How To Design A Bitcoin Investment Website With WordPress

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all right guys my name is ajayi adebayo so today i want to show you how to develop a bitcoin investment website with wordpress yeah you're right you heard me right so in this training i'm gonna show you everything of how you can develop a bitcoin investment website using what what price and how you know you can get this done for your clients and charge them between 200k towards to 500k right so in my last training i also talked about how you can design a bitcoin investment website using a particular script and the testimonies are so awesome so i'm just going to be reading out some of the testimonies that i have so i got this first testimony from i said that hey thank you boss your tutorial is very very straight to the point i've never got a client who paid me 200k to uh for me to help him design a bitcoin investment website thank you so much world wow so that was the testimony from upbeat i also got another testimony from from james yeah yeah so just told me to say wow that boss you are the best that i've been looking for a way to get this done i've been a web designer for the past five years and there is nothing to show for it but since i found your youtube channel it would be awesome for me that video was like a miracle to me because when i stumbled upon it and i got that script and actually top-notch bitcoin investment website to my client this is the second one i'll be doing it for my clients and i charge 150 000 naira each wow that's awesome so i have a lots and lots of testimony i have over 10 testimonies here and i do not just want to start going over all of them so because of that a lot of people have also come to me and asked saying hey boss is there a way that we can actually design a bitcoin veterinary website with wordpress yes of course so that is what i will be showing you today how you can seamlessly design a bitcoin investment website even if you know nothing about writing code that is to say you are not going to write or edit one single quote yes you heard me right so guys let's get right into my system and let me show you how to get it done and don't forget to charge your client between 200k to 500k and just imagine you do that for five clients and you charge them 200k that is to say in one month you can definitely make one million naira with the techniques the skill and the secret that i want to show you all for free so guys let's get right into my system and i'll show you how you can get this done so guys in this training i am going to show you how to develop a bitcoin investment website using wordpress without writing a single line of code so you're going to design a bitcoin investment website but you're not going to write a single line of codes right you're not going to touch a single line of code you are going to do everything plug and play right so you're going to do everything plug and play are going to design and develop a bitcoin investment website plug and play we touch you you know trying to mess up with the code without you trying to write any kind of code without you trying to edit any kind of cool so just follow me in this tutorial as i show you how to get this done in wordpress now i want you to subscribe to my channel you know so i will continue to bring you good stuff like this all the time trust me this is you know for real now for you to design a bitcoin investment website using wordpress the first thing you need to do is that you you need to go and buy a domain name and hosting right so i like to buy my domain name and hosting from namecheap i have always said that a lot of people know that i love namecheap and the reason why i love membership is that you know yeah hosting is very good it has all of the features that you need to develop a bitcoin investment website and also their support system is also very very good right so i always advise you to buy a domain name and hosting from nancy so you go right here into the name chip and then purchase your domain name so i want to protect block from ptc dot com so let's say this is the domain name i want to purchase right if the domain name is available i'll go right ahead and buy domain right so you see that this domain name is available so i'm going to add that to the cat right i'm going to add that to the cart right away yeah so that has been added to the castle all i need to do again is to purchase hosting so i'm going to share those things and now click on share those right here please do not purchase wordpress with you right if you purchase what price will say you are new you will not be able to get this store a lot of people make that mistake make sure you purchase shared wholesome do not forgive with and what price it is going to be designed inside which wordpress right so when you come to the whole thing you see this um one more package here so they have monthly package of 2.88 so and you can put three bitcoin investment website or three different kind of website in this particular pocket it's so awesome and you can go for their yearly package you can go for their monthly package i just love them right so let's say i'm going for their yearly package i'll just click on get started so that's hosting enough exclusive you are going to be paying 27 so all you need to do is add to the cards so you just add that to the card and all of that is going to be added to the cards for you and you can see it's 27.10 0 right so and all you need to do is just go ahead and confirm this order or if you just go ahead and then confirm your order and you get to pay you know for this whole thing and domain now immediately pay for this ocean and domain an email is going to be sent to you for your cpanel login so when they send that email to you you are going to um log into your cpanel this is how your cpanel is so it's just going to be just click on the link entirely my password and right here boom you have logged in to the cpanel right so i'm on my cpanel right now and i'm going to just start you know designing my bitcoin investment website will work for it so when you come to your cpanel in the next you need to do just click on subtaculars in app installer or you can just search for it from here right so this is my subtaculus app installer and i want to install wordpress because i am going to be using wordpress for this design so i'll just go click on install wordpress all right so this is what right here and this is the domain name that approaches so if you have more than one domain name right you are going to see all of the right here just the same way i have more than one domain right