How To Make Conchas with Claire Saffitz | Dessert Person

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[Music] this so good I love nervous oh my God don't be nervous are you kidding hi everyone I'm Claire saffitz I am continuing my tour of Austin Texas having the best time so far the next stop is a place called kadre Panaderia there's a baker there named Mariela kamacho and she is going to show me how to make konas which are a Mexican pastry and again something that I love eating so I'm super excited let's check it [Music] out [Music] so tell us a little bit about contrast it's really like it's a past I love but I've never made them before they are like what you identify with like Mexican baked goods it's like like what we always had around it's like the image like people use it all of the time these days um so it's essentially a bread it can be just like an enriched dough a Brio everyone makes it differently which is beautiful everyone has their own version which I love it's essentially an enriched dough with a cookie topping and then you stamp it in the shape of a shell and contest means shell right contest means shell there you go so you ever seen those like beautiful domed pastries with that like colorful shell shaped topping that's what the cor is yep awesome so what are we going to be making today in terms of flavors mhm so we're going to be making the BOS dough classic just an enriched dough Brio like and then we're making a Chocolate shell um and a vanilla shell cool is it typical that you have like one sort of one like plain dough and then you're doing different color shells yes or the dough also can be flavored um typically not flavored um it's usually just the shells and even the shells like won't be different flavors they'll just add like food F dye have pink and yellow and your chocolate one has cocoa so it flavors it but really like all the same flavor M and so CH chocolate is traditional not putting chocolate in the dough is that something that I just do because I love chocolate that's that simple it's literally that simple I'm from New York which is not a town known for it's like TexMex or Mexican food so my goal in Austin is to like do as much kind of like eating and learning about the cuisine as possible Right on so yeah so contess was like top of the list like a pastry I've eaten in Mexico and love but like would love to learn how to make so thank you for showing me yeah absolutely I use like three different or four different types of flour because I'm extra like that uh so we have Barton Springs Mill in town beautiful like Stone milled flowers right they also do a strain of Sonora Sonora flower which is like a soft white wheat and then yakura Rojo which is like a harder winter red wheat so we use both of those beautiful flowers some cane sugar water to loosen up the dough a little bit you can use milk if you want but um there will be enough fat in this uh salt and we use instant yeast yeah you can do souro it's beautiful I just like I just prefer with ye and you said that you all everything here is naturally Loven except the except for the cones because it just it's just right it's just right and I love it so I'm leaving it yeah um and then butter cold butter cold eggs so for the shell ingredients you said it's kind of like a cookie like pretty much yeah it's like melon Fon or like it can be like a shoe topping like a crackling you know it's just butter can be really any type of fat um uh AP flour uh salt and then we sift powdered sugar and whatever flavors we want to add in and that's it yeah for the vanilla same thing mine is the cocoa with the addition of vanilla extract and vanilla bean cool super easy all right so dough hook dough hook oh yeah so we'll want to start with liquid first I prefer to do liquid because sometimes if you do the flour it just doesn't mix up as well so personal preference okay so we'll do eggs water sugar and then our yeast and yeast okay and eggs are cold eggs are cold yeah absolutely cold eggs are going to be super helpful because we're going to beat the crap out of this just straight up like we need to like develop this dough so so much that we want to start off with colder ingredients so that the dough doesn't heat up sorry and then the butter just like oozes out we want the butter to just like everything to love each other yeah I've definitely made that mistake with Ros because the friction of the mixer like Heats it so much you have to start with cold so should we get this mixing no I'll actually just yeah just dump all of your flour in again it's the yora 85 the Sonora 65 and the Sonora whole grain so like really hardier really flavorful flowers and then I always do my salt last so it doesn't like touch my yeast or do any of that stuff um and so that like what is the percentage of whole wheat in there it is 33% 33 wow pretty high it's pretty high yeah but it's again it's a Sonora so it's like softer white it's like really Pleasant beautiful texture it's great for like cookies too I love the flow so much and it's going to just add a lot of flavor it really does yeah awesome okay so low yeah we can do it on low yeah and we're just all going to let it start coming together okay MH and we can sprinkle in the salt too okay yeah we can probably end up bumping it up too and we will have to like help it out and kind of take the exactly a little bit too ooh look at you you're gutsy I love it it just not my hand I made that mistake never again so we'll actually want to make sure that everything in the Bottom's looking good so we'll stop the mixer use a spat or like a bowl scraper to just get everything on the bottom okay um cuz it