SMOOTH BREAD 🍞 - NO yeast NO flour

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Emmy is too polished and charismatic to be NTAE material.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/charmlessman1 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love how happy she is about her smooth bread.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/LikeRegularChicken 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Love Emmy!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Floggingmicah 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Most disturbing part was the canned bread that was just presented as a normal, everyday thing.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/sidekicksuicide 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

luv her voice guuuuhhhhhhhhhh

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mikeclarkee 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

I can't figure out why I don't like her...But I just don't.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/entropic_tendencies 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

What was like watching Steve brule but as a satisfying asmr.

Could use some more quick cuts tho.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ayojamface 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CadaverAbuse 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

TIL they make bread in a can.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/delightfuldinosaur 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
(slow jazz music) - Greetings my beautiful lovelies. It's Emmy. Welcome back. Today's video is sponsored by Simple Health, care that fits your lifestyle. Simple Health makes birth control easy, affordable, accessible and discreet. I would've loved something like this when I was in college. When I left college, I had so much concern that I would have lapses in my prescription because I had no access to my clinic. And so I was really concerned, didn't know what to do and Simple Health would've fit that bill perfectly for me. So all you have to do is go to and fill out a health profile, which will then be reviewed by a licensed doctor to see if you're a good fit for birth control. So recommendations will be made, a prescription will be filled, and if you have health insurance, most likely it will be covered. If not, it starts at $15 a month. Then the birth control will be delivered discreetly to your doorstep. There's no need to go to the pharmacy. No need to wait in the doctor's office. No need to wait in any lines. It just comes directly to you. You can also follow Simple Health on Instagram to receive the latest news on women's reproductive health. Try Simple Health for free by clicking the link down below or head over to Or use the code EMMY at checkout. Big thanks to Simple Health for their continued support and allowing me to make better videos for you guys. Now today, I'm going to be making smooth bread. (laughs) And it was inspired by a recipe I did a little while back for smooth peanut butter and jelly sandwich. If you missed it, I will put the link as always down below. And in the comments of that video, many of you chimed in saying, "Why don't you make it bread flavored?" So I said, that is a great idea. So I'm gonna be making a version that actually tastes like bread and with everyone baking these days, I felt like it was appropriate. So my idea's to make an actual loaf that you can slice. And I did a little bit of prep beforehand, because I wanted my loaf to be two-toned. I want the inside to be kind of white and the outside to be lighter brown, kind of cartoonish, but a smooth version. So I've done a little bit of prep beforehand. I made the center white portion and then I'm gonna be making the darker brown portion to put on the outside. And I'll be doing that with you today. So let me walk you through the steps of what I did already for the middle part of the bread. So to begin with, we're gonna need to make some bread water. So you're gonna take two cups of water and add a bunch of bread crusts. Now these are the crust that was left over from my 15 minute birthday cake video. I'll also put the link to that down below. Put that in there. But we're gonna take the bread crust and we're gonna put them in a couple layers of cheese cloth. Because we don't want it to dissolve into the water. Drop that like a giant tea bag into your boiling water. And let that come to a boil and then let it steep for about 10 or 15 minutes. (laughs) After we've created our bread tea, we're gonna remove the tea bag, and now we have bread water. And surprisingly, it tastes like bread. Maybe that's not surprising, but it was surprising (laughs) to me. Next we're gonna take 1/2 cups of cold milk. I'm using whole milk here. And we're gonna sprinkle 2 1/4 (coins dropping) teaspoons of our agar powder, right on top. Then