here and in this to me i have installed wordpress already i'll be wordpressing for a new website i have different kind of website on my domain so what i'm going to do right is i'm going to install in a directory right so if you are purchasing hosting you know for your client for the very first time you can just go ahead please ensure nothing is here and just install wordpress directly but i already have something inside this main directory here right inside my so i just want to put um something like right you see that coin so that's gonna be my director so my website is going to be installed on web coin can you see that so if you are buying this hosting for the very very first time you do not need to put anything in that coin i see a lot of web designers who do not know how to install wordpress in a directory so that's why i'm taking my time to actually explain this part of this training for you so if you are buying austin for the very first time and you're designing for your client your client has paid you your purchasing your hosting you do not need to do this just install make sure here is empty and just install directly but this is um a host and i already have a lot of website inside so i just want to put this particular design in a particular sub directory right so you'll say point and when you are giving your directory name if you are doing the same thing i'm doing maybe for practice purpose do not use capital letter do not put space do not put comma do not do any of that just one word is in any word you want to use of your choice right so i just come right here directly and um so i'm just gonna report this is my password so i'm just gonna copy my password so the admin username is at me so let me come here and then just keep my password right here so that i will be able to log in so that's my password so i just come here and i click on what install so that's the only configuration that you are going to do right here and get your wordpress install so in less than 15 or 20 seconds the wordpress is going to be installed so you see my wordpress installation on media each world slash coin slash wp dash admin so that's how it's going to be right so i'm just click on leads it's going to take me directly to my wordpress back end right so i know a lot of you guys are already very good in wordpress but if you are not good in wordpress this is also something that uh is very very simple for you to do so i've just come here right click and say this is website so you see this is my wordpress front end and this is my wordpress world back end so my wordpress has been installed so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go right here and install my wordpress template right i'm going to install my wordpress template i'm going to install my wordpress theme so the wordpress theme i'm going to use i already have the wordpress theme right here so let me show you the word pressing so in this folder so if i'm giving you access to this folder you're going to see it like it's going to be wordpress btc but look at the wordpress theme i want to use right here so you see that this is the wordpress theme i want to use right here it's called blog po right so this is a wordpress team i'm gonna use right here so i'm gonna use this is the installable file for the team this is the wordpress file for this particular team that i need from here right so it's right here so if i'm giving you access to this you just go right here and you're going to see that right here so at the end of the stream i'm going to tell you how you can get access to all of these if you want to get access to that so let's go back here i'm just going to appear i'll just go through yes appearance and go to teams so i'm going to come to add new so you see that you just go to appearance then you go to teams right will change then click on add new right you click on add new then you just go ahead and click on upload team right so you click on upload team that you click on choose file so it's very simple so i'll just bring up the block code right so i'll shoot the block because i just click on install all right so it's gonna install the team for run right so you just give it some minutes it's gonna install the timber so there are two ways that you can actually install a wordpress theme right you can install a wordpress theme like this and it also install a wordpress theme from the c planet because there are some times where you want to install the wordpress theme like this you know you just get the installation not working so uh you can actually use the cpanel to do the installation so um let me just show you that very very briefly how you can use ship on it to do the installation but you already know how to install like this so when you click on this install button right here the team is going to install and all you need is just you adjust the reward click on activate and the team is going to be activated right so let me just show you how to install using the ship on it should in case you're installing like this and you're having any issues so let me just stop this installation i'm going to click on this dashboard to stop this installation right so don't forget my wordpress install in the directory called coin so i'm just going to come right here then i'll click on cp it's going to take me back to the c pane all right it's going to take me back to the cpanel and when i get to the c panel right here i'm just going to look for file manager i'm gonna look for file manager um this is fine manager right here so and um i installed inside world called coin so it's going to be on the problem for html and coin so this is it so i'm going to open it right here so public underscore html then i'm going to see just coin right right so this is where we installed our wordpress i'm just going to double click on this to open this up and i'm going to go so this is my wordpress installation files everything right here so what i'm going to do right here you got you want to click on wp content please don't click on it here just click on it from the left hand side just going to click on these from here and open that up and i'm going to see teams can you see that since i'm going to click on double click on teams to open so right here i can upload the particular file so i'll just click on upload and then i'll click on select file and i'll just bring up the blocker so this is the two ways that you can actually put up your files in your wordpress so i'm not gonna wait for this to upload that when this gets upload i'm going to what extracts it because it's a zip file right so if you actually install from the wordpress dashboard um you know is is