Gluten Free Fish and Chips! The BEST you’ll ever have. BETTER than EVERYONE.

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[Music] hi so you can see that my sous chefs are very excited today and that's because we're making some of my favorite things and that's these comfort classics of me all love for me my comfort food stems from my time in the United Kingdom and it is fish and chips I love it it's one of my favorite things in the world but because of celiac I haven't been able to eat it properly for a very very long time but since I started making it myself and altering the recipes that I knew from 20 years ago now I can I'm gonna teach that to you today also I'm gonna teach you the absolute best way to make the crispiest tastiest most tender fries you've ever had this is something I learned in the United Kingdom when I was over there and it's so simple it'll knock your socks off we're also gonna make some money and rings gluten free of course as well as some fried shrimp and it's a wonderful tartar sauce and Gracie wants to go chase a deer stick around you are going to love this okay so the first thing we have to do is make our stuff that's going to take the longest right we have to do our prep for our potatoes for our chips and then we have to make our batters that's gonna fry our onion rings and our fish our shrimp we're just gonna get a light flour dusting and they're gonna be almost tempura like and delicious so we're gonna head on down to the board and I'm gonna show you this I've already got a bunch of potatoes here in a pot peeled with a vegetable peeler I'll show you how to do that real quick if you don't know how this part just like that and it's real easy and all we're gonna do just peel these guys okay and then throw them right into our pot and put this on a boil for about 20 minutes they they need to cook but not all the way through you ever notice when you go to a restaurant and you get this really fluffy light fries and you can never get that at home even with the oven fries or the pre-made stuff to make your fries get soggy and they kind of stink after a while well this will prevent that so what we do is we boil these till they're almost cooked through then we cool them off and we cut them put them in the refrigerator and they get nice and craggly almost like a like a marshmallow and then we fry them that way so you get all those little crispy crackly bits and the oil stays on the outside and the inside stays nice and fluffy like a mashed potato okay so we're gonna put these on the stove and I'll be back with you a second to prep our onions alright so our potatoes are on this show but now we're ready to prep our onions these are just white onions okay white onions are good for onion rings because they have a little bit of a bite to them and they hold up a little bit better you can use sweet onions if you'd like I'm just a fan of it alright we've done onion prep before in the show here so I'm just gonna speed through this we're gonna take the top end off peel it and quarter it so we have nice clean onion rings alright so the next thing we have to do is make our batter now the reason we're making is so far ahead of time before we fry our fish coz they're still defrosting there you can see them is this this needs to be really cold when you put it in the hot oil okay otherwise it'll kind of a tendency to fall off the fish so how we do this is nicely we take three cups or two cups sorry a gluten-free all-purpose flour blend then 2 tablespoons of baking powder this just helps to give it a little lift what a lot of people must make the mistake of with fish batter is they make it really heavy and gloopy and well quite frankly soggy and gross so we're gonna fix that the baking powder add some lift to it and we're also going to add some sparkling water or club soda to it so it gets extra gas into the batter next thing vodka it's a little strange but vodka is interesting because it's so discus it can keep things from sticking together they alcohol helps them stay apart so this is 2 ounces of vodka alright that's it it's two ounces of vodka and then we're going to put our sparkling see the bubbles alright now it's time to whisk and see where we are as far as thickness goes alright I'm just going to speed through the mixing here you're looking for the consistency of a thin crepe batter which kind of resembles a almost half melts at milkshake and I'm just gonna keep adding liquid until you get that consistency and that's what you want to do - there's really no hard and fast measure here it kind of depends on humidity so the next thing we have to do after this gets the consistency we want right there that's what we're looking for is add some salt and that's a teaspoon that's it and a little bit of pepper and we aren't done and then that just goes into the fridge for half an hour cover it with some tight plastic wrap traditional with fish and chips you'd use Cod now I don't have any cod or haddock right now to do the other one but something that was used quite a bit when I was still living in the UK starting was Maki Maki I have some of that so that's what we're gonna use today this is a nice firm white flesh fish just like cod and if you've ever had sort of Caribbean fried fish in South Florida or anything like that this is what you've had and it's delicious so we're going to use this today we're also going to use some tilapia and this is really good for fish tacos and fish sandwiches things like that so we're gonna fry this up because I might make a fish sandwich later next thing these are gulf shrimp they're wrong to pound bags these are 21 to 25 per pound medium gulf shrimp and we got these a couple of weeks ago we got ten two