Bourbon Made From Supermarket Ingredients?

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this week I set myself a challenge to go to the supermarket and pick up all of the ingredients I would need to make a bourbon and I have to say guys it's uh it's really not bad and with some more time it's only going to get better how's it going Chase's I hope you're having a kick-ass week I'm Jesse and this is still it Dylan this is a bourbon I made entirely well almost I had to cheat slightly from Supermarket ingredients and team that is legitimately pretty damn decent it's only been on Oak for five days but man I'm telling you if you give this six months or something it's not gonna be half bad at all obviously I've already made this and I'm not going to give you tasting notes because that would just give things away we don't want any spoilers just yet so what we need to do is go back in time to the point where I knew that I needed to make this but I had no idea how to do it I was in the car on the way to the supermarket so uh obviously this is not the kind of video that I can complete standing in the shed so I'm gonna go hit the local supermarket see what we can find to be honest I haven't really planned this so we're uh you know we're shooting from the hip on this one guys let's go see what we can work out all right team obviously the number one thing we need is corn I mean 51 pork right because we're doing this so properly uh but this is the one thing I've actually planned I need to find the breakfast cereal aisle all right we're in the right spot we need bam this is what we're after uh now obviously this is not pure corn there's gonna be something extra in it let's have a look yeah well let's face it we're uh gonna be slumming this and it isn't going to be pure ingredients I don't think uh so I honestly I'm just gonna have a quick look through these ingredients finds the bag that has the most amount of corn for the least amount of money uh with the least amount of crap um bunk there we go that is four kilograms of corn now we need to find some wheat to me why Bridge what did I think of this before wait and uh there's obviously a thing called rye bread unfortunately it's not very popular here in New Zealand and this is literally the only option I have in the entire Supermarket by the look of it so uh I guess we use hello for that and see what else we can find after walking around looking for cooked wheat for about 20 minutes uh the cornflakes is right there this is where it was at the very beginning I've just realized with all of the info audience ready and it just it's time to head back to the shed where I have 30 liters of water in a dirty great big pot heated and ready at 76 degrees Celsius now I'm using what is essentially a giant pot shaped sieve inside my pot to keep all of the goopy stuff off the electric elements to make sure nothing Burns so with that in place I can start adding all of the ingredients we talked about and bought at the supermarket into the water as soon as I can actually touch it and see it and smell it and taste it in person I changed the plan slightly from what I made at the supermarket and I ended up with four kilograms of corn flakes 1.5 kilograms of weet-bix and one loaf of rye bread once you've got all of your ingredients into the water if you have spare room in the pot I'd suggest topping it up a little bit because it is going to be very thick at this point in time okay it is time to do three things number one make my wife's year number two solidify my position as a grumpy ass Scrooge and number three thank today's sponsor manscaped here's the deal my wife has always wanted to decorate my beard and what have I always told you no hell no but thanks to manscaped it's going to go down like this I am going to attempt to do this ad read and you get to decorate my beard until I'm done she's collecting things I don't like this are you ready oh my God there's a horse in my ear manscape offer a range of Kick-Ass Men's Grooming products you can get the full experience with the performance packet the the performance package 4.0 was that Glitter holy sh all the perfect tools for your family jewels this is the lawnmower 4.0 and it is the star of the show as you can see it has a little LED light for trimming in all situations it's waterproof ow and has ceramic and his ceramic blades to keep your skin safe and cut down on Nicks and scratches this is the weed whacker for trimming your nose and ears I don't have the ear problem but I definitely need it for the noses and honestly guys this sort of thing you have no idea how much you need it until you have one so if you have a dude in your life or you just need it for yourself go to today and get 20 off and free international shipping when you use the code stuff what did he just put in my ear there's a candy cane in my ear sorry the code is still it your jingle balls well thank me later excuse me I need to cut my beard off that grew back quick anyway back to the supermarket bourbon at this point in time I cheated a little bit there's one ingredient that I could not figure out how to get from the supermarket and that is enzymes I even jumped on Google and searched three or four other supermarkets in the nearby area for possible answers if you want to stick to the supermarket theme 100 I'm going to put a link in the description down below to bearded and Boards video where he took supermarkets barley and malted it and then use that to brew with you could totally use that technique and you know use that malt for enzymes I didn't have time so I didn't do it because I'm a copy out and a cheat what I did is use some packaged Alpha amylase enzymes that work between 60 and 75 degrees Celsius you can probably pick this up at damn near any Brewing store very easy to find so sprinkle the prescribed dosage of enzymes into the pot and you will notice it damn near instantly thin out check again that the temperature is between 60 and 75 degrees Celsius assuming you're using the same temperature range enzymes as me cover it and insulate it note that the cheeky assistant is optional after one hour pop the top give it a good stir and it is time to add in some gluco amylase now this stuff you actually can get from the supermarket especially if you're in America you can find a little thing called bino and use that unfortunately here in New Zealand we don't really have the stuff so I had to use this this is going to make sure that the yeast actually is able to eat everything pop it on in cover it up and let it sit for another two hours now it's time to separate the chunky stuff from the liquid for me that's pretty easy I just hoist up that giant sieve pot thing I was talking about earlier on let it sit for two hours but this stuff is super super freaking goopy so I basically