the the zip file is you know automatically extracted from by um by wordpress for you because before you install energy or wordpress the five must be right so but when you install into um install you know upload your team from the symphony you are just going to walk extract this thing by yourself so let's just wait for these to install and i'm going to show you how you can extract it and go back to the wordpress you know to activate this immediately all right so you see it has not gotten to a hundred percent so all you need to do is just ensure you wait that it gets to a hundred percent and it gets to green you kill the green bar this blue bar turns to a green bar before you can finally exit from this page the team uploaded right here so all you have to do is to um right click on these then you click on what extract right so you click on extract teams and click on close right so then you click on reload again right so when you reload again you're going to see the block code right here guys that you're going to see the block right here so just go back to your wordpress dashboard and go to appearance and click on tips right so if you do that correctly you're going to see a block called uh team on workplace right here can you see that you're going to see that right here so you're going to see that right here also never see it right here so the next thing you have to do is you want to click on activate right so click on activate awesome so you click on activities right click on activate you're going to come here they say add call features of the team they click on activate again so it's going to activate the configuration of the team right here awesome so when you do that all you need to do is just um just go to first of all go the system status to check the system starts right here so you see the system status of this saying that wp memory limit is um it's 40 you need a minimum of two five six so just i like this and then do something like um slash right so um just um so when it's code i see how to increase wordpress limit right also right so just right click and then open in the new tab so when i open down the new tab so you see that go to cpanel file manager right then you look for the wp config.php file and add the following code before the slash that's all stopping there so you see that all you need to do is just copy this code right so it's a very high um team so it needs a high uh wordpress memory uh space to run so i'll just copy that then i'll go back to let me just remove this i'll go back to my cpanel right so and i'll go back to my coin right so according to what is here go back to my coin so and then i'm going to go back to wp.config so i'm going to click on exit this right click then click on edit so click on edit again awesome so when i edited it again i just scrolled right here so before this so you just put your mouse here and press enter and press enter two times then you put that right here so you just click on save changes right so just click on save changes so let's come back with system start tools i'm going to refresh this i'm just going to replace it awesome correctly five one two right so this is good so next you're gonna do is to go to work demo importer so you click on demo importer right so you see this team have about four of them all right however four demo right here so uh it has about four demo so i'm going to be using this particular demo right here so i'm just going to click on what import right so now these reload plugins are required before you can install that demo you need all of these plugins so that's going to activate all plugins so this is going to activate all of the plugin activated activated activated activated awesome so all of these plugins have been activated right so i'm just going to click on what import right so then i click on ok so this demo is going to import right into my wordpress website so i'm just going to keep for four minutes and see how this import is going to work see our import was successfully imported you know right here so i'm just gonna click on visit site all right so i'm gonna click on this design and see if our imports actually really really work for us so i'm just gonna click on that and um wait for this to happen right so unrepresented wow awesome awesome so you can see the block code team is properly installed right so it's properly installed awesome awesome awesome so you can see the menu here the menu is falling right here so i'm just going to fix the menu following right here and i'm just going to remove some menu but i can get the menu all right here so let's go back here and i'm going to click on let's just exit this i'm just going to come back here and then i'm going to go to appearance and i'm going to go to teams sorry i'm gonna go to appearance i'm gonna go to menus i'm gonna go to menu so uh i'm just gonna click on these and select the one page menu so i'm going to click on select so when i click on select so i'm going to see all of these so i'm just going to remove some pages that i don't need i'm going to remove some pages okay so i think this is the home page we name these ads on the home page also so i'm gonna remove this so just go ahead and remove some of these menu items you can pull them back if you want to pull them back so i'm going to remove this so i'm just going to save this so let me refresh my wordpress website so i'm going to refresh my wordpress website awesome so you see i get this right here so you just go ahead and edit your wordpress website right so you go ahead and edit your wordpress website so i already assume that you know how to use wordpress so um it's not necessarily that you must use my um team so you can go ahead and use any other team just follow the team documentation and install the team right here right so i'm gonna do one more setting right here so i'm just gonna come here and i'm going to go to settings and i'm going to general so i'm just going to give my site a name bro from bitcoin so you just go right there and do all of your settings and edit your site right so i'm just going to refresh this one more time awesome so that has been done so you can see it's a very very powerful team uh you can just go ahead and edit wp bakery and um you know configure this theme to actually uh what you want and how you want your wordpress website to look like uh this is really really really really really awesome right really really awesome or something so the next part of this training is we are going to now integrate our investment script inside wordpress right so this is the front end this is all of the pages of the website but there has to also be a signing page