pound bags for a hundred dollars which is five bucks a pound which if you've ever bought shrimp recently that's incredibly good pricing it's about less than half of what you pay in the grocery store so we got lucky there all of this stuff as usual is right out of the freezer so these guys have already been defrosted they're pretty bit pretty good these guys need to go a little bit longer so we're just gonna do the same way we did sea scallops and everything else run these under water for about seven eight and and then we're ready to get him going all right so our potatoes are pretty much ready this has been about 20 minutes so I'm just gonna go ahead and look at these to see where we are you can see I've got a long paring knife here what I'm gonna do is poke these guys see that how it goes in with just barely any resistance but it still comes out and it's still hold these are done so what we're gonna do is pull these off then we're just gonna run some very cold water over top of these you don't want to shock these in an ice bath or you know drain them in a colander or anything like that we will come get you in a minute she wants to go out and chase those this beer I'm sorry so once these are cool enough to touch they'll cool down relatively quickly you sit there for maybe 5 to 10 minutes or so and that will help some of the starch get off at the potatoes now we've already gotten a good bit out through the boiling process but we still want to get as much out as possible because we don't want soggy potatoes and that's what happens you got too much starch in there all right so these are ready we're going to go ahead and cut these up put them in the fridge I'll show you how to do that in a minute and then we will finally be ready to start cooking season okay our potatoes are cooled down they're easy enough to handle they're still warm not bad so I told you before about how we're not we're going to avoid having those nasty fries so first thing we're gonna do is put these guys in half like this can you see that they're not see how they're kind of semi translucent in here but they're not quite cooked through that's what you want because you need enough structure here so they don't fall apart next thing like this all right depending on how big you want them you can make them shoestring fries like that I prefer them like this all right and this is traditional for English chips they resemble their reason these British column chips as they resemble chips off of a potato so they're big chunks like this almost like we would call an America steak fries okay so basically each one of these potatoes we're going to cut in half and then we're going to mmm that's pretty here in a quarter now you'll note I'm just going to speed through the rest of this and I will see you for cutter sauce so we begin here with a cup of mayonnaise I also make a version of this with Greek yogurt which is less calories but you know we're not doing that today some capers it's about a dozen capers I'm just gonna run my knife through them real quick and chop them smash them like you did garlic tanned they cut up real easy after that we're gonna clean our board there and then we're gonna add our pickles these are cornichon which is just French for little dill pickle and I'm using about half a dozen of them here you can use any kind of pickle you like if you like a bread and butter flavor or sweet pickle you can put that in there too but this is the traditional flavor and this is the way I like it so I'm gonna cut those up and just dice them kind of small not not a super fine dice not a super minute mints or anything like that but you just want them small enough to not get caught in your teeth okay our pickles are in and then we will move on to the rest all right so the next component is lemon juice this is gonna be the juice of a whole lemon remember this is just basically a dressing and we talked about dressings before so the mayonnaise is our oil and the lemon juices are acid now we put in dill that's a whole bunch of dried dill some people like to put parsley in their tartar sauce those people are wrong just put they'll in there some pepper and then this is some of my dust seasoning that's on my website just a pinch of that and that's all the season we're gonna do we're gonna add one more component here and that is malt vinegar malt vinegar is wonderful stuff but you have to be really careful with that as a celiac because sometimes multi nagar is not gluten-free and it'll say so right on the bottle if you look for crossing blackwell or any of the English brands typically they are gluten-free because they're processed in a barley only facility so you will be safe all right so we're gonna mix that around and get it to the consistency we want you want kind of like a halfway in-between like a French onion dip and a ranch dressing tasted it okay that's perfect and we're ready to go so remember in our fried chicken episode how I talked about reusing all right well this boil is the same way we used for that episode the second time we're going to use it we can probably get four or five more uses out of it after this which is why it's so great so this guy we're gonna heat this up to 300 degrees pretty low I know but the reason one is these fries potatoes cool cool down considerably and they're ready to go in we're gonna fry these twice so once whoa just to kind of set them up get them nice and firm and then the second fry we're gonna crank it up to 350 interestingly our fish is also going to fry at 300 degrees as is our onions because they are more delicate than they need a lower temperature so I'm gonna do the first batch of these show you here in a second and once this gets heated up we