How to Make Natural Perfume at Home (Made Easy) #IncensePerfume

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today I'm going to teach you how to make an all-natural perfume and this style of video these kind of tutorials are designed for beginners at home where you don't need to purchase an expensive scale I'm just going to tell you how to do it in drops very very simple we're going to kind of follow the basic format that mandaf tell lays out in some of her books it's a very simple method like I say drops instead of weight and that way it doesn't over complicate things for people at home that just want to get into blending a little bit of perfume as a hobby out of their own personal interest not in terms of setting up their own brand like I have done but you know something fun to do at home by yourself for your own pleasure and for your own satisfaction and yeah this is a good way to get into it so in today's video we're going to be looking at 100 natural perfumery this is something that's been recommended that I um do a video on so here we are the first video I'm going to teach you how to do the basics of an incense based fragrance and then I'll also give you kind of some tips of how to kind of alter that into an Amber perfume if you want to do mixed media by all means throw in some synthetics this one is going to be a natural based for anyone new to the channel my name is Peter this channel mostly reviews perfumes I'm a perfume reviewer I am also a self-taught perfumer i launched my own brand three years ago called Centauri perfumes I have a range of a handful of perfumes that are Handmade by myself I do everything from start to finish I blend them I create the concepts I bottle them up I post them to you if you'd like like to support my business and brand feel free to check them out at there's a link in the description if you find this video helpful and you want to contribute or support in another way you can buy me a coffee the link is tagged in the comments and in the description and that way it's essentially like leaving a tip so like a street musician that's playing guitar on the street and you give a few pounds essentially exactly the same thing if you find this tutorial helpful and you appreciate it feel free to buy me a coffee and I will appreciate it thank you so yeah here we go this is my perfume table what you'll need for this obviously is the very Basics you'll need a glass Beaker we're going to blend in the beaker if you want to blend straight into the perfume bottle that's fine too no harm done so do that if you want to probably if you're doing this at home you'll need plastic pipettes you can find these on Amazon and places online I'm not going to tell you where to buy them from so to speak they're very easy to find recently I've changed my perfumers table I've transferred my most commonly used oils into these bottles that have droppers built into the lid because I was a little bit mortified about how many plastic pipettes I was getting through and throwing away and I feel bad about plastic waste when I'm using so much of it so I try to not use as many and to use these kind of bottles for me personally because I blend so much and this is my career this is my job yeah I've switched to these recently just so I have a little bit less waste at home as a hobby get yourself some pets I'll explain what we're gonna do if you want a more comprehensive video on how to make perfume from start to finish I did a video a couple of years ago that is really a lot more in depth from the beginning so I'm presuming anyone watching this is maybe a little bit more along the line of complete beginner if you are complete complete beginner and you've never done anything before go watch that video go first because I go into a lot more detail and it will give you a really good fundamental of a starting point this is building on that essentially all the materials I'm recommending for this formula are easily purchased online for individuals if you're in America I'm not affiliated with any of these in terms of I don't get anything from recommending them so to speak um it's just companies I use myself like perfumer's Apprentice if you're in America very handy they sell a lot of materials and you can get the materials that we're using in this formula there or places like Eden Botanicals is another one I use in America I'm saying America because a lot of my audience is American I'm in the UK a little bit more difficult to get quality oils in the UK I tend to import a lot of mine so this formula you might have to go out and purchase some materials if you don't have them um I'm presuming that if you're watching this you probably have a few oils laying around already and if you don't then you can get small quantities of these for relatively inexpensive and the more expensive materials you can get the the small sample size kind of vials of these where you're not spending a load of money you can just you know get a a little sample a small amount I will try to leave some links in the description again I'm not affiliated with any of them they're not affiliate links they're literally just companies I use myself if you're in the UK I'll leave you um where to where