and a login page here our you know investment is going to take um take place here people are going to sign up for the site and register and then put their bitcoin investments so that you know we can get our investment running right on this same side so what you're going to do right away is that you are going to use another script right so this is the script that you are going to be using for these bubbles sorry you're going to be using this screen for this purpose right so you're going to use it you're going to be using this particular screen right so like i said this training you don't need any form of coding so right away just the same way we installed this r2 you're just going to install this right a way right i'm not going to install this right away so before we install this i'm just going to right click right here and i'm going to send to then i am going to um compress this right here so i'm going i'm going to compress this so this is going to be a compressed file so maybe when i'm sending you the 5 would have already been compressed so you don't need to compressify any modifier is going to come before that's going to come in a compressed format right so now let's go back to our cpanel so i'll go back so let me just close this guy here so i'm going to go back to my cpanel so this is my cpanel homepage so what i'm going to do right here is that i am going to install or i'm going to configure what we'll call the sub domain so just look at what i want to do so i'm going to go sub and i'll come here and then sub domain so i'm going to create a sub domain under this webbing media right so i'm going to create a soft domain under this webpage media so i already have some submit that i've already created here so i'm just going to come here and see so i'm just going to give myself the main ptc user and i'm going to click right here and i'm going to say right so i'm going to click on create so that sub domain is going to be created for me right away so just follow my step is very very simple just go to subdomains and create a sub domain for this right so we are going to upload this other part of the file on the btc investment files this particular site into the shop domain right so let's go right here to our sub domain has been um created right so let's just come back here and then search our sub domain so i'm just going to go to file manager so type 5 monitor here click on file manager so when i click on find right here probably gonna html and i'm just gonna look for myself domain is called btcu okay let's search for it right here it's gonna be right here um btc user.webbit media right here so this is it right here so take note this is it so just know what you're doing so i'm just going to click on this and open that i saw um some information right here i'm just going to click on select all and i'm going to delete all of these because i don't need them so they pull off those those files from the server right so the next i'm going to do is so i'm going to click on upload and i'm going to click on select files and i am going to select this file that was uploaded right so here is the file let me go to my desktop um wordpress bdc so this is the pro invest so this is what i want i want to install so i'm just going to install it so i'm just going to upload that so that's gonna upload for me right away right so let's watch this as it gets uploaded i mean um upload it right into my sub domain right here so let's rather upload it to myself to me right so i'm just going to click on this and go back there so i'm going to see the file right here on my sub domain i'm going to right click on this and i'm going to click on extract then extract five so they'll follow my step is very very simple so the files have been extracted right so this is the file file being started so i'm going to do one more step and move before i want the file to be inside any other btc user dot web media i'm not inside a folder so i'm going to write double click here right so these are all of the files then i'm going to select all of the files and i'm going to click on move so then i will remove this folder right now click on move files you see that all of the files have been moved to btc user dot web immediately i'm going to click on that and i'm going to see all of the files let me just reload that one more time and i'm going to see that so all right so let's take this right now to the browser take it to the browser and i'm going to paste and go right here so all right so it's going to work um try to install for roth right here so it's going to try to install for roads right right here so what we're going to do right away is that we are going to create a database a username and a password for this particular um installation so i'm just going to go back to my cpanel so i'm going to come back here and see database so i'll click on my sql database wizard so let's give our database in a and i'm going to c b t c u d see that of my database name so i'm going to click on next then i'm going to say i'm going to give my database username right btc user so i'm going to give a password to generate password then i'll copy this password right here let me generate one more password generate so i'll just copy this password copy this password i'll say um i've copied and i have copied so click on use password i'm going to come right here and put this password right here right see i'm going to come back right here and click on create user also so this is the username i'm going to copy this username right here copy this username and come right here and put the username here so remaining the database name so i'm gonna come right here and copy the totalbus name right so i'm going to copy the database name and i'm going to put the database name right here so yeah i'm going to just type localhost right so here because we look at so let me come back right here then i want to click on all privileges and i'm going to click on next step so just follow my step is very very simple awesome so it doesn't mean that they created so make sure the database is created before you finish this process so i'm going to click on continue so awesome installation guide you know they are successfully configured that will be click on continue so when you click on continue also can you see that so the pro invest as been installed right here so watch what i'm going to do right here so you see that we have this particular side of this website so the bitcoin investment website which we just need to be our front page and all our pages and our investment pages and all of that and we have this side of the site which is going to be uh we just need only create