How To Make Bacon Part1. The Easy Cure Method. #SRP #Bacon #MakingBacon

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[Music] well hello there my dear friends welcome back to the Scott re project now today I am going to show you hands down the easiest way to make bacon now we all love bacon who doesn't love bacon the smell in the pan then on some nice crusty bread with some sauce and an egg man it takes some beating so like I said the easiest easiest way and what we're going to use is what 90% of butchers use over here now this simple traditional dry cure easy cure it's got everything you need in it it's got all the instructions on it all you need to do is get your piece of meat now you can get this everywhere you can get it from Western faldor my usual supplier I should put their link in the description but if you search online you can get this pretty much anywhere and I'm going to show you how to make bacon so what have we got well I've got a lovely piece of belly pork have a look at that [Music] what a wonderful looking thing beautiful piece of meat so what we need to do then very very quickly I'm just going to take the bone out now the beauty of this is you know with it being pork you can use every bit so this little bit coming out here obviously we all know where this is going to go quite simply a little rack of ribs next what I want to do I want to do a skinless bacon so we will just chop on my knife I'm gonna skin it very very quickly same principle as skin in a fish fill it started off get your knife in as you can see there right up against the skin move it along bit by bit and there you have you're fairly skinned again this could be saved you could wrap that round a haunch of venison so how we cook him make yourself some pork scratchings pull some extra crackling so no wastage whatsoever now next thing we need to do then is weigh this beautiful piece of meat so we can work out how much cure we need so I've just waved my beautiful piece of meat weighs a kilo exactly so it couldn't be easier on the past for every kilo of meat at 30 grams of cure so make sure that's chaired and get it on and when I say easy I really mean easy so we've got 30 grams of our cure there let's get that out the way go over there so it's just a case now of getting this evenly distributed into your meat so I'm going to use about half there and rub it right in you know and get it in all those nooks and crannies those crevices make sure you give it a good massage in we'll pick all these picks up all these stray bits and then over there just spend a bit of time give it some love turn the lights down low put on some music crack open a bottle of wine just massage [Music] I mean when I first started in the trade we used to make bacon you know the old school way we get these whole loin of pork we'd bone them out and then we prick them with a bit of spike rub the salt in we put them in bags leave them in the fridge you know for the allotted time then we'd get them out swill off the salt the excess salt we'd actually with a blowtorch flame the outside the skin because they would be rind on and then tie them up that's when you did your belly in you're a lawyer together called middle Bacon's absolutely gorgeous but this will be just as good and I guarantee you there won't be none of that white shite comes out of this you know there is no nasties in that cure that's why it is so good so we've got a piece of meat or festal massage we've had a lie down we've added or we've had a cigarette now we've got to put it to bed now I'm gonna backpack mine if you haven't got a VAT Packer by all means a ziploc bag same principle get it in there just get the air out zip it up and then get it in the fridge first I will that pack mine okay that is the hard work done that is all you need to do to make bacon now what we need to do then is to work out how long we leave it in the cure and that goes on thickness not weight so we need to cure it for a day for every half an inch thickness so I'd say that's about between one and two inches I don't to get my tape measure out let's call it two inches so we're going to leave it in there for four days plus two days so all in all six days so let me just say that again a day for every half-inch so sick stays and then we want to put it in a fridge we want to keep this between 2 and 4 degrees centigrade and turn it every two days and then in 6 days we will take this out wash it off and we're now bacon what's not to like so take one last look at this before it goes in because next time you see it by the magic of camera it'll be bacon [Music] okay then my friends let's have a recap how we got here I have my piece of belly pork I took the bone out I skinned it we put the correct amount of easy cure on this we measured the thickness and give it the regulation day for every half an inch obviously it's gonna vary yours what might be thicker may be thinner so this has been in the fridge for the correct amount of time now this is really hard making bacon just it's just leaving it the temptation to get in there is ridiculous so what we need to do now is just wash off that salt and then it's a case of getting it in the fridge and drying it so obviously you can do this under the tap I'm just going to give it a nice clean get off any of that salt and give it a good old dry and then hang it up in the fridge to dry out obviously you could take this further and smoke this for your lovely smoked bacon whatever you prefer another nice wash let's get it on some of this cloth shake off the water give it a good old dry patted dry that is your bacon in its rawest form all we need to do now is hang this up and the job is a good so maybe a bit of overkill with these massive hooks one two now the reason I'm puttin two in is so I can get a good shape to it obviously it will hang like that which will keep it nice and long and it's a case of just waiting for it to dry a bit and then we can try it what's it looking like ah the wait is over look at this beautiful beautiful bacon we have here so all I need to do then is I'm gonna put a couple of rings around it just to give it a bit of shape then we're going to slice some and fry some slice some and fry some so not too tight just to make it easy for us to slice obviously we haven't all got a butcher's slicer in our back pocket so we're going to do it with a knife because that so it's thinly as possible helps if I had a knife that was sharp enough so you want to try and get it as thinly as possible that first one's always gonna be dodgy because we need to square it up this knife is pants but we'll get by but it's cured really really nicely I'll just take one more doesn't that look good right let's get it in the pan [Music] [Music] just have a look at that one thing you'll notice straight away no white shite in the pan that's because there's no additives this is just pure pure salt and a few preservatives so it's not pump the water you've seen the whole process so all that's left in the bottom of this pan is pure gold bacon fat but just have a look at that that was super super easy to make now you just need to try it and I can't wait [Music] while I'm sorry my dear friends but I had to have that moment alone I mean look at it hey just look at that a no crap in it well that was just immense absolutely hands-down some of the best bacon I've ever eaten hence I have no proof and again I have forgotten to take a picture I was just lost in the moment just so nice and what I like about it is this bacon you know when you get some of that bacon from the supermarket there's no texture you know you actually feel like you're eating bacon and there's no crap in it no crap came out of it the flavors immense it crisps up all that fat renders out as you saw when I put the pan on there that's just pure bacon fat you know it's it's stuff of the gods it's absolutely immense so that wraps up making bacon part one and by that I mean part one I have shown you the easy method part two we are going to make our own cure but that's another time so if you've enjoyed what you've seen here today on the SRP please click Subscribe on my face comes up down here also check me out on my social media Facebook two pages Scott realest cautery project on my Twitter at the Scott Murray project on my Instagram at the ska tree project and please do if you're feeling like you want to help the project along and share some live check out my patreon page excuse me but until next time please do have a go at this I will put the link in the description where you can get this from I mean even if you haven't got a VAT packet do it in a ziploc bag and I tell you what you won't be disappointed so on to part 2 watch this space take care of my friends and in case you were wondering yes this is a Bourdain t-shirt what a doodie was or the best
Channel: Scott Rea
Views: 98,678
Rating: 4.8668976 out of 5
Id: 3fG6F5hoFFg
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Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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