you can pick up perfumers alcohol if you're in America I'll try to do the same I'll try to link where you can buy the oils that I'm using and so you can get decent quality oils I don't recommend really buying you know essential oils and things on places like Amazon because you don't really know the quality that you're getting so the links that I'll leave leave you know you're getting good quality and when you have good quality you'll smell better perfume and so yeah I'll leave some links again not affiliated like I say in this video I'm trying to do it in the most basic simplistic way possible for you at home so it doesn't over complicate things please keep in mind that this is simply a method that you can alter and change to suit your own personal taste I'm giving you a formula and giving you a method and giving you some principles to work by and then it's up to you if you want to follow it exactly or you can alter it to your own taste you can do experiments around it once you built it the first time you can build it a second time and then start experimenting with changes so I'm just giving you a basic method a basic formula for then you to be able to expand upon that and I'll give you some advice around that too so we'll get into it with the formula and kind of what materials you'll need again we're doing a an incense based fragrance you're going to rely on residents primarily and incense Accord at the very simplest level is a combination of myrrh and frankincense we're going to expand upon that we're going to use another resin called labdanum labdenum will give a thicker deeper slightly more sweetened base is also longer lasting than mer typically and sorry it will help with longevity so we're going to combine labdenum mer and frankincense as the core resins of the incense Accord the frankincense is what's going to give you that churchy-like incense so if you go into church and they're wafting incenses around typically what you're going to get the most hit of is frankincense so if you want a more Church style incense consider adding more frankincense in incense Accords you have to introduce a smoke note we're not going to do that in this video some examples of what you could add to introduce a smoke note would be things like Cade or rectified Birch Tar this is going to be a more natural incense rather than something that smells Smoky but like I say you need to introduce the smoke note or a smoke a chord into making a smoky kind of perfume we're not doing it that way in this particular one but you can add it as an option if you want to I would recommend if you're using something like Cade or rectified Birch star to dilute it to about one percent in alcohol because it is nuclear it will destroy your perfume with the single drop make sure it's diluted at least to one percent and go drop by drop because it's very very strong even at one percent um just as a warning okay so once we've got the resins and we're going to blend this in a second but I want to go over the materials first I try to introduce a wood into an incensor cord typically if you think about an incense stick burning it's burning on an actual stick made of wood so it's not just the aroma of whatever compounds are wrapped around it is the wood itself and so I think adding some Woody material is is a good thing for an incensor cord I'd like to use something like a Texas Cedarwood oil because Texas cedar you can also use Virginian Cedar but it has a more of a grainy wood like chopped logs kind of smell a little bit like pencil shavings you get that chopped grainy texture a little bit of that in an incentive cord works really nicely if you want to you could do something like Sandalwood if you don't want the granier chord but you still want to add some kind of Woody texture you could try something like oak wood which is more smooth just some examples for you again you can change this to your own personal taste you can experiment around I'm just giving you a method the next thing that you can add is a little bit of spice and for incense Accord something like Pink Pepper or black pepper works very nicely in this formula I'm gonna use Pink Pepper and yeah when you burn natural incense you can get at the the charcoal blocks and you pour resins usually my frankincense there's usually dried petals like a little bit of dried crispy rose petal in there sometimes you get little bits of crap black pepper and Pink Pepper so these are the kinds of things that you burn as actual incense when you're doing it the more traditional way rather than a stick and so we're going to incorporate a little bit of spice a little bit of Pink Pepper in this one like I say if you want to use a different spice by all means give it a try we're going to use a little bit of a floral in this like I say when you burn more traditional style incense on charcoal blocks or in a burner there's quite often little bits of dried petal in there we're going to use a couple of drops of Rose absolutes now if you don't have Rose you don't have to add it in it's it's optional and it will really only give a very subtle nuanciness and the amount that we're going to add and so like I say you don't have to add it but in this one we're going