and the login the dashboard and the admin dashboard of this file right here so we are not going to be making use of all of these guys here i'm just needing this guy this guy and this guy but before we do that let's just go right there and remove the installation folder right so that the folder called installation at the folder right here you just need to work delete this folder all right so delete that folder right away click that folder so reload your cpanel just mention that folder i deleted and then refresh here one more time and then just ensure that food is deleted so i'm going to click on create an account right here so it's going to take me to the sign up page and this is the sign up page and when i right click here and i'll put a new tab again it's going to take me to the login page so we only need a sign up page and we only need the login page so that is what we need from this we do not need um the home page on that so just take note of the sign up page and take note of the login page right here so i'm just going to click on these and copy these so i'm going to copy this right so i'm going to go back to my wordpress and back end and i'm going to go to appearance and i'm going to go to menus right here i'm going to go to menus right here i am going to add a menu so i put a custom link into that as a custom link and i'll put this url right here and i will say word register or i'm going to say um so which link is this the registration link i can use the login link so i'll just say login right i'll say login so i'm gonna click up to the menu all right i'll say add to the menu and i'm just gonna save this right here so that has been added to our menu so let me just refresh this right here and see if that has been added to our menu right so you see that right here this has been added to our menu right so we need also the registration link so this is the registration link so i'm just gonna click on this copy this i'm gonna go back to the menu and i'm going to say custom link i'm gonna put this link right here and i'm going to say sign up can you see that i'm gonna add that to the menu also i'm gonna add that to the menu and i'm gonna save that up so i'm gonna set that up right away i'm gonna come here and refresh this again one more time so you're gonna see that we have the login and we have what this sign up that is exactly what we need so i'm just gonna remove all of these guys here so let's refresh this one more time awesome place it up so you see it has been integrated right start script has been integrated right here so we have the um the login menu right here you will click on the login it's going to take off right to the login and from the login here we can click on create an account right so you see that we can create an account right here so another thing that we're going to do right here is that when you click on this right so look at is when you click on this it's going to take us to this page that we don't need you got it now it's gonna take us to this page that we do not need so what what do we have to do we have to make sure that this page is totally eliminated so how do we eliminate the speech right so we are going to say that any time that particular button is clicked it should take all back to this particular link right so anytime this guy or this guy from here from here or from here is click it should take off what back to this guy we're just going to copy this link right here copy this link then let's go back to our cpanel so we're going to go back to our cpanel awesome so let's go back to sub domain so click on sub domain click on sub domain right here and let's look for the sub domain that we created software is btc user right here so you see manage redirection can you see that manage redirection so just click on these right here and say money redirection and just come right here and then click on save right here so you see that pages user domain is now redirected to these guys just click on back right here so let me just go back right here so let me remove these guys again and refresh my page right here so i can also do that do that when you click on login i'll sign up it should open a new page if i like that to happen right here so i'm just gonna come right here and um okay let me just come right here options and i'm gonna say link target right so i'm gonna say link target so i'm gonna close this back and i'm going to save this so i'm going to come right here i will say um right open in a new tab right open a new tab and i'm going to say open in a new tab or pull in a new tab right here okay all right so you may leave that configuration around but if you like you can do that so i'm just gonna come right here and click on here and refresh here so let me just remove this guy from here and i'm going to click on login so it's going to open a new tab and see that it's going to open a new tab and when i click on here back it's going to take me back to my home page awesome awesome guys awesome guys so right away we are going to work log in to the admin of the site and configure the admin of this website right so we're going to configure the admin of this website right i'm gonna configure the admin of the server so let's click on login of this site so i'm just gonna log in um to the admin so so it's the same way you log into the admin that's the same way you log in yeah the same login page the admin uh and the user login users right so i'm gonna click on login awesome so it's going to log me right here into the admin right here awesome so we are logging to the uplay right here so the next thing we're going to do immediately we logged in just go to settings then we go to general settings so we're going to set up this site right here so we're going to set up this site right here so what is the name of our site so we're going to set up this slide right here so the name of my site is um blog on pcc so i'm just gonna go right here and put it block round right so i'm gonna put the name of my site here i'm gonna put my number on my client's number i'm gonna come here and put my company tele right here so company email i'm just gonna put info at info at so company um website url i'm just going to put my company website url so this is my company website urls i'm going to put right here so just configure all of that and make sure things are working normally right so i'm going to put my address awesome right so and i'm going to select my currency united states dollars right so before i'm at school and then i am going to say minimum withdrawal hundred dollars so you won't get 100 a lot for you withdraw right so i'm going to upload a logo so you go ahead and design