are at all right we're 227 so we got maybe about three minutes to go before this is the temp when this hits temp I'll come back I'll show you how to get these okay so we're at temp this is a 295 which by the time we get everything in here that's gonna be about 305 I'm gonna work in batches if you have a spider or a strainer like this this is what you want to use so we're gonna take a few of them here do these bigger guys with this and we're just going to gently lower these into Wales all right hear that sound that's what we're looking for then we're gonna put a few more in here don't use your hands I've done this quite a few times you want to use distance now these aren't gonna cook the whole way through you can be here for about two minutes all right and then we're gonna pull them out we're just gonna actually start them around here get a nice they're gonna not gonna be totally Brown when we take them out and that's good we just want to cook them here oh I set about a minute or two and then they're gonna be somewhat cooked through and set and then we're gonna go ahead and fry them again to get them nice and crispy first bad you already almost okay you see you see this here you see that that little skin start to form these are about a minute away from being done I mean when I say done I mean cooked so another minute at 300 degrees these will be ready to pull out and then we're just gonna put them here on this cooling rack like we put our fried chicken off because you want to get them nice and dry before we fry them again the reason we're doing this first is the potatoes take a long time to cook and the fish and shrimp and onion rings duct so always do the thing that takes the longest first when you're frying food okay then that is what we're looking for and by the way this is lined with parchment paper very high heat resistant and nonstick just gonna make your life a Howell or do you want to go to clean stuff up all right I think you guys get the basic idea here I'm just gonna speed through this footage and see you when these are finished very interested parties here as usual crazy I can't touch you right now because I have to use my hands to have to stay clean okay so our oils backups it's hemp here offering easier chips cooling down here is it out of a blonde color that's okay so next up we're gonna do our onion rings now you'll notice this flower this is the same flower that we used not to braid our chicken the other week it's the XS so what I'm gonna do is take our onion rings put them in this flower and then we're going to use this later for the shrimp but by doing the vegetables first we are not going to cross contaminate anything and that's always a good idea to do so put them in our flower and this is season salt pepper that's it take these guys up like that now a lot of people would just dump them in their oil after this don't do that because you want a nice crispy crunchy layer you see that nice little the water from the onion keeps the flour now they are going to go into our batter all right like this and then we're going to drop them into our hot oil can't do too many of these at once okay because you don't have you don't have a lot of space or giant fryer but using tongs here is your best bet because these are going to burn your fingers so you see that you see this guy here now we're gonna throw this guy and that's the sound we want to hear see this slightly this is almost like a tempura batter you may notice that and again these are 100% celiac space and poison sweetie you see how it's puffing up that's what you want and you just kind of want to see these guys as they pop up it's almost gonna look like funnel cake okay if you know what that is alright so you guys get the general idea when they float and look like puffy funnel cakes you take them out of the oil so burn through the rest of this footage and I'll see you guys for the fish all right so our onion rings are out and you can see them over there there they are they are done so you may notice they're not totally like super dark brown rice flour does not get as brown as wheat flour so you're not gonna get it to be like a mahogany color that light brown is really what you want okay those are cooked through I did our first piece of fish already just to kind of give you a reference it's that piece of tilapia and you see the crispy crunchy and how puffed up that is remember that piece of fish is only that thin right that's what we're going for now we're gonna do the rest for a fish here I've got the same flour because we did our onion rings already so we're not gonna cross contaminate anything the next thing that's gonna go in here is going to shrimp all right so we have to put a little bit of flour on here so this batter sticks into our batter like that oh also when you're doing fried chicken don't use a batter that's not a good thing to do that protein won't cook right or properly so this is our fish now I'm gonna dump this in with my hand lay it away from me like that all right when you see that that is the baking powder and the water that's in there bubbling up now only see the Krispies forming now these bubbles will die down a bit and when you see them die down then you're ready to kind of tend to it and I'm gonna use my spider here again just kind of keep this sighs all right that by the way that's water when you see that I know it went over this with fried chicken but water in hot oil do not mix together and you will burn yourself so please become here see that puffing up we're just gonna wait this is gonna be about about the same length of time that we did the first batch of fries about three three to four minutes that's it the thick of the piece of fish amazingly it