drives me crazy when you like think your dough is done and then you go in there and there's still like the tiniest bit of like dry bits or something yeah also like a good reason to do the wet first so you're not getting that like hidden dry on the bottom absolutely and we'll just let it go another 30 seconds and then we'll start uh letting it rest and it starts off as that little ball again and then it'll get loose yeah it's really cool so we're just going to let it sit like this uncovered just resting for 10 minutes cool yeah and then we'll start introducing the butter into it [Music] awesome so while that's resting we'll go ahead and mix the the shell the shell the topping topping and it's kind basically like a cookie dough it's a cookie dough like really like any ratio you want we do like some wild stuff around here you can do like fruit powders uhhuh teas all kinds of weird stuff anything kind of like fine and dry that will you want add really like I guess liquid I've tried yeah it does not work got it okay and I like to toss the butter I like to like cut the butter up a little bit and then I like to like toss like if you were like doing biscuits or something like toss the butter in the dry of it first to get Co yeah and then just start like just start mixing it we're looking for it to just come together not really be Shaggy or anything like that and depending on your your butter temperature that will kind of you know dictate how fast it goes so you're going for like butter fully worked in no no pieces of butter absolutely okay like cookie dough uhhuh got it well you really you really are way faster than mine okay I'm going as fast can oh you know what the cocoa oh I should have done the cocoa because of the cocoa actually it does take longer to make feel better yeah no that's it's it's not you that's normal okay I feel like' doing this same amount of time no it's totally the the cocoa in it it just like because it's not flour it's just it's just behaving differ yeah and then when it does start coming together it's going to want to come together really fast okay thanks for saying that yeah can I start weighing these out oh yeah so yeah so talk about sort of the portioning you said the weight on the dough is 65 65 and then we do our cookie topping for 20 G okay so this one's like really easy to work I'm sorry I gave you the hard one this one is so easy and I'm just like estimating 20 G pieces just kind of ripping it off if it was warmer in here if the butter was warmer it of course would be behaving differently yeah there's no like overworking it cuz there's so much butter right I've never overworked it it's just going to be like a tender crunchy sugary yeah like the only thing that sucks about mixing it too much is that then it gets like a little bit harder to handle but that's it like softer better mhm got it exactly but other than that I've never had any issues with it but we'll just kind of line up all of our little balls you can time this up so that after you shape your dough you just smack them right on but I might give them a little bit of time in the fridge okay cuz I don't like do my shells by hand I actually use a tortilla press nice cuz that's easier for me rather than like rolling on an entire slab and cutting circles yeah or just like one thing you would do is like treat it like a tortilla and like slap them till they like thin out I see so we'll start introducing the butter while this just kind of hangs out okay and so the butter has been in the fridge to make sure that's cold we'll start it off low so we don't kill the mixer and as it gets more fat introduced into it then we'll start bumping up the speed okay but I guess in some way you do I'm going to lift this up for you you do have to are you going like one little piece at a time I don't what I will do is like break it in half and then toss it in and we can go up one more on the speed too and I'll do maybe like 4ish pieces and if I cut it too thick I'll like o wow that's really hard I'll like squeze it yeah because if it's too thick it just won't get introduced into the dough as well you want it to be like sliding on in there like you want it to really be happy to be with the dough got so mhm okay and then I wait till it's mostly Incorporated if I see like two or three little chunks that's okay with me cuz I also don't want to wait too long to where the dough heats up to to going be that for a while so I'm going to be on our shell Topp so 20 G I'm going to stick these in the fridge just a little bit a little bit nice texture makes it stable soft enough that they can spread out and not crack but like still firm yeah it looks so good yeah it's looking happy it's like pulling away from the sides of the bowls hanging on the hook look it's like it's looking strong so now what's the next step yeah I like to just grab a bit of dough squeeze it off and then start checking for a pain okay it's this texture that I've like for years struggled to find like a word to describe it but it's almost like it's like Play-Doh it yeah it has like this I don't know it's like yeah look at that it's strong but it's a it's flexible it's happy that is that isy awesome okay yeah your Dough's not ready if you can stretch it that far without it like breaking creating those little holes right and I have found that you can over mix it it's a little hard to over mix it but it will actually start losing its uh like elasticity if you like take it too far right and so you said that you might add a little bit of water at some point but this this feels okay this is good yeah this is good with those like whole grain flowers in there it can it can you