How to make delicious Oyakodon (Japanese chicken and egg rice bowl). Step-by-step guide.

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Hi everyone. it's Kunihiro. Thank you for  coming back to my kitchen. Today I'm going   to show you how to make oyakodon. Oyakodon is  a Japanese rice bowl dish made by simmering   chicken, egg, and onions in sweet soy-based  broth then served on top of steamed rice   it's very delicious and easy to make  so let me show you how to make it. so these are today's ingredients. By the way,  today's recipe is for two to three people.   So I have a half onion two green onions 4 large  eggs 600 grams of a bone-in chicken thighs and   40 milliliters of sake. I'm using this sake  during chicken preparation and when making   oyakodon I recommend using thigh meat because it's  the most tender and flavorful part of the chicken.   And for the broth, I have 120 milliliters of Dashi  120 milliliters of mirin, and 60 milliliters   of soy sauce if you don't have time to make Dashi  from scratch you can use instant Dash powder   in that case you need 120 milliliters of water  and a half teaspoon of instant Dashi powder.   And please make sure to take eggs out of the  fridge 20 minutes before cooking and bring   them back to room temperature. Those eggs will  cook faster in the broth and become very fluffy.   I forgot to show you but you need steamed  rice since oyakodon is a rice bowl dish   so please start cooking rice before anything. alright, let me start with  the chicken preparation.   the first thing I do is debone the chicken.  First please identify where the bone is   then make initial incisions at the center of the  bone to expose it then detach the meat from the   left side of the bone by making shallow Cuts  with the tip of your knife please make sure to   run the knife along the bone at this time I'm  slightly pressing the blade against the bone and once this much bone is exposed rotate  the chicken and do the same to the other side   carefully detach the meat from the left  side of the bone with the tip of your knife then slide the blade along the  bone while pressing against it   and once this much bone is exposed  Slide the blade underneath the bone   and detach one end now stand the bone up and cut  and disconnect another end of the bone and you'll always find a cartilage  here so please cut it off and make sure there are no small bones left.  Please remove bloodlines if you find them. And finally cut off excess skin. okay that's it so that's how I  debone and clean up a chicken thigh and after cleaning all the chicken cut  them into bite size pieces please don't   cut them too small at this time because the  chicken will shrink a little once cooked after cutting all the chicken  into bite-sized pieces, pour 40   milliliters of sake over the  chicken and rub it in gently and let it rest for 20 minutes the  chicken will absorb sake and the   alcohol contained in sake will soften  the meat and reduce the chicken smell   so while waiting for the chicken  let's prepare other ingredients   first please cut the onion lengthwise  the thickness is about 5 millimeters then separate the layers so that  they will cook faster in the broth okay, onion is done. the next one is  green onions cut off the end first and cut it diagonally. By cutting this way you can give your oyakodon a more authentic look green onions done. okay the next one is the  eggs first break all the eggs into a bowl then beat the eggs with chopsticks but  at this time please don't mix it too much okay this much as you can see egg white and yolk  are not completely mixed but this is perfect this   egg will give the final product a beautiful color  gradation also different textures and flavors alright 20 minutes have passed so I'm back to the  chicken please get some paper towels and dry the   chicken in The Next Step we'll Grill this chicken  until it gets brown but if the chicken is wet you   can't brown it nicely so it's very important to  remove excess moisture at this time. Alright, the chicken is done. now that we are done with all the  preparations let's start cooking   by the way I'm using an 11.5 inch pan this is a  good size for cooking oyakodon for two to three people   however if you want to cook only for  one person I recommend an 8 inch pan   in that case please prepare half  the ingredients of today's recipe first please add one tablespoon  of vegetable oil to the frying pan and put all the chicken pieces on the  skin side facing down in the frying pan turn the heat to low grilling  the chicken slowly until the   skin becomes golden brown this way you  can bring the best flavor out of the   chicken also the chicken will not shrink  much and stay tender by grilling slowly after cooking for a few minutes once  you start to hear the sizzling sound   please press the chicken pieces against the  frying pan it helps brown the skin evenly   and wipe off excess oil with a paper towel from  time to time to keep the oil from splattering it's been 8 minutes please check  how much the Skin's cooked once   it's getting there but not enough  so let me cook for two more minutes   okay it's been 10 minutes let me check again  it looks great the skin became golden brown so let me take it out and put it aside at  this stage we don't cook the chicken entirely   at this point the chicken is 80 percent cooked and we  will cook the remaining 20 percent in a later step Once you remove all the chicken,please turn off the heat once now your chicken should look like this brown  on the skin side and the other side is uncooked next please wipe off excess oil with a paper towel   but don't wash the pan because lots of chicken's  umami is still in it we don't want to waste it okay this much is good now put sliced onion in the  pan please make sure to spread them out like this   then add a dashi mirin and soy sauce if  you are using instant dashi powder please add   water and dust powder at this time then turn  on the heat to medium and bring it to a boil   please make sure to submerge all the onion  slices in the broth so that they will cook evenly after cooking the onion in the broth  for 4 minutes turn the heat to low then add the chicken pieces into the frying pan please don't waste the chicken  juice left on the plate at this point make sure the uncook  the side of the chicken is facing down   and we are going to simmer it for 2  minutes until the chicken is fully cooked it's after 2 minutes of simmering  the chicken is now fully cooked now add green onions always add green onion  at the end because they cook very fast And turn up the heat to medium. and less than one minute later when it  starts boiling like this we are adding eggs   so first we are adding two third of the beating eggs try to make a circle when you're adding it this much and let it cook on  medium heat for 30 seconds   30 seconds later when the egg sets a  little please turn down the heat to   Low by cooking on low heat the egg becomes  very fluffy and give it a light mix like this that's it then you don't have to touch  it anymore just let it cook for a minute   if the frying pan is not heated  evenly you can move it around and one minute later when the egg sets this much  we are adding remaining beating egg into the pan   by adding a second layer of  egg it becomes even more fluffy   plus you can enjoy different  textures of the egg when eating it and we are going to simmer it  for one more minute. this time you don't have to touch  it at all all you have to do is move   the frying pan around and make  sure the egg is heated evenly and one minute later please turn off the  heat and let it rest for one minute to let   the flavors blend and it's done the remaining  heat will cook the egg a little more so please   turn off the heat a little before you prefered  doneness. now let's complete oyakodon first   get the big bowl of steamed rice then  scoop this out with a spatula carefully and put it over the rice   I highly recommend using a spatula so that you  won't mess up the beautiful appearance of the egg and in the end, scoop some broth with  a spoon and pour it over oyakodon. and your oyakodon is done soft and fluffy egg and brown on the chicken  make your oyakodon look very appetizing   all right so that's it for today I hope you  enjoyed watching today's video so if you did   please hit the like button and leave a comment  below and don't forget to try my recipe at home   I guarantee you can surprise your  friends and family with this oyakodon   so thanks so much for watching and I will  see you soon in my next video bye-bye. itadakimasu oishi
Channel: Sushi By Kunihiro
Views: 492,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oyakodon, sushi, rice bowl dish, rice bowl, chicken and egg rice bowl, don, Japanese food, traditional japanese food
Id: 5JoPjXZKPgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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