How To Make Easy Cured Egg Yolks

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I know this is weird I understand but you really gotta trust me on this one because this is one of those food things you're not so sure about but then you try it and then it blows your mind yeah it's like that egg yolks I know they sounds super weird I believe one of the messages I got on Instagram all my stories was you know what the [ __ ] is this it's very strange but I'm telling you this thing adds a savory slightly umami like just flavorful depth to everything that you put it on but the best part about it is because it's an egg yolk it can still emulsify so the beauty is it's it's hard it's solidified you've already seen it a little bit so you can grade it you can slice it you can crumble it but I would recommend grading and pretty much almost every scenario cured egg yolks can be used as a condiment for literally pretty pretty much everything maybe not dessert but first we're gonna talk about how to make this stuff so let's do that shall we okay so one of the other cool things about cure to egg yokes is that you can flavor them however you like you can mix whatever aromatics you want with the cure and it'll taste like that pink stuff like fresh herbs whole toasted spices if you have the cash I'm sure some truffle would go nicely in here but you don't have to be bougie like that I went with one tablespoon or four grams of coriander seeds 1 tablespoon or four grams of pink peppercorns one teaspoon or two grams of Szechuan peppercorns one teaspoon or two grams of black peppercorns 4 bay leaves and a third a cup or nine grams of dried chanterelle mushrooms i toasted everything - the bay leaves in the dried chanterelles then let the spices cool and then whatever whole spices you end up using including you know dried mushrooms and stuff like that you're gonna want to blend all of that into a fine powder you know if you choose our aromatics like fresh herbs or citrus peel don't really blend super well then you can just finely chop those no big deal but you do want the process enough so that they flavor deeply and evenly then you're gonna mix your aromatics with two cups or 316 grams of kosher salt and one cup or 220 grams of granulated sugar now the sugar isn't really there for sweetness the sugar is there to help hone down the saltiness of it all then whisk that together till evenly incorporated and spread half of that cure mixture into a baking pan like a brownie pan or a shallow half hotel pan I did not steal this from the restaurant I work out I swear make sure that it totally coats the bottom then make six equally spaced apart small indentations in the cure making sure not to go all the way to the bottom of the pan you need to make sure that the cure coats every inch of the egg yolk that means that if you make an indentation all the way to the bottom of the pan it's not gonna cure properly so be careful with that then separate and carefully place an egg yolk in each indentation without breaking it which by the way if you're one of those people that has a tough time getting egg yolk separated without breaking the yolks I would recommend cracking them gently into a bowl first and then separating them out with your hands then gently cover each egg yolk in a mound of cure until all the yolks are completely covered and you've used all the cure then wrap them in plastic wrap or beeswax for a more eco-friendly version that's right on paying attention and let them cure in the fridge for four to six days until firm and handleable you know without them being like smear bowl or too squishy mine went for about five days and on the fourth day I actually ended up adding just a little bit more cure just because these yolks cause the Cure to absorb a little more liquid than usual so you might have to do that but more likely than not you won't now once your yolks are cured take them out of the cure and then rinse them off under cold water just to get most of the Cure off the surface don't rub them too aggressively then gently dry them on a paper towel now this next part can be done in an oven but I would really recommend doing them in a dehydrator now really quickly I just want to say that I got this early release dehydrator as a gift from broaden tailor you guys you guys that have been with me know that I've promoted their bread proofer you know as my fermentation station for over a year without them even really knowing and thanks to some helpful people mainly Nick Roberts you know who you are they caught wind of that and they sent me this early release state-of-the-art Sahara foldable dehydrator and I got to be honest I'm completely blown away by it you know you just open this thing up unfold it place the top on put your racks in and boom it's a dehydration time key word is that this thing is a beast and it folds dude the link for this puppy will be in my description so you already know anyway take your cured egg yolks and then dehydrate them in a hundred and forty degrees Fahrenheit or sixty degrees Celsius for two hours now worst case scenario you know if you really just don't want to get a dehydrate you don't have one then you can absolutely use your oven by turning it to 140 degrees Fahrenheit or 6 degrees Celsius or its lowest possible setting and then placing your yolks on a wire rack and then on the racks inside of the oven and you should be okay once your yolks are dehydrated let them cool to room temperature and then use them on everything I personally love to just grate this stuff you know as if it was a real nice cheese it's perfect on pasta here I made some pasta alla olio and grated a generous amount of the cured egg yolk on top this is really a perfect example of why this stuff is so great because as soon as the yolk mixes with the hot pasta it immediately rehydrates and emulsifies with the sauce making it a creamier more deeply flavored whatever you made sort of in a similar way to carbonara you know you can see that I'm really enjoying it here holy [ __ ] but it also goes great on cold stuff you know I graded it on top of this avocado toast and you know I know I'm gonna get haters for this but I'm all about the avocado toast life all right even if it affects your ability to buy a home you can also break it up or slice it out of two salads like this issue on cucumber salad that I made with my chili oil and yeah you know I think you get the point it's it's a condiment so that's it now you can cure your own egg yolks but first let's cure your B roll [Music] alright guys and that is it so cured egg yolks hopefully your convert by now I would really recommend trying these especially if you have a dehydrator which speaking of just just again a huge thank you to broaden Taylor who sent this thing out to me I have always promoted them completely without them even knowing is unbiased as I can make it because I work professionally with dehydrators at a restaurant and also this is well arguably better than the one that we use I hope that you make this is super easy to make very hands-off and it is endlessly rewarding so if you do make this please be sure to send to me on Instagram Twitter whatever all the social media just send it to me because I love to see what you guys are making and if you aren't already following me you know what to do go click the links below but anyway if you enjoyed this video where you learn something I still haven't picked one I'm sorry I still haven't picked a proper outro sentence everybody really liked we're done and then the black screen but that just seems that just seems to mean ok I appreciate you guys too much too much to be that mean about it ok so I will see you in the next video don't like that don't like that one okay bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,269,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: egg recipes, cured egg yolks, how to cure egg yolks, egg yolk recipe, what to do with egg yolks, homemade cured egg yolks, what are cured egg yolks, charcuterie, joshua weissman, youtube cooking series, youtube recipes, salt cured egg yolks, sat bawl pro, josh weissman, egg, condiments, how to make cured eggs, making cured eggs, how to make cured egg yolks, making cured egg yolks
Id: a-F-WSRTzC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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