your logo the dark logo and the white logo so i already have that i'm going to click on choose file and then i'm going to form right here and then upload my dark logo so i already have a dark logo so which i call the black here and then i already have the white logo so i'm going to click on the white logo and i also have the favicon right so this is the fabric on that it's going to show click on choose file and i'm going to put the fabric alright so i'm going to save this go ahead ask me to enter my password so i'm going to click on save so that is going to be saved right here so i'm going to click on what okay right here right so that's going to be saved right here so if i come back here and then let me just refresh these and then so i'm going to just refresh that i click on login awesome so you're going to see that um my my my my my logo has been logging right here so if i click on create an account so you see my logo admin here so let's go back to the configuration and try to finish the configuration so let's go to website settings so just put our website name right here again so site settings then your website name right here again and your description rights description then you put your keywords if you want to be found on google it just be a keyword right so just put your keyword right there then you click on and activate so if you want authentication so people should have authentication or you want to have authentication you just put it but i'm just click on save right here and enter my password i'm gonna save that so that's gonna be saved right here so if we come back right here and then the frankie so you're going to see joint block vulnerability find out when it's plugged in pcc you can see that so if i click on login right here again i'm going to see sign as well so that configuration has been done correctly so let's move back right into um email settings so i'm gonna come back to image setting right here so smtp will not be what smtp arts you know at our website um right so it's going to be smtp and so i'm just going to copy this and put it right here so it's gonna be m7smtp at so my protocol here will be what send me and my port will be four six five five right so make sure your port is four since fine so smtp send me the smtp email so i'm just gonna do something like info at btc so i'm gonna do something like this info at bbc right so i'm going to put my smtp password but i need to create this admission i need to ensure that this exists right so let's go back to our cpanel so i'll just go back to my c panel i mean i need to create that email so go back to your cpanel then you click on look for email you click on email accounts right so you look for email accounts so then you click on create then make sure you select the particular domain you are creating for right can just be let it just be your domain or um your on your sub domain right but it's going to be your tomato that you have to me is very important so i'm going to say info right so i'm going to click on generate i'm going to copy this password right here because i need it copy and i'm going to click on create so that has been created so i'm just going to take this password right here to my smt so i'm going to paste this password right here and i'll say activate email right click on yes you need to activate email so that your clients can um receive email right so click on save and you're gonna enter your password so i'm just going to click on save right here and get that updated successfully right here so i'm going to go to any settings right here so any settings disable repair payer to account without deposits so if anybody does not have a deposit and a referral he will not end so i just click on yes so you must have a deposit you multiplied it with our site before you can actually right so your referral interest is 10 i can just see 20 or i can say five dollars so that's why you re aim at the reference i'm gonna click on save i'm going to enter my password again you can see right there so that has been see right here right so that has been same so let me just refresh this guy right here so that has been saved and you see all our logo has been updated right here so the next thing we are going to do right here is to configure the image template so just click on image templates just click on image templates right here so these are the email templates right here so i'm just gonna click on this and click on delete right so i'm gonna remove the logo and i'm gonna click on save and click on okay right so when we draw is rejected i'm also going to open that up i'm going to click on this and i'm going to click on delete and i'm going to save can you see that so when a user registers so i don't want this logo so you can just delete it or you can just change it to your own company logo right so um when um so you just go ahead and when you click on and deposit where the user deposits so please you can also configure and write whatever you want to write here but i think they are professionally drawn we draw approver so just go ahead and ensure you remove this logo or you just change this logo to reflect your logo so uh i can't update it can't update it so right here i'm just gonna remove that and i'm gonna click on save rights so um any email so i'm also going to remove that and just looked at and come down right here now i'm going to click on save all awesome awesome so our configuration has been done right our configuration has been done so the next thing we are going to do right here is towards is to set up our payment method right so i'm just going to click on payment method right here i'm going to click on payment method and then i want to use only btc so i'm just going to save this image and use for btc so i'm going to say bitcoin right so i'm just going to say add payment method automatically on manual so i cannot say btc bitcoin and i'll say please make payments the wallet to this wallet address i'm gonna do something like this so i'm just gonna put a wallet address right here okay you see that so that's just gonna be my wallet i'm gonna use this method for clients withdraw yes fine withdraw then i'm gonna use the logo for the bitcoin so this is the logo i'm just going to choose that and i'm going to click on save awesome so my payment method has been saved so i'm going to go right here and click on update and i'm going to deactivate all of these so allow withdrawal so inactive active i'm just going to watch deactivate this can also be connected up to make automatically also be connected using their api but i don't want to go into them all of that right here so any papers matter you want to use