to use just a little bit as a Nuance like I say you don't have to spend loads of money you can get small quantities of these things even a rose absolute you can just buy a sample vial which has got a few drops in from places like Eden Botanicals that way you can just suck up with the pipette and just literally use a couple of drops and then you're not spending loads of money on you know more expensive oils like rose but it's a good way to get a feel for you know what it does in a blend so I think that's a good way to start as a beginner or a little bit more than a beginner to start experimenting without spending too much money and lastly we're going to introduce a little bit of sweetness with this being 100 natural perfume you could use vanillin because vanillin you can buy both synthetic vanillin and naturally derived vanillin so if you want to use the natural vanillin you can in this one we're going to use something a little bit more expensive we're going to use a vanilla absolute again you can buy it in smaller quantities so it doesn't cost you a fortune because Madagascar and vanilla absolutely does what I'm going to be using is pretty expensive to be honest but we're only using a little a bit just to provide a slightly additional sweetness to the resin in the base real vanilla absolute is lacking the same kind of sweetness that vanillin has it's a little bit more Woody balsamic resonance in itself but it does provide a little bit of additional Sweetness in the base it's up to you what kind of vanilla you want to use we're going to start in the Mandy aftel style way and she recommends eight milliliters of alcohol first of all and then we're going to do 33 drops of a formula which I have um already prepared for you so now I'm going to add eight mL of alcohol to this Beaker and we'll begin with the formula so I've just added eight mil of perfumerous alcohol into the beaker and we're going to start with lab denim um my lab denim is diluted to 50 it's quite thick if you buy it neat I dilute it myself in alcohol I buy it for strength so to speak and then dilute it myself to 50 you can buy it 50 though perfumer's Apprentice in America they sell it at lab Dynamat salute in 50 dilution and alcohol which is perfect I would recommend that you buy in 50 as someone at home it's just a lot easier and less messy for you as a beginner at home rather than having to you know dilute things yourself because then you have to get into buying scales and doing it accurately with weight so I would recommend that you buy this uh 50 dilution like I say everything that I'm suggesting here you can buy easily on places like perfumers Apprentice or Eden Botanicals places like this or wherever you want to buy your perfume materials from if you're in Europe I I like to use a company called Hermitage oils so the first part of the formula requires five drops of 50 lab denim so obviously mine I don't have to use a pipette because mine's built into the light one two three four five drops of labdenum fifty percent into the alcohol and then we're gonna do eight drops of Mer essential oil this is not diluted it's just mer essential oil one two three four five six seven eight eight drops mer essential oil then we're gonna add our frankincense there's different kinds of Frankincense particular one I'm using is from Somalia and purchased from Eden Botanicals and this one I am also using eight drops of Frankincense so the mer and the frankincense I've balanced evenly for this one like I say if you want a bit more of a churchy incense use more frankincense one two three four five six seven eight drops of Frankincense and there you go that will give you a very very basic incense Accord which smells very nice already we're going to move on and we're going to put in the wood next which for me is a Texas Cedarwood oil which is here and so we're going to add just four drops of Texas cedar like I say if you want to use Virginian cedar or something like Oakwood by all means try something different I'm going to be using Texas cedar because I like the smell I like the grain that it has and uh one two three four that will give you just a little bit of a Woody backbone to the instant which I think is a good thing so we'll give that a swell smelling good okay we're going to add a little bit of spice we're going to add a couple of drops of Pink Pepper and when I say a couple of drops I literally mean two so two drops of Pink Pepper one two that's all we need Pink Pepper has a cooling kind of fresh spice to it which works very well in incense something else that I like to do now and again with incentives using something like a juniper berry because juniper berry has again a little bit different to using something like cedo this is more more Piney like nuances a little bit more green a little bit more fresh slightly spiced juniper berry is a nice option also the next we're going to use a little bit of the floral which in our case is a Bulgarian Rose absolute again just buy a small quantity Rose absolute's pretty expensive you don't have to add it into this formula it's not completely necessary this will give you a Nuance which is nice um so yeah I'm gonna add two drops of Bulgarian Rose absolute and