How to Make Easy Duck a L'Orange | Duck with Orange Sauce Recipe

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i hope you guys enjoyed my decal arrange for the four recipe [Music] hey everyone i'm sav and this is welcome eats today we're going to be making an easy decoloranche we're going to be pan searing the duck so the skin is nice and crispy and then finishing it off with a super flavorful orangey sauce this is a classic french recipe but we're making it a bit easier by using a beef stock instead of a homemade duck stock let's take a look at the ingredients we're gonna be using a whole duck one orange one cup of beef stock half a cup of red wine vinegar half a cup of granulated sugar salt and pepper and a tablespoon of butter let's get cooking now we're going to be using a whole duck here this duck is from dartagnon which is an awesome company that is committed to humane and sustainable farming practices and free range there's a link in the description below to this duck and check out their other products uh we absolutely love them so you can either roast the stuck hole or cut it up and cook it in pieces like we're gonna do today so duck is a little bit different than chicken chicken as we all know we have to cook all of it to 160 165 degree internal temperature until the juices run clear with duck however you cook the breast like you would a steak you're going to cook it to medium rare temperature while all other parts of the duck you're going to cook well done like the chicken 260 165 internal temperature when you roast the duck obviously you can't get two different temperatures so you have to roast it all to 160 degrees it's still going to be absolutely delicious but the breasts because they're well done just like a steak it's going to be a little less juicy a little more chewy than if you cooked it to medium rare since you have to carve up the duck anyways you can't serve it whole like this we are going to butcher it up into pieces in the beginning so we can cook the breast to medium rare and then we can cook the legs to well done like they're supposed to be the thighs and the drumsticks have more connective tissue in it so you have to cook it until it reaches a higher temperature so all that connective tissue can break down so it's more tender but of course not everyone likes their duck breast at medium rare temperature if that's you or for whatever reason you don't want to break it down and cook all the pieces separately you can roast this in the oven turn on your oven to 450 degrees roast it for 30 minutes turn then turn it down to 300 degrees and roast it for about an hour until the internal temperature is 160. all right so we are going to break this duck down it's a lot like it's actually basically the same as breaking down a chicken i mean they're you know shaped the same so we're going to take out all these innards um keep these you can make a delicious stock if you wanted to from these or i was actually thinking about making duck pate with the innards um we'll see if that happens just get all that out all right so we'll start with these thighs and i'm we're not going to do this super in-depth there's a ton of great videos on youtube if you want to watch and learn how to um break down a chicken or a duck so we'll just cut make a slit right here cut along the breast flip it over i'm going to cut along the backbone right here pop out this joint it's a lot of fat and skin on duck see that bone that we popped out right there that joint so we're just gonna cut that out now all right and there is your thigh and your drumstick so we've got our two thighs and drumsticks we're going to now cut up our breasts so we'll cut off our wings there we go and these wings make for delicious stock as well all right now we'll cut along the breast bone cut out these breasts so you just want to cut along the ribcage here to get these breasts alright so now we have our two duck breasts and two thighs make sure you save those wings and those innards if you want to make some duck stock or duck pate so now what we have to do with this duck which is different than chicken is we're going to score the skin there's a lot of fat and duck and we want it to completely render out otherwise i mean no one wants to be biting into a big you know chunk of rubbery duck fat so you don't want to cut all the way through the skin into the meat don't cut into the meat at all you want to just like maybe halfway through the skin you know make a little cut so i'm just gonna do a little crosshatch pattern so we scored both the breasts and the legs let's pat them dry a bit make sure they're as dry as you possibly can get them all right now we're going to liberally season these with salt and pepper on both sides so just like with chicken and beef you can dry brine these for up to 24 hours to extract all that moisture if you want to some freshly cracked black pepper all right so now whether you dry brine them or not you want to let them come up to room temperature for 30 minutes to an hour so while our deck is coming up to room temperature we're going to make a part of our sauce that's called gastrique so we are going to take half a cup of our sugar pour it into a pot and then a quarter cup of water as well we're going to turn on our stove there we go to medium heat and we're going to constantly stir the sugar and water mixture until it comes to a so now our mixture is at a boil so the sugar has all melted so i'm going to turn down the heat just a little bit to low and we're going to let this mixture simmer for about probably almost 10 minutes until it's this deep mahogany color alright so while that is simmering let's go ahead and cut up our orange we're going to peel some of the zest off we just need like two big pieces like that and then and that's gonna be for when we reduce our stock and we'll peel the rest of this orange like that as well all right and then we're gonna slice these into just little matchsticks all right now we're gonna juice our [Music] orange see how much we can get out of this oh this one is not juicy whatsoever all right our sugar is that deep mahogany color so we are going to add in our red wine vinegar and we're going to do it just a little bit at a time because it is going to bubble up if you've ever made caramel it's kind of the same thing so add in a little bit and just stir it through ah it gets kind of bubbling gets hot just a little bit at a time and once it kind of calms down then you can add in the rest and it's not a big deal let's throw it there really smell that vinegar [Music] so we're going to bring that back down to a sim i mean back up to a simmer and we'll reduce it