Giant Jiggly Castella Cake | Anything with Alvin

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case I've seen a couple of techniques online where they use this to just do a lot of yolks at the same time and seems to save a lot of effort compared to doing one by one the downside is that it looks really weird while you do it uh these egg yolks are nice and the egg whites are pretty fresh so that means that they're on the thicker side not easily passing through the little metal wires in this spider uh can't really tell what it looks like when I was doing it but now looking at it from this angle definitely looks like a jellyfish creature alien kind of thing not not the most appetizing thing you want to see in the world we're going to go ahead and commit though oh might have broken a yolk or two in the process but hopefully that should be fine considering that there are 54 egg whites in here here once all 54 egg yolks have been separated from the 54 egg whites we're going to go ahead and reserve half of that to the side and use half of that in the actual batter itself otherwise it'd be a little too heavy in the meantime we're going to go ahead and make the base for the batter I'm going to microwave seven sticks of butter and we're going to add that to 780 G of whole milk this is going to get combined into 720 G of allpurpose flour mixed together and we're going to add in 2 tbspoon of kosher salt and 2 tbspoon of vanilla extract once that's all mixed together we're going to go ahead and add our 27 egg yolks that we set aside this batter is sort of that thick base that's going to get eventually get folded with those egg whites later but it needs to be made separate in order to make sure that the batter is structurally stable now that the batter is ready we're going to go ahead and work on the assembly for our pan now in the video they not just have a normal pan they kind of use these cardboard or sort of something insert to extend the walls of the pan I'm guessing this is to help to make sure that the sponge cake will rise properly instead of spilling everywhere outside the pan a pretty cool technique almost like uh when you go bowling and have those safety rails on except if you're like me you you you turn those on anyways just to intentionally throw the ball against them so that they can zigzag back and forth but that's beside the point now that our hotel pan which is about 4 in deep has been structurally reinforced we're going to go ahead and set that aside and work on the egg whites now we have a lot of egg whites 54 is quite a lot and it doesn't really fit into One S mixer so we're going to split it up into two stand mixers and go ahead and whip those a total of 780 g of sugar goes in between both of these and we're going to go ahead and whip these for about 5 minutes until they become soft fluffy Peaks upon further investigation we are not getting soft fluffy Peaks uh I may have broken a little more than one egg yolk and even though in my head that wouldn't interfere with the sort of whipping up into mering it seems like it has here so uh we have 54 egg whites and a lot of sugar that is just just kind of sitting there not fully inflated and not fully deflated and I don't really want to waste these so I got to thinking if you really think about it we have AER and we have sugar the only thing that we need to add to make this into cake is a fat a flour and a flavoring so that's what we're going to go ahead and do cocoa powder flour and melted butter into this and hopefully make a simple chocolate cake what are the measurements I have no idea we did this on the Fly and I wanted to see if I could just do this by feel now me making this cake is equivalent to someone trying to make a stir fry where they're just adding stuff Alam and just kind of see if it needs more no measurements no weighing just kind of eyeballing and doing things by feel which is exactly the opposite what people say baking is let's add a little bit of salt and vanilla just for flavor as well once our chocolate cake batter has gotten to consistency that looks like chocolate cake batter we're going to go ahead and pour this into a large round baking pan lined with parchment and because this is a chocolate cake we found some leftover chocolate upstairs I'm just going to cut it up in a little shards and we're going to throw that on top along with the sprinkle of nice mouth ins Sal before baking 350° for how long who knows until it's ready I guess I didn't really time this one this is again all just by feel and by look okay while that goes on we're going to go ahead and restart this one more time this time we're cracking 54x but this time with the help of Rachel and using our hands to separate the yolks apart from the whites instead of using a ladle that way we can ensure that if there's any breakage we dispose of that immediately we're going to crack these egg whites directly into the kitchen a mixer so that by the time we're done we're ready to whip these things thank you Rachel for your heal that saved me 50% the time adding the same amount of sugar as before these are definitely whipping up a lot better soft white Peaks not stiff peaks but soft peaks they go stiff that can usually separate later in the batter and we don't really want that that our giant fluffy clouds of mering have been made we're going to go ahead and take about a third of what we've made and sacrifice that into our thick egg yolk butter base batter that we made earlier this is to ensure that when we fold it in there's less of a difference in volume once the sacrifice has been made we're going to go ahead and dump this batter into a huge mixing bowl and fold in the rest of the mering from those mixing bowls this time using our hand which are covered in gloves and I can't really say I've been able to have the fortune of touching a cloud before in real life but I would like to think that this is basically the same thing very fun because honestly I don't really think there's a spoon big enough to mix all this and fold this gently without deflating it once the batter is ready we're going to go ahead and slowly pour that into our prepared hotel pan and bake this in an oven at about 350° with a water bash underneath for about 1 and 1/2 hours the water bath we read online is supposed to help with the volume increase and sort of steam and make this cake really giant and fluffy so we're going to give that a shot we now have a lot of time to kill and a lot of yolks to use up 54 yolks to be exact and what can you do with all of that but I thought it would be fun to make some fla or some version of it at least we're going to go ahead and take six cans each of condensed milk and evaporated milk and immersion blend that with our 54 egg yolks until we have a nice smooth silky beautifully custardy mixture now sometimes FL can be made with whole eggs but this time we only had egg yolks which I think would make it a lot richer now that the the egg mixture is done we have to go ahead and make the caramel not super exact like maybe one or two cups each of brown sugar and white sugar because we ran out of white sugar we're just going to let that slowly caramelize on the stove until it has become nice and deep Brown almost burnt but not quite there yet we're going to line the bottom of two circular cake pans with this caramel and set that in the freezer to quickly chill and while that cools down in the freezer our chocolate cake made with those failed egg whites is now ready to be taken out of the oven I think this looks pretty good the structure is there it looks like cake it's a little bit firm but hey if you cut it up