they are here if you're going to use paper you want to use pay stock yeah or right here but i'm just going to cover it only on bitcoin right here awesome awesome so the next we're going to do right here we have configured our site settings we have computer email template and we have configured our payment mentor so the next thing we're going to configure is our investment plan so how do you want your investment plan to be do you want users to be able to invest in just one hour and get their investment back or you want them to get their investment in two days or in three days so i'm just going to click on investment plans awesome and i'm going to click on create plan so i am going to enter as a business plan and i'm going to say hundred dollar minimum to start the maximum 500. i can see that so profit i can see 50 percent profit right so how many day i can say how are you daily weekly bi-weekly so i can say how are you right so that means in every one hour give me 50 percent if i invest 100 to five hundred dollars so i'm gonna choose payment after one hour so you can see the options right here i'm gonna save that right away awesome i see that so precipitation by the end of the period i'm displayed to client can you see that so i'm to add one more payment plan and i'm going to say 300 to 500 so you just create your payment plan i'm going to say hundred percent can i see that so how ali also that i'm going to choose what majority of time i'm going to say that so what that means is that when your user comes into your site and make an investment in one hard time they are going to get their investment back so you can put one hour you can put one day you can put one week you can put two weeks and you can put one yeah also ensure that your plan also reflects at you know the front page of your website so you come to the front page of your website right here and make sure you do put your plan right here right so make sure you get your plan put right here so let's go back to our site so we have created investment plan we have created our site settings and we have configured our image settings right so the next we are going to look at is user now let's say you have this website and you also have other admins you want to also add other that means to work with you on this particular website so you can call me and create client that is that you can come here and create client and see are the clients right so you can see are the clients sorry you don't call me a creative team not client sorry i'll probably create a team and say what ad manager so when you click on ad manager what do you want the manager to do the manager can view deposits but he should not be able to add exit or delete so and the manager should not be able to edit any of these payment method plugins or image templates so but the manager be able to view i may not be able to add edits can you do that so you remove all of these settings that you don't want the manager to have access to so let's say people make an investment and you know that when an investment is made you have to manually approve the investment so that you know that you have to primarily approve the deposit i mean so that you will be very sure that that deposit actually gets into your wallet so you cannot allow an investment to run when you have not seen that deposit in your wallet and probably you are very busy so you have to assign this to uh one of your management team and i'm just going to do that for you so all you need to do just click on this information here and create this for them awesome so that is all so whenever the transactions you see deposits everybody who have deposited on your website are going to show right here and withdrawals are going to show right here and payouts are going to show right here so guys i am just going to go right here register on this side and do what and place my investment right here awesome so let's go back to the front page of the site so let me just copy this link and then let me just open a new browser so i'm going to open a new browser and then i am just going to invest on this site right if away sura you see how the investment work right so guys let's move ahead we're almost done with this so i'm going to click on sign up right here and you're going to open the signup page for me awesome so i'm going to print my first name right here and i'm going to put my email right here so i'm going to put my i'm password to put my password and i'm going to click server if i could i'm going to put it but i don't know i'm going to click click on agree right then i'm going to click on create an account so i'm going to create an account awesome so you see that my account has been created on the website those seamless so fast i'm so so easy so the next thing you're gonna do is what i'm gonna set up my payments set up my payment so this is my name and my phone number is my referral code i can use to refer people then i'm going to go to my payment account so i'm just going to come here and choose bitcoin and payment account i'm going to put my bitcoin address and i want you receive my bitcoin so i'm going to click on save and i'm going to click on save that awesome so i have added my payment information so i can go to security and also change my password if i want to change my password i can go to help if i have issue i can send admin an issue right i can send um um i can create a ticket right here i can create a ticket and send to admin hi so i can save deposit priority high i made an investment please accept you see that i'm going to click on save right here and i'm going to be successful but i don't know what i want to do on main is i have set up my payment and i want to invest right away so i'm not going to come here as a deposit and i said they put in funds also so you see all of the package that that main has created right from there being so i want to invest let's see hundred dollars you know 100 for 300 to 500 hundred percent one for one hour right so this is 50 so i'm going to invest from 100 to 500 so i just click on these right here and click on proceed so i'm going to invest 400 dollars right so i'm going to click on this payment method right here look at media i'm going to click on instrument method i'm going to invest 400 and i'm going to click on proceed awesome so you see it's asking me please make comments on the wallet address so this is the wallet address so the user just copied this wallet address and um send forms to this wallet address right away then i cannot put my um um transaction id right here then click on confirm and click on ok right here so click on confirm and i click on ok so you can see this