for about two minutes all right our gas streak has been reducing for about two minutes we're gonna turn it off turn off the heat and we're just gonna put this aside for now and this is gonna go in our sauce later all right so now we're ready to sear our meat so i'm gonna pat these dry just a little bit some of that moisture or that salt brought out some of that moisture now the way we're gonna do this is we're going to use two pans we want the thighs to be cooked all the way through or the breasts are not so the thighs are obviously going to take longer so we'll have two pans we'll do the thighs and one the breasts in the in the other the breasts are going to take less time to cook so we'll finish off our sauce while the thighs are still cooking in our pan that had the breasts so now this is going to go against everything you've been taught but we are not going to turn on our pan we are going to just put our thighs in skin side down and a cold pan sounds crazy i know and it's so weird doing this because you don't normally want to do this but we'll we'll put it in cold and then we're going to turn on the pan to medium heat you don't want it too hot so we're going to so we're going to slowly heat this pan up so there's enough time for all that fat to render out so we're going to cook the thighs like this for about probably like 15 to 20 minutes so i'm gonna put these on the stove behind me and we'll start our breasts so same thing with the breasts put them in cool a cold pan and we're going to turn on our pan to medium and let our pan slowly heat up all right so this is the sound that you want to hear you don't want it to be super sizzling and sputtering you know oil everywhere like when you sear a steak but you also don't want like nothing happening either you want kind of just like a nice gentle bubbling i guess so like with the duck legs we're going to let these cook on the skin side for about 15 to 20 minutes as well all right our duck legs have been searing for about 18 minutes so we're going to flip them look at that nice crispy skin all right so now our oven is preheated to 400 degrees we're going to put our thighs in there for about 15 minutes until they're cooked all the way through all right so now our duck breasts have been searing for about 18 minutes we're going to flip them that beautiful sear on there nice and crispy skin we're going to turn up our stove to medium high now so we're going to cook these to 125 degrees with the carryover cooking about 5 degrees it's going to end up being a temperature of 130 degrees which is perfectly medium rare so this is going to probably take about 5 minutes while our duck legs continue to cook we're going to do our sauce all right so we are going to dump out all of this fat there's a lot of duck fat save that though it goes amazing on potatoes vegetables all right so now we're going to turn on our stove to medium high heat the pan is already pretty hot because it was already searing our duck breast so we're going to be using beef stock today like i said we're doing an easy decolorange typical ducal orange recipes you're going to make your own homemade duck stock but that takes 12 plus hours it's a long process so we're using beef stock here but there is a lot of fond the stuck on bits from that duck and we're going to incorporate that into our sauce so our sauce is still going to be super flavorful and delicious don't worry so we'll deglaze our pan with this stock we're going to add in our juice of one orange and our big pieces of the zest and then just make sure you scrape the bottom of the pan to get all those stuck-on bits we'll bring it up to a simmer and we're going to reduce this stock until it coats the back of the spoon so while our sauce is reducing we're going to blanch our orange zest i've got some water boiling right here we're going to drop our orange zest in and blanch them for about two-ish minutes this is going to soften them and just make them a little less bitter all right we'll remove them with a slotted spoon all right so our sauce has reduced down so and the way we know that it's ready so if you take like a metal spoon like this coats the back of the spoon you run your finger through it and it leaves a trail all right we're going to remove this orange zest so this is where our gastrique comes into play we are going to add in about a tablespoon at a time and always remember to taste after adding one tablespoon and this is really up to your taste buds how you like it it's gonna add that acidity to our sauce let's mix that in [Music] and we'll taste it so actually that's perfect right there i don't want any more of that you can save that it goes great drizzled over some vegetables all right we're gonna add in a bit of our zest don't the sauce has reduced down quite a bit so we're not gonna use the whole thing make sure you taste your sauce if it needs more salt and pepper go ahead and add it there is there was a lot of salt and pepper from the duck breast already in the pan when we started the sauce so mine doesn't need any last thing we gotta do is stir through some of this butter i always like to finish my sauces with butter it kind of makes them a bit more creamier just adds a nice touch to it all right i'm gonna take a bite of this thigh and just show you how juicy and delicious it is super juicy and tender it's absolutely delicious all right let's cut into the breast and we'll plate this one up you can see some of that pink nice and medium rare all right let's pour some of this delicious sauce on there all right i'm so excited to try this duck breast just cuts through like butter the sauce is super orangey a bit acidic but also super flavorful and rich from that beef stock and the duck fond duck may seem really intimidating and something you would only get at some fancy restaurant but as you can see it's really not that hard don't be afraid to give it a try i hope you guys enjoyed my easy decal arrange the full recipe can be found on my food blog at i've got new delicious dishes coming out every week so hit a like and subscribe below i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Lagom Eats
Views: 468
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: how to make easy duck a l'orange, how to make duck a l'orange, easy duck a l'orange, duck a l'orange, duck a lorange recipe, duck recipes, duck with orange sauce, how to cook duck, orange sauce for duck, duck with orange sauce recipe, duck a lorange sauce, orange duck recipe, duck orange sauce, orange duck, how to roast a duck, duck breast, duck legs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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