like I say a lot of incense when you burn them traditionally will have dried petals crunched up into them mixed in with the resins and spices and a common one is dried rose petals so two drops of Rose will just give a little Nuance it's not going to smell like a Rosy perfume it's it's nuanced so this is smelling very nice and lastly we're going to use the vanilla absolute if you want to use vanillin for this it will come in like a kind of plastic container like this something similar and like I say you can buy a natural vanillin or you can buy the synthetic vanillin so it's up to you what kind of sweetness you want to add if you want to add it you don't have to add vanilla to this at all if you want to add something else then Personal Taste that's where perfumer's nose comes in blend it to your own taste to your own satisfaction what makes you feel oh yeah I like that so for me I'm going to use vanilla absolute for this vanilla absolute like I said is less sweet than vanillin it's more balsamic it's more resonancy but it's got that lovely deep slightly more Woody kind of sweetness which I think is nice and I think will smell really good in this incense fragrance so we're gonna add four drops of vanilla absolute um so yeah and this will finish it off if you want it like less sweet obviously use less but one two three four this will provide just a nice warm sweetness as it dries down mixing with those resins like lab denim the vanilla will just help that and smell really quite lovely and there we go that is a basic or slightly more than a basic but a nice incense Accord nice incense perfume you can bottle that up straight away you can pour it into a bottle and this is the finished perfume this creates 10 mil so if you want to do obviously a 30 mil times it by three if you want to do 50 ml times it by five if you want to do 100 Mil times it by 10 so you know I'll leave that all in description so you don't have to work it out yourself I'll I'll just do it quickly for you just check the description in the comments yeah so that's ready to bottle you can wear it straight away and this will give you a lovely natural 100 natural incense perfume that smells very nice this is a good starting point to make at home like I say you can you can add to this you can add more spice you can add more Woody notes you can add more frankincense you can go to town it really does depend on your own taste your own knows what you like if you want it a little bit sweeter you could add vanillin if you want it less sweet you can remove the vanilla completely and so that's the basics of making an incense perfume and for just going over briefly if you wanted to make this more of an Amber based perfume instead of an incense perfume really you want to be sticking with lab Denim and vanilla first of all that gives you the core of an Amber perfume then you can build on it with other resins like benzoin or myrrh and create a more complex Amber you can introduce things like sandalwood and musks and things like that to to kind of fill it out but really you want to avoid adding frankincense really to an Amber perfume and stick with more the core of labdanum and vanilla and then build it out from there avoiding the things that will turn it into an incense perfume mainly things like frankincense hope you enjoyed the tutorial if you found this helpful and you enjoyed it please feel free to buy me a coffee and support us leaving a tip if you want to it helps the channel and it helps the cost of of using my oils in these kinds of tutorial oils and if you want to check out my own brand it's sent toy perfumes you can check the link in the description if you want to get some samples I also have a stockist in America called lucky Center if you want to check them out they sell samples and four bottles I've got two stockists in Europe one in Spain one in Belgium hope you enjoyed the video and yeah feel free to give this a shot if you want to make an incense perfume at home by yourself this is this is a good way to do it and you'll have a beautiful smelling natural perfume if you don't want to use alcohol in a perfume and you want more of a roll-on based on oil I'll leave some information in the description below for that oh it's very simple we just switched the alcohol for an alternative if you want more information just check the description I'll have written quite a bit of detail in there Tech everyone and I'll see you soon with some more videos stay blessed bye one time he disappeared for two or three days when he came back they asked him where he'd been and he said oh just sailing [Music]
Channel: FragranceView
Views: 13,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FragranceView, Fragrance Review, Cologne, Fragrance, Perfume, Niche, Designer, Reviews, Top 10 fragrances, top 10, best fragrances, greatest fragrances, best colognes, niche fragrance, How to make perfume, how to make perfume start to finish, how to make perfume made easy, how to make natural perfume, how to make all natural perfume, natural perfumery, how to make natural perfume at home, how to, made simple
Id: n0KCblSVME4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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