is showing pending approver can you see consider is showing pending approval pending approval so at me it's going to see this deposit and approve this deposit so this is the admin and right here so when i come to dashboard let me just go to dashboard and when i come to liveboard i will see that one person i've actually made a deposit incident and when i come to tickets right click on tickets i will also see that this person has sent a ticket can you see that so i can open that ticket up right here and then i can answer that ticket right here investment so this is a very awesome script investment profile and i'll just send that message and that guy is going to receive that message right here so let me go to main dashboard i'm going to see the deposits on that transaction and deposits so you see deposits in spending approval so it's spending approval and when i come to the user and it's pretty appropriate also so my time and approve that deposit you see it will show pending maturity meaning it's waiting for the next one hour to my show so right i'm going to click on approve so you see that i'm going to see how much the person is paying so i can't even edit um the amount right here i'm going to click on approve awesome deposit approved so if i come back right here and just refresh this page i'm going to see pending maturity can you see that so in the next one hour i am just going to see these um the investment getting matured right away all right so this is um like one hour after our investment has been done so i'm here to check again to see if our investments you know uh gains was given investment profit got mature right you know we invested four hundred dollars and uh it was 50 commissions right so it's supposed to be uh our total phone supposed to be uh 600 at the end of the day so let's just log into the site and see if that works so i'll click on login precise again so um i'm just going to log in all right so i'm going to log into the account and see my investment as uh actually my show right awesome can you see that can you awesome awesome can you see that so you see that my money is now what she's 100 dollars can you see that my phone is now what she's already like i come to ennis you'll see um that you see that so you see that i end 200 um dollars extra because it was 50 percent commission right so if i come to withdraw it both and i come to withdraw funds all right you can see that i have 600 dollars i have six hundred dollars um i can say i wanna withdraw the entire 600. btc and i'll click on process withdrawal right so enter btc uh bitcoin account so i'm just gonna enter my btc bitcoin account to withdraw to coincidence so then i'll click on process withdraw yeah withdraw you know what's processed can you see that so guys so this is depending withdraw of um of of of hundred dollars right and my payment is is right here so can you see that this is so so awesome so that is how um you can make withdraw from the website account i can edit my username and my password so this guy so guys this is a very very awesome system that works very very well now you can go ahead and charge your client between 150k to 300k to get this kind of site done for them it's as simple as abc and they are ready to pay you between 150 000 to get this site up and running for them and they are just going to be happy with you so guys how can you not get access to this script right here so i am going to give you access to this script i'm going to give you access to this script i am going to upload the script online and right on this video you are going to get access to the script for the sum of just 30 thousand era right so with just 30 thousand era you are going to get access to the script you are going to get access to the template that i also use the wordpress template i also use for this screen but you can go ahead and use any other template if you like to use any other template but this is how you can uh configure and you know add your wordpress website you know and combine to your beautiful investment script and so that you can actually edit your front end from your wordpress so guys like i said i am going to give you access to this script and to my support so that when you have the script and you need any kind of head i'm just going to be right here to help and support you and ensure that you charge your client to get this done for them is that okay so you can also use this for project purpose you know to do your school project and all of that and you can also charge your clients to get this done for them so guys i am very very sure that i have been able to break this down step by step for you so you go ahead and get this script you can use it to practice and you can use this script only mid text time so the script is not bound that you buy it and you just want no you can always use it again and again again and again you can use it up to 100 clients and you can continue to get paid and you can rake in millions of nara just focusing on getting this kind of website done for clients so guys thank you so much for listening to this video my name is and i am going to be seeing you on the success side of life make sure you don't give up on yourself you don't give up on your dream continue to work hard continue to hustle and you are going to make it don't waste time this script might not be available for 20k for a very long time so go ahead place the order anywhere around this video or under this video you are going to see the link to get to this the script you make merely you make the payment you are going to be giving access to this script directly and you're also going to see my phone number my whatsapp number right on this video under this video you can chat me up and you can talk to me and i will be right here to listen to you so guys this is all for today go ahead and smack the subscribe button and the notification bell anytime i drop videos like these you will get access to it
Channel: Webbiit Media
Views: 17,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bitcoin investment sites, the bitcoin investment, bitcoin a good investment 2021, bitcoin investment companies, bitcoin investment description, bitcoin investment dashboard, bitcoin investment details, bitcoin investment explained, bitcoin investment company in usa, bitcoin investment chart, bitcoin investment cash app, bitcoin investment definition bitcoin investment daily profit, bitcoin investment daily payout, bitcoin investment daily return
Id: -RpetvSAM0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 59sec (3779 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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