had to work it through after two hours almost like working um gravy through a sieve this leaves me with 20 liters at 1.061 gravity which can go straight on into the fermenter at which point I realize that I didn't buy any yeast luckily I have what I am convinced as the best Foursquare on the face of the planets just down the road for me so I can shoot down there and even better these guys generally carry 500 gram blocks of Angel baker's yeast which is my favorite baker's yeast to use for distilling honestly guys there are thousands of different Baker's yeasts out there yes some of them are better for distilling than others if you're going to go full on you know just do this from the supermarket get where you can get at your Supermarket check that your wash is definitely under 30 degrees Celsius I like to ferment it at 25 degrees Celsius pitch the yeast I used 50 grams into the fermenter seal it up and forget about it for at least seven days when fermentation is totally finished and everything starts settling out towards the bottom it's time for distillation to distill this I'm going to use a single distillation but utilize two bubble plates so this is kind of akin to somewhere between two and three times distillation if you're talking about you know standard pot Stills I collected 85 mils of four shots ditched those and then collected 1.2 liters of heads put those into the faints bucket and collected Hearts all the way down until I thought I was hitting Tails quick note here guys is that a very very intense corn flake weet-bix and a slight bit of bread note came out just before the Tails so just be careful to catch that and keep it in the heads and ditch the tails before you get to the full-on wet dog the hearts will proof down to 60 ABV put into a glass jar and I added one charred Oak spiral generally I don't use Oak spirals but we are lucky enough to be able to pick them up here at supermarkets and at Bulk Food Stores sometimes alternatively depending on where you are you may be able to pick up X bourbon barrels for smoking so I finished that process a couple of days ago it's been sitting for a couple of days and obviously there is a buttload of wood in it so it is with something it is getting you know quite dark quite quick remember guys it's always going to look darker you know in a large volume like that so yes it is dark but it's not crazy Dark Yet I am going to in fact I'm going to do it right now oh man how am I going to do this oh you son of a [Laughter] I'm going to take half of this Oak out because I knew that I was putting heaps in there but to be fair I wanted to kind of crank in some flavor uh ASAP obviously this is Oak flavor it's not age and now I'm going to take out most of that Oak so it can actually start to um age a little bit longer without you know over opening and getting bitter and tannic and all that sort of jazz but that's really good honestly it's almost disappointing so often you put so much time and effort into these kinds of things doing them the right way and yeah to be honest normally the right way does end up better than this but I don't know man this is getting you like 75 percent of the way there to be fair the biggest boldest flavors right now are the oak that's fine and this kind of thing I like it to be big bold and Oaky anyway but here's the thing guys is that the actual ingredients are almost holding their own it tastes like a heavily oaked bourbon with a hint of corn flake and weet bits the Rye is disappearing into the mix a little bit I'm not quite sure where to pick it up but to be honest with a bourbon like this that's kind of how that's going to happen it's not a high Rye bourbon I'm not expecting to get a huge amount of Rye flavor you know thumping me over the head the Corn Flakes and the weet-bix are the interesting thing so as it came off the still especially right down deep into the tails the Corn Flakes and the weet bits came off very very strong and I was slightly worried because it smelt and tasted like corn flakes or weet-bix or actually a mix of both which makes it even worse that have sat in the bowl so long that the milk has disappeared and it's just turned into one solid like amorphous blob of old nasty cereal that smell like when you scoop it into the rubbish bin or out for the birds or whatever that was the smell that was coming off but now that it's got some wood sugar cranked in there with it and that deep dark bold you know High Char Bourbon Barrel flavor coming through as well that's almost um almost like dark berries in some ways you put that back with the grain and it turns back into it turns back into fresh corn flakes and wheat fix I don't know maybe it's not the wood maybe it's just it's had some time to chill and meld with the other flavors that came off the still at the different times but I can 100 but I can 100 smell fresh corn flakes and fresh weet-bix in there which is cool and it strangely doesn't seem out of place and it is a huge thank you to the patreons thank you so much patreons your ongoing support is what gives me the uh the ability I was going to say the courage but that's ridiculous to do silly ass things like this uh and just give it a nudge see if people are interested in it if it doesn't work out it's not a problem they keep moving on so thank you guys I I really appreciate it so what I was going to say before is that yes uh Corn Flakes and wheat but really do taste different to the corn and wheat that you would normally smell in the bourbon it's adjacent to it it's similar to it but it is literally Corn Flakes that's so weird I thought I was just going to cram Oak into it kind of get a result be able to tell you what it tasted like and say and this is all going into faints bucket uh but no it's it's done a really good job I'm not sure if I've ever seen anyone do Corn Flakes weet-bix and bread before but I know these people out there that make you know bourbon from Corn Flakes and stuff like that so I guess I shouldn't have been so prejudiced against this experiment before uh before running it so there you go listen learned if you've enjoyed this video guys I would really appreciate it if you gave it a thumbs up that helps me out so much it really does and it's free for you you know what else is free hitting the Subscribe button down below and the notification Bell so you get more videos like this popping up in your feed if that's what you're into and and okay so next time guys keep on Chasing The Craft see ya
Channel: Still It
Views: 146,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supermarket bourbon, Bourbon, whiskey, home made whiskey, distilling, home maade bourbon, still it, Jesse, chase the craft, CTC
Id: vhpPZsYSndQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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