I took, I've got a pushpin with a dowel that I just stuck a hole in. Will that work? And I'm gonna use a third of a cup of a measuring spoon this time. Oh no, no, not workin'. Not working, not working. Oh my gosh look at this! - [Voice] Oh no! - What a disaster. Oh no! It does smell good, it smells like a ice cream stand, nice and vanilla-ed, but my crêpes look like garbage. Alton have you failed me? I don't know. Okay, they make it look so easy in all those videos, they're like, "Oh, and you pour the batter "and you swirl it around and that's that. "Add some butter. "Okay." This is frustrating. That was so unsatisfying! All righty my lovelies, I am back, it's been several hours. Several hours of frustration, but I managed to get some passable crêpes, yes! Three batches, I had to make three batches of this, and it's not Alton's fault. I was about to fault the recipe but it wasn't his fault. I had to problem check a few things and I discovered that the pan was also okay as well, it was my source of heat, so I ended up cooking the crêpes on my stove top over here which had a bigger flame and was more even, and so that helped. Also what helped was to use the correct amount of batter. I don't think I was using enough to get to spread all over the pan, so I found for the pan that I had, I needed about three quarters of a cup of batter. I think what also helped was having the right technique, I had to make sure to shake the pan really vigorously and do a preliminary swirl to get the batter to distribute evenly all over the pan. I even tried using this skillet. This is my nonstick skillet, it's made by GreenPan, and I've owned this pan for just a few months. I don't use it much, I just use it to cook eggs and the eggs stick, this is no longer nonstick even though the surface is perfectly smooth and shiny and looks like it should be nonstick. It's not, and that makes me upset, so I'm getting rid of this pan, I will not ever buy a GreenPan again, and I don't recommend anyone buy these pans because they don't work. Okay, enough of that. Like I said, I made two more batches of batter. When I mixed up my matcha batter I made sure to put in a full teaspoon of matcha powder to a half batch, and I got a much greener color. Look at that, isn't that beautiful? I think I also just got better at making them. Yes, practice I think goes a long way. These are the plain vanilla version, and these turned out beautifully as well. So I'm taking two crêpes and I'm overlapping them, and now I'm gonna use some of this filling that we made. Put it right down the middle. Now I'm gonna use some raspberries and pop some of those in there. Now I'm gonna fold this up. Okay, so it looks kind of like a big omelet or something, but I think what's really gonna make this look fuzzy like a towel is the dusting part, and I'm gonna be dusting this with kinako which is toasted soy powder. So I noticed in Abbey ASMR, the ends are really well dusted, so I'm just gonna dust away very very liberally. Oh my gosh it does look like fabric, that's crazy! It's totally working. Dust away, so really, really dust it. I wanna cover up all the kinda smooth bits of the crepe. We want this to look fuzzy. Okay so now we're gonna repeat the same process but this time with the green crepes. For this one, I'm gonna be using some caramelized white chocolate. I made this for my not fried chicken ice cream. If you haven't seen that video, I'll put the link down below, and this is what I used to coat the ice cream. So I'm gonna just give this a good drizzle! This is gonna be amazing! So we're gonna do the same thing with the dusting but this time we're gonna use the matcha powder. And dust it so it looks fabric-y. This is so great! It's so kind of magical how it transforms it. Oh, matcha smells so good too. (upbeat music) Oh my gosh, all that failure makes victory all the sweeter! Here we have it, the edible, I just puffed matcha powder all over the place, the edible towel. All right, I'm gonna take some pictures and then I shall eat this thing. Just like a burrito! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! (upbeat music) Here they are, I had this little scrap piece of countertop, and these look so great! After all of that failure, success tastes so sweet! Although I don't know exactly how sweet yet 'cause I have not tasted these, but I have to say, after all of that effort, especially the failures, this makes me so, so happy. And big thanks to lovely Naomi Roha who left this suggestion in the comments. Before then I had never heard of edible towels and here I am at 10:45 at night about to taste these delectable, beautiful things. Let's cut into the kinako one first. And this is the plain vanilla crepe with the cream filling and raspberries, oh that looks fine! Itadakimasu! Oh man is that delicious! That cream filling is fantastic! You get a little bit of the tanginess from the cream cheese, then it's fluffy and light like whipped cream but a little bit denser. The amount of sweetness is perfect and then you've got a little bit of raspberry for some textural variety, and then of course your raspberry flavor, and some tartness, the kinako is lovely. It's a little but nutty kind of like peanut butter. It's dusty on the outside. And then you've got the crepe which kind of holds everything together, it's soft and tender, with a little kiss of vanilla, oh my word, yes! Fantastic! I'm so happy. Not only did this turn out, but it tastes amazing too! So happy, okay, this is the green tea crepe filled with the same cream cheese whipped cream, along with caramelized white chocolate. Oh yeah, oh here we go! Mm. Ooh, that's nice as well, and the matcha is strong. Of course this is ground green tea after all, we sprinkled it, but I didn't sprinkle too much of it, but I love how velvety it got, isn't that amazing? So it has a bitterness and it really goes well with the sweetness of the cream. The little bits of white chocolate are nice in there, too, and have a lovely vanilla, chocolate but caramelized flavor to them. I think I could've even put more of the chocolate in there because the matcha powder is bitter, so to balance out that bitterness I think a little bit more sweet would've been even nicer. Mm! So there you have it my lovelies, that's how you make edible towels. They are a bit of work, but if you've made crepes before then this should be a no brainer for you. I had not, so there was definitely a bit of a learning curve for me. If anything, now you have a crêpe recipe. I certainly don't expect you to make edible towels, but definitely recommend making that filling, adding some fruit, and having a nice little Sunday brunch. But I, on the other hand, am going to continue with my little midnight snack. Mm! Mm. So delicious. Thank you guys so much for joining me and big thanks to Simple Health for sponsoring this video. If you'd like to try Simple Health for free, click the link down below, or head over to, or use EMMY at checkout. Thanks again for watching, I hope you guys enjoy that one. I hope you guys learned something. Please share this video with your friends, follow me on social media, like this video, subscribe, and I shall see you in the next one! Toodaloo, take care, bye! (upbeat music) Bye! Gimmie more! (upbeat music)
Channel: emmymade
Views: 855,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: green tea, matcha, vanilla, crepe, recipe, how to, ASMR, cooking, food, trend, weird, towels, edible, fuzzy, faux, look alike, fake food, dessert
Id: BXkzH5jO9P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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