doesn't really matter because for the way the protein structure looks in fish and this is kind of all it doesn't really cook from the outside in because there's really not a lot of connective tissue or fat or anything like that and there's not a lot of cellular wall it cooks almost all at the same time you ever see her a piece of fish or two none you know by the time you get a nice crust on the edge it's already cooked all the way through that's walk so fish you fry for a lot less time than you would chicken chicken I'd be doing this for about 12 to 15 minutes this fish is gonna cook through even if it's frozen when you batter it and throw it in here it's gonna take five six minutes and that's okay so I'm gonna finish this up get our other piece of fish in here put it on our rack and then we're gonna finish our fries and we are gonna be ready to eat see so proper defrosted and we peel theirs putting them right here in the flour and all we're gonna do this is the last time we're going to use this while better take these guys up and we're not gonna do anything else no batter no nothing they're just gonna go right in here and we totally cranked our oil up this is now at 350 so once we get our oil to that town these are gonna flash fry cuz he's only taking about literally 30 seconds to cook so get these out of here you see they got nice flour coating on them like that all right and we're just gonna drop them in right there so I'm doing drop them away everything goes away from me there but please use tongs or a spider below these guys you know if you have a deep fryer do that now we're gonna work in batches here but I'm gonna show you these don't you see they're almost already cooked through all right that 350-degree oil let's flash fry them and by the time they get nice and crispy on the outside they're article tumbling see that okay so you guys get the idea here wait till those little backbones of theirs they're to pop open and they're done and when I said 30 seconds you know I mean that they don't take very long so I'm going to fish them up and then I'll see you for the finish of the chips okay so I've noticed I've changed here what we're doing I've got my fries here all my other stuff is here I got my bowl here the next thing I need is my dust because this is the only season thing we're gonna put on these surprises the potential we're gonna toss them around okay it's gonna happen pretty fast it's uh power we'll see where we are 315 350 all right we're ready to go so these guys we're gonna do the same thing like we did before and remember these are already cooked through so all we really want to do is get them nice and golden and crispy so and that's the sound you want okay we can do one more round here yes and this is only gonna take maybe you know another two minutes as you see they're nice and soft and cook through and you see the scraggly bits there to see that that's what you want is that oil is gonna get in there and get them all nice and crispy enough so we're gonna let this batch go all right and pull them out and I'm gonna drain them if you have a spider or something like this it's really useful because the oil this drains right off okay and again toss them in that bowl we're done and I'll see you and do the second batch see you but about a minute you know the only season we're gonna do this is my dust mix just a pinch just like that okay now we don't want to do too heavy on the fries because they already have all that salt in [Music] and then we're ready to plate these guys up in our little chip basket over there and I will see you in two minutes when I am getting ready to eat this alright alright so we're done and I am very very happy about my malt vinegar here and my salt I'm like that not everybody does tartar sauce is there if you want it some lemon I've got our fabulous cocktail sauce here for the shrimp with the onion rings I like a nice heavy mustard but not everybody likes that either if you want to use ketchup do whatever you want these are delicious just on the road so let's let's go first for the shrimp nice impressive hmm okay I know I say this whole time but this is delicious just because you have celiac disease just because you're cooking gluten-free doesn't mean you can't taste good so mm-hmm all right mm-hmm mm-hmm okay perfect all right so my fish is cooled down now I want to show you this you push in and when we crack this open all right you see how that fish flakes apart and how juicy that is inside that is what fish and chips is supposed to look like and if you get it something in a restaurant that doesn't look like that doing it all right I feel like oh that's so good fantastic let's try it chip hmm so hard my gosh okay so these guys now you see they're nice and dark but what's this look at that inside see how fluffy and light that is that's because we did that boiling stuff first mmm that's really good Gracie yeah daddy did good okay thank you guys so much for tuning in I hope you loved this episode and I swear you're gonna love this one more than usual have a wonderful wonderful rest [Music]
Channel: From Scratch : With Love
Views: 17,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gluten-Free, Celiac Safe, Celiac Friendly, Professional home cooking, professional chef, howto, fried fish, onion rings, Chips, Fries, better than Gordon Ramsay, better than Jamie Oliver, Food Network, I should be on Food Network, Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay, the best fish and chips, labrador retriever, black lab, scratch cooking, cooking with love, better than any fish & chips you've seen on youtube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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