we're gonna add a half cup of sugar. Make sure you don't have any heat at this point, because if you do, it will create lumps, which we do not want. And then bring this up to a boil. And I'm gonna let it bowl for a couple of minutes. Next we're gonna add our bread water. And once it comes up to a simmer, let it simmer for a couple minutes. Then turn off the heat. So I bought this mold so I can make my own shokupan, which I still plan on doing. It's a Japanese-style milk bread, but it's perfectly square. So of course you need a square mold. But I thought I could also use it to make my smooth bread. But what I learned when I put some water in here to measure the volume of this is this is not water-tight. So I had to seal the seams. So I used some modeling chocolate. I pressed it into the seams. Then I put my warm agar mixture, and everything proceeded to leak out, (children cheering) which wasn't so fun and I deduced that my agar was still too hot. So I repacked the seams with the modeling chocolate and then I add a little bit of insurance, which is the all purpose, wonderful things that is duct tape. Then I allowed my agar to cool to about 100 degrees fahrenheit. And then poured it and it seems to be holding up. I placed this in the refrigerator to allow it to set up. But agar sets up at a lower temperature than gelatin. So it's not necessary. It just kinda speeds up the process. So there it is. There is my interior of my smooth bread. So now, let's make the agar mixture for the outside of the bread. And I'm gonna be using this. And this is B&M. Brown bread in a can. Now I live in New England. You can find this at all the supermarkets, so I happen to have this in my pantry. It actually is really, really handy. It's a molasses-style bread. So it's slightly sweet. It has that molasses, kind of caramel flavor to it. And it's really great toasted with a bit of butter. Alright. So there is a trick to getting this out of the can. You can't use one of these can openers, which just takes off the lid without any sharp edges. That wont' work. You need one of these kind of old fashion kind that actually cut. Cut the top. Hear that vacuum? Really nice. Do the same on the bottom. And then there's the bread inside. Oh it smells great. Push it through. See that? Doo doo doo. There it is. Isn't that great? Just about half of that. And it's ready to eat just as it is. Slices beautifully. It's like sausage but it's bread. I'm gonna have a bite. Mm hm, it's great. It's a little bit sweet. But the molasses flavor is really, really nice. I'm gonna put a third of this bread in a can. Look at that, so cute. It's like a mini (laughs) bread in a can. Tie it up like a little baby. Swaddle it up. Water's at a rapid boil. Then just stir up the tea bag in there. And infuse some of that lovely brown bag flavor in there. And of course, we want that brown color too. (upbeat music) Let's take our brown bread tea bag out of there. And there's our warm, brown bread water. Why is my bowl dirty? In this pan, we're gonna add a cup and a half of cold water. 2 1/4 teaspoons of agar powder. (burping) Excuse me. 1/2 cup of sugar. Aren't these great? They're so stinking cute. Really great for kids. You can teach them that 1/2 is indeed a 1/2 a cup. (children cheering) Although, they are a bit hard to clean because they've got corners. That's a drawback. And I wish they weren't plastic. So we're gonna start to combine and try to get that sugar dissolved. And then we're gonna bring this up to a boil. So the agar can dissolve into the water. It definitely needs some heat to do that. So I'm gonna make this a little bit lighter in color and more opaque by adding just about a tablespoon of cream. 1 1/2 cups of the brown water. (trumpet blowing) Oops. I'm gonna bring this up to a boil, and transfer this into another bowl. So while we're waiting for that to cool, do you love my shirt? I love this shirt. I designed it and all the proceeds from the sale of this shirt will go to Give Directly, which gives directly to families and people in need during the outbreak. So thanks so much for your support. Now let's see if we can get the middle portion of the bread out of this mold. Now this mold is interesting because there's a little tiny hole here. I covered this with some modeling chocolate and some duct tape. The hole is there to release the vacuum. So, poke a little hole there. (gasps) (laughs) That was so satisfying. It was like (imitates whistle) and it just slipped right out and then it went thump, oh it's so great. (sighs) I'm just gonna sit and bask in the moment. If you've seen some of my past unmolding gelatin, especially, it's always been kind of this struggle, an epic struggle. But today, ooh that was satisfying. All right, let's see this. Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch chuu. Yes! Dooh, yay! I'm so happy about that, look. Smooth. Yes, that's smooth. So now we're going to trim this down. Ooh, it slices. Look at that. Gorgeous, ooh. So the part that we're cutting off is going to be filled with the light brown bread gel. I wanna tri this little belly button off. Let's see if I an do it. Oh it's very satisfying. (bird chirping) Oh! Ah! Now we've got this cooled down. I'm gonna go put this in the refrigerator. It's been about 15 minutes. Let's go grab our jelly. Now I'm gonna place my little almost tofu block in there. Oh, okay. Centered right in there. Put the lid on this. Now I'm gonna place this in the refrigerator and let it set up completely, and hopefully, we'll be able to slice it in beautiful slices and have a slice of smooth bread. Okay, see you in a bit. (laughs) (upbeat music) Alrighty, my lovelies. The smooth bread has been chilling in the refrigerator. I'm so excited about this. Okay, hope this works. Yah! Let's get this out of here. Okay, my box is here. Let's see if this duct tape experiment worked. (laughs) I'm gonna put some gentle pressure around the perimeter to kind of loosen it. And now we're gonna release the suction. Oh man, duct tape. Duct tape is just so wordy. Do people actually use duct tape on ducks? Like duct work, duct, D-U-C-T. Not like on ducks with feathers, (duck quacking) not that kind. Okay, okay. And use our little chopstick and (air fizzing) (laughs) It was startling and satisfying, and just kind of goose-pimply. It's just (mouth sucking) that sucking sound. Then that just beautiful release. Just like, ah! So cathartic, so cathartic, okay. Ready for this? (inspiring music) Yes! (laughs) Look at that. It's a little caramel block. I've got some bubbles but, you know what, I'll take it. (gentle music) Ha, I am so excited to cut into this. While I was photographing this, you an actually see the kind of shadow of the white center part of this bread. Oh I'm so excited about this, okay. (excited squealing) Alrighty, it's time to cut this. Okay here we go. (gentle music) Wow it slices. Just see. (laughs) What is that? (laughs) Looks more like a caramel than (laughs) bread. That is so funny, oh my gosh. It's so satisfying to cut. Oh. I am so pleased with how this turned out. Look at this. (laughs) Looks like some strange combination of a caramel, jelly block. (laughs) But will it taste like bread? That is the biggest question. Look at this. Oh I love it. So here's the brown bread part. Oh did you hear that sound? Here we go. Itadakimasu! Wow, so that brown bread really imparted a lot of flavor to the outside of my smooth bread. It tastes like molasses. It's got that kind of caramel-y, sugary flavor. And of course, it's sweet: we added a total of one cup of sugar to this. So it does have a pleasant sweetness to it. A little bit sweeter than typical bread, unless you're having something like a Hawaiian-style bread or a Portuguese-style bread. But it actually doesn't taste bad. (laughs) It doesn't wobble around as much. It doesn't have that springy-ness or soft kind of bounce as Jello. Jello is more this kind of like undulating gel, while agar has more of a rigid, stiffer jiggle to it. Alrighty, let's taste the white portion of this bread and see if I can taste anything there. I can actually separate that out of there. It's so great. Hm. Very, very subtly, I taste definitely the sugar, a little bit of milk, and maybe just ever so subtly, a flavor of toast. Super subtle and that might be because I actually know that bread is in there. The brown bread, however, tastes very, very strong and it's apparent that it has this kind of brown bread molasses flavor to it, and kind of a yeasty flavor. The white portion, not so much. So if you're interested in making this futuristic-looking smooth bread, I will put all the information down below to make this recipe. And if you make it, please share it with me on social media, I want to see your beautiful creations. Thanks so much for joining me. Big thanks to Simple Health for sponsoring this video. If you like to try Simple Health for free, click the link down below or head over to or use the code EMMY at checkout. Also if you like to pick up one of these great shirts, click the link down below. All the proceeds will go to charity. Thank you guys so much for watching. I hope you guys enjoy that one. I hope you guys learn something. I hope you guys are alright. Please share this video with your friends. Follow me on social media. Like this video, subscribe and I shall see you in the next one. Too-da-loo, take care. Bye. (pleasant music) (upbeat music) (burping loudly)
Channel: emmymade
Views: 1,394,814
Rating: 4.8484674 out of 5
Keywords: smooth, bread, baking, food, recipe, kitchen, make, how to, no bake, jelly, gelatin, agar agar, emmy, emmymade, emmymadeinjapan, smooth pb & j, peanut butter and jelly
Id: 14MBAYqvee8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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