know you have to adjust right um but this is looking pretty happy like we're able to pull so fun to play with yeah it is we're able to pull a nice window which means it's like fun and hydrated yes look at that amazing we you have two little proofing yeah two little oil containers just so our dough doesn't stick too much to it and we'll just eyeball half of it to become plain and the other half of our chocolate and then I'll just like make it kind of nice so I just like give it a quick little so that we've got a smooth top and it just Rises a little bit more evenly give it a bit of a push down yeah and then just a quick mix with the chocolate yeah pretty much cuz again we don't want to destroy all of the gluten that we built up by over mixing we are so privileged in so many ways we have our friend Ashley uh from aita who's like um importing the cacao roasting it grinding it all up here in Austin so I have access to Fresh Mexican chocolate this chocolate's from uh Tabasco it's just it's beautiful it's a little tart but not too sweet it's 70% it's just beautiful to work with 70% 70% dark choc baking percentage Yeah so it's like kind of annoying to shape because you're working with big chunks of chocolate but again worth it exactly yeah you just want to make it a little bit nice and then stick it on in there and it'll like sit out at room temp between 3 to 6 hours honestly just depends on how happy it is right so you give it time and room temp kind of like jump start a little yeah it's going to yeah it's going to double in size it's going to like totally do its fermentation will then punch it down to degas it and make it stronger stick it in the fridge overnight cuz working with a dough that's got this much butter in it is going to be totally it's going to not be that much fine so yeah that's why you let it get cold after fermentation that dough that'll be at room temp and then that goes into the fridge overnight but then you have one that you made from yesterday exactly so the Dough's been for Ed it's been punched down and it's cold so we'll get a little bit of flour on it so it doesn't stick to the table okay just plop it on out and we'll do the same with the chocolate okay I will portion you said 60 G yes please and then you'll show me how to shape and then maybe I'll do a few 65 okay let's give it that extra all right let's see if I can even get remotely around 65 G not even close 66 close so flour is your friend with this dough like I'm okay using the amount of flour that's needed to make it happen I really don't mind so I'll just give it a little bit of a pre-shape and then I'll just start tightening and you can see it's like sticking to the table so yeah it's the kind of thing where you don't want to like labor it too much because it's just going to get it's just going to work against you it is like it'll it'll start ripping it'll stick to the table too much and you're just looking for it to really like you know be nice and tight and then I do push them down and that helps me a lot yeah so so you're getting that surface for the shell exactly got it I love shaping dough if I could do like one thing all day it would just be shaping dough I love it so you want to like stretch the gluten around it but not again like not to that point where it's like tearing that surface yeah okay so we'll just continue to portion and shape the plane and the chocolate and then we'll move on to the sh so we are going to egg wash our konas it helps give a little bit of color when Browning in the oven plus it helps our little baby shells like stick to it and this looks like is there some cream in here there is it is whole eggs and cream cool oh look at this brush yeah oh it's been through some stuff see some stuff yeah I've had that brush for a while fire your egg washing I can kind of show you what we do with the shells the vanilla is a little bit soft after so I'll start with that but you treat it just like a tortilla okay but without the plastic we just use like little squares of parchment so little Concha round in between the pieces of paper and then we just squish down to get to the good yeah oh yeah we can go a little bit bigger okay and then we'll take our top piece of paper off you ready for a shell yep okay you just like slap it on there I see so you are the cut comes after you place on to it does yeah and you want to do it while the shell is soft but you just like hit it oh wow that's It Isn't that cool I didn't know how to do this till I was like 30 years old yeah can you talk about the cutter a little bit yeah it's just a customade cutter that I found on like Etsy you can find them all over the place yeah some are plastic I really prefer the metal cuz they're a little bit sharper M and is it double-sided or it's just it is then you have this cool random pattern that you can mess with as well you can use a knife if you don't have this totally cool um but this just makes my life EAS yeah y sorry I was egg washing not looking you give it a quick little no not even just put that piece of paper down yeah then you want to check it see where it's at it can be it can be a little bit biger bigger mhm yeah that's pretty good okay mm I like to slap it on with the parchment yeah just like slap the whole thing on and then you can peel the parchment yes that's a good shell you give it like a quick yeah you can do either way you can do it like I prefer to do it a little bit faster like do like this and then do like a little bit of a release I'm nervous I'm nervous little bit harder okay I'm going to try to line it up we're like ah okay okay there we go it's looking good oh the next one will be better okay well