and look at it it looks like chocolate sponge cake and it tastes like it too sure it might not be the best chocolate cake in the world but for using up leftover egg whites that might have ended up in the trash I'd say this is a pretty big W and just for the sake of turning this into even more delectable snacks I'm going to go ahead and cut these large cake pieces into smaller thin slices and caramelize them with a little bit of butter and brown sugar in a pan until they've coated the size of the cake pieces evenly almost like a caramelized cake slice snack situation I don't know you honestly car arzee anything with butter and sugar in a pan it's going to taste pretty good so I'd say that's another Big W as well as they disappeared almost immediately after I brought them upstairs and just to make sure that we don't waste any of this cake I'm going to go ahead and pack up and cut up some huge slices for everybody to take home so that we all have chocolate cake for the next 2 years the sugar in our fla containers has cooled so now it's a good time to go ahead and take that egg mixture and slowly strain it over a fine mesh SI into the containers so that way there's no egg whites or egg chunks just floating in the surface these are going to go ahead and go into the oven at 325° and bake for around 2 hours or so we're going to have to check it every now and then to see how long it's going to take it's been about 1 and 1/2 hours and our jiggly castella cake has been looking quite voluptuous and jiggly so I think it's time to take it out of the oven let's go ahead and flip it over onto a tray and make sure that we have enough time to flip it back over oh oh no oh it's it's a cracking oh no oh no no the cake is not finished baking quite yet seems to be a problem we're going to need some clean up here thank you Nico for being able to catch the spill off camera to make sure none of this ends up on the floor yeah probably could have left the cake in there for probably another hour or so now normally I think a water bath would be great but for a cake of this size I think this could use almost all the Heat and Rise that it could get so yeah we're going to write that down go back to our notes but in the meantime we're going to taste the edges as well now the edges are actually very nice it has that soft fluffy spongy delicious taste that I do remember and recall so we are on the right track with something but definitely need to adjust a couple things for the next attempt and a huge huge huge shout out to Rachel again for helping us clean up this mess while we go ahead and recalibrate and go back to the drawing board for a little bit oh speaking of mistakes we also accidentally left the fla in the oven for a little too long we forgot the part to turn off the oven so uh we didn't realize until a long time later that something was burning this is the fla after approximately uh 4 and 1/2 hours in the oven quite deeply caramelized as someone at a restaurant might say if something was actually burnt but out of pure science let's go ahead and take a scoop of this and give it a taste wow this thing is thick it's almost like trying to scoop out like cold butter from the fridge it's very very strenuous shockingly flavor is really good like really really really good I'd almost stopped myself from eating the rest of it but back to the main cake at hand we're going to go ahead and remake the giant jiggly castella cake with the same techniques as before but this time with a few adjustments now my personal experience we should also half the amount of yolks used in this recipe so initially we had 5 four eggs and now we use 27 I think in this time we only use 13 because that will also make the cake less dense and tastes less eggy we're going to go ahead and swap half of the butter with oil as we' read online that using some of the oil instead of the butter can make it less dense and a little bit more fluffy and soft when it rises and I think I agree with that so instead of 27 spare egg yolks this time we're going to have 41 perfect again to make fla another attempt at Redemption we're going to go ahead and remake the fla with the exact same proportions and make sure to turn off the item when it's done this time because this time we're putting it in a water bath and carefully watching it the entire time now the batter for the giant jiggly cake Remains the Same as before take the egg whites whip it with the sugar fold it in with the base batter and voila we have the same exact batter as before this is going to go into the same exact setup of the pan as we did prior and this is going to go into the oven at 350° with no water bath this time we're going to let this thing bake for at least 2 hours maybe 2 and a half we're going to have to check it every 30 minutes to see how it's doing but I definitely say we need to double the time from the previous bake hey our Fawn looks pretty good after it comes out of the oven slight wobble in the middle this thing does need to cool overnight so unfortunately we're actually going to have to show you the result of this in the next video that we make after 2 hours and 15 minutes of anxiously checking our giant jiggly kick in the oven we've decided to call it ready this time it's a lot taller than before it's a lot more structurally stable and it doesn't have that dangerously wobbly feeling like last time so I feel pretty good about this after peeling the parchment off this those look pretty good actually this looks very good now in the shops and in the videos they tend to cut these into huge slices to be able to serve to you because technically these are healthy they're mostly egg whites just a little bit of butter and a little bit of flour and sugar okay maybe more than a little bit but it looks healthy we're going to cut these into six huge rectangular servings and check out the wobble on this thing oh yeah that looks pretty good it's cooked all the way through there is a nice even fluffy bounciness throughout the cake and I say this almost takes me back to when I was in Taiwan I was able to have the chance to eat one of these in person it tears beautifully the texture is really nice and overall it's just a giant jiggly sponge cake that is very delightful to eat now I've never had the chance to eat a cloud that was warm because by definition that shouldn't exist but if I did I think that's what it would taste like this is pretty good it's kind of hard to resist just tearing it and shoving a whole loaf in your mouth because this is less of a cake more like an Airy sponge bread that's slightly sweet very addicting actually to make sure we pass this around so everybody could take a bite and with the amount of cake that we made today we definitely also need to take this and pack this up to go home my plan to use up all this cake at home is to make a lot of tedes because I think that cake uses sponge cake and well I think we have more than enough of that thanks again to Squarespace for sponsoring today's episode they've been a great partner in supporting The babish Culinary universe and bringing my websites to life from websites to online stores to domains and analytics Squarespace is the all-in-one platform for you to build your online presence they also have SEO tools so that your site is getting found in searched by more people more often if you want to try it for 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Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 655,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AvK1eYlkcp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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