How to Make Delicious Chocolate Ganache!

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hey y'all it's Robert and in today's video I'll be showing you how to make chocolate [Music] ganach it's a really simple thing to make and it only uses two ingredients and that's chocolate and cream you'll see that I pretty much use chocolate ganache in a lot of my cake decorating videos especially if I use sponding or modeling chocolate then I'll also show you how to make white chocolate ganache and then we'll color that too so I'm going to start off first with making a one to one this is what I use for cake fillings or cake drips for the one to one ratio I have one cup of chocolate chips and then one cup of heavy whipping cream and I'm going to heat the cream up until it goes to a simmer you can do this on a stove top but I'm going to do it the quick way and just put it in the microwave really it does the same thing and I find this way to be a lot easier and a lot less mess to clean up so we're going to heat this up until it starts to simmer and then we'll pour it right onto the [Music] chocolate so this is my heavy whipping cream it's now hot from the microwave so I'm just going to pour that directly on the chocolate chips and I'm going to make sure that this completely covers the chocolate chip so moving the bowl around just to make sure that they're all covered and I'm not going to stir it yet I'm actually going to let this sit because the heat from the cream will start to melt the chocolate and then we can then whisk it all up so the cream has been sitting on the chocolate now so I'm now going to start whisking that together I'm just going to start in the middle make some small circles and I'll start to see it come together and then we're also going to switch over to a spatula at the very end just a make sure that we have all the Sid scraped down and that there's no chunks of chocolate into this [Music] ganache now I'm going to switch over to a spatula because this is all pretty much combined I just want to make sure I want to scrape down the sides and make sure there's no chunks of chocolate in [Music] it the reason why I like to use the microwave as well as a bowl that is not metal something that can go in the microwave is if there were chunks of chocolate or pieces in here that weren't completely melted you can put this back in the microwave just for a few seconds to get that chocolate to melt and then just mix it all together until it's [Music] combined and because this is a one1 ratio this is really good for drip Cakes as well as cake fillings but whenever I use those for a cake I want to put those in a bottle it's going to make it a lot easier for me to do drips so while this is still warm I will transfer it to a bottle now [Music] okay so here we have it this is a Ono one chocolate ganach you can add this as a filling also use this for cake drips that's why I really like the bottle and you can also reheat it in this bottle if it ever gets a little too cool that way it'll be perfect for a drip cake so now we have a 1 to1 ratio right here in this stand mixer and I'm actually going to whip this up so this is the exact same this one has just cooled a little bit we'll whip it and then we'll also pipe on top of cupcakes and you can see the different ways that you can use chocolate [Music] ganach all right so our ganache is all whipped up now you can see that it is a lot lighter in color and it's also really fluffy so I'm just going to add this to a Piping Bag and then we'll pipe some cupcakes with it and you can really see just the versatility of this [Music] ganach so now I'm going to start piping on the Cupcake look now you have really soft chocolate ganach look at that it's so soft it's it's going to be so great on top of piping on top of a cake or piping on top of cupcakes and this is that same ratio that you could use for a cake drill all you have to do is whisk it up and it's light and [Music] fluffy there we have our cupcakes with our whipped ganache on top and also our one to1 ratio for cake drips and fillings so now let's do a the same thing but we're going to do a 3 to one and this is going to be great for covering a cake with fonding or modeling chocolate now we're going to do a 3 to1 ratio this is what I use whenever I'm covering a cake with fonding or modeling chocolate so I have three times the amount of the heavy whipping cream so this is six cups of chocolate chips to 2 cups of the heavy whipping cream and I'm just going to heat this up and then mix it all together until I get a really nice [Music] consistency [Music] okay so this is our 3:1 ratio it's now all completely smooth so this is what I would use for those sponded or modeling chocolate cakes but I have to make sure that this is cool before I can use it it's a little too soft and it needs to set up a little bit so I'm going to be covering this with plastic wrap if I allowed it just to sit out in the air it's going to form this kind of skin on top of it and that's what we don't want so with some plastic wrap I'm just going to cover it and I'm going to make sure that the plastic wrap is actually touching the ganach not just laying on top of the bowl it needs to actually touch the surface of the [Music] ganach okay so this is all wrapped up and I can set this to the side to let it cool so I can use it for a cake but if you want it to cool a lot faster you can also put this on a baking tray and stick it into the fridge for a couple of minutes so now we're going to make our white chocolate ganach this one uses a little bit of a different [Music] ratio for the white chocolate ganache the ratio is a little different compared to the one to one we did earlier this is a 2: one so this is two times the amount of white chocolate chips to the cream this is already hot I'm going to do the same steps pouring it right onto the chocolate and I'm just going to let this for a few making sure that all the chocolate chips are covered so the white chocolate ganaches now all come together but you can see the color is a little off white it's almost yellow so if you wanted this to actually be white you'd have to use white food coloring but we're going to make this a color and I'm just going to add some blue food coloring to it [Music] so it doesn't take a lot of food coloring in order to color this I just put two drops of gel food coloring in it and usually with chocolate you don't want to use a gel you want to use an oilbased food coloring but because of the cream in it it won't make the chocolate seize up so using a gel food coloring would be just fine so here I have this nice blue and I will say to keep an account of what color your ganache will be keep in mind that it started off a little bit yellow so if you want something to be a specific color keep in mind that it's not starting off white it's starting off yellow so this is now all combined again I would take a spatula scraping down the size of it to make sure it's all combined but this is pretty good and again you can use this same ratio right here to do for a cake filling as well as a cake drip I would just add it to a bottle if I wanted to use it for that so that is all the basics for how to make chocolate ganache so here we have our chocolate ganach all made with different ratios we have a 3:1 perfect for fondant or modeling chocolate cakes we have the white chocolate ginach here that you can color make it different colors if you like as well as a onet to one and this is it whipped on top of cupcakes so it's really versatile different ways that you can use it and be sure to check out some of the videos that I've used this chocolate ganache so you can really see what you can do with it so I hope you all enjoyed this video like it and subscribe to the channel if you haven't and until then I'll see y'all in the next video
Channel: Sweet Impact
Views: 116,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cake, cake design, baking, cake videos, how to make, oddly satisfying, step by step, tutorial, so tasty, satisfying videos, decorating, chocolate ganache, chocolate ganache recipe, chocolate ganache frosting, modeling chocolate, ganache tutorial, one-to-one recipe, ganache for beginners, white chocolate ganache, white chocolate ganache recipe, white chocolate ganache drip, white chocolate ganache frosting, chocolate ganache frosting recipe, chocolate ganache cupcakes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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