that's pretty good because you see mine like because I do it like so from the top and kind of fast I don't always get all the way to the edges so that's pretty great okay cool all right so I'm going to keep going I I need a little more practice on the cutter but we're just going to get them all covered with the shell nice damn all right yeah that's great all right my first my my first [Music] shell and if you're like oh it's starting to stick too much we can use a little bit of flour to dip the like cutter in or like spray it with a little bit of like Pam or something like that we can also do that this is really fun isn't it fun we like do hundreds of these in the morning and we're all like it feels less fun when you've got a bunch of do and like shells are like temporary on the table 14 are really fun but it's like really nice to have this reminder that this is a really like special thing this is how we do it in the mornings though one person places them on there the other person STS at like 5: in the morning wow that was way faster okay let's see this one you have have to give a little bit more more Force for the choc more Force yeah okay so now we'll want to like put you can put some ran wrap or we have these like really awesome like plastic Lids that we put on it the half sheet they're great and you can stack it's amazing so we'll do that and just let them hang out at room temp or like a oven with the oven light on or the pilot turned up a little bit for an hour and a half to 3 hours okay yeah cool so these are going to go to proof and then you but you also have ones that you set up earli this morning I do okay great these are ones that you set up this morning yes that are just about done proofing MH okay so talk about the different flavors and colors and they look so good what I love about like being an adult making gonchas is that we get to make them a little bit more hours you know what I mean so we're in Winter we have a bunch of citrus so we have a citrus shell I'm obsessed with turmeric so we made a golden milk shell Red Berry which is like classic it's strawberry and raspberry freeze dried powder um the kind of like weird one which I think is becoming like a cult classic is brown butter lavender o we love corn around here so we have a corn and canilla with our chocolate gonchas matcha and Moringa this is so many flavors I'm sorry uh matcha and Moringa my parents grow MinGa in their backyard so they'll like grind uh some up for us and bring it in it's like really similar to Macha so they flow really well together and then a classic cocoa shell so yeah and all the color is just from the ingredients it's like not adding food coloring or anything we don't do no artificial food diet around here there's like so many beautiful vegetables and flowers that like provide all of the color for us we don't need it I do love like a freeze dried Berry me too such a great baking tool yeah and like so concentrated in flavor exactly yeah I always go with freeze dried over like dehydrated or anything like one thing I realized like the more that I bake is I think that like everybody is under proofing everything that they bake yeah including myself yeah so like how do you know how do you know that you're there with the proof okay so we're looking to have like some nice jiggle uhhuh temperature matters what type of flour you're using also matters I'm looking for a little bit of a jiggle if you poke any opening it should kind of just like stay uhhuh so these are ready yeah it totally depends on like the dough in your environment you have to know how it works when you make it but is it like a doubled in size definitely doubled and then I like put these in a warm oven with a pilot turned up so these took like an hour and a half this is as fast as it gets at least for me the chocolate because we use that beautiful mexican chocolate in it it weighs it down a little bit more so those won't grow as much you can tell they're a little bit smaller but they've been proofing for the same amount of time so you will also get less jiggle on this and the oven is 325 convection oven if you're running without convection do 350 got it and you said the bake is super fast like 10 minutes 10 to 11 minutes that's very gratifying yeah so run them in the middle set it for five rotate and then do five more minutes sometimes they need another minute we'll uh check them in the middle see if they like bounce back real fast sometimes I feel like it's bad juju to look at them too soon in the oven really well it's like in a home oven where it's like you have to turn the light on true that yeah it's like go wrong well we can definitely just stare at them here okay ready yes okay okay so oh they smell so good yes yeah and you can tell that the chocolate grow a little bit less but I think like having chocolate in your food is totally worth it yeah just like that yeah we'll do this one first there we go yeah and then five more minutes so that was another five that was another five and we're g to open it up and like touch the bottom no touch the center sorry and see if it's bouncing back nicely we want a little bit of color but not too too much color because gas are like notorious for being kind of dry so we want to make sure that we don't hit that point no overbaking no overbaking we've got some nice toastiness on it I'm going to push it and it should come right back up yep yeah it's just there nice and stable beautiful light golden brown exactly they smell so good yes gosh it's just fresh bread they're not too sweet the shell is like nice and crunchy mhm and they must cool pretty fast right because they're so like Airy yeah we always like run these super close to opening time and just like put them out hot like this do you feel like conest are one of those things kind of like a croissant where it's like you want to eat them freshly baked or like a scone I don't I don't think so I don't think it's like a fine wine but it does kind of change throughout the day because it's got so much butter in it because it's got like whole grain flour in it it like can change throughout the day but it doesn't need to be eaten hot cuz if the goncha is made well it doesn't doesn't necessarily need to be right out of the oven be Super Fresh got it so we should let these cool yeah yeah we'll give them like 20ish minutes or so let the like crumbs set you know yeah we can Brew some coffee or something yeah exactly some chocolate more chocolate yeah yeah I love how the shell patterns come out and then sometimes you get like like separation totally and sometimes it stays that like perfect those perfect lines yeah which like totally depends on what you're putting in the Shell right so like the Red Berry like the fruit powder like there's a whole another thing the golden milk has got a bit of coconut oil in it so it definitely like spreads brown butter like cooking out a bit of the water from it like makes it act differently right so yeah so they're all like their own individual beautiful things like of all the ones which one are you what's your like favorite uh or does it CH I'm sure it changes yeah it always yeah you know I'm pretty moody so like it always always changes I love eating the Red Berry in the morning with a cup of coffee because I feel like the fruit frutin really balances like a black cup of coffee I kind of want to try the brown butter yeah actually that that's like my second favorite is that that's brown but and the color you can tell it's like this is not a white flour yeah oh my gosh I'm so which like white flour is cool too it's it serves purpose it's cool but it's just I just like this it's just a prence smells so good my God smells delicious and you can like put stuff in the dough you can you know put in all kinds of spices or flavors that you want to incorporate M but I just love a really classic Brios it's so good I love nervous oh my God be nervous are you kidding I love that like gentle crunch mhm from the shell yeah it's nice texture and I think and they do soften up for next day but that's why I like to actually keep them in the fridge if I'm trying to eat it the next day cuz it preserves the butter and keeps it crunchy but the texture is really nice you just have the difference between Crunch and soft really fluffy I love the soapiness bite I don't know of the crumb yeah so good not too sweet like the perfect sweetness always like we like bring our sugar down and everything like as much as possible because it just like overtakes I feel like it gets in the way of things actually shining if you like put too much sugar in it right it's like I mean it's similar to Salt where it's like sugar is a flavor enhancer to a pointt and then after that it just kills it totally yeah gosh love the topping they're so yeah we love that brown butter lavender it's like kind of weird but it just especially for cold weather I think it's a perfect one you're you don't do you get tired of eating it no no good mm- we could have baked it maybe 30 seconds less you think so maybe oh 30 seconds less 30 seconds less m i mean they have that beautiful they're beautifully golden on the bottom also it's like anything Brier bun is like it's so light for its size I'm very excited to try this at home and like develop my own flavors for that shell MH super inspired by the like fruit powder and the you said this was matcha and what was the other Moringa oh a Moringa mhm oh my gosh so good I love that that when I'm on the road which isn't like really a thing I do that much but we're hoping to do more I get to learn from other Bakers because there's so many things even down to like small little motions and like tiny little ingredient additions and variations and mixing like there's so much you can learn so thank you so much for having me I love that I know know how to make contous now so a huge highlight of our trip to Austin so you can come visit us and work with us anytime you'd like thank you so much this is a treat so if any like folks are either live in Austin or visiting tell us more about the bakery and like when and where can they find you yeah we are open right now Fridays through Sundays 9: through 300 p.m. we're just kind of like expanding our operations right now trying to be really intentional about it um but yeah we're open those days we've got a full case some hot coffee some hot chocolate all the good stuff awesome yeah all right thank you so much oh and don't forget to like And subscribe that's how I I'm really B an ending video so that's just what I say cuz it's like a really easy way to end it don't forget to like And [Music] subscribe
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 243,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Make Conchas, Claire Saffitz, Claire Makes Conchas, Mexican Conchas, how to make conchas, como hacer conchas, how to make conchas mexicanas, conchas, pan dulce, cómo hacer conchas pan dulce, conchas pan dulce, mexican bakery, panaderia, mexican pastries, Dessert, Dessert Person, Claire Saffitz Dessert Person, Gourmet Makes, Mariela Camacho, James Beard, James Beard Nominated, Breakfast Pastry, Breakfast Pastries, Bread, How To Make Bread, brioche bread, brioche, FYP
Id: kJTHTfJ-91E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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